Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 93

Natalia watched Victoria take Becky's hand which started a chain reaction. All the girls linked hands and snaked over to the farthest corner of the tent where the table was between them and the adults. The boys followed behind.

“Sophie, you're the most experienced mother here. What are they up to?’

Natalia was learning that any small thing meant something. She figured children heading off into a corner was a red flag.

Everyone turned to look.

“I'd say your days of being able to talk about her in front of her are just about over,’ Sophie said. Mina laughed.

“My mother said that when you have a mixed kinder creche, like here,” she gestured toward the children. “The older teach the younger.’

“Both Becky and Grazon know English,’ Tia said. “And Grace isn't too far behind. Tracy knows why we wait a few years or so, but the younger girls keep teaching her words. Once that starts, they learn as if by osmosis.’

"Your Victoria is definitely ahead of the curve. She's going to force those boys to step up,’ Sophie said.

'I see that already,’ Besa said. 'Piza has only just been walking. He's not very confident. Now I see him really focusing on it."

“Peer pressure,’ Sophie said.

“If you want them to learn fast, keep bringing them together,’ Tia said.

“That sounds nice and terrifying at the same time,” Natalia said. “I'm not sure I want her to learn so fast. A little terrified about what she is learning.’

“How have you liked the Festival so far?” Corean said.

“Nice and terrifying,” Natalia said with a laugh. “l know the written rules, but I'm guessing there are a lot of unwritten rules.’

“Things are a little different with you, but if you're not ovulating, then you're fair game,” Sophie said. "You just have to know how to refuse someone.

“Uri is going to make sure he’s the only one.’

“Hand holding,’ Tia said. "Yeah, Grazie is doing that. He doesn’t want to share.’

“At my age, it doesn't matter,” Sophie said. “I'm done with experimentation. However, with that said I know Mirren tailed me all night, so I finally just stayed with him.’

“How are those guys who fought?’ Natalia said. “Does anyone know?"

“One is in the hospital. He'll recover. The other one is hurting, but he went home. Tessa is quite happy with the outcome. She really didn’t know if Beade would show up and beat up those guys. He did, proving he really wants her,’ Mina said.

Natalia didn’t think she liked seeing the violent side of a man showing how much he liked a woman. “Is everyone going tonight?’ Natalia said.

She thought everyone seemed a little tired and subdued since everyone had immediately planted themselves into a lawn chair. Harold looked like he was half asleep.

“Oh, definitely,” Sophie said.

Everyone nodded. Even Harold.

“I'm sure Uri will have you go all four nights,’ Tia said. “He gets to show you off.’

Natalia caught movement by the tent.

“Now what are they doing?’

“Hunting,’ Tia said.


"You have enough squirrels around here. We don't have any,’ Tia said.

“Girls are usually good hunters,’ Sophie said.

“Becky is a rabbit hunter,” Harold said. “She'll hunt every chance she gets when we go to the park since we don't have a yard.’

“That will be why she’s leading the pack,” Sophie said.

'We don't have rabbits, either,’ Tia said. “Our Undent neighbor cant understand where they went. I also had to step in when his dog came over to our yard. I told him firmly to keep his dog in his own yard. He seemed offended that I didn't want my children to play with his dog.’

"You mean eat his dog,’ Corean said.

Everyone laughed, except Natalia.

'Is that normal?’

"Yes, Nattie. Expect it. Good luck with the present I heard you got her,’ Tia said.

“What did you get her?’

“Small furry animal,’ Tia said before Natalia could reply.

“It won't last a week," Sophie said.

Natalia didn’t like hearing that.

“If you don’t want them hunting, then we better get them eating cupcakes,’ Sophie said.

Victoria,’ Natalia said, rising.

Every child turned as if their name was Victoria.

“Cupcakes,’ Natalia said.

She could see the focus change in every child's eye. The girls turned in unison. Piza turned, but fell down. Becky helped him up, but chided him. Umi bumped her and took Piza's hand

“We'll have to resort to code or talk about her when she’s not around,’ Natalia said.

“Like what you do with Uri," Tia said.

“Like what with Uri?" Uri said, coming out.

He yawned.

“Nothing, dear,” Natalia said with a laugh, knowing that Tia had seen him coming and was throwing a sisterly jab at him.

“Were they hunting?’ he said.

Trying to. Time for cupcakes.’

Natalia rose. She headed to the table under the tent and revealed the cupcakes.

Uri joined her.

“Do we sing a birthday song?” Natalia said.

“No. We don't do that or start exchanging gifts until they are five. We can give her gifts, but her guests don't have to.”

“Birthday girl gets hers first. Which do you want?" Uri said.

Victoria climbed up onto a chair so she could look.

“There are exactly nine,’ Natalia said.

She smiled while she watched Victoria look at each one so she could get the biggest. There seemed to be one with an extra dollop of frosting. Natalia was sure Mag had done that on purpose. “Mine,’ Victoria said, grabbing that cupcake.

“Girls are next,’ Uri said, handing out cupcakes to the girls.

The boys received theirs last.

Mag came out with a pitcher of milk and cups. She also had a couple of wet rags. Natalia figured out why in an instant. The boys crammed the cupcakes, frosting first, into their mouths, making an instant mess. Victoria licked all her frosting off, but still managed to get some all over her face and hands. The other girls also licked off their frosting before eating the cake. Everyone's hands and faces were blue.

Mag stood at attention waiting to wipe faces and hands.

“I got another fucking audit notice yesterday. Are you sure the Council isn't behind this?” Uri said, looking over at Tia.

He had changed languages. Natalia saw Becky and Grazon perk up their ears.

“Not that I'm aware,” Tia said. “What are you up to?"

“Morals and I are fixing up the blood meal factory. Plus, I bought a few more properties in Hell. Every time I do something like that, I get audited. Who else would audit me?”

“The government,” Tia said with a laugh.

There were a few chuckles.

“Your wife,” Mina said, trying to keep a straight face.

There were more chuckles.

“Not me,” Natalia said, resuming her seat. “So, I take it you never do ponies or clowns, either at parties?”

The children seemed to be making up their own game using the cupcake wrappers.

“I'm not a fan of horse meat,” Corean said.

“I mean for riding not eating,” Natalia said. “Not every animal is meant to be eaten.”

“Sounds kind of dull and boring,” Harold said. “Letting loose a chipmunk and seeing who catches it is more exciting.”

"Everyone needs to be at least eighteen months old before you do that,” Sophie said. “Otherwise you'll get some crybabies because they can't keep up.”

“As soon as Piza can run and not fall down,” Besa said. “He's a little behind the curve.”

"He's only a few steps behind Raphie,” Sophia said. “I can see them both sizing each other up and putting on the pressure to keep up with the girls.”

“We need to bring them together more often,” Besa said

“I'm so lucky that Marian is old enough to baby sit,” Tia said, stretching and looking comfortable. "Grazie and I are going to Festival all four nights.”

“Is Grazie cheating and sleeping in?" Uri said.

“No, he’s at the lake with Moralis,” Francie said, piping in.

“Catfish. Need I say more,” Tia said.

“Did you river rats have a falling out?” Mina said

“No. I didn't feel like getting wet today,” he said.

"Well, cupcakes didn't slow them down much,” Natalia said, noting the children were creeping off. “I'm reading lips,” Sophie said. “They're learning English.”

“Damn,” Mina said.

“Let them go,” Mag said, causing everyone to turn. “Would any of you like a cupcake?” “Definitely,” Natalia said.

Mina grimaced.

"Grubbie laced,” Natalia said. "You'll like them. There's nothing Undent about them.”

Everyone took one.

"You're going to need the energy for tonight,” Uri said. “Plus, this is how you eat them.”

He separated the top of the cupcake with the bottom and placed the bottom on top. Then he took a big bite.

“This is how you do it, so I have been instructed, to keep the frosting off your nose,” he said. Natalia laughed.

“You mean he’s trainable?” Tia said.

Uris mouth was full, but he looked like he wanted to throw the remainder of his cupcake at her. “Too good to waste,” Natalia said with her mouth full.

Uri just pretended to glare at Tia.

“Bedtime,” Becky whispered, then she repeated the word in Viperian. “Bedtime.’

“I hear that at night,’ Umi said.

There were nods.

“Bath time,” Becky said. “Bath time.’

“I hate baths,’ Umi said.

Becky wrinkled her nose.

Victoria and all the other girls giggled.

"You smell,’ Grace said.

Umi bumped her, but she kept to her feet. There were more giggles, but from everyone.

“How about... I hear this all the time,’ Victoria said, looking around to make sure the adults were still on the patio. “Tea.”

Tea. That's what you drink. If they ever give you the black tea, then drink it. They might not want you to because it helps your ears hear better,’ Becky said. “I drink it whenever I can.’

Everyone nodded.

“Mag is always leaving her cup around for me to sip,’ Victoria said.

'If she’s doing that, then drink it all,” Grazon said.

Becky ran through mealtime words, while everyone pretended to look at the leaves on a bush. “Raphie. Turnaround. Keep your back to the adults,’ Becky said.

Victoria thought she sounded like she was reprimanding him as if she was an adult.

Raphie rolled his eyes and tried to push her, but Grace bumped him and he fell down.

"You bossy," he said, once he was back on his feet.

I'm oldest,’ she said. “Oldest girl rules. Get used to it."

He stuck his tongue out at her.

Everyone turned back to the bush.

“Over there, Becky said with excitement.

Victoria followed her gaze. Under a bush was an animal.

“Rabbit. You have to learn where it will run and where to block it,’ Becky said. “When you catch it, the hide comes off easy. Much easier than squirrel.

She looked up. Everyone copied her. There was a squirrel running along a power line.

'Squirrel,” Victoria said under her breath, making note of the differences between the two animals. Victoria. Bring everyone here. Time for them to go.’

“My mom,’ Victoria said using an annoyed voice.

'So soon?’ Grace whispered.

“Always when we're about to have fun,’ Becky said. “Although my father always lets me go after rabbits.’

Victoria spun on her heels and led them back. All the adults were on their feet and talking in the language she couldn't understand.

Soon though, she thought. I'll understand soon.

Victoria followed her guests out. Becky waved goodbye to her while her father helped her into a car. Victoria thought it was an awfully big car for such little people. She wondered if there were little cars.

“How do you drive that, Harold?" Uri said.

"Hand controls. I had it modified.’

Victoria watched Piza and Alaina get in the same car with their mothers. She knew Grace and Grazon would get into the same cars too but that was because they were brother and sister. They lived together. However, she didn't understand why Umi didn't live with her. She was told he was her brother.

More things for Becky to explain to me, she thought.

When the last car disappeared down the laneway, her mother took her hand and led her inside. Victoria felt a little sad now that everyone was gone.

“We have a present for you,” Natalia said.


She allowed her mother to keep hold of her hand and lead her up the stairs. Her father trailed behind.

“What?’ she said, wondering what it could be.

Becky said sometimes all you got was clothes or a simple toy. Victoria didn't know how that was special. She got those things already without it being her birthday.

“There are some rules with your present.’

Victoria rolled her eyes. There were always rules. She wondered why they were heading to the guest room. There wasn't anything in there. It was the most boring room in the house. Uri closed the door behind them which only piqued her interest.

“What?’ she said, feeling the excitement flow through her.

“No biting. No killing. No eating,’ Natalia said.

Victoria thought about toys and clothes. You couldn't kill or eat those anyway.

Natalia opened the bathroom door.

Victoria didn't know what she should be looking for. The whole bathroom floor was full of shredded toilet paper. For a brief moment, she thought she was in trouble for the mess, but...she hadn't been in this room or made this mess.


Victoria jumped at the sound, then stepped back when a little head popped out from beneath the paper.

“This is a little kitty. She is for you to play with but not too hard. No biting her. No eating her,’ Natalia said. "You can name her.’


Victoria didn’t know what to think. Becky had talked about what they could hunt and eat. This looked like something that Becky had talked about.

Victoria looked at Natalia.

“No bite?"

“No bite.’

“No hunt,’ Uri said.

That meant more to her now than telling her not to bite.

“A friend,’ Natalia said.

Victoria smiled.


“She can keep you company,’ Uri said.

“Sit on the floor. Here is a toy wand to play with the kitty."

Victoria took the toy and sat on the floor just inside the door. The kitten skidded through the paper to hide behind the toilet. Victoria waved the wand at it.

“Let the kitty get to know you. It might take a little time," Natalia said.

Victoria heard her father sit on the bed to watch while her mother stayed in the doorway.

"You know the Viperian word for kitty almost sounds like a sound a kitten might make,’ Natalia said “The literal translation is snack,’ he said.

Victoria glanced at her parents.

“It is not," Natalia said, looking like she wished he was within smacking distance.

He chuckled.

“Not snack,” Victoria said with some force, suddenly feeling possessive of her kitty.

Abruptly, the kitten rushed out to attack the toy at the end of the wand. Victoria jumped. The kitten skidded beneath the paper, managing to become totally hidden.

Victoria smiled big.

“Attack kitty."

She waved the wand, almost like she was fishing. The kitten attacked again, then retreated beneath the paper.

'So far so good,” Uri said.

Victoria heard him stand and open the bedroom door to go out into the hall.

“Kitty, she said.

The kitten's tail lashed, then she scooted through the paper.

Victoria could now clearly see the rest of the kitten's body even though her head was hidden. Spots covered the main part of the body with striping on the legs and tail. She had already seen that the face was striped, too. The main colors were brown and black, but there was a creamy background around the spots.

“They call them lap leopards. What do you want to name her?’

When not moving, the kitten looked like a plush stuffed toy. Except the tail kept moving.

Tail," Victoria said. “Her name is Tail."

“What sort of name is Tail?’ Uri said.

Victoria heard her mother leave

“It's her kitten. She can name it. It's better than Drooly bear and Tiny Whiney."

Victory heard her father laugh.

“Tail, she said in a whisper. “My kitty."

She moved the wand beneath the paper. Tail's head appeared. Her butt wiggled. She lunged and attacked the wand, flipping so her butt and tail half landed in Victoria's lap which startled her. The kitten whipped around and nipped at her hand. Reflexively, Victoria grabbed the kitten and bit her back on a rear leg. Tail hissed and jumped away to spin around to face her.

Victoria stared back, unsure of what just happened. She heard Mag coming up the stairs and her parents walking away.

Tail suddenly fell over. Her body stiffened and quivered. Her eyes seemed to rolled back into her head while her legs thrashed in the air. Then, she went limp.

Victoria stared hard at Tail who didn't even look to be breathing. She looked around to see if her parents had seen.

“Uh oh.’

She knew she was in trouble.

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