Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 92

Natalia scrambled up the brick wall. Uri was right beside her and actually gave her a hand up when she reached the top.

“Fight,’ he said with a nod toward the street.

Natalia could see that they weren't the only ones on a rooftop. The other rooftops were full of people trying to get a good view. Twenty or so other people joined them to look over the edge. The gathering of people was around two men. They were circling each other as if sizing each other up. Suddenly, they jumped at each other and exchanged hard blows. Natalia thought the blows made a breeding look like a child's dance.

“There's Mirren. Is he going to stop it?’ she said.

The crowd seemed to part to let him through, but he stopped at the edge.



“Free entertainment.’

“Maybe no fighting should be a rule.

He shrugged.

“Who are they?’ she said.

“Wier and Jaskson. They've been battling it out over the same girl for quite some time. That's her standing with her arms crossed.’

'I take it that means something.’

“It means she doesn’t care who wins or loses, but the winner takes all.”

The woman looked like the typical Viperian woman with black hair. Her hair was long, reaching down to her buttocks. The position of her arms seemed to push up her large breasts.

"You'd think she would care for one or the other. Or care for both. They're already bleeding.’

I'm betting someone else is going to join the fray and beat them both. Neither one is guaranteed a win. Someone stronger is more titillating.

Uri was watching with more eagerness than she thought the event warranted.

“Oh yeah. This is going to escalate,’ he said with a gleeful smile. “Just what I thought."

Natalia watched a third contender enter the ring. He didn't enter it quietly, but rushed up to one man and laid him flat with a hard blow to the head. She could see that the man on the ground was oozing blood from his nose and mouth. He tried to rise, but received a hard kick between his legs for his effort. She heard his high-pitched groan of pain.

The new fighter focused on the other man. Natalia figured he was sizing him up and that they would dance around a bit since he didn't have the advantage of surprise like he did with the first opponent. However, the fighter immediately struck. There was a tangle of bodies. She felt the vibration of the blows. The fighters separated only long enough for the new fighter to delivery a hard karate kick to his foe's head. The other man went down hard. There was a thud when his head hit the street causing Natalia to wince.

The new fighter threw up his arms in victory. He walked the circle until he reached the woman. Natalia saw the woman smile. The man hoisted her up on his shoulders and carried her off. There were cheers, then everyone dispersed.

“That was probably rigged,’ Uri said.

“Isn't anyone going to help them?’

She was watching the men on the ground.

“What do you mean rigged?’ she said, taking her eyes of the men only long enough to look at Uri. I'm betting that was her new man and those two refused to back down. This was her way of telling them to stop pursuing her."

“By beating the crap out of them?’

She looked back at the men.

“Guys can be stubborn sometimes,” he said with a shrug.

“And everyone is just going to let them be?"

One was rolling in pain.

“No one can't touch them for ten minutes. Mirren’s probably timing it. You'll see a few people lingering. They'll help them once the time is up. That's the penalty for losing.’


The voice came from another rooftop. A man was holding up a piece of metal.

“Don’t look at me,” Uri said with a shrug.

“What is that about?’ she said.

“Moralis and I had to clean up the cement truck we exploded. Now whenever someone finds debris on their roof, they say it's cement truck and expect me to come over and clean it up or pay their cleanup bill. I'm not paying everyone's bill. I was here on official Council business.’

“I know the Council refused to pay any bills. It's all on the property owners. Did you have to pay anything for fixing the crater?’

“No. The city did that. Moralis made sure the city came through to improve the streets. The crater was the biggest thing. There hasn't been much traffic on these roads to wear them out. They only needed the trash picked up and the sweeper to come through. Although I heard they opened some hydrants to wash down a few streets.’

Everyone was leaving the rooftops.

“Let's go back down. We walked this half of Hell. Let's walk the other half.’

“This half?

She had to wait for her answer until she was back on the ground. Uri took her hand and led her back the way they came.

The parking lots mark the half. To the south is a whole other area. Wasn't really part of Hell, but with Moralis's help that area was condemned and investors got in cheap.’

'Viperian investors?"


“Do we own any of the new area?’

“No. We have more than enough as it is.’

When they passed the cow where they had heart, a new cow was being hoisted up.

“That was fast,’ she said.

“We're like piranhas,’ Uri said with a laugh. “It doesn't take us long to skeletonize a cow."

When they neared the intersection where they had sex, Natalia felt more hands touching her and shoulders brushing against her shoulder. She knew to ignore them and not even look. There were a lot of women brushing up against Uri. One tried to walk with him and he shook his head.

“People are getting to see why I only want you," he said in a whisper. “You are gorgeous with a body to die for.’

Natalia smiled.

He rubbed his cheek against hers. It was the other cheek, so she knew he didn't smell the cheek that was marked by the other man.

Victoria opened her eyes. There was faint light coming around her curtains. She climbed out of bed by going over the railing. It was much more fun to do it that way. Before she put her foot on the floor she used the extra height of the railing to peer out the window.

If it was light out, then it was morning. She could leave her room.

“Party,’ she said to herself.

She stepped down to the floor and ran to her door. It was open. She had put a lot of toys in front of it, so it couldn't be closed. No one had moved the toys. Her parents’ door was closed. She didn't like that. On tippy toes, she danced to their door and pulled on the handle. Her weight made it swing in. She heard a faint chime. Someone groaned.

“What are you doing out of bed, Victoria?" Uri said.

“Party,’ she whispered.

“Later. Too early.’

Leaving the door ajar, she headed to the stairs. She dropped to her hands and knees to climb down each stair backwards. At the bottom, she balanced herself back on her feet then raced to the kitchen. She had to use her whole body to push open the kitchen door.

Mag was there.

“Morning, Victoria."


“Later. Too early yet. Are you going to help me decorate?"

Victoria nodded.

“Milk?’ Mag said.

Victoria nodded again.

Ill join you."

Victoria trotted to the small table set up in the kitchen. It was low and had a small chair. She slid into it.

Mag put down the sippy cup with milk and her own cup. Victoria knew there was the black tea in Mag's cup that she wasn't supposed to drink.

“Oh, I'll be right back. Drink your milk,” Mag said, leaving the kitchen.

Victoria watched her go. The moment Mag was gone, she slid off her chair. She reached for Mag's glass of tea and drank half of it, keeping an eye and an ear toward the door. Mag could walk quiet, and Victoria knew she would be back at any moment. She slid back into her seat and sipped her milk. Her milk was almost gone by the time Mag came back with Zena following her.

"You're late getting back,’ Mag said.

“Nattie and Uri left at three. I was on my own getting home. No way was I leaving early. Good thing I stayed. I might have found a new one.’

“Go get some sleep, then. You'll need all your energy for tonight.”

Zena laughed.

“Party,’ Victoria said, giggling.

She thought Zena's outfit was funny looking.

'Yes. I partied,’ Zena said, heading down into the basement.

Victoria heard the door latch shut. She knew it was locked, but hadn't yet figure out how to open it. Everyone else seemed to be able to open the door without a problem. It didn't look any different from any of the other doors.

Mag took her cup from the table. Victoria watched her sip and put the cup on the counter. It was now out of her reach.

“Tea party for breakfast? Mag said.

Victoria nodded.

“Go get your guests.’

Victoria slipped out of her chair. Mag had blocked open the kitchen door. Victoria ran right through to head toward the corner in the living room. There were a bunch of stuffed animals. By the time she picked two of them, she could smell the bacon. She dragged the toys behind her back to the kitchen.

Victoria was happy to see that Mag already had the cups ready for her guests. She sat each toy on the table beside a cup. By the time, she sat in her own chair, Mag put down a plate.

Scrambled eggs and a dozen bite size pieces of bacon filled her plate. It was her own special small plate. She liked it because it looked like she was eating as much as a big person

Victoria stuffed her mouth with a piece of bacon.

“We'll save the rest of the bacon for your mommy and daddy. Do you want any special colors on your cupcakes?"


“My favorite color. I think that's your favorite color. That's the color of your eyes."

Victoria nodded.

“Blue party.’

'I think that's where everyone went last night,” Mag said with a laugh.

Victoria nodded, but she wasn't exactly sure what Mag meant.

“Mommy and daddy were up late. They are sleeping in this morning. You'll have to help me.’ “Party.’

'Yes, decorate for the party.’

Victoria ate more bacon, then picked up some egg with her fingers. She loved bacon and eggs.

“If you don't eat all that, I will, Mag said.

Victoria smiled and shook her head. She knew if she left the table before she was done, that Mag would eat it. No one was getting her bacon.

“Mine,’ she said, holding up a piece.

"Yes, yours."

Victoria shoved it into her mouth while she watched Mag pull out pans and things from the cabinets. She was slurping the last drops of milk when Kate came through the basement door. “Morning, Victoria. Mag.’

"You're up early.’

“Bonnie and Trevor are still at it. Hard to sleep with them bouncing around next door.’


“He's trying his best. He wants them to get a house together.”

“I guess she could. She doesn't work for the Council directly anymore which means she doesn’t need to be housed here!

“Party,’ Victoria said to get the two ladies to pay attention to her.

Too much party,’ Kate said. “I'm glad I'm staying home tonight. I can get some sleep. What are you making now?"


“We're running out of grubbie. We'll need to do a harvest soon.’

The plans are for Saturday. We have enough to make it until then even with a couple of dozen cupcakes and frosting. I already have frosting in the freezer."

“Party,’ Victoria said in a louder voice.

'Did you eat all the bacon?’ Kate to her.


Victoria shook her head and giggled.

“Can I join your party?’

“Here's some tea,’ Mag said, handing Kate a mug.


Kate pulled over a chair and sat by Victoria.

'So who do we have here at your party?"

“Drooly bear and Tiny Whiney."

“Nice names. Did you think those up?’

Victoria giggled and nodded, but wasn't happy when Kate turned to Mag.

'Is Zena back?’

"Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't see her go through. It was only a short while ago. She has a new man.’

'l was probably in the bathroom. We have four hours to kill before the next party.’

“My party,’ Victoria said loudly.

Yes, your party. We have to put up the decorations,’ Mag said.

“How is the other... thing doing?’

It's already shredded all the toilet paper in the bathroom. I can’t see how this is going to help. At least they are going to wait until after the party. I can't see this thing handling nine children running around.’

Victoria wondered why Mag gave an ugly face.

Kate pretended to drink from Tiny Whiney's cup causing Victoria to giggle.

“We'll manage. Nattie will figure it out, and it won't last long,’ Kate said.

“She is starting to get the hang of things. I feel like I'm taking care of three kids, not one.’

Kate chuckled.

“Come now. Uri is being good."

"Yeah, but for how long?"

“Are you finished with your breakfast? We can go out back and decorate,’ Kate said.

Victoria smiled and nodded. She was glad they were talking using word she knew even if she didn't understand all that they said.

Kate reached for her hand, but Victoria dashed ahead of her. She was thinking she was getting too old for holding hands. Wasn't she a whole year old now? And slept in a real bed and not a crib. “We have to pick up all the sticks in the yard, Kate said while she pulled over a trash bin on the patio.

Victoria saw only a few sticks. She didn’t mind. However, after a while, she thought Kate was dropping more than she was picking up.

Mag stepped out.

“Let's put the tent up.’

Victoria smiled when Zena joined them and handed her a toy hammer.

"You can help me pound the stakes in. Just don't hit my fingers.’

Victoria made sure every stake was all the way in the ground. She danced through the streamers while everyone hung them up along with pretty blue lights.

“Good morning, everyone. Oh, the place looks great,’ Natalia said, coming out onto the patio. “Mommy.

“Almost time to get you dressed for your party.’

“Party time.’

Victoria giggled, feeling giddy.

“Cupcakes look awesome, Mag."

The tent now had one low table with nine chairs. Victoria knew it was the children’s table for her friends. On the patio were a dozen lawn chairs and another table which was the adult's table. Victoria watched Mag put a big covered platter on the table under the tent. She could smell what was in there.

“Cupcakes,’ she said.

“Time to dress you and keep you out of those cupcakes,” Natalia said. “Show me how well you can climb those stairs.’

Victoria ran to the stairs, making sure her mother was right behind her. She ran up the stairs on all fours.

“I can do stairs,” she said.

'I see you can,’ Natalia said.

Victoria ran into her room.

“Blue dress,’ she said, opening her closet door.

Yes, the blue dress. Put on your undies.

Victoria slipped off her nightgown and stepped into the undies her mother handed her. She held up her arms, so her mother could put her dress on over her head.

“That's my girl. Oh, so pretty. Your eyes are going to glow blue just like mine. We'll see if we can tame that hair of yours. So white as if you bleached it."

Victoria rocked on her heels while her mother brushed her hair.

“A braid isn't going to work, my girl. It's too fine. It just falls out. We'll just put in the pretty blue head band to keep your hair out of your eyes.’


She was feeling impatient.

The front doorbell rang.

“We're done. Just in time.’

Victoria ran to the foot of the stairs

Mag was opening the door.

“Becky,’ Victoria screamed.

She turned and went butt first down the stairs as fast as she could on all fours.

Victoria,’ Becky said back in a loud voice.

She giggled as if enjoying her own imitation of Victoria.

“Hi, Harold," Natalia said.

“We're just a little early,’ he said with a big smile.

Victoria grabbed Becky's hand in excitement. She was happy to see she was as tall as Becky. “Party. Come see.’

She pulled her along to the patio.

“Wow. A tent,’ Becky said.

“Hi Becky,” Mag said.

“Did you get any sleep, Harold? Natalia said.

Victoria wished they weren't right behind them. She wanted Becky and the tent all to herself.

“Got a few hours. Nadine is still sleeping. The boys are at her mother's.’

“That's such a pretty dress, Becky,’ Natalia said.

Thank you.’

Becky giggled. Victoria took her under the tent and was glad none of the adults followed.

'So hard to find dresses that fit her,’ Harold said behind them.

“I have a hard time finding clothes,” Becky said.

“Why? My clothes are in the closet. Don't you have clothes in yours?’

Becky laughed.

“They come from a store first, silly."

“There are blue cupcakes in there.’

Victoria pointed at the platter.

'Yum,’ Becky said.

"Hi, Tia. Hi, Grazon. Grace.’

“Gracie,’ Becky squealed.

Both Grazon and Grace ran out to join them.

“I saw others coming,” Grazon said.

“Hey, Mina. Thanks for coming. Send Umi out to join them in the tent,’ Natalia said. “Oh, hi, Sophie. Raphie, you can go into the tent.’

The two boys walked slow to join them.

"You two walking yet?’ Becky said in a taunt.

“I walk,” Umi said. “No need to run.’

Raphie took two quick steps and ran into Victoria.

“I runned,’ he said.

All the girls giggled.

"Hi, Francie. Thanks for coming. Hi, Tazia. Go join the others,” Natalia said. “Mag is serving tea. Have a seat everyone.’

Tazia joined them.

“Who is left,’ Becky said.

“My sister Alaina,’ Grazon said. “And my other brother, Piza.’

'Hi Besa. Hi Corean. Glad you could make it. Sent Piza and Alaina out to the tent.’

“We're all here,’ Becky said. “Let's go talk.’

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