Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 76

The house seemed to go back to normal. Mag and Zena were now back. They seemed to be in a frenzy to clean the house

“We're not going to have dead beetles stinking things up are we?” Natalia said, remember what Uri had said.

“Not if I can help it,” Mag said. “We're searching and cleaning everywhere.”

Natalia found it was best to stay out of their way, especially since they were moving furniture. She went up with Victoria to sit in her office.

However, it was late morning when she heard the front door. She stepped out to see Dr. Spire and she went down to greet him.

“Uri check?” she said.

“Yes, ma'am,” he said.

Uri came out of his office.

“Let's sit on the sofa,” Dr. Spire said.

Natalia heard more footsteps outside the front door.

“Morning, Natalia,” Kareen said when Mag let her in.

Mirren and Tia followed behind Kareen.

“Morning, Mirren. Tia,” Natalia said, dreading what was to come.

She found herself tense and didn't appreciate their presence.

Uri sat on the sofa with the doctor. Natalia watched closely while he looked at Uri's eyes and again, moved his finger and having Uri track it.

“The wound looks healed,” Dr. Spire said. “Can hardly see where it was.”

“Just looks like his hair is mussed,” she said.

Some of his hair around the wound had been cut by the EMT.

Dr. Spire nodded.

“The main question,” Kareen said, having settled in a chair across from them, “is he healed enough?” Uri's eyes narrowed.

“I think he's healed. I wouldn't recommend putting him in any situation where he can get hit again, though.”

“That's all we needed to know,” Kareen said. “Thank you.”

“Just don't have him do anything the rest of today,” Dr. Spire said in a quiet voice to Natalia when he headed out.

Natalia moved to sit on the sofa beside Uri. Since the ladies had been cleaning in the dining room, the dining room chairs were in the living, giving Mirren and Tia chairs to use. No one spoke until Dr. Spire was gone.

“No,” Natalia said. “He's not ready.”

“The doctor cleared him,” Kareen said.

“I believe,” Uri said in a slow, authoritative voice, “that I was to be relieved of further Council directives once I married and had a family. Isn't that how it has always been?”

“Yes,” Mirren said.

"However," Kareen said. “There are exceptions. We have one last job for you. I think you will want to take this one.”

Natalia watched Uri's face closely. Those words didn't seem to pacify him.

“We believe we know who has been responsible for the harassment against you and Nattie.”

“Is that where you sent Nattie last night?” Uri said. “I don't appreciate you using my wife.”

“Nattie is on the Council,” Kareen said.

Uri took in a breath. Natalia knew he was holding his temper.

“Maybe they should say the name Gussy to you,” she said

Uri's eyes moved to her then back to Kareen.

"Gussy's back?"

"He's playing King of Hell and using KVV as his calling sign,” Kareen said.

"We want you to get Gussy. He's violated the teddy bear law one too many times,” Mirren said. "Dead or alive,” Uri said in a low voice.

"We'll leave that up to you,” Kareen said.

“Everyone who knows Hell and can be of help is off on maternity leave,” Uri said.

“Moralis, Char, and Bonnie can be your team.”

“He's not going without me,” Natalia said.

“You're not going,” Uri said

“Like you're the boss around here,” she said. “Someone needs to watch your head.”

Uri rolled his eyes, not looking pleased.

"After this, no more jobs,” he said.

“No more,” Kareen said.

“When is this to happen?”

"As soon as you can. Moralis and Char have been asked to come over this evening to bring you up to speed on what they saw.”

"He's not going anywhere today,” Natalia said.

Kareen gave a reluctant nod.

“I almost feel as if you set my family against me,” Uri said.

His eyes moved from Kareen, to Mirren, to Tia, then to Natalia

“They wanted to see if you were ready. They are part of the approval process,” Kareen said. “They are not against you.”

“I wasn't going to let you go to Hell if the doctor was against it,” Tia said.

“Does the doctor even know that's where you're sending me?”

“It was discussed,” Mirren said.

“Does Char even have knives? Last I heard she hadn't earned them,” Uri said.

“She has earned them,” Kareen said. “Any other questions?”

Uri glared.

There were five seconds of silence.

“Very well. Good luck.”

Kareen rose, followed by the others.

Mag let them out.

Natalia watched Uri glare, staring down at the ground.

“I'm not tracked any more,” Natalia said. “How did you know?"

“You smelled of Essence oil. I thought it was still in development to mask odors. Less noticeable than fish sauce. Apparently, it's now available. There's only one reason you would smell of it.” “Your senses are still heightened from the pure tea,” she said.

He nodded.

"Do you feel that you're healed enough?” she said. “I noticed no one asked you.”

Uri took a long time to answer.

“Actually, no,” he said. “If I trot up the stairs too fast, I get a headache.”

"Why didn’t you say so to the doctor? Now is not the time to be the man who has to buck up and show you can take it.”

“It gets better every day,” he said. “We'll see what tomorrow brings. I can focus. That's the main thing.”

“You don’t need any of your reaction times slowed,” she said. “Even if you're going against someone who can't throw. You don’t know who or what he has helping him.”

“I think I know who and what he has helping him,” Uri said. “What did you see?”

"He was the only Viperian in sight.”

“Just him and a band of Undent lowlifes all high on drugs.”

"Yes. But there has to be some Viperians helping him. Some of those who invaded the house were Viperian,” she said.

"Viperian lowlifes. The side of Viperia you've never seen.”

“I thought you were it,” she said, half serious.

He smiled.

“Just because I can throw a knife and I'm not shy about throwing it at someone, doesn't make me a lowlife. A lowlife doesn't provide any benefit to his community. Gussy begs, robs and steals. He's no longer welcome in any bachelor house. I don't even think he finished his schooling. I even doubt that his venoms are very strong which is why he’s relying on drugs to lull his subjects.”

"He's not getting sanguine tea or grubbies?”

“Not unless he's stealing it.”

“I hope he doesn't find that one last keg of tea.”

“Morals should have moved it."

"He didn't,” she said.

“We'll discuss that tonight,” he said, rising.

Mag stepped in.

"We'll have lunch as soon as Zena and I put the dining room back together.”

"Okay, thanks,” Natalia said.

She stayed on the sofa while Uri went into his office. It didn't take the two ladies long to get the room back in order.

“Lunch,” Mag said.

Natalia sat at her chair. Uri was only a few steps behind her.

"At least you have your appetite,” she said.

The sandwiches were rather good, almost at the gourmet level Natalia wondered if Mag was doing a little extra to make up for not being around. There was even sliced fruit and a fresh macaroni salad.

“Very good, Mag,” Uri said when she came to clear the dishes.

“Thank you,” Mag said.

Both Natalia and he remained at the table, taking their time finishing their iced tea.

Victoria fussed, and Natalia exposed a breast for her. Uri watched.

“I'm almost jealous,” he said.

She smiled.

“I think you do better on sandwiches than milk,” she said.

Mag returned with a plate of cookies.

“Fresh out of the oven,” she said before leaving

“Does someone feel guilty about leaving us on our own while the tayra was loose?” she said.

Uri shrugged.

"Or feeling good to have the house back to normal,” he said.

“Well, when is construction resuming?”

“We have to wait until it dries up a bit. Still raining,” he said. “I might go down and check the basement.”

He bit into a cookie.

"Once these are gone,” he said.

“I love them warm and gooey.”

Once the cookies and their tea were gone, Uri rose.

"Why don’t you come with me?”

“Is it safe?”


He led the way down to the basement. Mag was just coming out of the male beetle area.

"Just getting rid of some leftovers,” she said.

“We're checking the tunnel. I want to see if any of the rain is coming in from above.”

Uri grabbed a flashlight and went into the tunnel.

“Once it's open on both ends, it will be a lot airier,” he said.

Mag didn't follow them in.

At the end, some moisture was evident, but it was leaking down into the ground and not pooling. “We're good,” he said. “Ground is so dry anyway, it's absorbing it right up.”

Natalia went back upstairs to check on Victoria's diaper. She knew Uri went back to his office. It wasn't long before Mag and Zena were emptying the furniture from the nursery and cleaning there. About mid afternoon, she decided to lie down for a short while. When she went into the bedroom, Uri was already there sleeping. She put Victoria into her crib, then joined him. He never moved when she threw a blanket over him and curled up beside him.

Victoria woke them both up.

“Diaper change,” she said.

Uri rose and went downstairs. She watched him closely and his coordination seemed normal. Dinner was one of her favorite raw dinners. There was steak medallions, salad, and warm bread. They again tarried at the table, sipping their tea, until there were noises at the front door. “Moralis,” Uri said, rising.

Natalia rose, too.

“I'll get it,” Uri said when Mag rushed out.

He waited until Mag returned to the kitchen.

“Evening, Morals.”

Moralis, Char, Grazie, and Mina stepped in.

“This is more than we were expecting,” he said.

“I thought we needed a bigger team,” Moralis said.

“We shouldn“t be using so many family people,” Uri said.

“Shit,” Moralis said. “That would leave only Char.”

There was another knock at the door.

Natalia opened the door to find Mirren and Sophie.

“We putting the band back together?” Natalia said, causing Moralis to chuckle.

“We're only missing Tia,” Uri said with humor.

“She's coming,” Mirren said.

"She went home to change from her work clothes before she came,” Grazie said.

They all moved into Uri's office. Natalia headed to grab chairs from the dining room. Char and Mirren followed to help. As soon as all the chairs were set, Uri let in Tia.

“Sorry, I'm late,” she said.

“Right on time,” he said. “Considering I was never even told a time.”

Natalia thought he sounded a little sarcastic.

“We have a team of nine,” Mirren said. “We've all been to Hell. Moralis, go ahead and tell Uri what you saw the other night.”

“Nattie already told me,” Uri said. “I could smell the Essence oil on her. I already knew she'd been sent out.”

“Hard to fool the Master,” Mirren said, causing Uri to smile.

“We need a better feel of what areas Gussy’s taken over in Hell,” Moralis said. “We saw things out in the street. Nothing organized. We saw a slapped together drug gathering.”

“You should get that last keg out of there,” Uri said.

Moralis nodded.

“When are you ready?” he said to Uri.

“Not tonight. Doctor might have cleared me, but my wife hasn't.”

"We were really hoping for a three am run,” Moralis said.

“Three am?" Natalia said.

“Druggies are pretty much shot by then,” Moralis said. “It's the best hour when you're against Undents. It doesn’t matter when you're dealing with a Viperian.”

“If this is only a recon type of mission, I'll allow him to go, but only if he gets pulled back if there's some action,” she said. “I'd want Bonnie in on this just for watching over him.”

“Team of ten,” Mirren said. “The more the merrier.”

“Bonnie knows Hell,” Uri said.

“Drivers Guild people are well trained,” Char said.

Natalia knew she was stating the obvious.

“I'll go talk to Bonnie. I'll need a sitter,” Natalia said. “That means Mag or Zena.”

Natalia rose and stepped into the kitchen. No one was there. She headed to the garage, but found Bonnie, Mag, and Zena standing there as if they were waiting for her.

“Another run to Hell?" Bonnie said.

"How did you guess?”

“All the Hell runners are here,” she said.

“I need you to watch Uri in case there's trouble. The doctor cleared him for action, but he doesn’t think he’s ready. I also need a babysitter.”

“No problem,” Mag said.

“What's the deal?” Zena said. “We need to know."

“Do you know the name Gussy?”

"Slimeball,” Mag and Zena said at the same time.”

“We think he’s the one responsible for all our problems,” Natalia said.

“Uri doesn't think he's ready?” Bonnie said, looking somewhat perplexed.

“He gets a headache if he’s too active.”

"What's too active roaming around the house?”

“Jogging up the stairs.”

“Damn, that was some hit,” Bonnie said.

“I've never seen him so subdued,” Mag said.

"He does say he’s thinking clearly. He is being rational,” Natalia said.

“When is this happening,” Bonnie said.

“Moralis wants to do a three am run to check out which areas are really taken over. I'm thinking he wants to go beyond the party street.”

Bonnie grimaced.

"Wish it was a few days later, but, I can go. I'm just wishing Uri was totally better.”

“Leave me some breast milk,” Mag said.

“Victoria hates the bottle.”

“They all do, but when they're hungry enough, they'll take it,” Mag said.

“Thank you,” Natalia said. “I'll get the details and let you know, Bonnie.”

Bonnie nodded.

Natalia went back into the house and to Uri's office.

The conversation topic was knives.

“Maybe you should practice just to make sure,” Moralis said.

“I can throw a knife,” Uri said. “I can be half dead and throw a knife.”

“The ladies are in the know and ready,” Natalia said, taking her seat. “We just need the details of where we're meeting.”

“I'll pick you three up here at two-thirty,” Moralis said.

We'll meet everyone at the front entrance of Hell since that one wasn't even being used.”

"Any questions or concerns that need to be brought up?” Mirren said.

There were five seconds of silence.

“See you then.”

Everyone rose.

Natalia and Uri saw them all out.

Once all the cars were gone, Natalia headed toward the garage.

Mag stepped out of the kitchen.

“We're in the kitchen.”

Natalia changed course. Uri joined her.

The three ladies were eating cookies and sipping sanguine tea.

“Be ready at two-thirty. Moralis is picking us up,” Natalia said.

Mag poured them sanguine tea and pushed over the plate of cookies.

"Kate will be over shortly,” Mag said. “We're all staying in this house just in case someone sees you go.”

"Good point,” Uri said. “Do you want reinforcements?”

“We have plans,” Mag said, not saying what they were. “We'll be okay.”

Natalia drained her tea. She wasn't hungry for any cookies.

"Do you want Victoria's crib down here?”

Mag shook her head.

"You go use the pump and get some breast milk. I'll take over Victoria.”

Natalia handed her over.

Uri grinned at her.

“You have your orders,” he said.

“I have a helmet for you,” Bonnie said.


"Everyone knows about your injury. You should be prepared to cover your weakness,” Bonnie said. “You have your orders,” Natalia said to him.

She laughed and left the room. Behind her, she could hear Uri chuckle.

Despite they wanted to get to bed as soon as they could to get a little sleep, it was still after ten by the time they had everything done. Victoria was downstairs with the ladies. The black outfits they were going to wear with their knives were set out.

"I feel naked without Victoria here,” Natalia said.

“I would feel better if you stayed. What happens if we both end up dead. Our daughter has no parent.”

“We better not end up dead. Will the helmet hamper you?”

“No, it's slim. I'll actually be able to wear it under the hood. No one will know it's there.”

“Did you do a test throw of a knife like Moralis suggested?”

“I'm good,” he said with a roll of his eyes.

“Humor me,” she said.

“Not in the house.”

She waved a hand to the door.

“Let's go to the garage. I need to see.”

Uri slid a knife out of his sheath and headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

In the dining room, the ladies were playing cards. Kate was there providing the fourth player. No one said anything, but they all looked when they passed.

"Give me a target,” Uri said once they were in the garage and the door was closed.

Natalia stood by the wall and lifted up her hand. She put her thumb and first finger together to make a circle.

“I don't want you in the way,” he said.

“If you're not confident enough to throw a knife with me right here, then you're not ready to go to Hell,” she said.

She had barely finished speaking when the knife hit the wall with a thud. Her hand felt the wind of it. The knife landed right in the middle of the circle she had created with her fingers.

“I can throw a knife,” Uri said. “I still don't like you being in the way.”

“Why are you shaking?" she said.

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