Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 75

“This does not feel like Hell,” Natalia said while they moved back toward the new gate.

“Nope,” Moralis said. “I don’t even think we need to look any further.”

They neared the store front. Instead of passing the way they came, Moralis swerved.

“What the hell?” he said.

She couldn't see what caught his eye until she came all the way around the building. The letters KVV were spray painted in psychedelic colors across a wall. People had paused in front of the letters as if ogling them.

Everyone seemed a little unsteady on their feet and they swayed as if to the music, but the sway was not coordinated with the music that was heard. There was heavy smoke in the air from cigarettes, bongs, and incense. Natalia found the smell irritating. Floating beneath this smoke was the smokey BBQ smell of kite, an insidious drug.

“Cool, dude,” someone said.

“What does it mean?”

“I have no fucking clue.”

“It means par-tay.”

There were shouts of glee and the group moved on.

Moralis looked somewhat disgusted. Bonnie's nostrils flared, and she did a slow spin.

Natalia felt that most if not all of the people around them were high on something.

Another group caught up and passed them. A woman bumped against Bonnie.

"Awesome costume, dude,” the woman said before she tottered away.

“Dude?” Natalia said.

Char chuckled.

Bonnie frowned and shook her head.

Moralis continued on as if drawn along with the crowd. They finally stopped at a corner. To the right was the main street of Hell where the party was being held. It was brightly lit. There were vendors lined along one side. Everywhere else it was elbow to elbow people.

"What are the vendors selling?” Natalia said. “There's no food.”

"Sex with animals?” Char said with a grimace.

“Experience the silence of death?” Natalia said, seeing one vendor's sign.

Moralis spun on his heels.

“Let's get out of here.”

They had taken only a few steps when Char stopped in her tracks, causing Natalia to run in to her. "Did you hear that?”

"What?" Natalia said, stepping back.

“Laughter. One particular laugh.”

Natalia strained her ears. Everyone looked as if they were listening hard, but there were many laughing voices.

"Slightly exaggerated,” Char said for everyone's benefit.

That clue helped Natalia focus in. There was one particular laugh. It didn’t seem genuine, but a little forced with a whole lot of bravado.

Char nodded toward a building. She trotted over to it and like a spider climbed up the wall to the roof. Natalia was amazed, especially since she was also holding onto a jug of tea. Moralis followed in the same manner, but his jug was strapped to his waist.

“I can't do that,” Natalia said.

“Nope,”"Bonnie said, looking up.

“How are they doing that?"

"Strong fingers using the bricks as finger holds.

A rope dropped down.

Bonnie tied it around Natalia's waist and legs, creating a harness.

“Use the bricks as finger holds. Push up with your feet and walk up the wall. They'll take some of your weight off.”

Natalia did as she was told without thinking too much about it. She did the motions for climbing up the wall, feeling that Moralis and Char were pulling her up more than she was with her fingers and feet. The roof top arrived faster than she expected. Moralis gave her a reassuring nod. A moment later, Bonnie joined them.

The particular laugh seemed more prominent up on the roof. All the party noises seemed to rise from below, increasing their exaggeration.

From this vantage point, Natalia could see the entire length of the street.

“I wondered what happened to that?” she said.

“What?” Char said.

“Cement truck.”

In the middle of the street, was the cement truck that Uri had towed away.

"Oh, yeah,” Bonnie said.

Both Char and Moralis looked at them odd.

“Long story. Later,” Bonnie said.

Parked in front of the cement truck was a large flat bed trailer. On top of the trailer, there were half- naked women dancing in front of a man sitting on an old green wingback chair. Clothing was strewn on top of the trailer creating an odd looking carpet. There were bodies strewn on top as well creating obstacles that the dancers tried to navigate. Many fell, but got right back up.

Natalia couldn't tell if the people were dead or just unconscious. She didn't really want to know. “Gussy,” Char mouthed.

The name meant nothing to Natalia.

Gussy was obviously a Viperian. The only one in the crowd. He looked to be a young man. He rose and grabbed a woman who spun and hugged him. He bit her rather savagely, then threw her off the trailer. Men eagerly grabbed her and there was a pileup on top of her as if they were in a hurry to have sex with her.

Gussy smiled with self-importance and resumed his seat.

Moralis motioned for them to follow. He led the way to the back of the building. Bonnie disappeared over the edge causing Natalia to gasp. Then Moralis motioned for her to do the same. Natalia swallowed hard, but could see they were holding the rope on her. She scaled down the best she could, knowing she was nowhere as graceful as they were. The moment she touched the ground, Moralis and Char joined her.

Char helped remove the rope tied around her.

At a jog, they headed out of Hell and back to the car. Moralis took off in a hurry.

There was no talking during the ride back. Natalia didn't feel that any was encouraged. She did have a number of questions and figured they would get answered at the Council meeting.

Moralis parked and they all exited the car.

“Decontamination first,” Char said. “Stand against the wall spread eagle facing me.”

Moralis popped the trunk, and Char took out a large spray tank.

“Close your eyes and don't breathe for a moment, Nattie,” Char said.

The moment Natalia held her breath, she felt the mist envelop her.

"Spin around.”

Natalia felt her back sprayed and was about to run out of breath when Char spoke.

"Okay. Breathe.”

The operation was repeated for everyone.

“So you don't smell of kite or anything else,” Moralis said. “A lot less noticeable than fish sauce. Just as effective.”

“We have to stand out here for about fifteen minutes before we can go in,” Char said.

"We're airing out?” Natalia said.

“Basically,” Char said.

“I notified the Council that we are back and when we'll rejoin them,” Morals said.

“I'll be out front with the limo,” Bonnie said, heading to walk around the building.

"Hold up,” Moralis said. “Take these with you.”

He handed her the three jugs of tea.

“Those are for Nattie only. Keep Uri away from them.”

Bonnie nodded and left.

Natalia stood spread eagle for as long as she could before lowering her arms. It was still cloudy out and very dark.

Char paced. Moralis seemed to dance, stepping to music that was in his head.

“Maybe you need to head back to the party,” Natalia said.

Moralis smiled.

“It's a music piece that is exactly fifteen minutes long. I'm using it to time us.”

“I have a phone with a clock on it,” Char said with a roll of her eyes.

Moralis chuckled and continued his dance steps.

"Okay, times up,” Moralis said.

He led the way into the building.

"Go change, Nattie,” Char said.

Natalia removed the knives before changing back into her dress. Then she rolled the knifes into the outfit. She stepped out and they all went into the Council room together.

Every Council member had papers strewn around them. They looked as if they had been busy. Natalia could smell the scent of warm bodies. Her nose could actually separate the people out just by these scents. Mixed in with those scents, she swore she could smell frustration.

“Report,” Kareen said

Moralis stood.

"Hell has become a festival town. The self-appointed ruler appears to be Gussy.”

While every Council member was listening, they all sat up straight at the mention of Gussy’s name. “That little slimeball?” Jada Lee said.

“The one and only,” Char said.

“He also appears to be flouting KVV as his symbol of authority,” Moralis continued. “All of Hell was lit up like a holiday fair. Lots of drugs and paraphernalia. He had himself set on a throne with women to bite and toss to the crowd.”

Everyone shook their heads with disgust.

“Last I saw on his record, he was thrown out of seven bachelor houses,” Pearl said. “I thought he left to live in the city?”

"Apparently, he noted we weren't using Hell and decided to take it over,” Kareen said.

"We have him on numerous citations for violating the teddy bear law,” Mirren said. “He's on our wanted list.”

“We know where he is now,” Moralis said. “This also explains the attacks against Uri. I know Uri is on Gussy's shit list. A few years back, you sent Uri after him. Uri beat the crap out of him and Gussy sat in jail for a while.”

"Ah, yes,” Kareen said.

"And who exactly is Gussy?” Natalia said.

"A lazy bum is a nice way of putting it. He didn't do well in school or just didn't apply himself. He found out the hard way that Viperian girls don't like that kind of guy. So he tried to make himself into a bad boy to impress the girls. Tried to model himself after Uri, but he can’t throw a knife. He's been in and out of trouble for the last few years.”

“I think his days are numbered,” Mirren said in a low voice.

There were various nods of agreement.

“Perhaps we should better spend our time deciding how to revoke Viperian rights rather than granting them,” Kareen said.

"The exercise we did tonight was very enlightening,” Mirren said. “I think we know how to proceed on that topic. As for Gussy, we'll need a full team to go after him. I think we need Uri.”

Mirren’s eyes swung to Natalia.

“The doctor has him on two more days of low activity,” Natalia said. “He needs it. He'll get another check tomorrow.”

"Consider ourselves on alert,” Kareen said. “Nattie, let us know when Uri is cleared for activity.” Kareen looked around the room.

"Are there any other discussion items?”

There were five seconds of silence.

“This meeting is adjourned.”

Moralis and Char left out the back way. Natalia left with the others. She held her bundle of clothes and knives behind herself.

Zena rose when Natalia came out.

“How did she do?” Natalia said.

"Great. No fussing.”

“Nice to hear.”

Natalia felt normal taking Victoria into her arms as if she had never been to Hell that night.

“I think I missed having you attached to my body,” she said.

Zena led the way out. Natalia used Victoria's body to half hide her bundle. However, Zena said nothing and seemed not to take note of it.

The ride home was quiet and relaxing. Natalia felt relieved to be home when Bonnie pulled up to the door.

"Did they ever come for the tayra?” Zena said.

“No. They decided to let it roam for the night. We just had to put out a box with shredded paper for it to... go potty,” Natalia said.

“I'll walk around to the guest house,” Zena said, handing her Victoria's bag.

Natalia slipped in her bundle just before the front door opened.

“You're back,” Uri said with a smile. “How was the meeting?”

“Intense,” Natalia said. “Informative and I'm not quite sure if everything was resolved.”

"Sounds typical.”

"How are you doing?”

“Better. Can focus better.”

"Relieved to hear. Let's see if we can scrounge up our own tea and cookies.”

Natalia headed for the kitchen. Right before she reached it, the tayra dashed out.

“Is it still finding beetles?”

“Surprisingly, yes,” Uri said. “I even found a couple.”

"Are we ever going to be sure they're all gone?”

“Without a food source, they'd die off and we'll smell them.”

“Uri. You're kidding, right?”



Natalia was glad to find the cookie jar full.

“Enough sanguine tea for two,” Uri said.

Natalia remembered the jugs of pure tea. She wondered what Bonnie had done with them. At least she didn't need any right away. She could wait until tomorrow.

Victoria fussed.

“Let's see if you'll take the bottle of breast milk,” Natalia said, fetching the bag

The bottle was in a bag of ice. She removed the nipple and put it in the microwave for just a short bit.

"Perfect temps.”

She put the nipple back on and presented it to Victoria

At first Victoria latched on hard and sucked. Then she spit the nipple out.

“Not the same as mine, uh?”

Uri smiled.

“Never is.”

“Milk is the same.”

Natalia presented the nipple again. Victoria suckled a few more times before pouting and spitting it out.

“If we do this one more time, that's almost a full feeding, sweet girl.”

Victoria refused.

“I guess that's it. A bath and bedtime, my sweet girl. Although, I don't think I'll do a full bath.” Natalia took her time getting Victoria ready for bed. She hardly fussed during her diaper change. By the time she settled her into the crib in their room, Uri was already in bed sleeping.

Natalia watched him. She was glad to see he was getting better and returning to his old self. It was disconcerting that the Council wanted him to go after Gussy. Recovering from one incident and being thrown into another possible incident, didn't sit well with her.

Uri was right. He was a married man with a child. He was settled down. It was time the Council stopped using him for their dirty work.

She slid in next to him. He cuddled up to her, but went right back to sleep. It was a long time before she could sleep. When she did, she dreamed about climbing up brick walls.

Wednesday morning seemed almost choreographed. While she fed Victoria, Uri showered, dressed and trotted downstairs. Once she was showered and dressed, Bonnie trotted up the stairs, carrying the three jugs of tea.

“Probably best stored in your office,” Bonnie whispered.

“Good idea.”

She followed Bonnie, and they decided the best spot was a cabinet.

“I'll be down in a moment,” she said to Bonnie when the tea was stashed.

Once Bonnie disappeared, she took the flask she had received from Moralis and filled it up with the new tea. Her first sip made her grimace. It did seem extra strong. She settled for only one swallow before putting the flask away.

She finally went downstairs. Uri was sitting in the dining room.

“Patio too cool?” she said.

“It's raining,” he said. “We'll keep the garage doors closed for today. Cement is looking good. They did a really nice brush on it. This will keep it from being slick in the winter if we trample in snow.” “I'll have to take a look after breakfast.”

She looked around.

"Where's the tayra?”

He shrugged.

“Not as many beetles this morning on the floor.”

“When is Ingus coming for it?"

“Sometime this morning, I believe.”

“So Mag, I take it isn't over here?”

“Nope,” he said.

She giggled.

"What?" he said.

“And here you wait at the table for breakfast that will never come.”

He smiled and shrugged.

“I do have the kettle on for tea,” he said.

“I think I hear it now,” she said, heading to the kitchen.

The tayra wasn't in the kitchen either. She fixed tea for them both and brought out the mugs.

A moment later, Bonnie appeared with a plate of cinnamon rolls.

“Zena sent these over.”

“Thanks,” Natalia said.

"At least we won't starve now,” Uri said in deadpan.

Bonnie rolled her eyes and left.

"Ooh, they're still warm. You want butter?” she said.

He nodded.

Natalia fetched the butter bell and two knives and plates.

"Warm and gooey. The best,” he said.

His fingers were dripping with butter and frosting.

Natalia chuckled when she heard someone at the front door.

“My hands are cleaner,” she said. “I'll get it.”

She wiped her hands with a napkin as she went. Through the peep hole in the door, she saw a man He was wearing a beetle farm uniform.

"You here for the tayra?” she said, once she opened the door.

"Yes, ma'am. Should only take a second.”

He was carrying a cat carrier.

Uri was coming in from the dining room, licking his fingers.

“I haven't seen it lately,” Uri said.

“Might be sleeping,” the man said.

He pulled a whistle from his pocket and blew. Natalia heard a low-pitched tone.

While they waited, the man opened the carrier.

After a few minutes, the man blew the whistle again. The tayra seemed to appear from nowhere. Natalia couldn't tell from which direction it had come from. Then it disappeared into the carrier. The man closed and latched the door.

“Thank you,” the man said.

Natalia let him out.

“That was easy,” she said.

“They are easily trained,” Uri said. “In my teens, I did odd jobs one summer at the beetle farm. I learned all about the tayras.”

“I'll let the ladies know the house is clear,” she said.

"You can go through the garage. The cement is set enough for foot traffic.”

He led the way.

She had to admit. The garage floor looked nice.

“The rain isn't going to cause problems with the tunnel is it?” she said.

“There might be some moisture that gets in, but not much. Besides, the floor is still dirt, which will allow the water to drain.”

“Let us hope.”

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