Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 107

Natalia skidded when she reached the basement door.



Natalia took the stairs two at a time. A growl hastened her descent.

At the bottom of the stairs, she found Victoria. In front of her was Tail. All the fur on Tail was sticking straight up. Her back was arched. In front of her was a man prone on the ground. He was Undent, but he wasn’t one of Yiggy's people.

“Are you okay?

“Fine,’ Victoria said.

That is when Natalia realized the man was bleeding from scratch marks across his face and on his hands.

“What are you doing here?” she said.

“Get that thing away from me,” he said, pointing at Tail.

Lisa and Kimi joined her.

“Who is that?" Kimi said.

“I don't know. What are you doing here?” she said to the man again.

Natalia noticed a bra hanging from one of his pockets.

"What kind of pervert are you? Are you stealing women's clothing?”

He shook his head.


Every time he moved, Tail growled at him. Natalia was amazed that such a big growl was coming from such a small animal. Every time Tail growled, the man quivered on the ground with his hands by his face as if he was going to ward off the next attack.

“Good, Tail,” Natalia said.

“Attack kitty," Victoria said with a big grin. “Good, Tail.”

“Grandma said that thing was vicious. Good thing, too,” Kimi said.

"Who are you?”

The man refused to say, just shaking his head.

Natalia brought out her phone to call Uri.

“We have an intruder at the shop. In the basement.”

“I'll be right over,” he said.

“We'll need a Viperian woman,’ she said, switching languages.


“Uri will be over,” Natalia said, ending the call.

The smell of food was now wafting down.

“Smells like lunch is ready,” Kimi said.

She ran up the stairs, looking like she was eager to get away.

“Don't leave me here alone with him,” Natalia said to Lisa.

She knew she could handle him, but she had some suspicions and decided it wouldn't be wise to be alone with him.

“No problem. He's no match for three girls and a kitten.”

Natalia almost laughed. Lisa smiled at her.

Tail growled again.

There were the sounds of people walking overhead, but she knew they weren't Viperian.

“If this is a sample of the food I can eat for free...”

Lisa took a deep breath.

“I'm going to gain a lot of weight.”

Natalia smiled.

“She has a good kitchen.”

It was fifteen minutes later that Natalia heard the footsteps that told her they were Viperian. She was surprised to see Mirren and Sophie coming down the stairs. Uri was right behind them.

"Go on up. I have my reinforcements. I'll join you shortly,” Natalia said to Lisa.

Lisa trotted up the stairs. All the communication switched to Viperian.

“He won't talk,’ Natalia said.

“He's bleeding,’ Uri sai.

“Tail attacked him. I can only think he got too close to Victoria.’

“Attack, kitty," Victoria said.

“That's a pretty cat,’ Sophie said. “I'm surprised it's still alive."

“Everyone is, but Victoria is very protective of it. Looks like the kitten is protective of Victoria,” Natalia said.

“I assume you want a bite?’ Sophie said.

“It would be nice to know why he’s here, and who sent him.’

“There's a bra hanging out of his pocket,” Uri said.

“I'm betting that isn't his,’ she said. "What are you doing in the area?’

She aimed that question at Mirren and Sophie.

"You're showing everyone up. We were looking at the properties I own to see what needs to be done,’ Mirren said.

“She has this entire building occupied and two apartments next door rented,” Uri said.

“Damn,’ Mirren said.

“Victoria, pick up your kitty. We're going to talk to this man,’ Sophie said.

Tail," Victoria said.

The kitten backed up and sat beside Victoria.

Sophie approached the man.

“On your feet.”

The man was eyeing the kitten.

“The cat is the least of your worries,” Sophie said. “Stand.”

The man gingerly got to his feet. As soon as he did, Sophie lunged in and grabbed his throat. He seemed shocked at the action and froze. She took advantage of his paralysis and bit him. The moment she did, she released him and backed up.

Natalia almost thought it was a double jerk which was a mix of two venoms.

“Smells good up there,’ Uri said.

'We eat for free. Part of the lease agreement,’ Natalia said.

“Hungry,’ Victoria said.

Natalia felt some growing concern that Victoria was still there and was witnessing this.

“She's Viperian, Nattie," Sophie said as if she knew what Natalia was thinking. “She'll enjoy this." Natalia looked to Victoria who was now petting Tail. Tail wasn't fluffed up any more.

“Eventually, you can use her for bites,” Sophie said. “But don't forget, you have some venom in your saliva’

Natalia wanted to refute ever needing to do that with Victoria, but thought better of it. She also never wanted to think she would be in a position to bite anyone. However, Sophie was right about one thing. Victoria was Viperian. Natalia knew she had to stop thinking of suppressing what was natural for her daughter no matter how unnatural she herself thought it was.

The man was starting to shake. Then he collapsed. The agony was clear on his face, but he seemed to be unable to express his pain

“What else did you bite him with?" Natalia said.

Sophie gave a secretive smile.

“We don't need screaming down here.’

The man finally stopped shaking.

"What is your name?” Sophie said.

He appeared to be in great pain before he answered.

"Duncan Vancer."

His body stiffened when he spoke, then relaxed once he was done.

"Why are you here?”

His face contorted.

Everyone waited.

"To... to... I was instructed to make it look like I was having an affair with...”

He pointed at Natalia.


“So that is why he has a bra,” Natalia said with a roll of her eyes.

"Who sent you?"

The man choked.

“Who sent you?” Sophie prompted again.


“What the hell, Uri said.

"Biffy who?” Sophie said.

"Biffy Standack,” he said

“Who is Biffy?" Mirren said.

“Biffy Standack is the wife of Hewie, a member of the board at the bank,’ Uri said. “I'm thinking someone doesn't want me to get nominated as the President's replacement.’

“What do we do with him?’ Natalia said.

'If it wasn't banned, I'd say grubbies,” Mirren said. “But considering two Council members are here, that isn't an option.’

“He's not going to remember what happened here once the venom wears off,’ Sophie said. "What do you do for a living?” Natalia said.


“He does have some muscles,’ Sophie said

“Can we put him to work? We have a lot of cleaning next door,’ Natalia said.

“He'll obey you with the threat of the kitten until the venom wears off.’

“I'll take him. Grazie will put him to work," Uri said. “Natalia shouldn't be around him.’

Uri grabbed the man and hoisted him to his feet. He then pushed him toward the stairs.

“Thanks, Sophie,” Natalia said, watching them go.

“No problem.’

'Stop renting apartments. Let me catch up,’ Mirren said.

“No chance,’ Natalia said.

With a laugh, Mirren and Sophie headed up the stairs. Natalia waved for Victoria to go. Tail dashed up ahead of them. Victoria was a little slower.

By the time Natalia reached the top of the stairs, she remembered that Mirren might know about Anpu and why the Council assigned him. However, he was nowhere in sight. She had hoped that he and Sophie might stop for lunch.

Lisa was sitting at a table munching on a fried vegetable roll.

Natalia did a quick look in the front room, but they were gone.

“Hungry,’ Victoria said.

“Let's have some lunch,’ she said to Victoria.

"Where's Kate? Is she still over at the apartment?” she said to Lisa.

“No, she stepped out, but she’s on her way,” Lisa said.

Natalia sat and put Victoria on a seat.

“We don't have a booster seat.”

Victoria's head was just above the table.

I ok.

“She's so quiet,” Lisa said.

“She can chatter,” Natalia said.

Wang Fang served them soup. There was also a platter of fried vegetable rolls and a bowl of rice. Natalia dished out rice for Victoria and cut up a roll.


She handed her a spoon, knowing full well she would remember that word.

“Spoon,” Victoria said, taking the spoon and scooping up rice.

Kimi appeared with a booster seat.

“Thank you,” Natalia said.

“It was still packed in a box. She was as good a reason as any to get them out.”

Natalia lifted up Victoria while Kimi put the booster in place.

Kate joined them.

Wang Fang came out with a bowl of raw meat and set it beside Natalia, who looked at it with confusion because they couldn't know she ate raw meat.


Wang Fang was already gone.

“Tail,” Victoria said, glancing down.

The kitten was sitting at Victoria's feet. Natalia put the bowl down for her. She mused that the kitten scarfed it down as fast as a Viperian.

“This is so good,” Lisa said.

“I'll help clean apartments any day,” Kate said. “Especially when they help. We're all done up there.” “We might as well go get more of your things. Oh, but first we should check if the locksmith is around so you can lock it up.”

They fell silent while they ate. Other people, mainly workers came and occupied the other tables. Natalia could see they were already doing a good business.

“I just hope we get business for the sewing end,” Natalia said.

“We're already getting good visibility,” Lisa said.

Natalia's phone rang. It was Uri.

"What was the rent and agreement for the apartment? And her contact information.”

Natalia relayed the information to him.

"Okay. I'll print it out and have a courier run it over to her. I'll give her a call and let her know.” “Thanks, Uri. We're eating lunch now.”

“I'll grab something at home.”

The call ended.

Two big, burly men entered. Tail growled, but stopped when the men sat at the furthest table. Natalia could tell they were only there for lunch.

"You sure that's not a guard dog?’ Kate said.

Natalia smiled, but didn’t answer. That's what she was thinking.

With her phone still out, but under the table, she sent a text to Grazie about the locksmith. She received an immediate reply that only said two pm.

“Looks like the locksmith will be here around two. We might as well go and get another load of your stuff,” she said to Lisa.

"At least we have an elevator at that place to go up and down,” she said.

“I'll call Zena,” Kate said. “We can fill her car. Besides, an extra person would be nice.”

Natalia sent a text to Bonnie of their plans.

Yiggy approached and stood close to her.

"Roof okay?”

"Roof is okay,” Natalia said. “We're good on that. Just don’t overload the roof.”

“And work with her on other roof?”

Yiggy gestured toward Lisa.

“Yes. Work with her."

Lisa nodded.

"Good. Enjoy lunch?”

“Yes, it was delicious.”

“Next time, bring blouse for display.”

“I have a couple of others already,” Lisa said.

"Good. Good. Mr. Uri had lease. I sign. Thank you.”

Yiggy gave both of them a short bow before leaving.

“I think we're understanding each other,” Natalia said. “Let's go.”

Natalia picked up Victoria. Even Kate was showing some excitement. Lisa was looking ecstatic. Natalia felt like they were in a race to get to the limo. As soon as Bonnie saw them, she pulled up and they piled in.

"Zena will meet us. Parking will be a pain,” Kate said.

“Working on that,’ Bonnie said from up front.

Natalia chatted with Lisa on how they could load up the limo. Lisa wanted to focus on all of her sewing supplies first.

“Bonnie, find a truck. We might as well move everything,’ she said to Bonnie.

Natalia had the feeling that the sooner Lisa was moved, the easier it would be for her to work with Yiggy and watch the shop.


Natalia looked at all the cars when they reached Lisa's street.

“It's packed, she said.

The limo drove past the building and kept on going.

"We passed it," Lisa said

“We're coming around again,” Natalia said, looking back where they should have stopped.

There was a tow truck behind them.

On the second approach, a large section along the street was now empty of cars. A tow truck was just pulling away with a car. A man was standing there placing orange cones. The limo pulled up to the curb.

Natalia unstrapped Victoria and stepped out. She was a little worried about Tail, but Tail was almost heeling to her like a dog.

“Movers,’ Bonnie said, coming around.

A large box truck pulled up behind the limo. Behind that came Zena.

"Okay. Let's go. We're moving all of you today,” Natalia said to Lisa.


“I so love your resources, Bonnie,” Natalia said.

With excited energy, Lisa unlocked the front door. One of the Viperian movers stood by it. Three others, followed them up in the elevator. Bonnie was telling them what was to be accomplished, but in Viperian. Lisa was almost hyperventilating on all that needed to be done.

“Couple of hours easy,” one mover said after seeing Lisa's small flat.

“Let's do the kitchen, while they do everything else,” Natalia said.

“Was the fridge working at the place in Hell?" she asked Kate.

Kate nodded.

“Cleaned it and plugged it in. It was chilling when I left.”

Natalia placed Victoria on a stool with Tail sitting on the counter beside her.

"You watch and make sure they don't forget anything,’ Natalia said to her.

Victoria nodded.

The apartment was a chaotic mass of movement. Boxes materialized, and it didn't take long to clean out Lisa's kitchen. Natalia was some what concerned with how little Lisa had.

Natalia grabbed a box.

“I'm taking down a load.”

“I'll watch,” Zena said, nodding toward Victoria.

Natalia followed a mover toward the elevator, however, he put down his box and went back into the apartment. She didn’t want to stop the momentum, so she stepped onto the elevator. The elevator had gone down two floors before she realized Tail was with her.

'I don't like you being out in traffic."


Victoria likes you. And I like you being with Victoria.’


Five floors later, the elevator stopped. The doors opened. A man stepped in. He pushed the elevator button to close the doors. As soon as the doors closed, he pushed the stop button.

"Hi, there,” he said.

Natalia didn't like the look in his eye.

“I didn't really want to get bloody today,” she said.

She had her knives on her, but she was going to have to drop the box.

“won't hurt you,” he said, raising up a hand to touch her.

The moment he did, he jerked back at the sound of a hiss. Natalia heard the shredding of cloth. "Shit what is that?”

He did a dance, looking down. The kitten was hard to track since she moved so fast and was so small. Natalia crowded him a little.

“I think it's rabid,” she said, pretending to be scared.

She managed to pin him, but he suddenly started yelling and flailing. He pushed her back. She was able to see that Tail had teeth and claws latched onto his crotch.

Tail released and disappeared. He started hitting buttons on the elevator. Natalia now had access to one of her knives.

“I'm going to kill that thing,” he said.

He lunged at her to move her out of the way. Natalia only had to make a slight adjustment on how she was holding both the box and her knife. He brushed away the box and impaled himself on the knife.

A ripple of shock flowed through the man. He stepped back and looked down at her bloody knife near his bloody crotch.

His eyes turned mean and turned toward her. She took that moment to raise the knife and plunge it into his chest with a heavy push. He took two steps back. The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

Natalia saw the tip of a blade come through from the other side. The man crumbled to the ground. "You're a little late,” she said to Anpu.

“I was watching the elevator,” he said. “Besides you have knives.’

He didn’t sound too concerned.

She looked at the box that had dropped. It had landed with some crunching noises. Then she looked for Tail. Tail was sitting in a corner, licking a paw.

“That yours?’

He was pointing at the cat.


Anpu dragged the man out of the elevator.

“There's no blood that I see on the floor,” she said.

She looked around her own clothing and there was nothing. The knife was the only thing.


Anpu handed her a handkerchief. She wrapped the knife.

“I got this from here. Go on down as if nothing happened,” he said, stepping out.

The elevator doors closed.

“Like nothing happened,” she said. "Yeah, right.’

The thought that this could have been Lisa on any other day sent a shiver of shock up her spine. “We're moving you just in time.”

She picked up the box. There was the sound of something broken inside.

“I'd rather have broken glass than a broken body.”

Bonnie was looking concerned when she left the elevator. She seemed to know what was wrapped in the handkerchief.

“Give it here. I'll clean it."

Natalia handed her the wrapped knife.

She placed the box into the limo.



“Come along."

She headed back to the elevator in the company of one of the movers.

On the way back up her phone rang.

"Yes, Kareen?"

“I hear you are downtown. Can you stop by the jail?"

Natalia knew this was more than just a request.

“Yes. Give me about half an hour.’

“That will work.

Natalia pursed her lips.

Now what?

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