Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 106

The front of the shop was a hive of activity. The two ladies with the goat disappeared through the door that led up to the apartments. All along the curb and sidewalk, were planters full of plants. It almost looked like someone had dug up and potted an entire garden. There were a least two tomato plants heavy with fruit.

The glass window was covered with fabric on the inside. However, there were two half naked manikins between the glass and fabric. Both were wearing blouses. One was red. One was green. They contrasted against each other and drew the eye.

Natalia stepped out of the limo, staring at the window.

Kimi and Yiggy came out of the door where the goat disappeared.

'Yiggy,' Natalia said.

“Busy. Very busy,’ Yiggy said, waving her off.

She grabbed a potted plant. So did Kimi. They disappeared back through the door.

Natalia stared at the door while Bonnie unloaded the boxes from the limo.

"At least it's only the second floor,” Lisa said. “Can I have the key to the front?”

Natalia automatically handed it to her. She was still perturbed at seeing the goat.

Lisa and Kate headed toward the apartment building next door with boxes and cleaning supplies. “Momma.’

Natalia turned to unstrap Victoria from her seat.

“Let's go look at this,” Natalia said, heading toward the door, following Yiggy and Kimi.

The front foyer was spotless. There was a carpet runner between the door and the stairs to catch dirt tracked in. The rest of the floor had a polished shine to it. She could smell the strong cleaning solution that was used to wipe everything down. Her nose and eyes told her that even the ceiling had been wiped down.

She headed up the stairs.

All the dust and cobwebs were gone. She could tell the stairwell had also been cleaned and painted. The hallway she stepped into wasn't empty. There were plants, boxes, furniture, and more. She was surprised to see pictures hung on the walls.

Two ladies stepped out and grabbed some boxes. They chattered in another language. Natalia figured it was the same language Yiggy used to talk with Kimi.

Before Natalia could decide where to go next, a young woman stepped out.

"Who are you? What do you want?”

She was looking at her suspiciously and didn’t sound happy to see her.

“I'm Nattie. I own the building.”

The woman's attitude immediately changed.

"Oh, Nattie. So nice to meet you. I'm Annchi. If you are looking for Yiggy, she is upstairs.” “Thanks,” Natalia said, feeling somewhat speechless by what she was seeing

Annchi disappeared.

Natalia headed up the stairs.

The next floor was a repeat of the floor below except it seemed busier. There were more women. There were children running around. No one had empty hands or arms. Two men were jostling a large dresser through a door. Everyone was busy.

Natalia could smell fresh paint.

Kimi came out of the door to the roof. However, she disappeared down the stairs before Natalia could say a word. She figured that had to be where Yiggy was. Natalia headed toward the roof door and trotted up the stairs.

"Oh, my word.”

Natalia stopped in her tracks.

"Hey, Nattie,” Lisa said coming up behind her. “Oh, my word.”

"Yiggy,” Natalia said.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. In the middle of the roof was a pen with two goats. Along the edge of the entire roof, were planters full of plants.

"Yiggy, you can't keep goats on the roof. I won't allow the slaughtering of goats on this property.” Yiggy walked over with a mean glare on her face.

“Goats are not for killing,” Yiggy said with some disdain.

"What are they for?”

"Goat milk,” Yiggy said. “For the kitchen.”

"You can't keep goats up here. Or... chickens?”

Behind a flush of greenery, she spied chickens.

"Why not? They have livestock up here.”

Natalia followed where she was pointing to see some men working on a building across the street. “What are those?”

"Bees," Lisa said. “Those are beehives.”

“Bees are not livestock,” Natalia said.

“Yes, bees livestock.”

"And the building can't handle the weight of all these pots. Wait... Is that a raised garden?”

Two young men were pouring dirt into raised garden bed. Natalia figured it had to be four feet wide by fifteen feet long.

“The roof can handle the weight. We checked,” one young man said, coming over. “I'm Bao. Grandson.”

He gave a little bow, then returned to his work.


“This is so cool,” Lisa said.

“What are they doing?”

Three other men were working on the roof next door.

“You can't put a garden on the roof next door,” Natalia said, realizing what they were doing. “You only get this building.”

“No one else will use it,” Yiggy said

“I would so love a garden,” Lisa said.

“It's her rooftop. You'll have to work with her,” Natalia said, thinking fast.

Lisa smiled big.

Yiggy backed off, staring at the ground.

“That's Tail,” Natalia said, realizing what she was staring at.

Yiggy seemed leery of the kitten.

Lisa stooped down and scooped her up.

“Tail,” Victoria said in English.

"Oh, I came over to tell you the plumbing isn't working,” Lisa said.

“I know Uri is here somewhere with the person who is going to handle those things. Grazie is his name. I'll call him.”

Natalia still felt perturbed by what she was seeing. She did a slow spin, then stopped. There were other buildings with greenery. She felt the full effect that Hell was changing to a living and vibrant community.

Natalia’s phone rang before she could make her call.


"Where are you?” Uri said.

“Roof of the shop.”

“Are they cooking yet?”


“Lunch ready by eleven,” Yiggy said as if she was following the conversation.

“Yes. Lunch will be served.”

“Grazie is working on getting a plumber and an electrician here,” he said. “Oh, and a locksmith to get doors rekeyed.”

“Lisa said the plumbing wasn't working next door.”

“We know that. Both buildings have electrical issues as well.”

“Have you seen the roof?” she said.


"And the goats?”

"Goats?" he said.


“I saw chickens.”

“Fresh milk and eggs for the kitchen I hear.”

"Whatever. They better locked them up at night.”

Natalia had this vision of Viperians scaling the outside of the building and dining on goat.

“We're heading over to Lisa's place,” Natalia said to him.

“I'll find you,” Uri said, ending the call.

Natalia relayed the information to Lisa.

"We'll manage until then,” Lisa said.


Yiggy had gone over to yell at the men on the other roof. There was no gap between the buildings, just a short wall, but she was yelling at them like they were far away.

"Yiggy,” Natalia said again louder. “The goats and chickens have to be locked up at night. There are... big birds that would get them.”

“We have shed,” Yiggy said

Natalia didn’t see one but suspected one would appear by the end of the day.

“I'm going next door to clean.”

Yiggy nodded.

“I send girls.”

Natalia didn’t know what that meant. She followed Lisa. When they reached the other building, Tail squirmed and Lisa put her down. Natalia was worried she would run off, but she followed right behind Lisa.

Kate was wiping out kitchen cabinets.

"We can't really do too much. We have water, but no drains are working. I looked at the back alley to see if we could throw it out that way, but there are too many people using it,” she said.

"Grazie and Uri were through here and are calling in a plumber,” Natalia said


Natalia put Victoria down.

“I say fill up the tub with the dirty water,” Lisa said. “That will let us keep going.”

“Good idea,” Kate said.

“I'd like the kitchen cleaned first,” Lisa said.

“Good place as any,” Natalia said.

They almost had the kitchen cleaned when five ladies appeared at the door. They were all armed with buckets and rags.

"We get back rooms,” one lady said.

Before Natalia could respond, the ladies headed back.

“Reinforcements,” Lisa said with a laugh.

“I didn't know that was what Yiggy meant,” Natalia said, handing a sponge to Victoria to play with. “Maybe that will give us time to go get another load of stuff from my apartment,” Lisa said.

Uri stepped in.

“We have the plumber working. Can you step out for a bit?"


She grabbed up Victoria.

“I'll hold her,” he said.

He led her downstairs and right into a group with cameras.

“Hi, I'm Christina from channel 14, Women’s News Program...”

Natalia felt somewhat unprepared. She knew she didn't look the best with her hair pulled back. Her jeans and t-shirt were already dirty.

“Is it true that you will be the first person to open a business here?”

Christina was an energetic reporter, revealing it in her hand gestures and voice. Her hair was overly bleached and styled. She was fully made up with makeup to make her appearance on TV look good. Natalia knew she herself looked a mess.

"Yes. Next Saturday...”

She talked about her shop.

“We'll be doing custom clothing.”

She remembered what Uri said about everyone doing alterations.

"We're for the person who just doesn't fit in the clothes off the rack and wants more than a few alterations done. Not every woman is the same up front.”

That caused a laugh from Christina.

“We don't all have the same curves. Clothes on the rack are for the average person. We cater to the person who isn't average. Maybe a few inches taller. Or a few inches shorter.”

“So, what are you doing here today?” Christina said.

Natalia felt as if it was almost an accusation

“I have my first renter in this building. I'm helping her clean the place up. There is a lot of work to be done here. I want my buildings to look good. Besides, this is a friends and family affair.”

She knew Uri was standing behind her with Victoria. One camera man shifted, and she knew Uri was now included in the view of the camera.

"Everyone is chipping in,” Natalia said.

“Is this your family?”

Natalia was glad that Uri was dressed in jeans. She was even glad for a smudge on Victoria's nose. Christina asked more questions about her and if she worked. Fifteen minutes later, she lowered her microphone. The camera guys lowered their cameras and walked away.

“What is rent on one of these places?” Christina said in a much more normal voice.

“The apartments in this building have three bedrooms and two baths. They are quite large. Rent is two thousand. If you rent soon and you have to clean up your own place than the first month is free,” Natalia said, almost feeling like the interview was still on.

"Can I see one?"


Natalia was surprised that Christina was the only one who followed her. She led her up to the apartment that was across from Lisa's. The sun was shining in showing all the dust and dirt.

“I see what you mean,” Christina said. “Needs some paint, too.”

There was a gurgle from the sink in the kitchen.”

“They are working on the plumbing.”

"So, first month free. I clean and paint. Then two thou a month?” Christina said.

“Yes,” Natalia said.

“This is bigger than what I have and cheaper. So what are you going to do? Raise the rent as soon as I'm moved in?"

"A year lease keeps the rent the same. My expenses here are cheaper because of all the incentives to open a business here. They want the development. Plus you have to park in the lots and walk in.” "How do you move in?"

"Once the parking restrictions go into effect, you can drive in after nine pm.”

Christina nodded.

“I'll take this place. What do you need from me? I can pay a deposit right now.”

Natalia felt some excitement. Even if the shop wasn't successful, she was getting the apartments rented out.

“The deposit. Your contact information.”

Natalia slid out her phone to open up the app to receive money. Christina tapped Natalia’s phone and two thousand dollars registered in her account.

“I will email you the lease agreement. The only one I have with me is for the shop. I have a locksmith coming to put new locks on.”

Lisa danced out into the hall

The drains are working. We have working toilets.”

Natalia laughed at her excitement.

“Lisa, let me introduce you to your new neighbor. Once we have things set up, Lisa is the apartment manager.”

Tail dashed past them. A moment later, Victoria followed. Uri came after her.

'I need a lease for this apartment,” she said to him.

“Ill get some printed out. Can you go back to watching Victoria?"


Uri left.

“I should interview you, too,” Christina said. “We like to see women in the news in the business sector.”

“Lisa is also the manager of the shop. She's an excellent seamstress,” Natalia said. “Maybe you should interview Yiggy. She's the...

Natalia realized she needed to stop referring to her as a tailor. She was a seamstress, too.

“She's an awesome seamstress as well.”

“Can we do this in the store?” Christina said.

“Let's go,” Lisa said, leading the way.

Natalia headed into the apartment to find Victoria. One woman was in the kitchen looking a little scare. Tail was blocking the doorway.

"She's just a kitten,” Natalia said, picking her up.

“Dangerous kitty,” the woman said, leaving now that the way was no longer blocked.


Natalia walked back through the apartment. It was now spotless. Even the bathroom where they were dumping the dirty water was clean, except for a ring around the tub. However, all the water was drained away.

Tail and Victoria dashed in.

“We're going down stairs."

Natalia lifted off the shower head and sprayed down the tub so the grime didn't have a chance to dry.

“Okay, let's go. Keep Tail beside you.’


"Yes, Tail,” Natalia said, knowing that Victoria was going to pick up English really fast.


Natalia tried to take Victoria's hand, but she ran ahead.

“Down the stairs.’

When she reached the foyer, she saw four of Yiggy's ladies cleaning. The place already looked better.

“Thank you,” she said.

The four just nodded and kept on cleaning.

Out front, men were carrying more furniture into the door that led up to the apartments. There was a small van that others were unloading. She noted that Bonnie had moved the limo, so it wasn't blocking the front.

She headed into the shop to find Christina with her camera crew talking to both Lisa and Kimi. Yiggy was nowhere in sight. She listened in and learned that most of the women in Yiggy's family were seamstresses. Kimi was saying she was fifth generation.

While the interview progressed, Natalia took a good look around. The place was now spotless. Even the high ceilings were cobweb free. There were empty racks positioned around the store. However, there was one rack with some clothing on it. On the other side of the fabric that covered the window, were more manikins. They were fully dressed, looking more like oriental opera costumes, complete with masks.

A long counter that she recognized from Yiggy's store down town was positioned by the door that led to the back. There were two cash registers set up with fast pay scanners. The front of the counter was decorated with fabric swatches and bobbins

In the alcove that Lisa had mentioned would be the alteration room, there were three long tables set up. Each one had a sewing machine on it. Two women looked to be sewing.

Natalia walked over. She immediately realized they were sewing sheaths into a pair of pants and a blouse. Yiggy and Kimi weren't the only ones who knew how to sew sheaths. That thought brought her relief. Her next thought was wondering who was getting sheaths sewn into clothing. Mina? There was a pile of other clothes with a sheet of paper on top of them. Mina’s name was on it. Natalia left the area so not to put too much attention on what they were doing.

“Thank you very much,” Christina was saying to Lisa and Kimi

Natalia joined them while the camera men left.

“Thank you,” Christina said to her.

"You're welcome. Thank you for coming. I'm hoping my husband left to go get a lease. I'll get it to you soon,” Natalia said.

“No problem. I'm so excited.”

“She's as excited as I am,” Lisa said.

“Excuse me. I have to go finish up and get this interview to the office,” Christina said. “It will be on the evening news.”

Everyone watched her go.

“That will be good for business,” Kimi said, once Christina was gone.

"Where is Yiggy?” Natalia said. “Why wasn't she interviewed?"

"Oh, she doesn’t do the limelight stuff. She is hiding in the back room. I will do all the stuff in front of the store. She will just sew.”

“Where's Victoria?"

Natalia realized she wasn't in view. Tail wasn't in sight either. There wasn't a sound of her. Victoria."

"Someone will see her. Lots of eyes,” Kimi said.

A shriek pieced the air with a horrendous growl. Someone screamed from the back of the shop. Everyone turned and froze.

Natalia swore the sound was of a large ferocious animal. She wondered what else Yiggy was raising. “Mommy.

There was some distress in her voice.


Natalia raced to the back room. There were tables set for lunch.

Another horrendous growl rose up from the bowels of the basement.

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