Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 104

Victoria slipped out of bed and ran to the head of the stairs. Neither Tail nor the person who had checked on her was in view, but she heard the door to the kitchen. Holding on to the railing, she went down the stairs, watching and listening.

The basement door opened, and she heard someone go down.

She walked quietly to the kitchen door and pushed it open. The sound of someone walking through the basement was louder than usual. The reason why was evident when she went through the kitchen and reached the basement door. Tail was sitting at the stop of the basement stairs. She was in the way of the door, preventing it from closing.

“Good Tail!

The warm smell of dirt and wood rose up to her. The smells were confusing since these were smells from outside.

The basement light was on, but a few moments later, it turned off.

Victoria stepped down a couple of steps. The door latched behind her, startling her. Tail came up beside her and tapped her with her tail as if telling her it was alright. Together, they walked down the stairs.

At the bottom, she stopped. There was nothing. She had expected something, not a big empty room. She spied three doors and the opening to a hallway.

“Was she up?’

“No, she was in bed."

Victoria turned toward the voices. They came from the hallway.

“I swore I heard someone upstairs.’

Victoria knew that was Zena's voice.

“Beetles are active this time of night.”

That was Bonnie's voice.

“Not over my head,’ Zena said.

Victoria flared her nostrils. The smell of dirt was stronger down here.

Tail pawed on the floor which told her that the smell was coming from below the floor. When she walked across it, she felt the sensation that there was a void beneath the carpet. The sensation was scary since she felt that the floor could give way at any moment. Tail seemed to walk a little more gingerly.

“Ill let Nattie know that I can go on Saturday to help clean up apartments. It's a hell of a lot easier to clean a place when it's empty.’

This was Kate's voice.

“Hell has really been cleaned up. It's amazing. I can see it becoming the hot spot to live, Zena said. “All we do is clean.’

That was Mag's voice, sounding like she was complaining.

“Mag, we have it made here. You're such a prissy girl," Kate said. “Sandia's people wouldn't even let her go to Festival. Not one night and they only went once. It wasn't like they needed her. She keeps asking if we have any openings.’

“She can't work here. She's not family,” Mag said.

“I'm not family,’ Bonnie said.

"You started out working for the Council,’ Zena said. "You're grandfathered in.’

Bonnie laughed.

Victoria peered down the hallway, but couldn't see the women. The fluorescing paint on the walls caught her attention. The hallway glowed and seemed to go on forever. She touched the wall as she walked, letting her hand slide along it. It was mesmerizing.

“Damn,’ Zena said, breaking the spell between Victoria and the wall.

Victoria looked around, remembering she had to be careful. Tail was right beside her. However, she paused a moment, listening to the intense silence.

“What?’ Mag said.

Victoria jumped at her voice.

I'm smelling feline."

“Probably on your clothes,’ Mag said.

Victoria moved farther down the hallway, walking as quiet as she could. There seemed to be a bend to the hallway which prevented her from seeing the end. A glance behind her caused her to pause. She could no longer see the opening she came from.

“I wasn't smelling it before. Besides, I took my clothes off, and I washed my hands."

"You do have a good sniffer,” Bonnie said.

“That means only one thing.’

There was more silence.

Victoria continued on.

I'm going upstairs,” Mag said.

There was a chuckle.

“Mag, I don't know why you can't stand that kitten. It's harmless,’ Zena said.

'If it got down here, then how harmless is it?"

Victoria heard someone rise and leave. The sound seemed to echo through the hallway. Finally, the hallway straightened, and she could see the end. It seemed to open up into another room. She could see Zena and Bonnie lounging on pillows on the floor. They were naked.

“What I want to know," Zena said. “Is how she got down here.’

“If one is here, then they both are,” Bonnie said.

“Well, she is Uri's kid. This shouldn't surprise us.’ Zena said.

“A little too damn smart,’ Bonnie said.

“Who? The kitten or Victoria?’ Kate said

There was laughter.

Victoria could see someone's foot. She decided that had to be Kate.

“Damn,’ Zena said again.

Victoria saw Zena flare her nostrils.

“They're both down here.’

"You mustn't have closed the door all the way,’ Kate said.

“I guess I didn't hear it latch. But I know Uri had the sensors on for Victoria's room. I heard them. So neither Uri nor Nattie are hearing them,’ Zena said.

“Uri was probably focused on something else,” Bonnie said with a chuckle.

“Nattie was popular at Festival. Everyone was looking at her,’ Zena said. “Uri held her hand the whole time to keep the boys away.’

“She has a nice body considering she’s Undent,’ Kate said.

“Well, I'm not a babysitter,” Bonnie said, settling deeper into her pillow.

'I already ran upstairs,’ Zena said.

“I got this,’ Kate said.

The foot disappeared. Victoria froze when she caught sight of Kate approaching the hallway. Kate was also naked.

“What are you doing down here, Victoria?’

“Lost,’ she said in a whisper, trying to look small.

Tail was now hiding behind her.

“I'm sure you are. Let me take you back to bed.’

Kate stepped out of view, but returned a moment later. She was putting on a robe.

“Come on, kitty. You have to come, too. The basement is not for kitties or Victoria."

“Nothing down here,’ she said.

“There are beetles that bite and Mag who can growl at you.’

Victoria smiled, thinking that was funny about Mag.

Kate took her hand. They walked back through the hallway and up the stairs. Kate waited for Tail to clear the door before shutting it.

"You need to stay in bed,” Kate said in a whisper while she led her upstairs. “Tomorrow I will show you the basement, but only if you stay in bed.”

Victoria nodded, not feeling that was going to be too exciting. There was nothing down there. "You're scarfing breakfast down fast," Natalia said.

“Busy day. I want to leave as soon as we can,’ Uri said.

'l just have to finish my tea.”

Natalia watched Victoria using her spoon to eat her egg.

“Almost a big girl.’

I am a big girl," Victoria said, sitting up straight.

'Did you feed Tail?"

Victoria nodded, even though she knew Zena had.

“I heard you and Tail went on an adventure last night.’

Victoria shook her head.

“What good are those sensors if we don't hear the alarm?’ Natalia said.

Uri shrugged.

"The outside doors are on sensors that produce alarms, so we'll hear if she gets outside,’ he said. “Like we're hearing her now?’

He eyed her as if he didn’t want to discuss this farther so she didn't say any more. There was no use in chiding him about his sensors that weren't working. And what use were the sensors if they couldn't even make sure that Tail was in the bathroom. The kitten was going to set them off anyway no matter where Uri positioned them.

“We have to learn to outsmart a one year old.’

Uri broke out laughing.

“Sorry. I didn't realize I said that out loud.’

“Are you ready to go yet?" he said, rising from the table.

"Yes. I'm so ready for this week to be over.’

Victoria accepted the kisses from her parents and watched them leave. She smiled with the new knowledge about the sensors on all the doors. However, there was another puzzle on how to turn them on and off. She wished Becky was here. She didn't think the red button on the box in her parents’ room controlled all the doors.

“Are you finished with breakfast?’ Kate said, stepping out from the kitchen.

Victoria swallowed the last of her egg.

“All done,’ she said, raising her arms, so Kate could lift her out of her chair.

“Wow. You kept your hands clean. That's a good girl."


"Yes, you can keep your hands clean when you use your spoon to eat instead of your hands. Come along. We're giving Mag a break."

Kate pushed her toward the kitchen. Mag came out to collect the breakfast dishes.

“We're going downstairs,’ Kate said to Mag.

“Enjoy,’ Mag said.

Victoria watched closely when Kate put her hand on the basement door. She heard the door click. Kate opened the door and flipped on the lights.

“Down,’ Kate said. “Bring kitty."

Tail," Victoria said, holding onto the railing and taking the stairs slow.

Tail was staying right beside her.

Yes, Tail.

The door closed behind them.

Victoria expected the room to be different for some reason, but the room was just as empty as it was last night.

'“Grubbies are down here,’ Kate said. “It's probably time you met one and learned about them." Victoria watched Kate grab an object by the stairs. She hit the floor hard with it then used it like a handle to lift off part of the floor.

The action of lifting the panel from the floor raised up the warm damp scent of dirt and wood. Tail hissed and backed up.

“Not a good place to go, is it?” Kate said, watching Tail.

“She's scared,’ Victoria said, taking a step back.

'Grubbies are good when in food, but not good when they are still alive.’

Kate rose to grab a shovel and some gloves out of a door under the stairs. Victoria watched her intently while she put on the gloves and pushed the shovel into the dirt beneath the floor. Kate then reached in and pulled out a grubbie.

Tail hissed again and growled.

The purple parts hurt,’ Kate said, pointing out each end of the grubbie. “They also bite. Do you want to touch?’

The grubbie was bigger than her hand. She looked at her hands and back at the grubbie. It was bigger than both her hands. It squirmed while Kate held it. Victoria felt the urge to touch it, but she remembered what Becky had said about them hurting. She also looked to Tail whose tail was fluffed. Her back was arched and she looked terrified.

“No,’ she said definitively.

"You always wear gloves if you have to deal with a grubbie, Kate said.

Victoria nodded.

Kate dropped the grubbie back onto the dirt. In seconds it had burrowed out of sight.

“Careful. Let me put the floor panel back."

Victoria felt Tail come between her and the hole in the floor. Tail pushed hard against her to get her to back away from the opening.

Once the panel was back, Kate put the shovel away, but kept the gloves.

Ill show you a beetle.’

Kate walked over to one of the doors.

“These are always kept locked.’

Kate tapped on the door.

Victoria nodded, watching her unlock the door. As soon as Kate opened the door, Tail hissed and bumped into Victoria to push her away.

“Tail is scared,’ she said, feeling some of Tail's fear.

“Beetles are dangerous,’ Kate said. “Unless they are in soup.’

Kate stepped into the room and turned on the lights. There was a rush of clicking noises. A short way in was a small door in the wall that was made of wire mesh. Kate opened the door and reached in. When she brought her hand back out, she was clutching a black beetle. Victoria could see dots fluorescing on its large body.

“See these? These are the claws. They pinch and don't let go. They also bite.’

Victoria nodded, unable to get any closer because of Tail who had planted herself between her and Kate. Tail hissed.

“Tail knows that beetles are dangerous,’ Kate said.

Victoria nodded, believing both Tail and Kate.

Kate backed out of the room once she put the beetle back. She turned out the light and locked the door.

“That door also has beetles. You need to stay out like Tail is showing you. Those are not places to be.

Victoria nodded.

“What's that door?’

“That's a bathroom,’ Kate said, opening the door so she could see. “If you come down here, always turn the light on because beetles don't like light."

Mag came down the stairs.

“The house is all yours. Thanks for watching her,’ Mag said. “I'm heading over to check our laundry.’ “No problem. We're getting some necessary learning out of the way. Tail is helping.

“That thing?”

“Apparently grubbies and beetles scare the heck out of it. Kitty see, kiddy do."

Mag laughed and headed down the hallway.

“What's there?" Victoria said, pointing after Mag.

“That is where Mag, Zena, me, and Bonnie live. Our bedrooms."

Victoria nodded. It now made sense why they came down here at night.

“Let's go back upstairs.

As soon as they reached the top of the stairs, a bell rang. Kate hurried to the front door. Victoria watched her go. The basement door was still open. The light was still on. She was about to close it when she spied a man at the patio doors. He waved and smiled at her. She frowned, then listened for Kate, but a strange sound caught her ear.

Like magic, the man by the door cut a circle in the glass and removed it. He reached in to slide the lock back, but the door didn’t open. Victoria watched him look down, then kneel. He cut another hole in the glass and removed a bar at the base of the door. The door slid open. He stepped in. "Hi, little girl. Where's mommy and daddy?”

Victoria knew the words mommy and daddy. She even knew the word for girl, but she didn’t know what he was talking about. Tail hissed. She agreed with Tail that the man shouldn't be there. Stepping back, she pointed into the basement, thinking that was a good place to send him. To entice him to go down, she said the one word she had heard from Becky that seemed to get her excited.


“Money in the basement?”

She nodded.

He passed her and trotted down the stairs. Victoria figured Kate would hear him since he wasn't quiet about how he stepped. She followed. The man strode out into the room and looked around. "Empty," he said to her with a big wave of both arms.

She didn't know that word, but pointed at the door that held the beetles. He tried the knob but it was locked. However, he pulled something out of his pocket and fiddled with the door knob. He opened the door.

“Il wouldn't go in there, if I was you,” Kate said, coming down the stairs.

He laughed, pulling something out of a pocket. Victoria couldn't tell what it was. She only knew what it wasn't. It wasn't a knife.

"And why is that? Hidden treasure? A safe of money?”

"Oh, there's treasure in there for sure. Expensive stuff,” Kate said.

“Victoria. Upstairs,’ Kate said.

The tone of Kate's voice sent a shiver up her spine. She dropped to all fours and ran up the stairs. “I'd start by digging under the floor,” Kate said.

Victoria saw her pop up two floor sections, then she disappeared from view. However, a moment later she returned with the shovel.

The man laughed. Kate shoved the shovel into the dirt, then she moved fast. Victoria lost sight of her. A moment later, she reappeared holding the man. She tripped him, and he fell into the open section of floor.

Victoria felt someone grab her and pull her away. The sounds of the man screaming rose up from the basement.

“Up to your room for a while,’ Mag said, carrying her.

Tail ran ahead of them and flashed up the stairs.

Victoria wondered how Mag had gotten upstairs since she hadn't passed her through the basement. The thought of other doors came to mind.

By the time Mag set her down in her room, the screams from the man had stopped.

“Grubbies bite him?’

“Grubbies ate him," Mag said. “Play up here until we get things settled. It's almost time for some tea and cookies.’

Victoria watched her go. Tail stayed between her and the door as if she wasn't going to let her leave. She sat on the floor, thinking and listening.

Below she could hear Kate and Mag. Then Zena joined the mix.

“At least these alarms are working,’ she heard Zena say.

“Still scary that he even managed to get this far,’ Kate said. “They worked it pretty well with the delivery distraction out front."

“What was he doing in the basement?’ Mag said.

“I had just shown Victoria the beetles. The door hadn't closed,’ Kate said.

"Yeah, but who keeps valuables in the basement?

“I know of a few people who have safes down there. That way they don't have to reinforce the floor like they do on a first or second floor,” Zena said.

"Yeah, I guess. I know Uri has his safe in the garage.’

“I'll call the glass company. Meanwhile, we'll have to tape over the holes. We're not air conditioning the backyard.’

Victoria heard their voices fading away. She knew they were heading to the kitchen.

She smiled with the new knowledge she had.

'I know how to open the sliding glass door now.’

She smiled and giggled, planning what she was going to do.

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