Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 103

Lisa looked at her with concern and some disappointment.

“I do own the building next door. We can check out those apartments,” Natalia said.

Lisa smiled and looked hopeful.

“Deal,” Yiggy said. “Whole building.”

“Whole building. Now what about rent and what you are paid?”

"All monies we get for sheaths and the food is ours,” Kimi said, stepping in. “All the other work we do is for rent.”

“The whole building is a lot of rent,” Natalia said.

“We'll do all the renovations,” Kimi said. “You eat for free here. Lisa eats for free here. We'll make a lot of things for you to sell. We have good connections to get you high-quality fabric for low costs.” Natalia knew this was a great deal for them, but she was also thinking this was a great way to launder the money Uri and she had stolen and was sitting in the wall in Victoria's room. The rent for the building and the apartments was almost twenty thousand a month. Plus she could book phantom salaries for Yiggy and Kimi as expenses to offset some of the monies coming in. Her mind was running through the numbers and every way she looked at it, they were coming out ahead. She had the feeling once Uri started adding up the numbers, he would find even more ways to pull in that money.

“Deal,” Natalia said. “Here is a key to the front. I'll get keys made for the other doors. Let's go down and let those movers know where to unload your things.”

Once back down on the main floor, Yiggy and Kimi headed to the back to talk to the movers. Natalia led Lisa next door.

“Let's hope this master key is really a master.”

The building Natalia selected looked like it was either all apartments or office spaces. The key worked, and they stepped into a dusty foyer.

“A little cleaning. Some paint. We're good,” Lisa said, looking around and acting as if that was the easiest thing in the world to do.

“I love your optimism,” Natalia said. “This door leads to offices.”

“Fourteen mailboxes,” Lisa said. “The numbering makes me think there are eight apartments and the rest are for offices down here.”

Lisa opened a door that had no number on it.

“Stairs going up,” Lisa said.

The stairs were covered in dust and cobwebs.

“No one has been in here for a while,” Natalia said. “I think Uri has only been having the storefronts cleaned up.”

They left footprints in the dust.

The top of the stairs opened out to a long and wide hallway. All the doors were open. There were four apartments on this floor which matched the mailbox numbering.

"Oh, my word, Nattie. These are huge. This one has two bathrooms. Three bedrooms. Look at this kitchen.”

“Bigger than next door,” Natalia said.

She peered into one bathroom. The toilet had black water sitting in it. There was a little bit of a sewer stink to the room. She backed out to rejoin Lisa in the living room.

“You need a sewing room and a guest bedroom. Perfect,” Natalia said with a shrug. “Which one do you want?”

“This one. It's in the front, and it gets sunlight. I also like the layout the best.”

“There you go. Your new address is number 5 Nattie Ave, apartment two zero two.”

“Oh, Nattie.”

Lisa hugged her.

“I don't know what to say.”

“Tell me you'll always be my friend despite I just gave you a whole lot of work to do. This place needs a deep clean.”

“Where's a broom. I'm on it.”

Natalia laughed.

“I'll get the lock rekeyed. Let's go back down.”

When they returned to the shop, Lisa jumped in to help haul things in. For now, it seemed Yiggy wanted everything in the basement.

"We want this main floor to remain clear until it's cleaned and painted,” Kimi said. “I've called in my brothers.”

“A lot of work."

“They like to work,” she said, heading back to rejoin Lisa and Yiggy in the back.

Natalia could feel their excitement over the shop. She hoped this all worked out.

“She's moving in already?”

Natalia swung around to see Uri and Moralis coming through the front door.

“She's taking the whole building,” she said.

Uri raised his eyebrows.

“I have Lisa taking an apartment next door in building number five. Apartment number two zero two.”

"Once you get one person in, the rest will follow,” Moralis said. “This is going to open the flood gates.”

“I'm already getting flooded with inquiries,” Uri said.

“This is all your fault, Moralis.”


“You're the one who got her evicted. The tailor that is,” Natalia said.


“You forced the downtown landlords to clean up. So, of course, they went around and evicted everyone who wasn't maintaining a pretty store front.”

Moralis laughed.

“I think that qualifies you for a subsidy when you take in a displaced business,” Moralis said.

“Did you just make that up?” she said.

"Actually, no. It's already on the books. So, when is your Grand Opening?”

“The way I see things moving right now, probably tomorrow.”

Both Moralis and Uri laughed.

“Make it a big deal. Give me a little more notice and the Mayor will show up,” Moralis said.

“Let me check,” Natalia said. “Kimi?”

It was a few moments before she appeared.

“How long to do the renovations and open up?” Natalia said.

“One week."

"Only one week?"

“You're kidding,” Uri said.

Kimi shook her head.

"We will be up and running in one week.”

“Looks like next Saturday is our big Grand Opening,” Natalia said.

“We can do,” Kimi said with conviction.

She jogged off.

Moralis smiled.

“I don't believe her,” Uri said, looking a little dubious.

"All of Yiggy's stuff is already here,” Natalia said. “They just have to clean and paint. I already left a voice message for the sign painter.”

"One week,” Moralis said. “Do advertising. It'll go over big. You might be the first business opening in Hell. You'll push others to get things done.”

"What are we calling this place?” Uri said.

"A Stitch By Design.”

“Catchy,” Moralis said. “I'll tell Francie to spread the word.”

“So, what are you two doing here?” she said

"We don't really manage much with club night anymore. We were more curious about the shop,” Uri said. "What is next door?”

Natalia led them over.

“We better get a plumber to check the place,” he said with a flare of his nostrils.

They spent almost an hour walking through the building.

"We better get Lisa and take her home. We all need dinner and it's work tomorrow,” Natalia said, leading them back.

“Catch you tomorrow, Uri,” Morals said, leaving.

“Lisa. We should take you home.”

“All set. Thank you,” Lisa said.

Her work clothes were looking dirty.

“My brothers will take us home,” Kimi said. “We have work to do.”

Lisa was a chatterbox on the way home. She kept listing all the things that she needed to do. Natalia let her talk, knowing how excited she was. Once she was dropped off, Natalia explained to Uri the deal she had made with Yiggy about the shop. As she expected, he thought of a whole lot more ways to pull in the stolen money.

"We can use Lisa as apartment manager as well. That will pay for her apartment. I have an idea for a salary plus commission.”

“You've thought it all out,” Uri said, looking impressed.

The sign painter called, but all he wanted was her to text him the address where the sign needed to be painted and what the sign should say.

“That was easy,” she said.

“It will be in gold and the same font as the building number,” Uri said. “He has stencils and just spray paints it on.”

“I so need dinner,” she said when the limo pulled into the laneway.

"Ditto. I let Mag know we were running late.”

Uri pulled her out as soon as the limo stopped. He seemed to be in a hurry to get inside. “Goodnight, Bonnie," Natalia said.

Once inside, Victoria came running.

“Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.

She crashed into her with a hug.

“Easy there, sweet girl."

Natalia picked her up to give her a kiss on the cheek and put her down. Victoria ran off.

“Hey. What about Daddy?’ Uri said.

Victoria came running back.

Uri grabbed her up, flipped her upside down and kissed her ass cheek. Victoria was giggling hysterically. Uri put her back down on her feet, and she ran off.

Natalia laughed.

Zena appeared. She was looking stern.


“We can talk about her in front of her,’ Natalia said.

“Someone is using the litter box who is not a cat.”

Natalia knew in an instant she meant Victoria. The image of her child squatting and using the litter box caused her to break out laughing. Tears ran from her eyes.

“I'm serious,’ Zena said.

“I have to go pee,’ Natalia said, wiping her eyes.

She headed for the bathroom under the stairs.


Victoria ran after her.

Natalia shut the door behind them.

“Girls sit on the toilet to pee,’ she said, while she did just that. “Kitties use a litter box because they can't use the toilet. Kitties don't get to go visit friends, like Becky.’

Victoria looked mopey.

“Are you a girl or a kitty?’


"You don't use the litter box. You find Mag or Zena if you have to go potty.’

“I had to go potty last night.’

“Then we'll... then we'll put your stool and your toilet seat in kitty's bathroom for you.’

Natalia wondered how she had left her room without the alarm alerting them. She flushed, but she waited until the toilet was quiet.

“No more litter box."

Victoria nodded.

Natalia opened the door.

“Are you going to sit with us while we eat?"

Victoria raced to her chair. There was a cookie on a plate and half a glass of tea there for her. Natalia sat to a savory meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy. She ate half the meal before she told Uri.

“Someone had to go potty last night. Did you hear anything?"

Uri didn’t even pause in his eating. He shook his head.

“How is that possible?’ she said.

“Maybe it wasn't on. I'll make sure tonight.”

Mag stepped out.

“She was up roaming around and drank half a pitcher of tea last night."

“Ah, why she had to go potty,” Natalia said. “Can you put her stool and toilet seat in Tail's bathroom?’ I'll have Zena do it."

“Mag. That kitty is everywhere that Victoria is. She's under the table as we speak. Why are you scared to go to that bathroom?"

“It's vicious in that room,” Mag said

She left before Natalia could say another word.

Natalia shook her head.

Uri smiled.

'l was also accused of meeting another man at a hotel," Natalia said.

“My wayward wife. What were you really doing?’

“Dealing with Lisa and Yiggy, the tailor."


“And the Council has decided I'm not to be alone. I have a guard on me. It varies between Mina and Anpu.’


He frowned.

I'm on the Council. How come I don’t know of this ahead of time?’

“There are committee groups that don't share what they are doing. Tia has told me a few things. You are not included in everything.’

“Because of my origins?”

“Because you might not be able to stomach them.’

That caused Natalia to pause.


She didn't ask for an example. This was stuff she didn't want to hear about: the darker side of Viperians. She had already seen enough of it.

“I'll probably go to the shop on Saturday and see how things are going. I'll take Lisa. We'll start the clean up of her apartment.”

“Get one or two of the ladies to help,’ Uri said with a shrug toward the kitchen.

"Yeah. They don't have anything to do around here,’ Natalia said, waiting for either a glare or a sarcastic remark from the kitchen.

She was surprised to see and hear nothing.

“I'll take Victoria with me,’ she said. “Maybe I'll ask Kate to come with and help. That will give the other two a break from babysitting."

Uri just shrugged. His phone kept pinging.

“What's up with your phone?’

He pulled it out of a pocket to glance at it.

Texts. I figured it was people wanting to know about shops and I'm right. The three inquiries I had about your shop now want to sign a lease. I'll wait until tomorrow to let them know it's leased.’ "You'll have to make up a lease for Yiggy.’

He nodded, sighed, and shut his eyes.

“Busy day?’

He nodded.

“Probably pretty hard being good all the time. Isn't that right, Victoria?

Uri smiled.

Victoria giggled.

I'm being extra careful that all procedures are followed exactly. Double checking myself is tiring.’ Natalia looked at Victoria.


Victoria shook her head.

“I think it's Daddy's bedtime.’

Victoria smiled and nodded.

Zena appeared.

“Ill get her stool and seat situated.’

'Off,” Victoria said, raising her arms.

Uri lifted her out of her seat.

Victoria ran after Zena, closely followed by Tail.

Uri watched them both go. Natalia watched Uri.

'If she has to do nightly potties, then I'll move the sensors to the top of the stairs. But not tonight,” he said.

Natalia nodded.

“Let me put you to bed.’

He smiled.

Tonight, I'm going to crash.’

Victoria kept running up and down the hall and opening and closing the door to the bathroom. She was doing this on purpose.

“Victoria. Leave Tail alone. You go to bed,” her mother said.

Victoria smiled and ran to her room. She crawled up onto her bed. Tail was hiding under the guest bedroom bed. Zena had long given up keeping track of her and Tail. Everyone else thought Tail was now secure in the bathroom.

Her father stepped in for one last check. She heard a chime in their bedroom.


“Nite, Daddy.’

She pulled her covers up to her chin and closed her eyes, but her ears were awake and listening. Her father's footsteps headed back to his room.

“All set,’ she heard him say.

She heard them get into bed. Then there was nothing to listen to. Their breathing was too soft. She opened her eyes.

Tail was standing in front of her door, staring at her parents’ door. As usual, it was slightly ajar. Victoria slipped out of bed to walk quietly to her doorway. She sat and also stared at her parents’ door. This was a waiting game now. She had to wait until her parents were asleep before she sent Tail into their room to turn off the sensors.

She heard the basement door. That was one area of curiosity. Why did Mag and Zena always go down there at night?

Tail lashed her tail.

Victoria nodded.

Tail rose and trotted into her parents’ room.

Victoria counted her fingers. She and Daddy had done that the other night. They had counted all her toes, too. She looked at her toes and counted them as well while she waited. When she was done, she wondered what was taking Tail so long.

She peered at her parents door. If she held her breath and strained her ears, she could hear the soft breathing of her father. She stiffened when something dropped to the floor in her parents’ room. Then Tail appeared. Again, she was dragging something.

“Tail. No."

Tail came into her room. Victoria listened intently, but there was no chime. Tail dropped what she was dragging. It was a pearl necklace.

"You are going to get me in trouble,” Victoria said, picking up the necklace.

She thought it was beautiful. After admiring it, she swept everything off the top of her toy box and opened the lid. She dropped the necklace into a slot between the bundles of money, then closed the lid and put all the toys back on top.

“Let's go."

She tiptoed out of her room and down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs, she paused to listen, but there was nothing but silence. She went to the kitchen door and listened to make sure no one was in there. Again, she heard nothing. She pushed open the door.

“Basement,’ she said to Tail.

She reached the basement door and gave it a good look. It still didn't look any different from any of the others, except it was locked. She knew the door opened outward.

“Becky would know how to do this.’


"Yeah, stick your tail in the door to keep it from closing.’

She thought about that. Something had to be put in the way of the door. She decided she needed to study another door, so she could see how it opened and closed.


She and Tail ran to the bathroom under the stairs. That door opened out. She studied it for a long time, but couldn't think of a solution.

“Let's go out and hunt.’

She ran to the patio door, but it was locked and she couldn't figure out how to open it. There seemed to be a sliding lock but it didn't allow the door to open no matter which way she slid it. “Becky needs to teach us how to open doors."

She felt some disappointment.

Since she had tea and cookies before bed, she didn't feel like having any more. She roamed around her father's office, but there wasn't anything fun in there.


She ran to the garage door, but heard something in the basement. Both she and Tail froze. She thought she heard someone walking around.


She tiptoed as fast as she could to the stairs and ran up on her hands and feet. Once in her room, she stopped to listen, but heard no further noise. She sat on the floor, then curled up around Tail. “We'll wait a moment.’

She closed her eyes.


Victoria woke. Tail was thumping her with her tail. There were soft footsteps heading toward the stairs.

She rose and slid into her bed, pulling the covers over her head. Tail snugged beneath the covers with her. She listened hard.

She knew it wasn't Mag. It had to be Zena. She almost wished she hadn't pulled the covers over her head.

The person pause by her door, then went back down the stairs. Tail scooted out from under the covers. Victoria sat up, but Tail was no longer in view.

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