Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 101

Natalia watched the man walk off. For some reason, he stood out, even though he wasn't making himself obvious. She decided it was the way he moved. It reminded her of Tail. He moved as graceful as a cat.

“He just earned his knives,’ Mina said, also watching him go.

“He was staring at me.’

"He's a stalker.

'Is that good or bad?’


Natalia rolled her eyes at Mina.

“He's Uri's replacement,” Mina said.

“Replacement for what?’

“Since Uri has family, the Council isn't supposed to use him for kills or things. Anpu is being groomed for that.’

"The Council has you and Char? And I know of other ladies.’

“Somethings require a man. You must not be on the committee that decides those things.’

'So why is he staring at me? He was around with his hand on my ass quite a bit during Festival." “Every man likes you,” Mina said. “He would probably like to be your second husband.’

I don't do that. Have multiple partners.’

“I know that. He probably knows that as well, but it doesn’t mean he won't try."

“He was pretty forward during the Festival.’

“He can do what he wants during Festival, and Uri can’t do a thing about it,” Mina said.


“No rules during Festival. A man or a woman for that matter, can do whatever they want when trying to lure away someone. I know a lot of guys who would love to be with you.’

Mina glanced back toward the direction Anpu went. Natalia looked as well, but the man was no longer in view.

'I like him,” Mina said. “He's a cross between Mole and Uri. He can disarm you with words and seem to be your best friend one moment, then the next moment slice your throat open.’

Natalia grimaced.

“He's good with a knife whether he has to throw or fight up close. He doesn’t mind either. Uri only likes to throw."

“And what does he do for a living? Besides work for the Council."

"He's a dancer.’

“A dancer?’

“He's part of the A'ppollo Dance Troupe. All the theater groups use them.’

“That explains how he moves,” Natalia said.

“Smooth,’ Mina said with a smile and a lick of her lips.

“Well, you're not restrained from multiple partners.

“Never had him. He's rather private.’

The limo pulled into the lot.

“Have a good night, Nattie."

“Thanks. You, too. If you think of a solution for our tailor problem, let me know.’

Likewise,” Mina said, heading toward her car.

It was now the only one left in the lot.

Bonnie trotted around to open the door for her.

“Thanks, Bonnie.’

Natalia leaned back in her seat. Her mind was busy with both the tailor issue and finding out about Anpu.

“I can ignore him,” she said to herself. “But what to do with the tailor?”

Her phone dinged with a text. She looked at it, figuring it was Uri wondering when she was coming home. However, it wasn't Uri. It was from Lisa wondering if they could meet for lunch tomorrow. Natalia tapped her phone to call her.

“Nattie, girl. I have been so busy sewing,” Lisa said when she answered the phone.

“Don't tell me you have my blouses done yet. You never got any measurements.”

“I have them started. Now, I need the final measurements. We can do them in your limo then have a quick lunch. Do you have time?”

“I'll have to check my schedule. Hey, why don't I stop by now? I'm not that far.”

“Bonnie, to Lisa's.’

She felt the limo slow and take a turn.

“That would be wonderful. I might even have one done for lunch tomorrow. You can try it on to see what you like or not,” Lisa said. “I can always make adjustments.”

“I'll be over in fifteen minutes. See you then.”


Natalia looked at her work schedule that she had on her phone. She had one morning meeting and one later in the afternoon.

“Yeah, lunch will work.”

She leaned back again with a smile. Lisa had such a passion for sewing.

“Too bad she and the tailor can't get together.”

The limo made another turn and was on a main street. Traffic was light, and the light bulb went on in Natalia's mind.

"Why couldn't the tailor and she get together?”

She sat up straighter.

“There's that storefront.”

The idea grew.

She decided she had to go talk to the tailor.


The limo pulled up to Lisa’s building. It was double parked, but Bonnie still came out to open the door for her.

Ill text when I'm ready, Bonnie."

“No problem.”

Natalia rang the buzzer for Lisa's apartment, and the front entrance door unlocked with a click. She rode the elevator up. Lisa was waiting for her in the hall.

“Were you working late?”

“No, I go to a women’s meeting on Wednesday. Sort of business related,” Natalia said. “I was in the area.”

“Here, try this on. It's just basted together.”

Natalia took off her blouse to put on the one Lisa handed her.

“Wow. I love this fabric. And this is just basted together? Damn, this looks finished.”

Lisa laughed.

“The cuffs aren't done, silly. Do all the buttons.”

Lisa made a few marks with a pencil thin sewing chalk.

“Hardly any changes,” Lisa said. “Do you like how it drapes? I think it really looks good. It even matches the suit you're wearing.”

“I like this. It's light. Buttons don’t gape. I don't feel any straining anywhere. Perfect.”

Lisa smiled big.

“Lisa,” Natalia said, while she switched back to her other blouse. “If I could find you a sewing job, would you take it?"


“There is this area across town that was recently fixed up. Storefronts are cheap to rent. In fact, I own this building that would be perfect for a shop. Custom alterations. I know of a tailor that's being forced out of downtown. I was wondering if that was something you would like? Maybe you could manage my store.”

Lisa looked a little stunned. Natalia couldn't tell how she was receiving this idea.

"Oh, Nattie. That would be a dream come true,” Lisa said with a gush. “When are you thinking?” “Well, I thought I would go talk to the tailor tomorrow. Maybe I can pick you up, and we can go together.”

Lisa lunged at her to give her a hug.

"Oh, Nattie, this would be awesome. I'll have this blouse done, so I can show her.”

“She's a little unusual. Yige Zhi is her name.”

"Everyone in the fashion industry is a little unusual,” Lisa said with a laugh. “I'm probably not unusual enough.”

“Then it's set. We'll talk to her and see if she’s interested.”


“I better go then, so you can sew,” Natalia said, heading to the door.

On her way down the elevator, she sent Bonnie a text. When she stepped out the door, she spied the limo coming down the street. And smelled the scent of the man.

'Anpu, what are you doing here?’

“Watching out for you, Nattie."

His voice had a musical quality to it that normally wasn't evident in the Viperian language.

Natalia rolled her eyes.

Anpu was leaning against the building with one leg bent and his foot resting on the building wall. He looked comfortable. She was able to get a better look at him. He was leaner than Uri, but an inch or so taller. However, he had a kinder face with the typical Viperian attributes of black hair and green eyes. His hair, however, was long. She could tell he had it pulled back in a braid, something she hadn't noticed at the Festival.

This isn't a good neighborhood,’ he said.

“Bonnie is right there.’

The limo pulled up.

“Plus, I carry knives.’

“I heard,’ he said.

Bonnie trotted around the limo and opened the door.

“Have a good night, Nattie," he said.

“Behave yourself, she said.

He smiled and didn’t answer her.

Natalia got into the limo, noting that Bonnie gave Anpu a glare. She wondered what he was up to, and decided Uri needed to know.

Bonnie was good at catching every green light, and they reached home with no other stops. As soon as the limo was in the garage and Bonnie had hit the door locks, the door opened.

"You're late,’ Uri said, extending a hand to help her out.

“I stopped by to see Lisa. She needed some measurements for the blouses she is sewing for me. Good night, Bonnie.’

Uri pulled her along as they weaved around the cars.

“Do you know Anpu?’ she said.


'Did you know..."

Yes, I know he trailed you during the four days of Festival. And marked you twice.’

He paused to rub his cheek against hers.

“During Festival I can't do anything about it," he said

“Glad you know. I saw him twice this evening.’

“As long as he doesn't touch you, now that Festival is over.’

“There are more than just your knives he has to worry about,’ she said with a cocky attitude.

Uri smiled and dragged her into the house. There were tea and cookies on the coffee table. Victoria in bed?’ she said taking a cookie.

She was still full from all that she had eaten at the meeting, but she never felt the day had a good ending without at least one cookie and some tea.

'Yes. She was tired chasing after Tail, plus I worked with her.’

“Doing what?"


“She's only one, Uri."

“She's exceptionally bright. We will be challenged keeping her occupied. I've already asked my mother about some of her tricks she used on me.’

“Mag and Zena should talk with her, too."

She pondered whether she should tell Uri about the tailor, then decided not to. At least not for now. She wanted to wait and see what the tailor said about moving to the storefront in Hell.

“Is Nattie Ave a viable address? For those buildings we own?

'Yes. As soon as we started cleaning up the place and renaming the streets, Moralis had the city planner go through and verify the new addresses."

'So those numbers I saw on the stickers on the doors are the building numbers?’

'Yes. They might even be painted over the doors by now. That project is going on right now. Everyone has to do the same style. We've already picked out gold paint and the font the painter has to use for his stencils.’

Uri finished his tea and pulled her up.

“Bed,’ he said.

"You've had four days of Festival, and you still want to take me to bed?

He smiled.

“It's very titillating to show everyone what I got and to see them drool. I'm sure you had a lot of ass touching during Festival. Now, you're all mine and no one can touch.’

He dragged her up the stairs.

Victoria heard her parents go into their room. She could smell the cookies downstairs and she wondered how many her parents hadnt eaten.

“Tail. The remote. You have to hit the red button. That's what Becky said."

She slid out of bed to sit in front of the door, but knew she couldn't go through it yet. Tail sat with her staring out the doorway. She remembered Becky had said there were light beams across the doorway, but that she wouldn't be able to see them. Maybe Tail could. She watched the kitten intently.

“Mag thinks you're in the bathroom. I shut the door and told her I put you to bed, but you were hiding under my bed.’



Tail's ears swiveled toward her parents’ room. She flattened down to the ground. Even her ears where flat. She scooted out the door.

Victoria looked up at her parents’ door. She could hear them. They didn’t seem to have heard any alarm, but then neither did she. She figured Tail could see the light and had wiggled under it. “Red button,’ she said again to Tail.

Tail trotted to her parents’ door and nosed her way in since the door wasn't shut tight. Victoria held her breath, hoping Tail didn't alert her parents. Usually, when Tail ran in there, she jumped up on the dresser and batted things off.

Victoria strained her ears to listen for what Tail was doing, but she couldn't hear anything. While she could always hear Tail when she ran, she was hard pressed to hear her when she walked.

Tail suddenly appeared at her parents’ door. She was walking funny. Between her legs was one of her father's ties. She was dragging it.


Tail came into her bedroom and dropped the tie. Victoria watched her parents’ door with apprehension.

Nothing happened.

Victoria rose and went to the foot of the stairs. Normally by then, her father would tell her to get back to bed.

She scooted down the stairs as fast as she could go and ran to the living room. On the coffee table were three cookies. Her parents had finished their tea. She grabbed the cookies and ran into her father's office to hide. Any moment she expected Mag to appear to clean up the table.

She ate the cookies, giving half of one to Tail as her reward. Tail even licked up the crumbs on the floor. She was just about to run back upstairs when Mag came in and cleared the coffee table. Victoria listened to her in the kitchen. Then she heard the door to the basement open, and the sound of one person going down the stairs. The house grew very quiet.

“Everyone is in bed.’

She looked around with glee.

Tail's tail lashed around.

Victoria tiptoed to the kitchen.


The door to the kitchen was closed, but she pushed her way in. The clock on the stove lit up the kitchen as if a light was on. She had no problem seeing everything. However, all the counters seemed clear. She tiptoed to the refrigerator and pulled as hard as she could. It opened with a shtick sound. She held it open while she listened. There were no sounds from upstairs and nothing from downstairs.

She opened the door all the way before she looked in. The black tea was up on the top shelf. She climbed in, but was unable to reach it.


She trotted over to her chair in the kitchen. Carefully, she picked it up and carried it to the refrigerator. It provided the extra height she needed. She lifted out the pitcher. It had a top on it, but it popped off. She drank right out of the pitcher.


She poured some on the floor for Tail to lick up.

The pitcher hadn't been full, but it was almost empty when she could drink no more. She put the pitcher back, returned her chair, then closed the refrigerator.

Tail was now walking along the counter tops.

“Let's go.’

She pushed her way out through the kitchen door, making sure Tail followed. They trotted up the stairs together. At the top of the stairs, she stopped. Having drunk all that tea, she now had to pee. Which bathroom? She couldn't remember which bathroom had her stool to reach the toilet. Someone usually helped her.


She trotted to Tail’s room. The toilet looked imposing.

“Ill use your litter box."

"You haven't seen one of my ties around, have you?’ Uri said.

He was looking around the bedroom.

“No. I still haven't found that necklace. So, now you're missing a tie?"

“I thought I set it on the chair last night to wear today.’

I haven't seen it. Pick another.’

Natalia looked through the top drawers of her dresser in case the necklace had dropped in accidentally. She heard Victoria scoot down the stairs and Zena come up the stairs

Uri was now putting on another tie. He looked perturbed.

It'll turn up,’ she said.

She waited until he was finished before they walked out of the room together.

"You either have a leak in that bathroom or that kitten does, Zena said, coming from the guest bedroom.

She was carrying a plastic bag that looked to be full of litter.

Natalia knew that Mag still wouldn't go near the kitten’s room, so Zena had gotten the permanent job of scooping the litter box.

“There was a lot of liquid in the litter box,’ Zena said.

“It must be drinking a lot," Natalia said.

“The water bowl looked hardly used."

Natalia thought they all looked perturbed while they went down the stairs. Victoria was running around the sofa chasing Tail or Tail was chasing her. It was difficult to tell.

I'm going out to lunch with Lisa today,’ she said when they settled at the dining room table.

Uri helped Victoria up into her seat.

"You just had lunch with her the other day.

“She has a blouse finished already.’

“Oh, yeah."

Natalia watched Victoria stuff egg into her mouth.

“Shouldn't she be using a spoon or a fork?’

Uri shrugged.

I'm not cleaning up after her.’

Natalia heard a chuckle in the kitchen. She figured it was Zena because since she cooked, Mag had to clean up.

Victoria. Spoon. Please.’

“Tail doesn't use a spoon.’

'You are not a cat.’

Mag came out to pick up a spoon by Victoria's plate and hand it to her.

“Spoon,’ Natalia said. “I'm sure Becky knows how to use a spoon.’

She watched Victoria reluctantly scoop up egg with her spoon.

“I'm sure Becky is teaching her a lot of things,” Uri said.

Breakfast, as usual during the week, was fast.

I'm glad you have lunch for the day planned,” Uri said while they were in the limo heading to work. I'm looking at a very busy day.’

“Between Tyrone and Ursula, I'm busy and rarely alone.’

"Yeah, that,” he said. “I haven't heard much of what they are finding.’

I'm being extra careful,’ she said.

Despite leaving at their normal time, traffic was extra thick and they were late.

“See you tonight,” he said, giving her a quick cheek rub before exiting the limo.

They both hurried to the doors. He headed for the elevators. She headed for the stairs. Ursula met her on the second floor and walked up with her.

“Sorry, I'm late. Traffic was terrible.”

“Damn, Moralis. He had the traffic planners messing with the timing of the street stop and go lights. It definitely didn't help.”

They reached her floor. Tyrone was waiting for her.

“Have a good day, Nattie.”

“Thanks, Ursula. Good morning, Tyrone. What's up for the day.”

They walked together to her office.

"Actually, things are going better. I want your ladies to walk through a few things with the new system and see what they can break.”

“Some of them are good at breaking things,” she said in serious voice.

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