Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 100

Natalia strained her neck as she looked up. They were standing in a crowd so tight that everyone was touching. There was a constant gentle jostling of bodies.

This would look neat from the roof,’ she said, thinking she wouldn't have to bend her neck so much.

“They need the roofs to do the show. No one can be up there,’ Uri said.

The display was brilliant, colorful, and silent, except for a hushed whooshing sound coming from the roof tops. Some of the bright displays of color ended with silver confetti raining down on them. “This is going to be a mess to cleanup,’ she whispered to him.

Someone put a hand on her ass.

“First rain dissolves it,” he said, staring straight up.

Someone breathed down her neck. She knew to ignore it, but it was hard to. Especially when the person put a hand around her waist. And kissed the back of her neck. She recognized the scent of the man and thought he was rather brazen for doing this with Uri standing right beside her.

He pulled her back a half step, then rubbed a cheek against hers.

She leaned forward away from him and his arm slid away. His scent lingered only because he had rubbed her cheek. She knew he was gone. More confetti rained down on her.

While she was amazed at the silent firework display overhead, she was finding the colors and glowing areas on the people around her to be just as spectacular. Every night of Festival seemed just as phenomenal as the night before. Whenever she thought the performers, body art, or scents could not be any more elaborate, someone proved her wrong.

There were some oohs and ahs. She looked up to see dancing lights cross the sky. Even the fireworks were getting better and better. She still couldn't figure out why they were silent. On every roof top that she saw, a dozen men surrounded what looked like a machine gun. She knew they weren't. The whooshing sound was the guns firing whatever it was that was making the light display.

She felt a mist, but couldn't tell if there was a cloud in the sky.


“Spray from the guns,’ Uri said. “Shhh.’

The grand finale ended brilliantly with more confetti and mist. Natalia felt like she was in a mythical land of wizards. Everything felt so phantasmagorical. Even the bodies surrounding her didn't feel real, especially now. Everyone was synced together in a sway, until the last of the confetti and mist ended.

“Sunrise in thirty minutes,’ a soft voice said over loud speakers.

'End of Festival,” Uri said, moving forward with the crowd.

Natalia felt like they weren't making any progress even though her feet were moving. If she watched a building, she could see their slow progress.

That front window of the building on my street looked clean tonight,” she said.

I had someone interested in it as a store front, but they decided on another location. I had the front area cleaned up.’

“That would make a good store front.’

"Yes, it would."

It was taking a long time to reach the gates.

“We may be exposing ourselves if we don't get to the limo in time,” Uri said.

The gates still seemed some distance away. The crowd seemed just as dense, but the pace was quickening.


Natalia swung her head in the direction of the call, but Uri was already dragging her in that direction. After a few moments of sliding around bodies and feeling more hands across her ass, she spied Zena in a clear area.

“Here are your clothes.’

Natalia didn’t need any encouragement to slip on her dress. Everyone now seemed frantic to clothe themselves

As soon as they had slipped their clothes on, they took off at a trot through the thinning crowd. Moralis was already directing people at the warehouse.

“Can you take some riders?’ he said to Uri.

"Zena?" Uri said, looking in her direction.

“Two can ride up front and all you can stuff in the back,’ she said.

“We have room for four on seats and whoever wants to sit on the floor,” he said.

“I'll fill you up,’ Moralis said.

Natalia now realized that every car she saw was packed with as many people it could hold.

“I guess this is a mass exodus nightmare,’ she said.

“Transportation logistic nightmare,’ Uri said.

They slid into the limo, but Uri left the door open. Zena opened all the other doors. People were piling in. Nadine managed to get the last seat while others sat on the floor. Harold sat on Nadine's lap.

“Take a nap,’ Uri said. “We have some deliveries to make.

“We'll be late for work,” she said.

“We'll be on time.’

As soon as the limo couldn't hold another person, the doors were shut. Natalia expected them to have to wait awhile because the exit to the warehouse had been crowded when they had walked through, but only five minutes passed before the limo moved.

However, the air in the limo was already heating up with all the bodies. People by windows cracked them open to allow fresh air in.

Natalia leaned against Uri. She was tired, but she expected the chatter of the people around her to keep her awake. However, the Viperian language tended to be monotone and it lulled her to sleep. “We're home,” Uri said, poking her in the side.

She opened her eyes to see only Harold and Nadine sitting opposite of them. The sun was up. “What time is it?"

“Enough time to shower, dress, and breakfast on the run,’ he said.

The limo door opened and he pulled her out. Harold and Nadine followed. Bonnie opened the door for them.

The girls aren't even up yet,’ Bonnie said.

Il go up and wake them,’ Natalia said.

She trotted up the stairs. Both girls looked to be sound asleep on the bed. They were sleeping right next to each other, holding hands.

“Victoria. Becky. Time to get up.”

Becky woke first. Natalia figured it was because a different voice was waking her rather than her parents. Becky yawned and stretched.


Victoria stirred, looking sleepy.

Natalia figured they had been up playing all night.

"You can stay in bed, Victoria. Your parents are waiting, Becky.’

Natalia ushered her down.

“Thank you," Uri said.

“No problem,” Harold said.

Nadine picked up Becky and they left back out the front to their car.

“Any issues, Bonnie?”

Bonnie shrugged.

“We had two Undent teens try to break in. Police actually just picked them up an hour ago. Seems the police were quite busy last night.’

“I actually meant with the girls, but I'm startled to hear about the teens,” Natalia said.

“The girls decided to venture outside last night, but they locked themselves out and went around front which triggered the alarm. I watched them, but then saw the teens. Everything worked out. How was the last night of Festival?’

“They had the guns out,’ Uri said.

“I sat up on the roof. I could see the display from here,’ Bonnie said.

“I thought it was extraordinary,’ Natalia said.

“We have to rush,” Uri said, prodding her.

They both ran upstairs to shower and dress.

Natalia paused by Victoria's room on her way back downstairs. Victoria was still lounging in bed, but she was waving the toy wand around, however Tail was not in sight.

"You be good. Mommy and Daddy have to go to work.’

Natalia leaned in to give her a kiss on her cheek.

“What is on your face?’

Natalia licked a finger to wipe it off.


She felt some apprehension flow through her.’

“Where's Tail?


'Did you eat Tail?"

Victoria shook her head.

Tail," Natalia called.

She walked rapidly to the guest bathroom. Tail was scratching around in her litter box. Natalia let out a sigh of relief.


Natalia hurried to the top of the stairs.

Mag appeared.

“Why is there blood on Victoria?"

Ill bathe her,’ Mag said, coming up the stairs.

“I want to know why there is blood on Victoria.’

Uri walked past her and grabbed her hand.

“Let's go,” he said.

He pulled her down the stairs.

“Why is there..."

“Is Tail still around?" he said, interrupting her.

"Yes, I saw her.’

“Then everything is fine, he said.

Bonnie handed them mugs of tea and a sack with breakfast sandwiches.

“They went hunting,’ Bonnie said in explanation.

“What did they catch?” Uri said.

“The hide was rabbit.’

“Oh, I should have known. Becky is a rabbit hunter. Let's go.’

He pulled Natalia out the door to the limo.


"What do you have going on at work today?” he said, switching languages.


She hated it when he tried to distract her.

“Drink your tea. Eat your sandwich, then ask me,” he said.

“I'm not going to get used to having blood on my child.”

“Tail is still alive. All is well. Nothing to worry about. Normal Viperian behavior.”

“But they were outside roaming around with no-good Undent teens.”

“The children would have heard them long before the teens saw them. I know they would have hid since being outside without an adult was a nono.”

“And Bonnie didn't catch it?”

“She did catch it. No harm was done. Eat.”

Natalia sipped her tea.

Uri smiled.

“You are loving this,” she said.

“We have a wonderful daughter,” he said. “She is so... normal.”

“My normal is still a little different from yours,” she said.


She took a bite of the breakfast sandwich.

"Tia taking you to Women's meeting tonight?”

She eyed him while she chewed. He poked her as if he was getting her attention like she hadn't heard him.

“You ask me when my mouth is full. I'm tired and cranky.”


“Tia is taking the afternoon off. I'm catching a ride with Ursula. Bonnie will take you home.”

He smiled.

“You're lovely when you're tired and cranky.”

She glared at him and took another bite.

Traffic was heavy and slow.

“We're late,” Natalia said.

“Exactly eight o'clock. Just on time,” he said, opening the door before Bonnie could.

“Thanks, Bonnie,’ Natalia said, getting dragged along by Uri.

He was walking fast.

“I'm taking the stairs with you,” he said.

The area in front of the elevators was packed. The reason why was apparent when they passed, heading to the stairs. One of the elevators was out of service.

“Twenty-four floors. That is a long way to go,” she said.

“I'm stopping on the twelfth,” he said.

They went up fast. There were others taking the stairs with them. Natalia noted they were all Viperian. However, it was still fifteen minutes past the hour when she reached her office. “Morning, Nattie,” Tonya said.

She was one of the more easy going ladies.

“Morning. What a great day to have one of the elevators not working.”

Everyone nodded that they had to wait.

“Tyrone is already in your office,” Tonya said.


“Morning, Nattie,” Tyrone said when she entered

“There's a cup of tea for you. We've got some work to do.”

From that point, the day flew. She hardly remembered how many cups of tea she drank or how many trips to the restroom. She didn’t even remember eating lunch, but vaguely remembered a sack lunch being delivered

Tyrone was gone. So were all the ladies who worked for her since it was well past five. She was on her way back from the restroom when Ursula met her in the hall.

"Ready to go?”

“Let me change shoes and get my satchel,” Natalia said.

She left Ursula in the hall. It didn't take her long before she rejoined her.

"Elevator fixed yet?”

“No. It was only supposed to be a maintenance check, but they found some worn parts that they decided needed to be changed out. And, of course, they are items that aren't in stock.”

“Let's take the stairs.”

Natalia was surprised to find the stairwell wasn't empty.

“No one wants to wait for the elevator,’ Ursula said.

The trip down was quick. They walked out the front and across the street to the parking garage. Ursula drove a small black sports car. This was the first time that Natalia had ridden with her.

“I don't know how you can do four nights of Festival and still work. I'm exhausted.’

“A Viperian challenge,” Ursula said with a laugh. “It's only four nights of the year. So, how did you like it?”

“It was magical.’

“I think the new location worked well. Usually, it's really cramped and crowded.

"You didn’t think that was cramped and crowded? It was often elbow-to-elbow.’

“Attendance at the old site was usually five to six thousand per night because of the location size limits. People would go one night, not all four, and it was by lotto to even out the numbers. This time, there was no lotto except for parking. Peak attendance was over twenty thousand, and that was for the last night.”


“They'll have to tweak the transportation issues."

They pulled through the gates of Viperia. When they pulled up to the Women's Center, Ursula had to park on the street. The lot was full.

“Good attendance,’ Ursula said.

I would have thought everyone would be too tired."

Ursula laughed.


Natalia had to go through the ritual of finding all the other Councilwomen. They had a fifteen minute discussion about issues before they filtered out to meet and talk with everyone.

Everyone asked her how she liked her first Festival. No one looked tired even though she knew most of them were at the Festival last night.

“I thought it was amazing,’ she said while talking with Corean amid a group of women.

Mina strolled over.

“They did an exceptional job,’ Corean said. “Issues were limited.’

“I saw the notice,’ Natalia said. “Only one invasion by Undent teens, the one fight, and the one knife fight. And I have to praise Tessa on her decision. Even in my world, that was a very adult decision.’ Everyone nodded.

“She's happy with the results,’ Corean said. “She asked my advice on it, and I told her to go ahead with the challenge. Those other two weren't getting the message that she wasn't interested in them. I think they got the message finally."

“Hell was sure cleaned up nice,’ Natalia said.

“I think everyone was so happy to have such a nice area for Festival that troublemakers even decided to curb their fun. And Uri's now got you."

Natalia laughed. She knew her presence did little in slowing down his troublemaking. He was just getting wiser and better at pulling things off.

“How is Mina tonight?’ Natalia said, shifting to include her in the group.

“Perturbed,” she said.

Everyone, but Corean moved off. No one seemed to like Mina when she was in a mood.

"You didn't like Festival?’

“I loved Festival. That's not why I'm perturbed.’

“What gives?’

“My tailor is going out of business. The one who sews all my sheaths. Tailors who do that are so hard to find.’

"You should use ours.’

Mina gave her an eye. Natalia wasn't quite sure of her meaning until Mina continued.

“We use the same tailor. That was the errand I had to run when I took you to work the other day. I went over there and found her closing up shop. I have Moralis to thank for that."

“What did Moralis do?’ Corean said.

“He's trying to clean up the city. Well, the landlords in that area are being pushed. Their response is to evict anyone who doesn’t have a pretty store front. You've seen her place. It's too small."

"Yeah, crammed to the ceiling with stuff. She needs more room to spread out,’ Natalia said.

“And having a one table soup kitchen in the back didn’t help her either. With no operating license.’ “Damn. That's going to affect us, too.’

“No, shit, Mina said. “I only know of one other tailor and he charges a mint to sew sheaths and takes weeks to do it

I remember her doing one outfit over a lunch time,’ Natalia said.

“She's fast. Half blind, but wicked with a needle and thread. She'll be hard to replace.”

“I'll have to tell Uri. I know he still carries, but I think it's more out of habit than need.’

“And you?"

I'm a woman. I always need to protect myself. Hey, what were those knives I saw Tessa and her sisters using?’

'You mean these?’

Mina raised a hand and flexed her fingers. Knife points shot out of the glove that Natalia could now see that she was wearing. There was a knife point over each finger nail. They were ultra thin and looked deadly sharp.

“New development,’ Mina said. “Ladies only."

They carried some persuasive weight. Once those men saw those, they backed down,” Natalia said. “They would have been idiots not to," Mina said.

There seemed to be a wave of women leaving.

“Nine already,’ Corean said. “Have a good night.’

“Good night, Corean,’ Natalia said.

“Nite,” Mina said.

Natalia followed Mina out.

“Uri sent me a text that Bonnie would take me home. I don't see her out here yet.’

Mina seemed to want to wait with her.

“How's Victoria's present?’ she said.

“Still alive and kicking,” Natalia said.

“Amazing that a Uri kid is behaving.’

Natalia laughed.

'I think she likes her pet and is a little protective of it."

Natalia spied the shadow of a figure. A man seemed to be waiting across the street. The parking lot was emptying fast. There was a slight breeze. The scent reached her even from that distance. Natalia turned slightly.

“Mina,’ she said, using a whisper of a voice.


“Who is that man across the street?”

Natalia saw Mina's nostrils flare.

“Smells like Anpu.’

Natalia looked at her.

'Yeah, that's him,” Mina said, looking nonchalant.

“He's a tracked person.’


Natalia rolled her eyes. She wanted a longer answer.

“Who is he?’

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