
Chapter Billionaire 141-150

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Chloe briskly stepped into the elevator, her heart racing with anticipation. Before long, she found herself outside the CEO’s office. The outer office was the secretary’s domain and was usually a hive of activity, but today, it was even more animated.

Chloe thought she heard Lisa’s voice amidst the commotion but didn’t linger. She headed straight to Connor’s office. Connor was engrossed in his laptop, his expression all business. But the moment he saw Chloe, his eyes brightened noticeably. He stood up, walked over, and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning in for a kiss. His voice was tinged with joy and surprise. “What brings you here?”

Chloe grinned, “Just here to mooch some lunch.”

Connor pretended to be offended. “Couldn’t you say you missed me?”

“Fine, I missed you,” she teased.

“Humph, you’re just humoring me!” Connor pouted.

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Connor!” she mock–scolded.

Connor quickly relented, “Just kidding. You graced me with your presence, and I’d be a fool not to cherish it.” He kissed her gently on the lips again. “Give me a few minutes. I’m almost done.”

That was when Chloe realized Connor was in the middle of a video conference. Had their playful exchange been overheard? The thought was mortifying, but her embarrassment was fleeting. She composed herself and took a seat on the sofa to wait for Connor.

Today’s video conference was a massive company–wide meeting. On the other end, nearly ten thousand employees from Sartori Corporation were connected. The sudden departure of their CEO had caused quite a stir, and everyone had heard the interaction clearly. The rumors about the CEO’s girlfriend seemed true.

It wasn’t surprising for Connor to have a girlfriend, but the usually icy and ruthless Mr. Connor in such a light was a shock. Was he… being flirty? Connor was known in the business world for his cold demeanor and ruthless decisions, as untouchable as the Moon. Yet here he was, showing a tender, playful, even childish side. The image of the aloof Mr. Connor was completely shattered in the hearts of many.

Five minutes later, Connor closed his laptop. “What do you want for lunch?”

Chloe replied, “Let’s just have the food the cafeteria sent over. I’m not in the mood to go


Connor usually had lunch specially prepared by the company’s cafeteria and delivered by senior staff. Chloe had tried it a few times and found the food exceptionally good, even rivaling Michelin three–star restaurants.


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Connor raised an eyebrow. “That works. If we went out, we wouldn’t have time for a nap.”

From the look on Connor’s face, Chloe knew exactly what he was thinking. Their nights were almost always spent with crazed passion, and Chloe felt she couldn’t keep up. She definitely didn’t want to expend her energy in the middle of the day.

“With so many responsibilities, you shouldn’t indulge too much in pleasures.”

Connor had already approached, lifting Chloe effortlessly. “No worries, your Trophy Boy is young and fit.”

Chloe laughed, “Are you serious? Put me down. I have something important to discuss with you.”

Seeing the serious look on Chloe’s face, Connor set her down. “What is it?”

“We need to visit the Moncada family tonight.”

Connor’s demeanor became more serious, “What for?”

Chloe shared the morning’s events with Connor. “Lucas and I have split up, but Antonio, Tara, and Joshua have treated me like family. They want to thank you for giving the Moncada family the Paradise Resort opportunity. Of course, they also want to meet you.”

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Chapter 142

Connor nodded seriously. “Meeting the parents, huh? Guess I’d better get ready.

Just then, there was a knock on the CEO’s office door.

“Come in.”

Teddy walked in, holding an elegant lunchbox. He set the lunch neatly on the dining table. As he turned to leave, he hesitated and then said, “Sir, there’s something I think you should


Connor responded calmly, “What is it?”

“I’ve fired Lisa, but she’s been making a scene outside all morning, insisting on seeing


Chloe frowned slightly. So, that noise she heard earlier was indeed from Lisa.

A flicker of disgust crossed Connor’s face. “Have security throw her out.”

But Chloe suddenly spoke up, “Wait a minute.”

Connor turned to look at her.

“Let her in,” Chloe continued. Then she looked back at Connor, “There’s a favor I need from you.”

Five minutes later, the office door swung open. Lisa stormed in, her face red with anger. By then, Chloe had retreated to the office lounge. It was just Lisa and Connor in the room. Chloe was about to set the stage for a drama.

Lisa had given up hope, not expecting Connor to actually agree to see her. Deep down, she felt a slight twinge of happiness, but on the surface, she still appeared furious. She marched up to Connor with a self–righteous air

“With regards to yesterday’s incident, I admit I set Chloe up. She had taken my place since we were kids and stolen everything that was mine. I just couldn’t stand her, But I did that alone. My friends were just angry on my behalf and tried to help. Mr. Connor, if you have any issues, take them up with me. Why do you have to make things difficult for them?”

That morning, Lisa had received several calls from her usual entourage–minor actresses and daughters from less influential families. They were all people who used to hang around her. She then learned that these people had run into trouble. Some were being chased by loan sharks for gambling debts, some had their cosmetic surgery photos leaked online, and some had their messy private lives exposed.

If it had been just one person, it might have been overlooked, but all her friends were facing issues. They had all helped corroborate the claim that Chloe pushed Linda the day



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before. It’s easy to connect the dots to Chloe, but Lisa knew Chloe didn’t have the means to orchestrate such actions. It had to be Connor pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Initially, Lisa didn’t want to get involved. After all, she had never considered those people true friends. However, one of them said something that struck a chord with her.

“How could Mr. Connor do this? He’s taken such drastic measures against us just because we supported a claim. It was you who orchestrated the whole thing, yet you’re unscathed?”

That comment sparked a thought in Lisa. Indeed, she was the “mastermind.” However, there was not a single piece of dirt on her online. She knew that Jacob had spent a lot of money to bribe the reporters at the scene the night before, but if Connor made a move to take her down, Jacob would stand no chance.

He only targeted those who had supported her claim without retaliating against her personally. Nor did he make the previous night’s incident widely known. Perhaps he was considering the reputation of the Meadows family. Or perhaps, to him, she was still somewhat special.

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With this new understanding, Lisa suddenly had a lightbulb moment. She stormed into the office with unwavering determination. But when she got there and saw Teddy, she was hit with the bombshell–she’d been fired. She didn’t even get a chance to see Connor.

Frustrated, she caused a scene. Eventually, Connor relented and let her in. Anyone else would’ve been shown the door ages ago, but she clearly held a special place in his heart. Lisa felt this was true.

In terms of looks, education, and demeanor, she might not hold a candle to Chloe. But Lisa had something Chloe didn’t–authenticity and spontaneity. While most high–society girls were raised to be prim and proper, knowing etiquette and modesty, they often ended up being incredibly dull. The wealthy heirs she knew all had polished girlfriends but craved the excitement of a wild and untamed “wildcat” on the side. Lisa understood these men all too well.

Now, she was adding another layer to her persona: the righteous heroine. She knew Connor’s family was a tangled web of deceit, scheming, and power plays, where pure emotions were a rare commodity. These qualities would be invaluable to him.

Sure enough, Connor asked coolly, “Did you come to seek justice for your friends?”

Lisa stood tall, radiating righteousness. “Of course. If you want to take out your anger over Chloe on someone, take it out on me. This was all my doing; my friends had nothing to do with it. I’ll take full responsibility.”

A faint smile played on Connor’s lips, but his eyes remained icy and distant. His words dripped with sarcasm. “Lisa, always the hero at heart.”

But Lisa was lost in her own fantasies, and didn’t catch the irony. Deep down, she even felt a bit proud. Connor was finally seeing her in a new light.

“But if you are so loyal and righteous, how could you abandon the woman who raised you for twenty years? You know she acted in self–defense, but you refused to testify in court and watched her get sentenced to life imprisonment?”

Lisa’s face went pale. She hadn’t expected Connor to bring up Ann. Immediately, she guessed the source–Chloe must’ve tried to ruin her image in Connor’s eyes.

“Did Chloe tell you that? My dear sister really knows how to taint my reputation,” Lisa snapped.

No one knew what really happened that night. Chloe might’ve known a bit, but it was only the tip of the iceberg. Lisa wasn’t afraid.

Connor’s voice remained indifferent it has nothing to do with Chloe. I just happened to come across a video. You might want to see this.”



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He pulled out his phone and played a video. Uneasy, Lisa leaned in to watch. It was from the night John was killed, showing her running from the scene.

Her face turned ashen. “How do you have this video?”

Connor didn’t answer her question. Instead, he said, “The video has a timestamp. You were there at the time of the incident, and neighbors saw John abusing you and your mother. This proves your mother acted in self–defense. Yet, during the police investigation and the trial, you never showed up to defend her. I’m puzzled by this.”

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“Based on my research, Ann might not have had much money, but she treated her daughter like gold. She even managed to send you to one of those fancy private schools,” he said.

Lisa had indeed attended one of Eldridge City’s elite schools. It was there that she first heard the title “King of Eldridge.” Connor had no idea that she had seen him back in high school and had fallen for him the moment she laid eyes on him.

Lisa was momentarily speechless. Unease gnawed at her. No one but Ann knew what really happened that night, and Ann would never spill the beans because she felt too guilty.

Lisa hadn’t testified in court because she didn’t want anyone to know she was raised by a killer. Plus, she hoped Ann would stay locked up forever, which would mean Lisa wouldn’t have to worry anymore.

But now, Connor was mixed up in all this, and he even had evidence placing her at the scene of the crime. If she kept denying it, she’d only paint herself as a heartless, ungrateful daughter who abandoned her foster mother. She couldn’t let Connor think of her that way.

Suddenly, Lisa crouched down, covered her face, and started to sob. “It’s true, I was there that night. It’s not that I didn’t want to testify, but my foster mother wouldn’t let me. She said she had done so many wrong things in her life and wanted to spend the rest of it in prison to make up for it. I tried to change her mind so many times, but in the end, I had to respect her choice.”

“I feel awful about it. That night was a nightmare. When I witnessed my foster mother kill


foster father, I was terrified and panicked. She was really good to me. She didn’t want me to get involved, so she told me to leave.

“I’m not ignoring her well–being. I’ve always hoped she could get out early, but she thinks her sins are too heavy for her to deserve freedom.

“My foster father was a monster, always hitting me and yelling. My foster mother was the one who protected me. She truly cared for me.

By the end, Lisa was crying hard. Her last words had a ring of genuine emotion. Ann had been good to her, even spoiled her. Their family was poor, but Ann did everything she could to meet Lisa’s needs, even if it meant buying her expensive shoes.

Still, Lisa believed Ann owed her that much. Ann had switched her with another baby at birth, leaving Lisa to grow up in poverty instead of in the wealth she was born to. Ann felt guilty and regretful about what she’d done. She owed Lisa the best.

Now, Lisa was trying to remember every little thing Ann had done for her, just to make her



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tears seem more real.

Connor’s voice was cold. “I see. I almost thought you were trying to distance yourself from your foster mother to save your own reputation.”

Lisa quickly retorted, “I’m not that kind of person. I stay out of the feud between my mother and my foster mother. My foster mother was good to me. If she could get out, I’d definitely take care of her in her old age.”

Connor jumped in, “If that’s so, then I suppose you would be willing to go to the appellate court to clear your foster mother’s name.”

Lisa was stunned. Appeal for Ann? Clear her name? Wouldn’t that expose her as the daughter of a murderer? Besides, Leah hated Ann. If Lisa went to appeal for Ann, Leah would lose it. But most importantly, Lisa couldn’t fathom why Connor cared so much about Ann’s case.

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Lisa wiped away her tears and hesitantly asked, “Mr. Connor, why are you so concerned

foster mother’s case?”

about my

Was it because of Chloe? Did Chloe want Ann to be released?

Lisa felt that seemed unlikely. Chloe had barely seen Ann. They hadn’t even had a chance to meet. How could there be any feelings between them? Besides, Chloe must resent Ann, too. Because of Ann, Chloe had suffered a lot, bearing the stigma of being the daughter of a convicted murderer and facing constant criticism. She surely wouldn’t want any association with Ann.

Connor’s expression remained indifferent. “Your foster mother worked for three years as a live–in housekeeper for the Gilbert family in Eldridge City. They had a good relationship with her and wanted to help. I have some connections with the Gilberts and am acting on their request.”

Ann had indeed worked as a housekeeper to make ends meet, and her best employment was with the Gilberts in Eldridge City. Lisa recalled that this was around the time she was about to start high school. Due to John’s frequent domestic violence, Ann always kept her close. They moved to Eldridge City, but Lisa could only attend a private school without proper local registration. The Gilbert family helped her with the transfer procedure. The high salary Ann earned from them also allowed Lisa to attend that prestigious school. However, in her senior year, she got into trouble and returned to Riverbrook in disgrace. Ann had to resign and follow her back.

So that was the reason for Connor’s questioning. She could deal with this as long as it

wasn’t because of Chloe.

Lisa said, “But appealing and overturning a case is easier said than done.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll pave the way for you,” Connor assured her.

Lisa felt a wave of relief. “This has always been my biggest regret. I’m deeply grateful that you’re willing to help me address this. In fact, even if you hadn’t mentioned it, I was preparing to appeal on her behalf. It is a difficult process, but now, with your help, I feel


Lisa decided to appeal for Ann. Of course, this was after weighing the pros and cons. There were downsides, like displeasing Leah and exposing her past, which could lead to ridicule. But now, she didn’t care about those things.

This situation would bind her and Connor together. They had a common goal, and during this time, they would discuss and deliberate over the case, move forward together, and might even live and eat together, which would definitely advance their relationship. Moreover, she could improve her image in Connor’s eyes. Even if Ann were released, it wouldn’t have much to do with heroing forward. Chloe was Ann’s biological daughter,


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and Ann would become Chloe’s responsibility. This would create a big problem for Chloe. Why not do it? As for Leah, an apology or a tearful plea might just solve the issue.

Lisa was in a good mood. She had originally wanted to make her presence felt around Connor and hadn’t expected this additional gain. Seizing the moment, she said, “It’s already noon. Let’s grab lunch together. It’s a good opportunity for us to continue discussing this case.”

When Lisa came in, she had noticed the untouched food on the table. It looked like it hadn’t been touched. She also noticed there were two sets of cutlery on the table. By suggesting this, would Connor invite her to stay for lunch?

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Connor, however, said, “The appeal can wait. It’s getting late. Lisa, you should head back.”

He pointed towards the door, clearly hinting that it was time for her to leave.

Lisa’s eyes showed a flicker of disappointment, but she knew that things with Connor couldn’t be rushed. After all, Chloe was still in the picture.

Lisa was determined. She believed that, given time, she could win Connor over.

Once Lisa left, Chloe emerged from the bedroom. She sat down at the dining table and sighed softly. “Using your beauty to get what you want works every time, doesn’t it?”

Connor walked over, slightly annoyed. “Don’t you think you owe me some compensation for emotional distress?”

Chloe laughed, “You sound as if I made you sell yourself.”

Connor cracked a smile.

They both sat down to lunch, chatting casually.

*Lisa really embarrassed the Meadows family last night, and Jacob is not happy. Her only ally is Leah. If she actually goes through with Ann’s appeal, it would be like stabbing Leah in the back. This move to drive a wedge between Lisa and Leah is pretty clever.”

Connor looked into Chloe’s eyes. “Remind me never to get on your bad side; you really know how to hold a grudge.”

Connor realized this was a strategy to pit Lisa against Leah.

Lisa wasn’t stupid; she knew that appealing on Ann’s behalf would certainly anger Leah. However, Chloe had seen her greed and obsession with Connor, and she used it against her, making her lose her cool.

Chloe playfully hooked Connor’s chin with her finger. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t use that trick on you.”

He suddenly grabbed Chloe’s hand and kissed it gently. “Your beauty is more than enough for me. It’s the only trick I fall for.

After lunch, Chloe ended up taking a nap there. There wasn’t even time for a nap, really. Her Trophy Boy had the energy of youth.

At two o’clock, she had a quick shower and changed into a new outfit from the boutique. Chloe then headed to the TV station.

The prime–time news was live, and she didn’t leave the TV station until seven–thirty.

Connor’s car was already waiting at the entrance. Chloe opened the door and slid into the


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passenger seat.

Fifteen minutes later, they pulled into the courtyard of the Moncada family’s villa.

Upon getting out, Connor didn’t head straight in but opened the trunk instead. He pulled out a bunch of stuff.

Chloe looked surprised. “What are you up to?”

Connor replied, “You can’t show up empty–handed when meeting the parents for the first


Chloe chuckled.

Did he really think this visit was like meeting the parents? Had he forgotten this place used to be considered her in–laws‘ place?

But Chloe said nothing and helped carry the items inside.

Tara saw their car coming and hurried over. “Chloe, you’re finally here.”

Chloe greeted her, then she introduced, “This is Connor.”

Tara was all smiles. “I’ve heard of Mr. Connor, but this is our first meeting.”

“Ms. Tara, just call me Connor,” he said, handing over the gifts. “These are ‘Gold Face Masks‘ developed by our company. They rejuvenate the skin, but Ms. Tara, you’re so youthful, you might not even need them.”

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Tara’s heart soared with joy at this single sentence. She’d heard of the Gold Facial Mask before. It was a legendary, world–renowned product from Sartori Corporation’s CNR brand. This wasn’t just any face mask–it was crafted by the world’s top medical experts using cutting–edge technology. It had even anagged a Nobel Prize in Medicine. The materials were so precious that only a limited umber were made each year, exclusively for CNR’s elite VIP clients.

When Leah got her hands on one was thanks to a friend from Eldridge City, she’d flaunted it at afternoon tea, savoring every bit of envy from friends. And now, Connor had given Tara an entire box. Yes, an entire box!

Tara was over the moon, clutching the masks like they were priceless treasures. She was already planning a tea party for tomorrow and was ready to hand out a couple to Leah and Mrs. Chapman.

Tara ushered everyone inside. “You must be hungry. Let’s have dinner first,” she said.

Soon, the whole family was seated. Belle had also come home today, and Connor had gifts for everyone. For Antonio, a tea aficionado, he brought the finest Darjeeling tea. Joshua, a calligraphy buff, got a set of vintage writing instruments, including a rare handmade glass pen. Joshua’s eyes lit up with joy.


Belle watched Connor with eager anticipation “What about me? Did you get me something?”

Connor grinned. “Of course I did. I’ve got tickets to a Juztin Tindell concert for you.”

“Ah!!!!” Belle screamed. Juztin Tindell was not only a Hollywood star but also a music icon and Belle’s idol. His concert tickets were nearly impossible to get. Belle had tried and failed multiple times.

“And they’re VIP tickets! You’re the best brother–in–law. I love you so much!” Belle exclaimed.

Connor blinked in surprise. “What did you call me?”

Belle, ever the outspoken one, said, “You’re my sister’s boyfriend. What’s wrong with calling you brother–in–law?”

Belle was well aware of the family dynamics. Just yesterday, their mother had declared that Chloe was now her sister, not just a sister–in–law. Belle had always been closer with Chloe than her actual brother, Lucas.

Tara felt a twinge of anxiety. Belle was always so blunt. Even though Chloe and Connor were dating, calling him “brother–in–law” might come off as too forward. It could make Connor think Chloe was pushing for a formal title. But then, Connor’s face softened, clearly in a great mood. “I’ll forward Juztin’s contact to you later.”



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They enjoyed their dinner immensely. The atmosphere was warm and peaceful. That was until Lucas came back home.

When Lucas returned, slightly drunk, he stumbled into a lively scene at the dining table. Everyone was enjoying dinner, chatting and laughing heartily. To his shock, Chloe was there too. The moment he saw her, his heart felt like it was being squeezed, making it hard to breathe.

He hadn’t gone to the office that day. His phone had been off all day. Instead, he’d been at a bar owned by Wyatt, spilling all his troubles. Wyatt hadn’t held back, “You grew up with Chloe, and you still don’t know her character? You let some random woman mess with your head, and now you doubt her love for you Serves you right, doesn’t it?”

“Alex was the densest guy in our group, and even he could see through Linda. She’s manipulative, and you, head over heels, thought she was the most innocent girl alive,”

“Now Linda’s pregnant. How are you going to fix things with a kid in the picture?”

Lucas couldn’t listen anymore. He turned his phone back on, only to find countless missed calls, all from Linda. He was full of resentment towards her and didn’t want to deal with her. But aside from Linda, it seemed no one else cared about him. That was when he decided to come home, onlydo walk in on this scene.

It wasn’t just Chloe; Connor was there, too, chatting and laughing with Joshua, Joshua watched him with approval and admiration, like he was his own grandson. His parents felt the same way. Belle was busy with her phone when she suddenly exclaimed, “Connor, he friended me! You’re amazing. You’re really the best brother–in–law.”

Hearing the term “brother–in–law,” Lucas felt his blood boil. His fingers clenched, veins bulging on the back of his hand. “Belle, who are you calling brother–in–law?”

His cold voice from the doorway shattered the lively atmosphere in the dining room. Everyone turned to see Lucas standing there, looking stern. Usually, he was the epitome of grace and elegance, a refined gentleman. But now, his eyes were red, his beard. unkempt, disheveled, reeking of alcohol, and looking utterly dejected.

Tara stood up. Seeing Lucas like this, she felt both angry and heartbroken. After all, he was her son. She approached him, asking with concern, “Why are you back here?”

Belle, ever so blunt, said, “Yeah, bro, isn’t this kind of awkward for you?”

Lucas rarely returned to the family home. He had been living separately with Linda.

His anger was evident. “Do I need to report to you before coming back to my own house? Belle, are you really my sister?”

Belle pouted, staying silent. Joshua turned around, his tone cold, “How long has it been


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since you’ve been home? Belle comes home from school more often than you.”

Lucas‘ fingers clenched tighter, his shoulders trembling slightly. Tara, heart aching, said, “Look at yourself. You’re a mess. We have guests over. Go take a shower and change your clothes before coming back down.”

Even though Lucas had been drinking, he was surprisingly clear–headed now. Connor was impeccably dressed in a white shirt that seemed to radiate an untouchable aura, and he was looking at him. His gaze was calm and indifferent. Even though Lucas was standing and Connor was sitting, when their eyes met, Lucas felt an overwhelming sense of being looked down upon.

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Lucas couldn’t stand the feeling gnawing at him. He turned on his heel, left the dining room, and headed to his room. When he came back downstairs, he’d showered, changed into fresh clothes, and looked impeccably neat. The shadows of gloom and deep fatigue still lingered in his eyes.

The housekeeper had already set his place at the table, but Connor took his usual seat. Left with no choice, Lucas sat at the very edge of the table, feeling a mix of emotions he couldn’t quite describe.

Since Lucas had returned, the once light–hearted and cheerful atmosphere had

evaporated. Belle had already slipped away, retreating to her room to text and chat with Juztin.

Joshua was the first to break the silence. “Lucas, as you may know, Mr. Connor has awarded the Paradise Resort project to Leading Heights. It’s a golden opportunity for Moncada International, which has been struggling with losses for years, to turn things around. Tonight’s dinner is to thank Mr. Connor properly.”

Connor chimed in, “Joshua, you’re too kind. Sartori Corporation values the strength and quality standards of Leading Heights. This is a win–win partnership.”

Everyone knew that was just the polite thing to say. There were plenty of firms more capable than Leading Heights. Connor’s choice was clearly influenced by personal reasons–most likely Chloe.

Lucas knew it, too. Sartori Corporation hadn’t even considered Leading Heights until Chloe met with Connor. The very next day, Moncada International received the tender documents. Lucas used to think it was his sincerity that had swayed Connor. Now, it was clear it was Chloe.

Had something started between them back then? The thought made Lucas both bitter and furious.

Out of the blue, he blurted, “Moncada International is in a tough spot, but we’re not so desperate that we need to marry off our women to secure deals.”

The room went dead silent. Everyone understood the implication. Lucas was accusing the family of using Chloe’s charm to win the project.

Joshua’s face flushed with anger, and he slammed his hand on the table. “What did you just say?”

Lucas couldn’t shake the image of everyone enjoying themselves earlier. They all knew Chloe had been his wife, even if only in the past. But now, for Moncada International’s sake, they were ready to offer her up without a second thought. Did they care about his feelings at all?




“Am I wrong?” Lucas shot back. “Chloe is my wife, yet here she is, flattering this man for the Moncada family’s benefit. If our family’s future hinges on using my wife, then I want no part of it.”

The room was stunned into silence. Even Tara looked ashamed. How could he say such. things?

Before anyone else could respond, Chloe spoke up. “Lucas, how dare you?”

Their eyes locked. Chloe was dressed casually today in a yellow floral maxi dress. Her hair fell in loose, natural curls over her shoulders. She wore minimal makeup–just a touch of blush and lipstick–but her eyes, naturally captivating, drew him in with every glance.

Lucas‘ heart ached.

“I am not your wife nor your woman, and I am certainly not a commodity to be traded for benefits,” Chloe said, her voice steady and strong.

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Chloe scoffed, “Oh really? Are you also blind, Lucas? Can’t you tell the difference between genuine love and just playing along?”

Lucas was stunned into silence, but he still couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that Chloe could fall for Connor in just a month.

Even Tara had had enough. She spoke up, irritation evident in her voice, “Lucas, you’re my son, but I can’t side with you on this. You’ve chosen Linda Did you really expect Chloe to sit around waiting for you forever?”

“I know what happened yesterday. You were right there, yet you let the Meadows family and Linda bully Chloe. How can you now claim Chloe as your


“If Mr. Connor didn’t step in to protect Chloe, she’d have been treated way worse. Since you don’t value her, there are others who will. Yesterday, I made it clear to everyone, but you weren’t there. Let me say it again.

“From today, Chloe is a daughter of the Moncada family, not a daughter–in–law. I can’t deal with you anymore. Go be with Linda, but don’t stand in Chloe’s way of finding happiness, or I won’t recognize you as my son.”

Tara cared about her son but was also deeply frustrated by his lack of action. In her heart, Lucas was her child, but so was Chloe. Maybe because Chloe was a girl, she’d always had a soft spot for her.

The two of them, once childhood sweethearts, now seemed like strangers, and it broke

her heart.

After everything that had happened this past month, Tara knew Lucas and Chloe’s reconciling was impossible. She couldn’t let Lucas hold Chloe back any longer.

Lucas felt a deep bitterness well up inside him. Despite being his family, they’d always, without fail, sided with Chloe in every conflict since they were kids.

Sometimes, he even wondered if he was adopted.

Maybe it was this feeling that planted a seed of jealousy he felt towards Chloe from a young age. That seed grew into the misunderstanding and fallout between them. These were thoughts he could never voice.

Lucas hung his head. “Mom, Linda and I have broken up.”

His words plunged the room into silence.

Though he spoke to Tara, Lucas glanced at Chloe out of the corner of his eye. To his disappointment, Chloe’s face showed no emotion–no surprise, no shock, not even a



glance in his direction, not even a from

Tara, on the other hand, was utterly stocked. She fought that the incident with Linda framing Chice had finally made him see the light

You and Linda are really over?

Lucas nodded, Tve seen her true colors

In reality, they hadhi’t officially broken up yet, but at this point, Lucas knew it was inevitable.

“What about the child? What about the baby Linda is carrying?

Lucas hesitated. “The child well need to figure that out” He hadn’t even begun to consider the child.

Connor suddenly chuckled, “Looks like you haven’t sorted everything out yet but are quick to announce his breakup in front of his ex to make your stance clear. Are you hoping to patch things up and get back together?“

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