
Chapter Billionaire 131-140

Chapter 131

The dance floor slowly cleared as everyone paused to watch Chloe and Connor move together. They spun and leaped at the center, their movements a mix of fiery passion and smooth elegance. Chloe looked absolutely stunning in her red

dress, its hem swirling around like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Together, they were a sight to behold–Chloe, radiantly beautiful, and Connor,

devastatingly handsome. Their brilliance outshone everything, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Even the envious socialites couldn’t help but admit it: these two were made for each other.

Lucas found himself blending into the crowd without realizing it. Watching Chloe and Connor dance so closely, he felt a pang of indescribable bitterness. He wanted to rush over and pull them apart, but his courage failed him at that moment.

As the dance ended, the ballroom erupted in applause. Connor took Chloe’s hand and led her to the center stage. He addressed the crowd, “Today is my girlfriend Chloe’s birthday. Anyone who offers her a birthday wish will become a lifetime member of Cloud Top and enjoy all the VIP perks.”

The crowd went wild. Cloud Top was the most exclusive restaurant in Riverbrook, nearly impossible to get into. Typically, reservations needed to be made half a month in advance, but VIP members could visit anytime and enjoy a slew of benefits. Despite the steep annual fees, Riverbrook’s elite clamored for access, especially since Cloud Top had stopped accepting new members last year.

People eagerly began showering Chloe with birthday wishes.

“Happy birthday, Ms. Chloe May all your dreams come true.”

“Best wishes, Ms. Chloe! May you be successful and forever young.”

“I wish Ms. Chloe and Mr. Connor a long, happy life together filled with children!”

That last wish was from Zachary, the youngest son of the Matuch family, and he had everyone laughing. Someone quipped, “Mr. Zachary that sounded more like a wedding wish than a birthday wish. Maybe you should hit the books more often.”

As everyone chuckled at Zachary’s expense, Connor spoke up, “Please leave your address, Mr. Zachary. I have a small gift for you.”

The crowd was stunned. Was Connor offering a personal gift? They quickly realized Zachary’s words had resonated with Connor. That was exactly what he wanted to hear!

Following that, everyone began to chime in.

“I wish Ms. Chloe and Mr. Connor eternal love and harmony!”

“May you both weather all storms and bask in love forever.”



“May Mr. Connor and his beloved wife hold hands and grow old together, surrounded by children and grandchildren, and be prosperous and honored.”

Chloe found the increasingly elaborate titles and blessings amusing. But no matter how over–the–top the wishes got, the lively atmosphere lifted her spirits, dispelling the sadness and disappointment she felt tonight. Jacob’s actions and Leah’s cold indifference had shattered her last hopes for family ties. From this night on, she would have nothing to do with the Meadows family.

In the middle of the celebration, a loud explosion pierced the night sky. A massive firework burst into the darkness like a summer rose in full bloom. Its fiery red glow warmed hearts before cascading down like a waterfall, lighting up the entire sky as if it were ablaze.

Chapter 132

As more red fireworks shot up into the sky, they burst into a dazzling display, layer upon layer, as if competing with each other to be the most spectacular. When they started to fall, they looked like strings of twinkling red lanterns, swaying gracefully in the air–a mesmerizing sight.

The crowd around them began to scatter, their attention drawn to the display. The entire banquet hall was encased in transparent floor–to–ceiling glass, and even the roof was a single pane of glass that formed a dome. Bright red fireworks lit up the sky above them, unrestrained and breathtaking.

These fireworks were different from the usual ones; they were a single, fiery color, but their beauty was indescribable.

“It’s the Heart of the Rose!” someone shouted.

Heart of the Rose was the name of these unique fireworks. Their fiery red color made them unmistakable. Many had heard of them but had never seen them in person. Rumor had it that three years ago, at Pearl Square in Eldridge, there had been a two–hour display of the Heart of the Rose. Apparently, the cost of these fireworks was calculated by the second. That epic display supposedly cost two hundred million dollars, earning it a spot among the top ten legendary events of the past thirty years. However, no one knew who had orchestrated that magnificent show.

Everyone was captivated by the visual feast and gathered around the dome glass to marvel at the spectacle outside. Meanwhile, Connor took Chloe’s hand and led her out through a side door. They quickly entered an elevator.

“Where are you taking me? Chloe suddenly asked.

Connor draped an arm around her shoulders. “You’ll see when we get there.”

The elevator soon arrived, opening to reveal an open–air platform. It wasn’t large and looked utterly barren, like a deserted place. But then…

As the sound of explosions filled the night sky, fireworks burst into view right before their eyes. Chloe finally understood that this was the perfect spot to watch the fireworks. The breathtaking display was so close it felt like she could reach out and pluck a firework from the sky. The unobstructed view made her blood pulse with excitement.

“It’s so beautiful!” Chloe exclaimed, unable to contain her awe.

Chapter 133

Chloe laughed, her joy bubbling over. “So, today, you declared me your girlfriend, Mr. Connor. Guess we’ll be all over the front pages by tomorrow.

Connor’s playful smile faded, replaced by a serious look. “Are you my girlfriend?”

Chloe met his gaze. “Of course not.”

A flicker of disappointment crossed Connor’s face. “I thought my heroic act tonight would move you.”

Chloe’s slender fingers brushed the side of his face, her expression tender. “I am moved, but that’s a different story.”

She continued, “I just climbed out of one mess. Why would I jump into another?”

Connor huffed, clearly displeased. “So, I’m a mess, too?”

Chloe couldn’t help but be amused at his pouty face. She teased him like a child, pinching his cheek. “You’re a bigger mess.”

Their worlds were miles apart. It wasn’t that Chloe felt unworthy of Connor. She understood the complexities of the Sartori family. With its numerous heirs and tangled relationships, it was a minefield. Connor was the much younger son of the elderly Mr. and Mrs. Sartori, and he had three older sisters who were powerhouses in the vast Sartori business empire.

All three sisters were married into influential families. Their kids, not much younger than Connor, were already getting involved in the family business. At twenty, Connor had been entrusted with a major responsibility by Jeffery, taking the position of CEO. However, his share of the company wasn’t any greater than his sisters‘.

His eldest sister, Claire, had the worst relationship with him. She had tried several times to rally the board against him. If not for Jeffery’s strong support, someone else might’ve been sitting in the CEO’s chair.

So, while Connor might seem to be living the high life, in reality, he was surrounded by adversaries, isolated, and lonely at the top. Chloe didn’t want to get entangled in such a complicated web.

Connor, still sulking, said, “Everyone else sees me as a ticket to the stars, but you see me as a mess.”

He huffed a barely audible sigh. Chloe was right. In his current situation, he was indeed a huge mess. Becoming the Mrs. Sartori wasn’t an easy gig; it could even be dangerous. This was also why he couldn’t easily make promises.

He stared at Chloe standing before him. Her eyes sparkled, bright and radiant like they could chase away all the shadows. She had been his beacon of light since he was eight


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years old. How could he bear to drag her down that tough, perilous path with him?

Connor leaned in and kissed her fiercely. Chloe wrapped her arms around his neck, returning the long, passionate kiss. She was indeed moved, but that wasn’t the same as love. Love involves promises and responsibilities. Love is heavy.

They both knew this was the best it could be for now. They could kiss and could embrace without restraint. It was a relationship free from obligations, a mutual exchange of needs. They were merely two lines that temporarily intersected, ready to let go gracefully and without entanglement once fate inevitably pulled them apart.

Chapter 134

What others thought of their relationship didn’t matter. As long as they understood each other, that was enough.

Chloe felt they had this unspoken bond. Connor’s kisses were deeply passionate, filled with a possessiveness and wildness that was rare for him. Bright red fireworks erupted around them, wrapping them in a sea of flames. It was as beautiful as a stunning painting.

Lucas saw it all. He had been mingling in the crowd, ready to leave. But then, the fireworks began. He saw Connor take Chloe’s hand and lead her out of the banquet hall. Driven by an inexplicable urge, he followed them and ended up not far from them.

With fireworks lighting up the sky, he couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he knew it must’ve been words of deep affection. The scene of them kissing was like a knife stabbing into his heart. From a young age, he had always believed Chloe would be his wife. They had been inseparable since they could walk, sharing countless firsts together–their first handhold, the first time they skipped class, their first waltz, the first time they secretly drank beer. Looking back, those memories seemed like the best parts of his life.

When did his feelings start to change? It was probably after he got those burns on his waist and thighs. With the ugly scars on his body, he began to feel insecure. He feared Chloe would despise or reject him if she saw them. So, he did his best to hide them. In the summer, he would even wear two T–shirts around her just to avoid accidentally revealing his scars. The more he did this, the more insecure and worried he became.

When Linda brought him that diary, he lost it. He exploded in rage, completely losing his cool, without even verifying if it was true. He felt Chloe would surely despise and hate him. When what he feared “actually” happened, he believed it was true. It was as if his deepest fears had been confirmed. The beast born from his own insecurities and fears broke free, crazily devouring his rationality and calm. He didn’t even confront Chloe.

Now, Lucas realized that he had projected his own demons onto Chloe. The first person to despise, abandon, and give up on him was himself. He was the one who pushed Chloe away and cruelly betrayed her in the process. Actually, his relationship with Linda was largely about getting back at Chloe.

At this moment, Lucas came to a complete realization. But then, it was all too late. Lucas turned around and finally left the rooftop.

The next day, Chloe arrived at the TV station early in the morning. As soon as she walked in, almost all of her colleagues swarmed around her.

“Chloe, you’re actually Mr. Connor’s girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell us sooner?

“Last night’s ‘Heart of the Rose‘ was absolutely breathtaking. The media are all over it. It’s



Chapter 134

going to become a legend in Riverbrook.”

“Chloe, we’re colleagues, after all. Why didn’t you invite us to your birthday? You should have at least let us witness the ‘Heart of the Rose‘ spectacle at the Cloud Top Banquet Hall.”

Chapter 135

The sudden compliment didn’t catch Chloe off guard at all. After all, this morning, the top trending topic everywhere was #HeartOfTheRose. The entire night sky had been set ablaze with a stunning display of red fireworks illuminating the dark heavens in a

breathtaking show.

Linda happened to walk by just then, her head down, quickening her pace as she tried to make a beeline to her desk. But someone called out to her.

“Linda, you took a day off yesterday, too. Don’t tell me you sneaked off to Chloe’s birthday bash?”

The office at the TV station was buzzing with curiosity about Chloe and Linda’s peculiar relationship. They were high school classmates, and Linda’s boyfriend, Lucas, seemed to know Chloe quite well. The two women were also locked in a fierce rivalry over an interview with Connor and the sought–after prime–time anchor slot, using every trick in the book.

Everyone knew Linda had leaked the story about Chloe’s identity. Chloe had orchestrated a ruckus at the TV station by calling Linda’s mother to come over. By now, it was all just part of the ongoing drama for everyone to watch.

Linda stopped and turned around. Chloe met her gaze, noticing Linda’s eyes were swollen and puffy, clearly from crying all night. Chloe’s lips curled into a cold smirk.

There had been plenty of reporters at Lisa’s birthday party last night. Linda’s attempt to sabotage her should have been all over the news by this morning. But now, there was nothing–no mention in the media and no trending topics on Twitter. Chloe knew the Meadows family must have squashed the story, or maybe it was Lucas.

Jacob was always concerned about appearances. He wouldn’t allow last night’s scandal to go public. Chloe hadn’t seen a single piece of news about the event last night. The Meadows family had really pulled out all the stops this time, protecting Lisa’s reputation and, by extension, Linda’s too. But Chloe wasn’t about to let them off that easily.

Chloe flashed Linda a brilliant smile. “Linda, you took a nasty fall at the banquet hall yesterday. Is the baby okay?”

Instantly, everyone’s attention was on Linda.

“Linda, you fell yesterday? How could you be so careless?”

“You’re three months pregnant. This is a critical time. You can’t be neglectful.”

“Linda, you fell and still came to work today? Why not rest at home for a few days?”

“Linda, what happened to your eyes?”

Questions flew from all directions.



Chapter 135

Linda’s mind was already in turmoil. Lucas hadn’t come home all night. She had called him repeatedly, but he hadn’t picked up. She felt as if Chloe had cut down her only support.

Her look towards Chloe was conflicted. “Chloe, about last night, I’m sorry. I know it now. For the sake of our past friendship, please forgive me one last time.”

Linda knew if Chloe revealed what had happened last night, her reputation at the TV station would be ruined.

“Past friendship? You are speaking of past friendship? You little schemer. Chloe was so good to you back then; she paid your tuition when you had no money, begged teachers to arrange accommodation when your mom was abusive, and even stood up to bullies for you. Yet, you, ungrateful as you are, betrayed her, stole her boyfriend, and faked a fall yesterday to set her up. Your actions are unforgivable and don’t deserve any sympathy.”

Chapter 136

Everyone was stunned.

A woman strutted through the door, decked out in glamorous attire and dripping in jewels. The moment she spotted Linda, she pointed right at her and started laying into her.

Trailing behind this woman was Tony, the station’s news director. Linda froze for a second when she saw who had laid into her, It was Lucas‘ mother, Tara.

Linda quickly snapped out of it. She placed a hand on her belly and said, “Mrs. Moncada.”

Tara glanced at Linda’s slightly rounded stomach and scoffed, “Don’t call me that, and don’t think you can use that baby to negotiate your way into our family. I don’t accept it now and won’t in the future. If you want to have the child, go ahead. It’s your responsibility. But if you think you can use this child to claim anything from the Moncada family, whether it’s our fortune or the title of Mrs. Moncada, you’re dreaming.”

The office went dead silent. Everyone’s eyes were wide, mouths hanging open, trying to process the bombshell Tara had just dropped. The biggest question on their minds was: Who on earth was she?

After her outburst, Tara walked over to Chloe, looking her up and down with concern. “Chloe, are you alright? Leah called me last night, and I was so angry I couldn’t sleep. If I had been there, I wouldn’t have let you suffer like that. The Meadows family is getting out of hand. We should’ve cut ties with them ages ago. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve done it myself.”

Chloe’s eyes welled up, “Mom, thank you.”

The people around them were gobsmacked. Chloe called this high–society lady ‘Mom?‘ Just then, the editorial director rushed over, grinning as he introduced her to everyone.

“This is Mrs. Tara Moncada from Moncada International.”

Everyone was even more confused. Tara, from Moncada International, Lucas‘ mom. Why was Chloe calling her mom? Why was Tara’s attitude towards Lucas‘ girlfriend so hostile? Before anyone could piece it all together, Tara turned to Tony and said, “Chloe has been like a daughter–in–law to me since she was little. She’s always called me mom and grew up with my son. They were childhood sweethearts. Unfortunately, my son was blinded by a conniving woman, and it’s our family’s loss. Even though Chloe isn’t my daughter–in–law now, she’s like my own daughter. As her mother, I can’t stand anyone plotting against her or bullying her.”

Tara’s icy gaze landed on Linda. “My son signed a five–year advertising contract with the station, supposedly under Ms. Linda’s name. I’ve just found out today that it was meant to be in Chloe’s name, which is the only reason my husband and I agreed to it.”



Chapter 136

Linda’s face went pale with fear. Tony’s expression also turned cold as he glared at Linda. Earlier today, Tara had approached the station manager, dermanding to cancel the five year contract. The station manager was furious and called Tony, instructing him to handle the situation. Losing this contract would cost Tony his job as news director.

Tony desperately pleaded, “Ma’am, can we please discuss the contract further?”

Chapter 137

Tara responded without missing a beat, ‘Of course, we can scrap that old contract and draw up a new five–year advertising deal. I’ll even throw in a 5% increase on the ad fee. But listen, all the commissions and perks that were supposed to go to Chloe have to go to her.”

Tony was floored by how easygoing Tara was being. “Absolutely. Whatever you say goes,he replied eagerly.

Tara continued, “And there’s one more thing.”

“Go ahead,” Tony urged.

Tara’s gaze turned icy as she looked at Linda’s pale face. “Fire this little homewrecker. Chloe shouldn’t have to see her disgusting face every day.”

The crowd around them started buzzing with whispers.

“So, Linda really did climb her way up by being the other woman, stealing Chloe’s childhood sweetheart. I always thought Lucas looked at Chloe a bit too familiarly. It turns out they were lovers before.”

“Did you hear what Tara said? At Chloe’s birthday party yesterday, Linda tried to frame her by faking a fall and making it look like Chloe pushed her. And she used her unborn child to do it. How conniving is that?”

“I can’t believe Linda would stoop so low. But even if she’s pregnant with a Moncada baby, the Moncada family doesn’t acknowledge her.“”

Linda stood aside, her eyes red from crying. “Please, you can’t do this to me,” she pleaded. Linda’s shoulders trembled slightly. She couldn’t afford to lose this job. Even though Lucas was now the CEO, he wasn’t rolling in money.

The last time they had that feast, nearly a hundred grand was charged to the company’s account. When Joshua found out, he was furious and insisted Lucas report every expense from then on.

Despite Moncada International being a huge conglomerate, the Moncada family had cut off all of Lucas‘ cards and restricted his spending to force him to break up with Linda. He was left with just his manager salary, which was only a few thousand a month. Lucas loved to drink and party with his old friends, so that money vanished quickly. Recently, all their expenses had been covered by Linda’s salary alone.

Tara, however, paid no attention to Linda and turned to Tony. “Tony, having someone so morally bankrupt as a host isn’t good for the station’s reputation, right?”

Tony nodded quickly. “Absolutely. Money isn’t the issue; our station has always put its



reputation first.”

Tony then walked over to Linda, wiping his mustache. “Linda, you’re a top graduate from Columbia. Our little Riverbrook TV Station is too small for someone of your caliber.

Please go to HR and submit your resignation.”

Linda bit her lip. Her fingers were clenched tightly, nails digging into her flesh.

“Come on! Working with someone like you is bad luck.”

“No wonder she gets along with Vivian; they’re two of a kind.”

“Are you waiting to be fired? Homewreckers really do have thick skins.”

Knowing there was no way out, Linda didn’t want to stick around and be the subject of more gossip. She headed straight to HR.

After Linda left, Tara took Chloe by the hand and led her to the hallway.

Chloe suddenly said, “I’m sorry, Mom.”

Tara was surprised. “Why are you apologizing, sweetheart?”

Chloe explained, “Last night, I made sure Leah didn’t call you.”

Indeed, Leah had moved from the 87th floor to the 88th last night. She had come over to chat with Chloe, who specifically asked her not to inform Tara about today’s events.

Chapter 138

Leah was too sharp to miss the underlying meaning. After she got home, she couldn’t wait to add some extra drama to the evening’s events and share them with Tara for hours.

Chloe knew that with Tara’s fiery personality, she would definitely storm the TV station the next morning.

So, everything that happened this morning was exactly what Chloe had expected. After being framed by Linda yesterday, she was determined to settle the score. However, she had used Tara in the process, so she apologized.

Tara, upon hearing this, wasn’t angry at all. Instead, her eyes were filled with sympathy. “Standing up for you is the least I could do. But one thing, Chloe–you should’ve called me last night. I would’ve been there in a heartbeat. I would’ve exposed that snake for who she truly is and maybe even broken that brat’s leg to vent your anger. How could I let you suffer so much?”

Chloe’s eyes welled up with tears. She hugged Tara tightly. “Thank you, Mom.”

Tára hugged her back and sighed. “Luca, that foolish boy. He doesn’t know his own luck

and let you down. He’s still delusional to this point, and I can’t possibly ask you to turn back and forgive him. So, from now on, I’ll consider you my own daughter. You’ll still call me Mom, and it’ll be as if I had two daughters, you and Belle. We’ll be a happy family together.”

Chloe nestled in Tara’s arms, acting playfully. “You’ll always be my mom.”

Tara’s face lit up with contentment. Suddenly, she remembered something. “Is it true that you’re now with Mr. Connor from the Sartori family?”

At this, Chloe’s face turned a bit awkward, but in the end, she just nodded.

Tara nodded, too. “You should date more. You’ve wasted too much time on that boy. Go out and have fun. Even if it doesn’t lead anywhere, I can tell just based on Mr. Connor’s looks and physique that it’s worth it.”

Chloe almost choked on her own saliva. She coughed vigorously a few times.

Tara, seemingly unconcerned, continued, “Dear, don’t be too conservative. Date more. That way, you’ll be able to spot a bad one from a mile away.”

The standards for a daughter and a daughter–in–law were certainly different. When Chloe was her daughter–in–law, she haturally didn’t want her son to be cuckolded. But now things were different. Chloe was her daughter, and she just wanted Chloe to be happy.

Tara also knew that Chloe’s relationship with Connor was unlikely to end in marriage. Although they came from a wealthy background, climbing up to the Sartori family was a tall order.




I understand.

Then Tara seemed to remember something else. “I have some good news for you. Leading Heights has secured the Paradise Resort project.”

Chloe was somewhat surprised. “That indeed is good news.

Tara added, “We have Mr. Connor to thank for that. It’s said that he chose Leading Heights from among three competing firms, even though they were the least competitive. But now, it seems he did it for your sake.”

Chloe responded, “I really didn’t know about this. Leading Heights always strives for quality, and I think he saw that in them.”

Tara nodded. “Anyway, we should properly thank him. Now that he’s your boyfriend, why don’t you invite him over for dinner tonight? We should express our gratitude properly.”

Chloe agreed.

Chapter 139

After Tois lht Chloe strolled back into the office Just as she reached the entrance, she spotted 1 india coming our clutching a packed Fox. Linda stared at Chloe, but there wasn’t « Pare ist anger in her even

Chloe are you harmy now that you’ve ruined me like this? Linda’s voice trembled.

Chloe almost laughed Linds had always her bood at putting on a pitiful act. ‘Linda, you brought this on yourself ”

Tears welled up in Linda’s eyes. “All I wanted was for you and Lucas to get divorced. Can’t you show me some sympathy? Do you really want my child to be born illegitimate, forever scored, and called a bastard?*

Chloe snorted, her face a mask of disdain. If your child is born out of wedlock and scomed, that’s on you, not me. It’s your own despicable actions, your refusal to live decently. Honestly, I pity your child having a mother like you. You hate Shannon for being messed up, and you hate being born into such a family.”

“But are you really any better than Shannon? One day, your child might resent having you as their mother.

“Linda, this is your karma!”

Linda’s eyes turned red. Mentioning Shannon filled her with fear and loathing. She clutched her belly, “I will never treat my child like Shannon did. I love my child more than anything. It’s the result of my love for the man I adore most. Chloe, you’ll never understand how much I love him.”

Chloe’s expression remained indifferent. “I don’t need to understand, nor do I care to. Lucas and I have been over for a long time. I couldn’t care less about whatever happens to you.”

Linda’s eyes flickered with confusion. “What do you mean?”

Chloe’s lips curled into a sly smile. A shrewd gleam flashed in her eyes. It was the same expression Linda had often seen during their school days–the look Chloe had when she was scheming. School–day Chloe was no pushover.

“Linda, didn’t Lucas tell you? We never officially married, so our marriage never actually existed.”

Linda’s eyes widened, too shocked to speak.

Chloe continued to stir the pot. “We were never married, yet Lucas never told you that. He never gave you the place you’ve been longing for. If he truly loved you, he would have made it official long ago instead of leaving you pregnant and desperately waiting for him to leave a non–existent marriage…”



Linda was speechless, her emotions surging like a stormy sea. Chloe’s voice remained casual, like they were just two friends gossiping.

“A man might not love you just because he given you things, but if he has something and hides it from you, he definitely doesn’t love you”

Chloe was tall. She deliberately stooped down a bit, looking directly into Linda’s eyes, “Linda, you’re really so pitiful.”

Then, Chloe turned around, tossed her wavy hair, and strutted away in her high heels.

A stab to the heart–that was the essence of it. The box in Linda’s hands fell to the floor with a trash. She almost collapsed, barely able to stand.

What was going on?


Chapter 140

Chloe and Lucas had never officially tied the knot. So, technically, they weren’t married at all. But why had Lucas never mentioned it before? Did he truly consider Chloe the unofficial wife of his, even without a marriage certificate? Why would Lucas deceive her?

However, Linda quickly realized something even more serious. It was the divorce agreement she had handed to Lucas last night Since his marriage to Chloe was non–existent, there was no need to sign a divorce agreement at all. Chloe had set a trap for Linda, and she had walked right into it.

The moment Linda presented the divorce agreement, Lucas knew she was lying to him! The divorce agreement was fake. She only crafted it to make him agree to a divorce. Such a lie was bound to fall apart easily. No wonder Lucas, whom she had managed to calm last night, suddenly grabbed her by the throat in a frenzy. He must have discovered something.

The signature! He must have realized the signature she forged as Chloe’s was a giveaway. If she could imitate Chloe’s handwriting, then the diary that drove him and Chloe apart could also have been forged. Lucas must have put everything together. That was why he had such a drastic change in behavior. It all made sense now.

Linda collapsed to the ground, feeling as if she had plunged into an icy cellar.

Around noon, Chloe had planned to call Connor about visiting the Moncada family that evening. Then she remembered that the CNR Tower and the television station were just across the street from each other, and she decided to go directly to Connor’s office, hoping to snag a free meal and tell him in person.

Today, Chloe didn’t use the private elevator from the underground parking lot. Instead, she entered through the main doors of the CNR Tower. She had hoped to blend in like any other office worker. To her surprise, she was recognized by the security at the entrance right away.

“Ms. Chloe, welcome.”

“Please, come in, Ms. Chloe!”

Once inside, everyone she encountered greeted her warmly.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Chloe.”

“Hello, Ms. Chloe.”

“Ms. Chloe, hello.”

Chloe was baffled. Why did everyone seem to recognize her when she didn’t know them? Even though she was a somewhat famous host, her fame shouldn’t have been to this. extent. She had been to the CNR Tower before, and even the receptionists didn’t


recognize her back then.

Could it be because of last night’s trending topic? Indeed, she and Connor had trended online last night. But it was only her name that appeared, not her photo. Almost all the media used photos of the fireworks instead. So, these people couldn’t possibly recognize her at a glance. What was going on?

But after a few steps, Chloe finally got it. The CNR Tower’s lobby featured a massive LED screen. Usually, it displayed promotional content for the company. But now, it was showing photo after photo of her. There were a couple of photos, mostly candid shots of her and Connor dancing together from the previous night. The rest were all personal photos of Chloe.

There were shots of her hosting the news, as well as her private life. Like her watering flowers on the balcony, sitting on a wicker chair stargazing, and even sleeping. Each photo was captured artistically. From the angles and the settings, she could tell Connor had taken all of these during his time at Greenpeace Estate.

She had no idea that Connor had secretly taken so many photos of her over the past three years. Plus, they were all so beautifully shot. Just, having them displayed here on a loop for all to see was utterly mortifying.

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