Billionaire, Let's Divorce!

Chapter 0353

Chapter 0353


"Get out of my car." I said.

She looked at me incredulously.

"I said get out!" I screamed, my composure finally shattering.

Mia looked like she wanted to argue more but something in my face must have warned her off. She opened the door, pausing before she stepped out. "Heed my advice, Emily He doesn't love you. Stop wasting your time on him-"

I slammed my hand on the horn to cut her off until she climbed out of the car and slammed the door behind her.

As soon as she was gone, my forehead hit the steering wheel and I could already feeling the tears starting to come. I was fighting to breathe through the tightness in my chest.

The images Mia had shown me flashed through my mind again, and everytime it did, they felt like a fresh stab of pain. I felt dirty and used. I wanted to curl up and disappear. How could he do this? How could they both betray me like this?

I thought about the past four years and all the moments I'd cherished; now they'd all been tainted by this revelation. Our wedding day, when Adam looked at me with what I thought was respect, if not love. The quiet evenings we spent in companionable silence, each absorbed in our own work but somehow connected.

It wasn't a fairytale romance, but I'd grown to care for and trust him. We became friends of a sort. I'd even dared to hope that maybe, someday, it could blossom into something more.

Now every one of those memories felt like a lie.

i remembered the night before he left for this so-called 'business trip

We shared a bottle of wine, and he asked about my plans for the event I was organizing for my new business. He seemed genuinely interested and gave me some suggestions and promised to help when he returned.

So all that time he was talking to me, he was busy thinking of Mia? Planning their rendezvous while pretending to care about my life?

He even called to check up on me a couple of times while he was on trip. So it turned out that he was with her the whole time and probably she'd been there, listening and laughing at my naivety. I felt sick to my stomach.

I'd tried so hard to make this marriage work. I tired to be the perfect wife and the ideal partner for a man of Adam's status.

I did a lot of charity work and networked tirelessly just to present the image of us being a happy, successful couple.

And for what? So he could fuck his ex behind my back!

I sat up, taking a shaky breath. My hands trembled as I pulled down the sun visor. I winced at my reflection in the small mirror. The mascara around my eyes was getting a bit smeared from the tears I tried not to shed. I checked my purse for some makeup wipes and tried to clean up some of the mess. My eyes also seemed puffy and there was a blotchy redness on my cheeks.

I tossed the used wipes aside and started the car, heading straight for Olivia's boutique, where I was headed in the first place before Mia called to ruin the absolute shit out of my day.

parked haphazardly when I reached the place. Who cared if I took up two spaces at this point?

The scent of Olivia's signature candles hugged me the moment I walked in and I allowed myself to breathe it in and pretend everything was normal to the customers and workers around, one of which beamed at me and signaled to me that Olivia was in.

I made my way through the store. Olivia looked up as I entered her office, a smile now blooming on her face.

"This is a nice surpr-" She broke off when she noticed my app ance.

"What's wrong? Your face looks so puffy. Have you been crying?"

I collapsed into the chair across from her desk, suddenly exhausted.

"You won't believe what happened to me a few minutes ago."

Olivia quickly pulled a chair to sit next to me and she rested her hand on


"What is it? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. Mia's back."

"Mia?" Olivia's eyes widened.

"As in, our Mia? The one who disappeared four years ago?"

I nodded, "She texted me asking to meet. I thought...God, I don't even know what I was thinking, to have agreed. I thought that maybe she wanted to reconcile or something." "And?" Olivia prompted gently.

"And she told me to leave Adam. Said they were back together."My voice cracked. "She had texts...and pictures."

"Pictures of what?" Olivia asked, although her tone suggested she already knew the answer.

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