Billionaire, Let's Divorce!

Chapter 0352

Chapter 0352

Mia's POV

"Leave Adam."

I blinked, certain I'd misheard. The words were hanging in the air of my Aston Martin like a bad joke, and I found myself fighting the urge t check for hidden cameras.

"I'm sorry, what rubbish are you spouting now, Mia? Is this why you begged to see me?"

Mia's emerald eyes narrowed and her crimson lips pursed into a thin line.

"I'm not joking, Emily. You need to divorce him."

I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly gave myself a headache.

"Right, and I suppose next you'll tell me to liquidate my assets and open a cat sanctuary in the Bahamas."

"This isn't a joke!" Mia snapped.

Mia, Emily, Olivia-the fabulous three, as we'd once been known. Four peas in a golden pod, raised in the lap of luxury and groomed for success from the cradle. We'd been inseparable since prep school.

Mia had a razor sharp wit and penchant for mischief, Olivia had a carefree spirit and infectious laugh, and me.... well, I was the glue that held us together, or so I'd thought.

It all changed four years ago when Adam and Mia's romance came to a sudden stop. I still remember the night Mia showed up at my door with a half-empty bottle of Dom Pérignon clutched in her hands Chapter 0352


"I broke up with him," was all she said and I comforted her best friends would do.

What I however didn't expect was that the very week after my parents would call me over to tell me that my marriage had been arranged with this same Adam. The news, whilst being a shocker to me, never sat well with Mia and her face when I told her still haunted me to this day.

"You stole him from me!" she'd screamed, "My best friend and my ex? God, Emily, I knew you were ambitious, but I never pegged you for a backstabbing bitch."

Her words hurt me a lot. But what could I say? That I'd had no choice? That this was as much a shock to me as it was to her but I couldn't

change the decision since it was a business deal. So I'd said nothing and just watched helplessly as our friendship crumbled like a sandcastle in the tide.

Mia cut me out of her life, blocked my number and scrubbed me from

her social media as if I'd never existed.

And now, here she was, sitting in my car four years later and demanding I throw away the very thing that had cost us our friendship. When I saw a text from her, I wouldn't lie, I felt a little bit of hope that maybe she wanted us to patch things up, but all she had to say was that

divorced Adam.

"Oh, Emily. Sweet, naive Emily. Adam and I are back together."


"I'm sorry, what?" I turned to face her.

"You heard me," Mia purred, leaning back in the passenger seat. "Adam nd I have rekindled our flame. Turns out, he never stopped loving me. All these years, he's been suffering in marriage with you."


She kept talking, but my brain seemed to have stopped working when she mentioned 'back together.'

"Wait, wait... Did you just say you and Adam are back together." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I suppose he's been on a business trip for some months now, hasn't he?" Mia asked but I didn't respond.

"Well, let me break it to you. We've been together this whole time," She added.

No. This couldn't be happening. I forced a laugh, aiming for nonchalance but landing somewhere closer to hysteria.

"That's ridiculous."

You're lying."

Mia's smirk was infuriating as she pulled out her phone. "Why don't we ask Adam himself?"

My heart pounded as she scrolled through her messages. I wanted to snatch the phone away, to stop this train wreck before it demolished what was left of my world. But I was frozen, watching in morbid fascination as Mia found what she was looking for.

"Here we go," she said and turned the screen towards me.

There was a string of messages between Mia and Adam.

'Your pussy tastes so good. Can't wait to see you again tonight,' was the last text he sent her.

Emily's eyes seemed to be going blurry and she flicked the name on the chat to check the phone number. It was his number, there was no mistaking it.

A cold fist of dread clenched around her heart, but Emily refused to let

Charter 0352

it show.

"Still not convinced?" Mia asked then snatched the phone back.

"How about this, then?"

Mia's finger swiped up a gallery of images that seared themselves into Emily's retinas. She saw where Adam was thrusting into Mia while she's arched under him.

Emily's stomach roiled, but Mia wasn't done. She flicked through the photos with savage's either images where Adam's face was buried between Mia's thighs or where Mia was on her knees with her lips wrapped around his cock.

Emily looked away with disgust.

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