Beyond the Rainbow

Chapter 19

The dancing had carried on late into the night when the last of the partiers finally wandered home to their beds. For the first time in a long time, the Iridalites slept in peace. Their land was safe, as were they, now that the Harpies could harass them no further.

Ronnie and Tilly spent the night at Azulia’s while Wollomombi and Chiron, without having Tilly to slow them, galloped back to the cave. They slept comfortably in the familiar setting of a cavern. Iris, Morpheus, and Eos returned to Olympus and the Four Winds scattered throughout the lands. Before leaving, Morpheus sprinkled dreams of days to come amongst the sleeping creatures, saving one of home for Ronnie.

When she awoke, Ronnie had no desire to shake off the dream that teased the corners of her mind. Her only longing was one of home. Now that all the excitement had died down, she missed her mother, Beth, and Gramma terribly. “Oh, Azulia,” she lamented as they walked through the village. “What am I to do? I haven’t figured out how to get back home. If I go through the gate, that will just take me to Wollomombi Falls and it’s in Australia. I live on the other side of the world. They must be so worried. I’ve been gone for days.”

“No, Ronnie, you have been gone for no time at all.” It was Chiron who answered her. He and Wollomombi had been scouring the village looking for her and Tilly. “While everyone else was putting your plan into action, I visited my father. Chronos, as you may know, is the God of Time. He has created a moment in time which now surrounds you. Whenever you visit Iridal, you will lose no time in you homeland. He considers it to be his contribution to the “Cause” as he is far too busy with time to take a shift as a guard at the whirlwind.”

“Oh thank you Chiron and thank Chronos for me too. Now I just need to figure out two more things. When Iris dropped by this morning, I asked her to take care of the first one. Here she is! Did it work, Iris?”

“Yes, Ronnie. Zeus was happy to bestow your wish. He felt bad about the Harpies, since it was he who first unleashed them on the Earth Mortals. He had been displeased with King Phineas, who understood the mysteries of life and dared to share his knowledge with other Mortals. Zeus sent the Harpies to torment him and then forgot about them when other matters came to his attention. He never dreamed they would go as far as they did and once they had left Olympus, his power over them was not strong enough to bring them back. He is eternally grateful to you for finding a way to finally end their reign of terror. Shall I tell Wollomombi the news or do you want that honour?”

“Oh, may I tell him? I want so much to be able to give him something in return for all he’s done.” Ronnie turned to the dragon, whose face bore a puzzled look, indeed. “Wollomombi, I am so pleased to tell you that you will retain the ability to come and go from Iridal as you please. Zeus has granted you the power of the Olympians and that means no gate can ever bar you. Isn’t that great?”

“Ronnie Biv, I do not know what to say. This is the dream I never dared to dream. If ever you felt that you were in my debt, know that the score is, indeed, settled. We will next meet on equal footing, as two old friends and, as friends, we will feel no need to tally imagined debts.

“Chiron and I came to bid you and Tilly farewell and, what is more important, to offer a suggestion for your return home. We have devised a strategy to return you to the room from whence you came. Are you interested?”

“Interested? Are you kidding? I have no idea how to get back so any suggestion you have will certainly put me in your…um, I mean, will be appreciated as a gift given from one friend to another.”

“I will arch my back,” said Wollomombi “and stretch from here to there as I did for the Dreamworld creatures. This will create a smooth rainbow. You may walk or even slide home. I will, of course, wait for you to say your goodbyes to your friends here in Iridal. Do not rush on my account. Chiron and I have all the time in the world at our disposal.”

“What a great idea! Okay, just wait here while I find Tenne and Meline. Azulia and Iris please wait here too. I’d hate to miss saying goodbye to you.”

Ronnie ran off to the brilliant pink house with the magenta door. This was the home of Meline, Tenne and their children. There were hugs and kisses all around as Ronnie promised to return at the same time next year, if not before that date. Meline pressed a bag of cookies into Ronnie’s hands while the children petted and hugged Tilly. As Ronnie walked out the door, she heard the children asking why they could not have a four-legged friend like Tilly. “Just like kids everywhere,” Ronnie chuckled. “We all want a puppy – even the ones who aren’t quite sure what a puppy is, want one.”

She and Tilly soon returned to the meeting place and Ronnie was delighted to see that Morpheus had joined the group. It was time to say goodbye.

“Azulia, you have been so kind and welcoming. No one ever made me feel as at home as you did. I hope we can remain good friends. Even though we do live in very different worlds so far apart, I don’t doubt that we will. I’ll always think of you as the big sister I never had - until now.” The story that Sirena had told her came to mind. “I know that you and I have a special bond as we have both been chosen by the magic. May it serve you well until we meet again.”

With a hug and a kiss Azulia bid her friend a fond farewell. “Ronnie, you make it easy to be kind. Tenne was right when he said your heart and soul were big. If people are to be measured in such a way, you are the biggest person I can imagine.”

“You’ll never know how much it means to be described as ‘big’. Bye Azulia. I’ll see you again.” She turned to Iris. “What can I say? You are so much more than even I ever dreamed. If you bring a rainbow my way, can you make it just a little different as a way of saying hello?”

“Of course Ronnie, farewell my dear.” Iris bent and kissed the top or Ronnie’s head, which tingled at the touch.

“Chiron, I’ve known you for such a short time but feel we’ve formed a friendship. I’m sure I’ll see you here in Iridal from time to time.” Chiron heartily agreed.

Ronnie turned at last to Morpheus, who embraced her tightly. “See you in your dreams Ronnie. I will call to you if you are needed here, now that I know who to call.”

Ronnie could barely choke out a “goodbye” through her sobs. She had finally succumbed to the emotion of so many goodbyes and still had to find a way to leave Wollomombi. She turned slowly to face him and saw multi-coloured tear drops rolling down his cheeks. “Oh Wollomombi, what will I do without you? I’ll miss you so. I know we’ll meet again but that doesn’t make it easier to leave you.”

“I do believe it will be easier, Ronnie Biv, if I just say farewell and quickly form the rainbow to send you home. So farewell my friend; we will, indeed, meet again and will, indeed, miss each other from now until then.” With those words, Wollomombi stretched from the land of Iridal to Ronnie’s home.

Ronnie called Tilly to her side and sat on the rainbow with Tilly safely tucked in front of her. Wollomombi tilted toward her bedroom and with waves to all her friends, she and Tilly slid the length of the archway. They landed on the bed with a bounce that caused Ronnie to fall to the floor. “Wollomombi did it, Tilly. We’re back home and hey, look at the clock. No time has passed since we left.”

There was a knock at her door and her Gramma and mother poked their heads in. “Well, how’s the new stereo working?” her mother asked.

Oh, Mom, Gramma I’m so happy to see you both. That is, I was hoping to get a hug and kiss from both of you before going to sleep.”

“You sure do look keyed-up,” said Gramma. “Have you been dancing up a storm? I was sure I heard a thump just before we knocked.” Ronnie laughed and told them that she had, indeed, been performing some amazing ‘keyed-up’ feats.

After the adults left the room Ronnie picked up the photo from the floor. “We sure did have an adventure, Tilly,” she declared. “Take that, Monster Roller Coaster!” As she munched on a cookie that she had pulled from the bag she still held, she wondered if Beth was still awake. After all, she thought, she’s the only one who will ever believe the tale I have to tell!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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