Beyond the Rainbow

Chapter 18

The Four Winds returned to the Gateway amidst a bustle of activity. A celebratory feast was being prepared. The Iridalites were setting out tables and chairs beside the Gateway and erecting a stage upon which the village band could perform. The best place settings had been taken from storage and the finest spun linens covered the table tops. Wildflowers filled every vase that could be brought forth and their delicate blend filled the senses.

As the bustling villagers, one by one, noticed the brothers in their midst, all activity stopped and a momentary hush fell over the landscape. Suddenly the Iridalites burst into cheers and applauded enthusiastically.

Zephyrus raised his hands to quiet the noise. “On behalf of my family, I thank you. But the credit for this day’s work belongs to Ronnie Biv. It was she who devised the plan. Any effort we may have chosen to put forth would have been for naught without just one good idea. The magic has truly served Iridal well in its choice of a new Key Keeper. But let us save our speeches and our cheers for the banquet. My brothers and I will be happy to help with the preparations if we may.”

Tasks were assigned to everyone and soon the strength of every table was taxed with the weight of a feast, indeed. Foods of all colours and aromas adorned tray after tray. A table had been built especially for Wollomombi, who would share his fare with Chiron. The two had become fast friends and were happiest in each others company. When all was set in place, each took a place at a table and the feast began. Tilly sat behind Ronnie’s seat and enjoyed his dinner without even noticing the delicate designs on the serving dish Meline had chosen especially for him. After he had wolfed down his food, the Iridalite children gathered around him. Soon, they were involved in the games that children and dogs devise for one another.

Tenne, who was known for his oratory skills, stood and tapped his glass with a fork to draw the attention of the partiers. “Iridalites and Honoured Guests, I believe a toast is in order. For many years we had known ourselves to be safe from harm because Wollomombi, Key Keeper and Protector of Iridal was on the job. In every life, however, the time comes when one must pass the mantle to another. If we have completed our tasks wisely, our job is finished and we can rest on our laurels. That time has come for our dear friend. It is his time to chase other dreams and enjoy other adventures, as I am sure he will do with his newfound friend, Chiron.

“This Centaur came to Iridal in search of a peaceful landscape where he could sit back and languish for a time. I hope he wasn’t disappointed to be drawn into our troubles. No, I see by his smile he was not. Nor are we in any way brought to grief by his presence. He had a role to play in our salvation and performed it well. We have Tilly to thank for bringing Chiron to us in our time of need. Had he not turned-tail and run from Storm, Chiron and Wollomombi may never have met. Our Key Keeper would have been without a tutor to guide her thoughts and deeds.

“To the Four Winds, we owe a debt, indeed. To ensure our eternal safety from the evil whims of the Harpies, each of them has not only removed the Harpies from our land, but given a piece of himself to keep them imprisoned for all time.

“That brings me to Eos, who summoned her sons and enlisted their aid. We have always welcomed Dawn here but will now consider her arrival a cause for celebration. A pair of Iridalites will be on hand each morning forever more to greet her as she breaks above the horizon.

“To Iris and Morpheus, who saw us through our time of trouble, I cannot begin to express our thanks. It was Morpheus who called the new Key Keeper forth. Without his aid, she may not have found her way. Iris administered to our needs and did all in her power to keep the Rainbow Magic alive in our land and in our beings.

“At last I come to the one upon whom I wish to bestow this toast: Ronnie Biv, Keeper of the Key, Protector of Iridal and friend to all she meets. Ronnie you came to us at just the right moment. I do not believe we could have survived another storm. You have earned, for all time, a place in our hearts and in our homes. I know you must return to your home but we invite you to visit Iridal on this date every year to join in a celebration in your honour. We may also call upon you from time to time when we are in need of your powers and sincerely hope you will visit whenever you are struck by a whim to do so. I believe the question you might well want to ask involves your mode of transportation to Iridal. We will trust the magic to show you the way. We hope you won’t spend much time falling into pictures!

“And so let us raise our glasses to Ronnie Biv, Keeper of the Key, whose heart and soul were large enough to spread a blanket of security across our land.”

Everyone rose, glass in hand and joined the toast. “To Ronnie Biv,” they shouted. “May the magic serve her well!” Ronnie was astounded by the sheer volume of the cheer and as cries of “Speech, speech” rang out.

Ronnie rose to her feet and called upon all the Public Speaking lessons she used to dread. “I hardly know what to say. Well, here goes. I also want to thank everyone who helped. Eos, for your swift arrival and for calling your sons. Zephyrus, Boreas, Ereus, and Nortus for the large part you played. The plan could only have worked if each of you were willing to give so much of himself. I am sure glad you did because I didn’t have a ‘Plan B’.

“Chiron, you shared your knowledge of Folklore, providing me with the means to summon Eos. Tilly brought you to us but had you not cared enough for a fellow creature to investigate his circumstance, he could not have done so.

“You, citizens of Iridal, are also deserving of applause. You never allowed the Harpies to dampen your spirit. When tragedy struck your village, you each did what you could to help your neighbours. Where I come from there is a saying ’It takes a whole village to raise a child.’ Here in Iridal you could say ‘The whole village helped to save the village’. You can all be very proud of yourselves.

“Iris and Morpheus, you held down the fort, so to speak, while you waited for the Key to find me. And, Morpheus, even though you may not have been thrilled to see me when I first arrived, you quickly found your way into my heart. I now count you amongst my dearest friends.

“To all the Woodland creatures - without whose help I could never have found my way through the Labyrinth - I am humbly grateful and so glad that I stepped on no one. I never dreamed that I would be in a place where my size posed that kind of problem. Believe it or not, I’m considered to be very small where I come from.

“Last but certainly far from least is you, Wollomombi. I don’t even know where to start thanking you for all you’ve done for me and Tilly. When I first saw you, I wasn’t sure that you wouldn’t eat me – remember? But your gentle manner was quickly obvious. You brought magic into my life. I know it was always there but you helped me to see it and to accept it. I can never repay the debt I owe you. I hope you will be in my life long enough for me to try.

“Now I want to propose a toast.” Everyone rose to their feet again. “To all of us. May the magic serve us well.”

“To all of us,” the boisterous crowd responded. “May the magic serve us well.”

Tenne remained standing when everyone else took their seats. “Unless there are more speeches, let us have some music and dancing.” The members of the band quickly took their places on the stage and the real festivities began. Ronnie found herself dancing with several Iridalites at once. Everyone wanted a chance to rock the night away with the Key Keeper and group dances seemed to be the way to make that happen. The partiers who sported wings danced over the heads of the others - creating quite a picture.

After an hour or so of lively dance, everyone found a place of comfort and Singsong lulled them with a few ballads. When all had rested sufficiently, the band regained the stage and performed a number of tunes with the elf. When she left the stage to join the dancers, the band played on.

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