Betrayed by my mate. Book one Betrayed

Chapter Chapter thirteen

(Aurora POV)

I’m not sure how long I was out but when I came to, I hear two different male voices. One of them I knew to be Damien’s voice but the other one I didn’t recognize at all. The one question on my mind is what is going on here.

“I can’t believe you were able to pull this off, Damien. How were you even able to get her pass Prince Alexander?”

“He was too busy messing things up with her. By the way Donovan, I hope you keep up your end of this deal.”

“Of course, I am a man of my word. So, here is the money that I promise you and when I become the new Beta in my pack, I’ll make sure that you will become our new Gamma.”

I can’t believe Damien would do this to me for money wait scratch that yes, he would. I know he would do this to me for far less.

‘Kamaria, are you there?’

‘Yes, but I’m very weak. I think they gave us wolfbane to keep you from shifting.’

‘We need to get away from them and I’m going to need your help to do so.’

‘I’ll keep trying, just make sure they don’t give us anymore wolfbane.’

When I looked around, I noticed we were in a car, but I wasn’t sure where we were.

“Ah, I see that our Princess is finally awake.”

“Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?”

“Wow kitten, always straight to the point with you.”

“Shut up Damien!”

“I see my kitten is upset.”

“Knock it off Damien, stop picking a fight with Princess. Now to answer your question, my name is Donovan Hadeon and I’m the Gamma in the Black shadow pack. Why I’m doing this to you is a question you’ll need to bring up to Alpha.”

“May I ask where we are and where we’re going?”

“Yes, you may right now we’re close to Cleveland, Ohio. I would say like in one more hour or so. We’re going to stop there over night before heading out to upper Michigan.”

He left it at that as he continued driving. We drove for it seemed for longer than an hour before we arrived at Drury plaza hotel where ai guess we’re staying in for the night.

“Alright Damien, you stay with the Princess while I get us a room.”

He gets out of the car and leaves me with the devil himself. Not a good move on Donovan part. I wonder if there a way to get pass this ass.

“Don’t even think about it kitten. Yes, I’m aware that your stronger than I am because of your blood line.”

“What are you talking about my blood line?”

“Never mind, you’ll find out soon. Right now, you’re still weak from the wolfbane that I have given to you so don’t give me any reason to have to give you more of it.”

‘Do what he says Aurora. I can feel myself getting stronger, but I won’t if he gives us anymore of it. Just act as if you are still weakened by what they already given to us.’

‘Alright, I’ll do the best as I can and hopefully Damien won’t catch onto to us.’

“Nothing more to say, Kitten?”

“Sorry, but I’m feeling really sick to my stomach and I’m hoping Donovan will be hurrying up So I can go lay down or something. I’d also like to shower and change out of this dress if you don’t mind.”

“Ah than you’re in luck because I have packed some of your clothes just for this trip.”

“I really hate to say this to you, but thanks.”

It was at least a half an hour before Donovan came back to the car for us. Damien didn’t look happy as he got out and heads toward him.

“What took you so long to get us a room for the night?”

“I had to get us two rooms for the night. So, here’s your key for one of the rooms.”

“Wait, who is kitten going to be staying with for the night?”

“Princess will be staying with me for the night. I don’t completely trust leaving her alone with you and I feel that she would agree with me on that.”

“Fine, let’s just get settle in so I can shower, and we can get something to eat.”

Donovan walks over to me to help me out of the car.

“Come Princess, but please don’t make a scene or will be back onto the road before anyone can react to help you. So, are you going to behave yourself?”


“Good, now let’s go and I’ll get your bag so you can freshen up. After we will get you something to eat from room service.”

After he grabs my bag, we went straight to the room on the upper level. I was so relieved that I was able to clean up and change out of this damn dress. It didn’t take too long to get to the rooms that were right next to each other. The first thing that I noticed as we got into the room that there were two twin beds in it. I don’t think I like the idea of sleeping in the same room with a guy I don’t even know.

“What’s wrong Princess? Is the thought of sharing a room with me upsetting you?”

“Well yeah. One, I don’t know you and two that you aren’t my mate.”

“Don’t worry yourself Princess, my Alpha would make me wish I were dead if anything bad will happen to you in my care. So just relax and go freshen up before we get something to eat. What would you like me to order you from room service, so it will be here when you’re done?”

I looked over the menu that Donovan had handed me, but I really wasn’t sure if I was really that hunger.

‘Aurora, I really want a steak and I want it still mowing.’

‘Steak? Mowing?’

‘Yes, I want a steak and I want it to be rare.’

‘I would have to agree that at this moment that a rare steak does sound good.’

Usually, I would never even think of eating red meat and especially rare.

“Can you please order me a steak and ask them to make it rare.”

He gave me an odd look and headed toward the phone in the room.

“Sure Princess.”

“Why do you keep calling me a Princess?”

“Because that’s what you are.”

He said that without even looking back at me and just kept talking on the phone. I walked into the bathroom after getting a pair of shorts and my Gun’s and roses shirt. It took me a little longer to wash because I was trying to figure out just what I’m going to do to get away from them. I also needed to think on what to do when I finally get away from them. I really don’t have nowhere to go now. I can’t go back to my pack because I couldn’t handle seeing Alex with someone else. I just finish up and leave the bathroom to just go eat the meat and then excuse myself to go sleep. I lay there trying to think what I’m going to do, where was I going.

‘Aurora, we need to go back to Alex, we need our mate.’

‘Why should we? He doesn’t need or want us anymore. So, why should we go back to him?’

‘I’m not sure why, but we really need him right now.’

‘Quiet or I’ll ask Donovan to give me more of that wolfbane to shut you up!’

I heard her whimpering in my head, but I didn’t care at that moment. I didn’t want to talk about Him anymore, and how he betrayed us. Sleep finally came to me after I thought I came up with a good idea to get out of this. Donovan woke me up around 6 am to start getting ready to back onto the road. He wanted us to have breakfast before we left. I decided to get steak and eggs because some reason I really needed it, maybe my wolf needs it to build up her energy. I hurry up and eat my food thinking of more details of my plan.

“Wow kitten, I have never seen you eat so fast and eating red meat before.”

Donovan looked up from his meal to see what Damien was talking about. Oh great, I don’t need them to catch on to my plan on escaping them.

“Donovan, maybe we should give her a little more before we leave. We don’t need her trying to escape on us.”

“And where would I go Damien? I can never go back home now, so where would I go?”

I try so hard to look like I have given up, but I’m not sure if Damien will buy it or not since he knows me. He just looked at me with a confused and a hint of guilt in

“Alright you two. Let’s hurry up and get ready to go for we have at least 8-10 hours of driving depending on traffic.”

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