Betrayed by my mate. Book one Betrayed

Chapter Chapter fourteen

(Aurora POV)

We all hurried to eat our breakfast to get going. It doesn’t take me too long to get ready to go because I decided to just wear what I wore last night. It is easier to put a plastic bag in my pocket, so I’ll be able to carry my clothes in while I’m a wolf. The drive to Michigan was quiet and I tried my best to make it look like I was still being affected by the wolfbane. I’m hoping they might let their guard down or at least not give me more. I think it’s working because Donovan keeps looking at me with concern in his eyes. I believe we had been on the road for almost an hour, but I wasn’t sure. When I saw that we were near some forest that it gave me an idea.

“I’m really sorry to be a bother, but when will we be able to hit a restroom?”

“Not until another half an hour or so, why?”

“I’m just feeling a little sick and I need to pee as well, but I guess I’ll have to hold it for a bit.”

I tried my best to look sick and uncomfortable to play off his guilt. I can see that it is somewhat working because I can see that he is having a battle on what he should do.

“Alright, I’ll pull to the side of the road, and you take care of your needs then. Is that alright with you?”

“Yes, thank you.”

We pulled over as Donovan got out of the driver’s side to come around to let me out.

“Would you like some help?”

“I think I’ll be alright but stay out here if I need to change my mind.”

I walked over to the area with the most shrubs and trees. I’m hoping it will give me more cover to get away before either of them to noticed that I’m gone.

‘Are you ready for this Kamaria?’

‘Yes, I believe that I’m pretty much at full strength.’

I get behind the trees and look around to see what the best direction is to take off in. I’m hearing water, so there must be a river nearby. That’s the best way for me to go and use the training my father taught me and Ethan while we were younger.

“Are you almost done?”

Shoot I better think of something and that’s when it hits me in the stomach, I started to throw up onto the ground.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, I don’t think my stomach agree with what I ate this morning.”

“Alright, just let me know if you need any help.”

“Thanks Donovan.”

Am I doing the right thing? I don’t even know where I’m going and there is no way I’m going back to my pack or to my family.

‘Aurora, we need to go now!’

‘Why? What’s wrong?’

‘I’m not 100% sure, but I think we might be pregnant with Alex’s pup.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘No, but that would explain something that is going on with us. If we are then we can’t take in anymore wolfbane for it can harm our pup. We need to also leave because we’re not sure where they are taking us and why but do want to take a chance with our pups’ life.’


Well, it’s now or never. I walk a good distance away before I take my clothes off and put it into the bag the I got from the hotel. I then started to shift and it’s a good thing I know just what I need to do. I also decided to give Kamaria total control for her training and speed will help us to escape them.

(Kamaria POV)

As soon as Aurora gave me complete control, I didn’t waste any time. I hurried up and grabbed my bags of clothes and ran as fast as I could further into the forest. It’s a good thing that I am the fastest wolf in my pack and that my father taught me different ways to hide my scent that can mislead those who are following to get confused. My father always trained Ethan and I by playing hide and seek, helping me to throw off my scent and hide it as well. I ran so far not knowing where I was going, to lead my trail in different directions so I could throw them off and, in the end, lose them. It feels like I have been running for hours with no scent of them following me. I ran to a road into a road not too far from the forest and hoped Aurora would be able to get help.

‘Aurora, I can’t go any further. You’re going to need to take back control.’

(Aurora POV)

‘Alright, I’ll take over from here and thank you Kamaria for getting us this far.’

After she gave me back control and I got back to human form. I hurried to get dressed and walk near the road but not in clear view from the cars. I didn’t need to run into them again. I saw some cars go by but wasn’t sure if it maybe them or not. That’s when I noticed a black van coming down the road and I decided to take the chance and waved them down. I’m so glad the van is pulling over, but I’m also scared not knowing what kind of people they may be. The first thing I noticed was the guy in the passenger seat was a wolf like me. He had short brown hair, green eyes, and facial hair that made him look very sexy. Stop thinking about that, I have a mate. Yeah, a mate that left me for another girl. He had a sad look on his face, and was not sure why. The guy in the driver’s seat is giving off a scent that I’m not too familiar with. He isn’t human, nor is he a wolf, so what is he. He had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and his beard was thinker than the other guys.

“How can we help you, beautiful? My name is David and this guy behind the wheel who don’t talk a lot is Kayden. So, what’s your name beautiful?”


“So, Aurora what can Kayden and I do for you?”

“I need your help. I was taken by these guys and I’m not sure if I was able to get away from them or not. Please can you take me were ever you are going to.”

“Well, we just got done picking up some supplies for the night club that are working at that is in Chicago, Illinois.”

“I never been to a night club or been in Chicago. So, can I please go with you two.”

“Wait, wouldn’t you want to go back to your pack. They must be worried about you by now.”

“No, they are not.”

(David POV)

Kayden and I were heading back to the night club after picking up all the supplies that Ana would need. Just another boring trip with a cranky vampire behind the wheel.

“David? David? Are you listening to me?”

“What’s the problem, Kay?”

“There looks to be a lot of traffic up ahead. I’m going to need to take a different way back. You might want to call Ana to let her know what’s going on.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that, and I’ll be able to check on Muriel.”

“Wow, she has you wrapped around her little finger.”


I hurried up to make the call because I hate being away from her for even a minute. The phone was picked up on the third ring.

“Platinum rose, this is Joshua speaking. How may I help or direct your phone call?”

“Hey Joshua, this is David and I need to talk to Ana.”

“Sure David, just give me a min to get her.”

I waited for what it felt like forever, but most likely it was only a few minutes.

“Yes David, I’m guessing your calling about Muriel once again.”

“Well, yes but I’m also calling to let you know we’re going to be taking a different way which means we’ll be taking a little longer to get back. There is a lot of traffic due to car accidents. How is she doing?”

“You asked that to me about two hours ago and it’s the same she is the same as she was then. I know this is your first time away from her but come on Scarlet is taking very well care of her. I swear this is a reason I never became a parent. Too much stress for me to handle.”

“Here I always thought that you were too old to have kids.”

“I watch yourself if I were you.”

“Alright, I was just kidding. All I know is that she is the only thing I have left of my two childhood friends. After Grey was killed and Victoria died at childbirth, I’m the only one left to take care of their newborn girl.”

“I know but she is being well taken care of, so please try to relax.”

“Alright, we’ll be back as soon as we can.”

After I get off the phone my mind begins to wander off. I know the others think I’m being paranoid with Muriel, but like I said she’s the only thing I have left from my two dearest friends. She’s the only thing I have left of the girl that was the first girl I have ever loved. It just wasn’t met to be when she found out that Grey was her true mate. After Grey was killed in battle leaving Victoria and their unborn pup that I decide to give up my mate to take care of them. I was planning on after her giving birth to mark her as my mate, even if that met, I’ll lose my true mate forever and hurt her in the process. After she gave birth to Muriel, she was already showing signs that she wasn’t going to make it even after I marked her to give her my strength to get better. Even though Vic died not long after I mark her that it didn’t matter because I still betrayed my true mate and lost her forever.

“Hey David? Look, there is a girl trying to wave us down. Should we stop or keep going?”

When I looked over to the side of the road, I saw a young girl trying to get our attention. She’s beautiful with long black hair and blue eyes. She’s wearing a Gun’s and roses shirt and shorts. We pulled over and she explained what has happen to her. I’m not sure why she wants to come with us, but I can’t just leave her on her own. She gets in the back of the van, and I couldn’t help keeping my eyes off her.


She looked up to me with those beautiful blue eyes and I was lost in them.

“Yes David.”

“Did you want me to get a hold of your pack or even your family as soon as we get to the club?”

“No! Please don’t make me go back there.”

I was confused by her reaction to my question.

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