Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 85

Chapter 85
19 Surprise
My heart is in my throat as I run with Clara in my arms. Silas is losing his mind. Once we reach the pack hospital the doctor
rushes over to us. I lay Clara on the gurney as he orders, but it kills me to let her go. “Alpha, we will take care of the Luna”, he
says, as he starts to push Clara away from me. I start to follow and he turns allowing the nurses to take her through the double
doors. “I know you want to come with us but you need to remain here and let us help the Luna.” I want to tell him f**k no but she
needs him more than she needs me right now. He proceeds through the doors and I just stare at the door, willing it to open. I
need them to come back and tell me she is fine. Familiar arms wrap around me and for a moment I’m a child again wrapped in
my mother’s comforting embrace. She says nothing but rubs circles on my back. I feel the first tear rush down my cheek. The
doors fly open and my father, followed by my sister, comes rushing inside. My mother leads me over to a chair and reluctantly I
take a seat.
For the first time, I think of something other than my agony. I look at my father “rogues.” “It’s being dealt with, you focus on what’s
happening here.” “Do you think that black magic had anything to do with this?” The rock in my stomach gets bigger with the
thought of a witch or warlock doing this to my mate. “Lily and Pheobe are on their way. They will check her for any signs of black
magic”, my mother says. I am so grateful for my aunts at this moment. Goddess, I hope they can help my mate if someone tried
to use magic to hurt her. The door opens again and Cayden and Evelyn walk in. They both look defeated and I stand pulling
Evelyn into my arms. “She is strong.” I’m about to say more when the door opens and the doctor walks toward us. We all rush
toward him. “Alpha, I need you to come with me.” “Tell me what’s going on with my daughter” an irate Evelyn yells at the doctor.
“I assure you ma’am that Luna is fine but I need to speak with the Alpha alone.
She seems to calm down from his words. “I will be back to tell you all what’s going on as soon as I know.” I follow the doctor to
the room and when he opens the door, Clara is sitting up smiling. I have no time to be confused as I rush over and wrap her in
my arms. “Goddess, Clara, you scared the hell out of me.” I start to kiss her face before I finally pull back and look into her eyes.
I hear someone clearing their throat and I realize the doctor is still in the room with us. “Alpha the Luna asked that I be the one to
tell you why she passed out.” I look at Clara who is still smiling and then back at the doctor. I nod and he hands me a paper. “The
Luna is pregnant. Based on what she told me, I would say she is a week along. We will do an ultrasound to confirm the
gestation.” I can’t have heard him correctly. Did he just say we are going to have a pup? I look back at Clara and tears are rolling
down her cheeks. I hear the door close and I know the doctor has left.

“We’re going to have a pup?” She nods her head and I pull her into my arms. I kiss her forehead and just hold this woman who
has given me everything. She is my mate, my Luna, and soon she will be the mother of my pup. “I love you Clara. Thank you for
giving me the gift of being a father.” “I’m the one that should be grateful, Eli. You accepted and loved me when I thought I wasn’t
worthy of either.” I let out a small growl and she chuckles. She runs her hands through my hair before she presses her lips
against mine. The kiss is soft and I can feel all the love she has for me in this kiss. I can hear loud voices and I laugh. “I think our
family is going to start a riot if we don’t tell them what’s going on.” “Maybe you should go get them. I’m excited about telling them
our news” Clara says. I kiss her one more time before I head for the door.
As soon as our family sees me, they stop talking. The doctor bows and goes back to the nurse’s station. “What the hell is going
on, Eli” Evelyn asks first. “Come with me”, I say and turn back toward Clara’s room. Once we are inside, Evelyn rushes over,
wrapping Clara in her arms. “Oh my goddess you scared the hell out of me young lady.” I chuckle and she shoots me a glare. I
go to stand next to Clara and she takes my hand. “What is going on” Larisa asks with irritation in her voice. I look down at Clara
as I want her to tell our family. She smiles “we are going to have a pup.” Screams and hoots erupt in the room. I’m pushed out of
the way by my mother and Larisa. My father slaps me on the back “get used to that son.” He pulls me into a hug
“congratulations, I’m proud of you. You are going to be a wonderful father.” “I had a great teacher.” Cayden hugs me. When he
pulls back, I see a mix of emotions in his eyes. I definitely see happiness, but I’m not sure what else he is feeling. He heads over
to Clara and my sister and mother finally come to hug me. “I’m going to be the best aunt,” Larisa says as she hugs me. “I have
no doubt.”
Clara POV
When Cayden comes to hug me I can tell that something is wrong. He wraps me in his arms and I feel like he is hugging me, like
he’s afraid I will disappear. I’m sure what happened scared him. I will talk to him alone after everyone leaves. Cayden and I only
had each other when we were in that hell and I want him to be happy too. Everyone stays for a while till the doctor comes in to
check on me. They all kiss me before they get ready to leave. “Cayden, I have to have an ultrasound but I want to talk to you
before you head back to the pack house.” He nods and leaves the room. Eli looks at me. “I want to make sure he is alright.” Eli
nods and the doctor brings the machine to the side of my bed. He starts to move the wand and the screen lights up. I have no
idea what I’m looking at and the doctor starts to speak. “Your pup is right there.” He points to something that looks like a bean on
the screen. “Luna, are you a pure wolf?” The doctor’s question takes me off guard and Eli growls.
“I mean no disrespect Alpha and Luna. I’m simply asking because the pup is big for only being just over a week.” “My father was
a warlock but I have no powers.” He smiles “despite not having powers your genes are still that of a hybrid. The fact that you’re a
hybrid and you mated with an Alpha wolf will make your pregnancy much shorter.” I see concern on Eli’s face. “What does
shorter mean?” “Your gestation will be around three months and a half months but could be shorter.” Holy sh*t I could have a pup

in three months. “Everything about the pup is perfect. Congratulations on our new Alpha” he says and bares his neck before he
leaves. I’m still in shock, but I am so happy. Before I can say anything to Eli he bends down, putting his face against my belly.
“Hello in there. I am your dad. I can’t wait to meet you.” I have never been more in love with this man than I am right now. He
stands and kisses me. “I’ll go get Cayden for you. I need to check on the rogue situation.” He heads out and a few minutes later
Cayden returns.
I pat the bed for him to sit down. He sits and smiles at me but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Cayden, what’s wrong and don’t you
dare say nothing?” “I don’t want to ruin your happiness, Clara.” “You could never ruin my happiness.” He seems deep in thought
for a moment before he looks into my eyes. “If you knew something may happen to me but you had no idea when, how, or where
would you tell me?” I smirk “that sounds like a very vague thing to tell someone. I told you before I’m happy right now, Cayden,
and that is what matters. None of us know what our future holds. Don’t keep holding onto this burden. Whatever is meant to
happen will happen.” He pulls me into a hug and begins to sob. After I hold him for a few minutes, he sits back. “You are so
strong and I love you so much Clara.” “My brother made sure I was strong. Now let’s be happy. I’m going to have a pup, which
means that you get to be an uncle.” He smiles this time and it reaches his eyes. “You’re going to have to teach my pup magic if
he or she is blessed with that gift.” “I promise I will teach them once I learn how to use my own powers.” We both laugh and he
hugs me again.
I can’t believe the difference a few hours can make. I was so happy at our ceremony and then I was terrified that I was losing
Clara. Now I’m so happy I could yell it from the rooftops. I realize for the first time that Silas has been quiet since we found out
that we are having a pup. “Silas, what’s up with you? I thought you would be dancing around my head.” “Eli, I never thought I
would have a chance to have a pup. When I left Atlas, I never expected to have a chance like this. A chance with a human like
you who loves our mate and would never hurt her.” “Silas, you deserve this and we are going to be the best father to our pup.” I
feel his happiness through our bond. I finish the walk to the cells. When I head down the stairs, the smell of rotting meat is
pungent. My father, Michael, Neal, and the twins are waiting for me. “What do we know?” “We were able to capture three rogues.
A handful ran before we could reach them. It was like they disappeared”, Micah says. “Have they given us any answers about
their collective?” “No, they haven’t spoken a word. Based on what they look like, I would say they were sent here as sacrifices”,
Mason says. “What makes you think that?” “There is one woman and two men but they can’t fight. They look like they have been
abused.” I growl “they were seeing how fast we would respond. Let them rest for tonight and make sure they get fed properly.”
My father smiles and I can feel his pride. “I’m going to speak with them before I head back to my Luna.” “Congratulations”, they
say, and I head toward the two cells. The men and woman look up at me with fear in their eyes. “No one will harm you here. I will

let you rest and get something to eat before we talk.” They don’t move but I know they heard me. I step closer and bend down.
“You have no reason to trust us after all you have been through, but I am the Alpha of this pack and I give you my word that no
one will harm you.” They look at each other before they look back at me and nod.

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