Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 84

Chapter 84
18 Ceremony
It has been a week since Larisa was in the hospital. I don’t know that I have ever been as scared as I was when my mother
linked me that they had rushed her to the hospital. Clara was amazing and kept me calm while we waited for her to wake up. I
know Larisa is worried about the vampire she saw in her vision. My sister is strong but she worries about what will happen to
others. I’m hopeful that getting her wolf will help her have some piece of mind. My father has been in contact with all the packs
that we have formed alliances to try and locate the coven. Every time we speak about it with Larisa I see a sadness in her eyes
I’ve never seen before. I hate that she is carrying that worry despite all my reassurance. I push those thoughts away as today is
one of happiness and not worry.
Silas and I both know that there will always be people who want to interfere in our happiness, but none of that matters now that
we have Clara. The door opens and I laugh when Micah, Mason, my father, and Michael step inside. The boys are wearing blue
suits and they look like bouncers instead of Betas. I don’t think I have ever seen them dressed up. I’m already dressed in a black
suit with a lavender tie. I’m so ready for the ceremony to begin. I finally feel ready to take my place as Alpha of the pack. I know
that I will have my father and mother’s support in running the pack, but I’m still nervous. The twins are smiling from ear to ear
because they will take their ranked place as Betas of our pack today. They were like teenage girls when my parents announced
our ceremony last week at dinner. Despite the nervousness I’m feeling, I won’t lie and say that I’m not excited about this change
in our lives. I just pray to the goddess that I am half the Alpha my father is.
After we all exchange bro-hugs, the twins and Michael leave my father and I alone. He begins to straighten my tie and I can tell
that he has something to say. “Eli, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. I have held you as a pup and watched you sleep. This
tiny person that I was responsible for protecting and teaching all the important things in life. I have watched you grow from a child
into the man that stands before me. I have had the great pleasure of being blessed to be your father. I thank the goddess every
day that she brought you to me. You are my son and the destined Alpha of the Nightfire pack.” I fight back tears that threaten to
fall. I love this man more than I could ever describe in words. He is my father. He chose me and gave me every part of him. I pull
him close and place my forehead against his. “I am the son of Lincoln Thomas. The son of an Alpha that has taught me how to
love, to be kind, to be fair, and above all things, treat all people equally. I love you, dad.” He pulls me into a hug. There is silence
that stretches between us before he pulls back. “I love you. It’s time for you to become the next Alpha of the Nightfire pack, Eli
Thomas.” We head for the door and I can’t wait to see Clara for the first time in the dress she picked out with Larisa and my

mother’s help. Silas is bouncing around in my mind and his happiness is contagious. I’m glad he is getting this second chance
with me.
Clara POV
I take some deep breaths. When Eli and I discussed this ceremony while he held me before I fell asleep a few nights ago, I was
nervous. Now that it is actually here, I feel like I could throw up. I know that Eli loves me and I am happy that we are now
bonded, but becoming Luna is crazy. How can I be the Luna of this pack? I know nothing of how to carry myself as a Luna. The
Luna is the mother of all the wolves in the pack and she is strong. I don’t want to embarrass Eli. “Clara, I know you are worried,
but you are stronger than you know.” “You have to say that, you’re my wolf.” She chuckles “that may be true but Eli didn’t have to
accept us. He didn’t just accept us, he wanted us. He helped us grow strong and work through the things that happened in the
past so that we would accept him. He has never acted as if he thought we weren’t good enough. If a true Alpha thinks we are
worthy, then who are we to doubt that?” I feel the tears running down my cheeks. Before I can answer her, a knock sounds on
the bedroom door. I wipe the tears from my cheeks and take a deep breath before I tell them to come in. The door opens and my
mother walks in, followed by Amelia. Amelia walks toward me first. She wraps her arms around me and I relax. “I am blessed to
have you as part of my family and Eli is lucky to have you. You are going to be a wonderful Luna.”
She kisses my cheek and leaves me alone with my mother. As she stands looking at me in the gown that Larisa insisted looked
amazing on me, I have no idea what she is thinking. It’s a lavender ball gown with a beaded bodice. When I looked into the
mirror when I tried it on for the first time in my life, I felt beautiful. I start to fidget under her gaze. “Is it too much?” She looks
confused at first before she smiles. “Absolutely not. It looks like that gown was made for you. Honestly, I’m staring because my
Luna gown was the same color.” She wipes tears from her cheek and comes to take my hands in hers. “I’m so grateful to the
goddess to be here and share this moment with you and Eli. I will no longer dwell on what I have missed. I will focus on enjoying
every moment we have together. I know that all of this can be overwhelming. I never expected to be a Luna, but I promise you
that you will do an amazing job by Eli’s side. You have a strength that I saw in your father.”
I wrap her in a hug. “I love you mom.” “I love you so much Clara. You and Cayden are my most precious gifts.” I pull back and
she wipes the tears from my cheeks. She pulls a brooch out of a pocket in her beautiful green dress. I chuckle that a dress has
pockets. “They come in handy” she says as she shows me the brooch. “Your father gave this to me. It is a wand and a wolf that
are bonded together. I want you to have it and know that we are both proud of your strength and the woman you have become. I
know normally fathers walk their daughters down the aisle to their ceremony, but I hoped you would allow Cayden and I to stand
in for your father.” My heart squeezes in my chest and I pray he is with us in spirit. I nod and we head for the door.

As we come down the stairs, Larisa, Lincoln, and Amelia are waiting for us. “Clara, you look amazing,” Larisa says as she hugs
me. “I love this dress, thank you for encouraging me to get it.” “That’s what sisters do” she says before she heads out the double
doors. Lincoln comes to stand in front of me. “You look beautiful Clara. I am so happy that Eli found you and I have another
daughter to love.” I can’t even stop myself from wrapping my arms around him. He rubs my back and I have never felt more
loved than I do today. The goddess has truly blessed me. Lincoln kisses the top of my head before he takes Amelia’s hand and
heads outside. Cayden walks in and his smile is contagious and the nerves seem to lessen. “You look amazing, Clara. Eli is very
lucky.” I laugh and he wraps me in a hug. “You’re the only reason any of this is happening. Thank you for saving me. I love you
Cayden.” “I love you too, sissy.” He pulls back and kisses my cheek. “You ready sweetie” my mother asks. I nod and we loop our
arms together.
We stand on the stage and butterflies dance in my belly with the anticipation of seeing Clara. When the doors open, she takes
my breath away. I have never seen anyone look so stunning. Silas growls and I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me. My
father looks at me and smiles. I meet Clara at the stairs and take her hand, leading her up to stand next to my parents. I grip her
hand in mine, needing to feel her skin against mine. My father steps forward. “Nightfire Pack tonight is the night we change the
power of the pack from one Alpha and Luna to another. It is my great pleasure as the current Alpha to name my successor and
his Luna. Eli step forward with your mate.” We come to stand in front of my mother and father. They both cut their hands and
allow the blood to flow into the chalice. Once the cup is filled, he hands it to me. “Eli Daniel Thomas make your vow to the pack.”
“I, Eli Daniel Thomas, vow to put the needs of the pack above my own. I will protect the pack with my life and rule with fairness to
all its members.” I drink from the chalice and immediately feel the connection to the pack. I hand the chalice to Clara. I steady
her shaking hand and she smiles at me. My mother speaks directly to Clara, “Clara Josephine Merritt, make your vow to the
pack as the future Luna.” “I, Clara Josephine Merritt, vow to put the needs of the pack above my own. I will protect the pack with
my life and rule by my Alpha’s side. Once Mason and Micah make their vows, my father turns to the pack. “Nightfire, welcome
your new Alpha, Eli Thomas and your Luna Clara Thomas.” Hearing my father call her with our surname makes warmth spread
throughout my chest. “Your Alpha and Luna will now lead you in a pack run.”
I take Clara’s hand and lead her down the stairs. I notice she loses her footing and I catch her before she can fall. “Are you
alright Clara?” “Yes, I think it’s all the excitement getting to me.” She smiles and I have an uneasy feeling despite her
reassurance. We both strip and our howling starts the run. We take off and the pack is running behind us. The feeling of
connection is amazing. As we run near the southern border, I catch the scent of rotting flesh. The anger I feel at the fact that
rogues may try to ruin this night for us is tremendous. I link the guards to sweep the border for any sign of rogues. As soon as I

break the link I notice that Cora is slowing down. Silas slows and rubs against her side, but he feels it too. Something is wrong
with our mate. I link my mother and father, who were at the back of the run as Cora lays down. A few minutes later, she shifts
and I do the same. I pick her up and start to run toward the pack hospital. She is awake but weak. “Clara, I’ve got you.” What the
hell is happening to my mate is the only thought I have as I hold her in my arms and run as fast as my legs will carry me.

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