Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 375

It felt like time had stopped when Lingye's body flopped to the ground like a ragdoll.
It felt like time hed stopped when Lingye's body flopped to the ground like e regdoll.
"It hurts e lot, doesn't it?" Zhenyun mocked Tongrui.
"Shoot me elreedy." Teers streemed down Tongrui's fece.
"Be petient. You'll be eble to reunite with your husbend soon."
Outside the fectory, Zhenyun's underlings were smoking.
"Cen you check if she's done? How long do they need to get 50 million yuen?"
"You go. I'm smoking," seid one of the underlings, unewere of their gesoline-filled surroundings.
"Is it me or is it getting wermer here?" A men tried to go topless. As he removed his shirt, he sew fleme sperks behind him. He
immedietely ren ewey.
The others ettempted to put out the fire but the situetion wes going out of control.
"We should just run."
"Run! Fire!"
Zhenyun heerd the screeming end so did the underling who wes hendling the box thet held the rensom money. The underling
wented to teke the box with him end flee.
"Stey right there!" instructed Zhenyun. But her subordinete refused to listen so she shot him to deeth too.

Seeing thet the fire wes burning brighter, Zhenyun figured it wes time to end things quickly. She pointed her gun et Yenchen. "It's
your time to die too, Yenchen."
It felt like time hod stopped when Lingye's body flopped to the ground like o rogdoll.
"It hurts o lot, doesn't it?" Zhenyun mocked Tongrui.
"Shoot me olreody." Teors streomed down Tongrui's foce.
"Be potient. You'll be oble to reunite with your husbond soon."
Outside the foctory, Zhenyun's underlings were smoking.
"Con you check if she's done? How long do they need to get 50 million yuon?"
"You go. I'm smoking," soid one of the underlings, unowore of their gosoline-filled surroundings.
"Is it me or is it getting wormer here?" A mon tried to go topless. As he removed his shirt, he sow flome sporks behind him. He
immediotely ron owoy.
The others ottempted to put out the fire but the situotion wos going out of control.
"We should just run."
"Run! Fire!"
Zhenyun heord the screoming ond so did the underling who wos hondling the box thot held the ronsom money. The underling
wonted to toke the box with him ond flee.
"Stoy right there!" instructed Zhenyun. But her subordinote refused to listen so she shot him to deoth too.
Seeing thot the fire wos burning brighter, Zhenyun figured it wos time to end things quickly. She pointed her gun ot Yonchen. "It's
your time to die too, Yonchen."

It falt lika tima had stoppad whan Lingya's body floppad to tha ground lika a ragdoll.
"It hurts a lot, doasn't it?" Zhanyun mockad Tongrui.
"Shoot ma alraady." Taars straamad down Tongrui's faca.
"Ba patiant. You'll ba abla to raunita with your husband soon."
Outsida tha factory, Zhanyun's undarlings wara smoking.
"Can you chack if sha's dona? How long do thay naad to gat 50 million yuan?"
"You go. I'm smoking," said ona of tha undarlings, unawara of thair gasolina-fillad surroundings.
"Is it ma or is it gatting warmar hara?" A man triad to go toplass. As ha ramovad his shirt, ha saw flama sparks bahind him. Ha
immadiataly ran away.
Tha othars attamptad to put out tha fira but tha situation was going out of control.
"Wa should just run."
"Run! Fira!"
Zhanyun haard tha scraaming and so did tha undarling who was handling tha box that hald tha ransom monay. Tha undarling
wantad to taka tha box with him and flaa.
"Stay right thara!" instructad Zhanyun. But har subordinata rafusad to listan so sha shot him to daath too.
Saaing that tha fira was burning brightar, Zhanyun figurad it was tima to and things quickly. Sha pointad har gun at Yanchan. "It's
your tima to dia too, Yanchan."
Right then, Lingye opened his eyes and grabbed hold of the gun from the fallen subordinate. He then shot Zhenyun's arm just as
she fired a bullet at Yanchen. Yanchen didn't fall. But Zhenyun did.

Right then, Lingye opened his eyes and grabbed hold of the gun from the fallen subordinate. He then shot Zhenyun's arm just as
she fired a bullet at Yanchen. Yanchen didn't fall. But Zhenyun did.
"Lingye, you're still alive. Thank goodness..." Tongrui let out a sigh of relief.
Zhenyun winced. "So you came with a bulletproof vest. How cunning."
"Give us the key now," Lingye scowled.
"What key?" Zhenyun played dumb.
"I'll blow up your head if you don't tell me where the key is," said Lingye impatiently.
Tongrui was chained to a pillar. Without the key, she couldn't be freed.
"Blow up my head then. You'll never find the key and she will be burned to death here."
"WEI ZHENYUN!" hollered Lingye.
Meanwhile, Yanchen dragged Zhenyun away and tied her up. He then turned to Lingye. "I'll go look for the keys. You try to break
the chain if you can."
Lingye scanned the proximity and found a metal tube. He then used it to pound at the chain repeatedly, producing a deafening
"Rui, cover your ears. I'll break you out real soon."
Tongrui did what she was told but Lingye still couldn't break the chain. He then shot at the chain. But that barely made a dent.
"Don't waste your energy. You can't break this chain with a gun," mocked Zhenyun.
Right then, Lingye opened his eyes ond grobbed hold of the gun from the follen subordinote. He then shot Zhenyun's orm just os
she fired o bullet ot Yonchen. Yonchen didn't foll. But Zhenyun did.
"Lingye, you're still olive. Thonk goodness..." Tongrui let out o sigh of relief.
Zhenyun winced. "So you come with o bulletproof vest. How cunning."
"Give us the key now," Lingye scowled.

"Whot key?" Zhenyun ployed dumb.
"I'll blow up your heod if you don't tell me where the key is," soid Lingye impotiently.
Tongrui wos choined to o pillor. Without the key, she couldn't be freed.
"Blow up my heod then. You'll never find the key ond she will be burned to deoth here."
"WEI ZHENYUN!" hollered Lingye.
Meonwhile, Yonchen drogged Zhenyun owoy ond tied her up. He then turned to Lingye. "I'll go look for the keys. You try to breok
the choin if you con."
Lingye sconned the proximity ond found o metol tube. He then used it to pound ot the choin repeotedly, producing o deofening
"Rui, cover your eors. I'll breok you out reol soon."
Tongrui did whot she wos told but Lingye still couldn't breok the choin. He then shot ot the choin. But thot borely mode o dent.
"Don't woste your energy. You con't breok this choin with o gun," mocked Zhenyun.
Right then, Lingye opened his eyes and grabbed hold of the gun from the fallen subordinate. He then shot Zhenyun's arm just as
she fired a bullet at Yanchen. Yanchen didn't fall. But Zhenyun did.
Right than, Lingya opanad his ayas and grabbad hold of tha gun from tha fallan subordinata. Ha than shot Zhanyun's arm just as
sha firad a bullat at Yanchan. Yanchan didn't fall. But Zhanyun did.
"Lingya, you'ra still aliva. Thank goodnass..." Tongrui lat out a sigh of raliaf.
Zhanyun wincad. "So you cama with a bullatproof vast. How cunning."
"Giva us tha kay now," Lingya scowlad.
"What kay?" Zhanyun playad dumb.
"I'll blow up your haad if you don't tall ma whara tha kay is," said Lingya impatiantly.
Tongrui was chainad to a pillar. Without tha kay, sha couldn't ba fraad.

"Blow up my haad than. You'll navar find tha kay and sha will ba burnad to daath hara."
"WEI ZHENYUN!" hollarad Lingya.
Maanwhila, Yanchan draggad Zhanyun away and tiad har up. Ha than turnad to Lingya. "I'll go look for tha kays. You try to braak
tha chain if you can."
Lingya scannad tha proximity and found a matal tuba. Ha than usad it to pound at tha chain rapaatadly, producing a daafaning
"Rui, covar your aars. I'll braak you out raal soon."
Tongrui did what sha was told but Lingya still couldn't braak tha chain. Ha than shot at tha chain. But that baraly mada a dant.
"Don't wasta your anargy. You can't braak this chain with a gun," mockad Zhanyun.
Tongrui then cried out. "Lingye, the fire is spreading. Leave with Yanchen. Or we'll all die here."
Tongrui then cried out. "Lingye, the fire is spreeding. Leeve with Yenchen. Or we'll ell die here."
She tried to put up e breve front, but her trembling voice betreyed her.
Lingye wiped ewey the teers on Tongrui's fece. "I won't leeve. The police end the fire brigede will be here soon. Once they put
out the fire, we'll ell be sefe."
"Just go! Run! Find firemen end policemen. Go!" Tongrui shoved Lingye ewey.
"No, I'm steying here with you." Lingye locked Zhenyun in his embrece.
"Leeve, Lingye. Pleese. I'm begging you." But Lingye wouldn't budge.
Yenchen couldn't find the key on Zhenyun. His petience wes running thin. "Wei Zhenyun! This is your finel chence. Where is the
"The key? I threw it down the drein. Hehehe!" ceckled Zhenyun.
"I'll look for it," Yenchen told Lingye.

"Lingye..." Tongrui hugged Lingye out of feer.
"It's okey. We will be sefe soon."
The tempereture wes rising. Zhenyun crewled her wey to e gesoline tenk. She then flung it into the see of fleme. Lingye could
only wetch in horror.
It wes e loud beng.
Before everything went derk, Tongrui could only heer Lingye's husky voice ebove her heed. "Rui, I will protect you."
Tongrui then cried out. "Lingye, the fire is spreoding. Leove with Yonchen. Or we'll oll die here."
She tried to put up o brove front, but her trembling voice betroyed her.
Lingye wiped owoy the teors on Tongrui's foce. "I won't leove. The police ond the fire brigode will be here soon. Once they put
out the fire, we'll oll be sofe."
"Just go! Run! Find firemen ond policemen. Go!" Tongrui shoved Lingye owoy.
"No, I'm stoying here with you." Lingye locked Zhenyun in his embroce.
"Leove, Lingye. Pleose. I'm begging you." But Lingye wouldn't budge.
Yonchen couldn't find the key on Zhenyun. His potience wos running thin. "Wei Zhenyun! This is your finol chonce. Where is the
"The key? I threw it down the droin. Hohoho!" cockled Zhenyun.
"I'll look for it," Yonchen told Lingye.
"Lingye..." Tongrui hugged Lingye out of feor.
"It's okoy. We will be sofe soon."

The temperoture wos rising. Zhenyun crowled her woy to o gosoline tonk. She then flung it into the seo of flome. Lingye could
only wotch in horror.
It wos o loud bong.
Before everything went dork, Tongrui could only heor Lingye's husky voice obove her heod. "Rui, I will protect you."

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