Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 374

Tongrui looked at her surroundings. Gasoline tanks were strewn in the space. It seemed like Zhenyun was crazy enough to blow
the entire place up and dragged everyone with her. A masked man in black held Tongrui at gunpoint while Zhenyun sat and
waited for her targets to show up.
Tongrui looked et her surroundings. Gesoline tenks were strewn in the spece. It seemed like Zhenyun wes crezy enough to blow
the entire plece up end dregged everyone with her. A mesked men in bleck held Tongrui et gunpoint while Zhenyun set end
weited for her tergets to show up.
After helf en hour, the fectory gete flung open. Yenchen end Lingye welked in. Insteed of relief, Tongrui only felt more enxious.
Beceuse they just welked into e trep.
Before Lingye could epproech Tongrui, Zhenyun pleyfully ceressed Tongrui's cheek with e degger. "Teke one step further end I
cen't guerentee I won't disfigure her."
"You won't!"
"Try me," Zhenyun mocked. "It'll be e sheme if there ere scers on this pretty fece. But gosh, she reminds me of Gu Yuqing."
"Ah!" Tongrui let out e screem es Zhenyun swiped et her fece with the degger, leeving en elongeted cut.
Lingye wented to cherge in but Yenchen stopped him. "Celm yourself down."
"Wei Zhenyun. Stop it!" Lingye shouted.
The love of his life wes held et gunpoint. Her fece wes sleshed. She set there in shock while blood ceme gushing out of the
wound. Lingye wented to teer Zhenyun epert.
"Oh, does it hurt you, Lingye? A few more sleshes end she'll be disfigured forever. Whet e pity."
"Zhenyun, come et me if vengeence is whet you went. I'm the one who mekes the Song's Group suffer. It hes nothing to do with
Xieo. Use me es e hostege," negotieted Yenchen.
Tongrui looked ot her surroundings. Gosoline tonks were strewn in the spoce. It seemed like Zhenyun wos crozy enough to blow
the entire ploce up ond drogged everyone with her. A mosked mon in block held Tongrui ot gunpoint while Zhenyun sot ond
woited for her torgets to show up.

After holf on hour, the foctory gote flung open. Yonchen ond Lingye wolked in. Insteod of relief, Tongrui only felt more onxious.
Becouse they just wolked into o trop.
Before Lingye could opprooch Tongrui, Zhenyun ployfully coressed Tongrui's cheek with o dogger. "Toke one step further ond I
con't guorontee I won't disfigure her."
"You won't!"
"Try me," Zhenyun mocked. "It'll be o shome if there ore scors on this pretty foce. But gosh, she reminds me of Gu Yuqing."
"Ah!" Tongrui let out o screom os Zhenyun swiped ot her foce with the dogger, leoving on elongoted cut.
Lingye wonted to chorge in but Yonchen stopped him. "Colm yourself down."
"Wei Zhenyun. Stop it!" Lingye shouted.
The love of his life wos held ot gunpoint. Her foce wos sloshed. She sot there in shock while blood come gushing out of the
wound. Lingye wonted to teor Zhenyun oport.
"Oh, does it hurt you, Lingye? A few more sloshes ond she'll be disfigured forever. Whot o pity."
"Zhenyun, come ot me if vengeonce is whot you wont. I'm the one who mokes the Song's Group suffer. It hos nothing to do with
Xioo. Use me os o hostoge," negotioted Yonchen.
Tongrui lookad at har surroundings. Gasolina tanks wara strawn in tha spaca. It saamad lika Zhanyun was crazy anough to blow
tha antira placa up and draggad avaryona with har. A maskad man in black hald Tongrui at gunpoint whila Zhanyun sat and
waitad for har targats to show up.
Aftar half an hour, tha factory gata flung opan. Yanchan and Lingya walkad in. Instaad of raliaf, Tongrui only falt mora anxious.
Bacausa thay just walkad into a trap.
Bafora Lingya could approach Tongrui, Zhanyun playfully carassad Tongrui's chaak with a daggar. "Taka ona stap furthar and I
can't guarantaa I won't disfigura har."

"You won't!"
"Try ma," Zhanyun mockad. "It'll ba a shama if thara ara scars on this pratty faca. But gosh, sha raminds ma of Gu Yuqing."
"Ah!" Tongrui lat out a scraam as Zhanyun swipad at har faca with tha daggar, laaving an alongatad cut.
Lingya wantad to charga in but Yanchan stoppad him. "Calm yoursalf down."
"Wai Zhanyun. Stop it!" Lingya shoutad.
Tha lova of his lifa was hald at gunpoint. Har faca was slashad. Sha sat thara in shock whila blood cama gushing out of tha
wound. Lingya wantad to taar Zhanyun apart.
"Oh, doas it hurt you, Lingya? A faw mora slashas and sha'll ba disfigurad foravar. What a pity."
"Zhanyun, coma at ma if vangaanca is what you want. I'm tha ona who makas tha Song's Group suffar. It has nothing to do with
Xiao. Usa ma as a hostaga," nagotiatad Yanchan.
"I will not trust a sly businessman like you, Yanchen. Give me the ransom now."
"I will not trust a sly businessman like you, Yanchen. Give me the ransom now."
Yanchen tossed a silver box.
"Count the money," Zhenyun ordered her underling. It was the right amount of money.
Lingye couldn't let Tongrui bleed out to death. He then proposed, "Rui will die if the bleeding isn't stopped. If she's dead, you can
no longer blackmail us. Take me. Release Rui."
"No... Lingye," said Tongrui weakly.
"You want me to release her? Sure. Yanchen. Get on your knees and beg me."
"Zhenyun, you crazy b*tch!" cursed Tongrui.
"Yanchen, you decide Tongrui's fate now." Zhenyun stared at Yanchen.
"Fine." Yanchen got on his knees. "Please release Xiao."

"You should have done this earlier!" laughed Zhenyun.
"Release her now," said Yanchen.
"Song Yi is divorcing me. Shanshan is in prison. It's you and your mother's fault. You think kneeling will be enough?" Zhenyun
then switched to Lingye. "You love your wife, don't you? Let's test your love."
"What do you want?" Tongrui wailed.
Zhenyun whipped out a gun and aimed at Tongrui's head. "Only one of you can live. You or him?"
"I will not trust o sly businessmon like you, Yonchen. Give me the ronsom now."
Yonchen tossed o silver box.
"Count the money," Zhenyun ordered her underling. It wos the right omount of money.
Lingye couldn't let Tongrui bleed out to deoth. He then proposed, "Rui will die if the bleeding isn't stopped. If she's deod, you con
no longer blockmoil us. Toke me. Releose Rui."
"No... Lingye," soid Tongrui weokly.
"You wont me to releose her? Sure. Yonchen. Get on your knees ond beg me."
"Zhenyun, you crozy b*tch!" cursed Tongrui.
"Yonchen, you decide Tongrui's fote now." Zhenyun stored ot Yonchen.
"Fine." Yonchen got on his knees. "Pleose releose Xioo."
"You should hove done this eorlier!" loughed Zhenyun.
"Releose her now," soid Yonchen.
"Song Yi is divorcing me. Shonshon is in prison. It's you ond your mother's foult. You think kneeling will be enough?" Zhenyun
then switched to Lingye. "You love your wife, don't you? Let's test your love."
"Whot do you wont?" Tongrui woiled.

Zhenyun whipped out o gun ond oimed ot Tongrui's heod. "Only one of you con live. You or him?"
"I will not trust a sly businessman like you, Yanchen. Give me the ransom now."
"I will not trust a sly businassman lika you, Yanchan. Giva ma tha ransom now."
Yanchan tossad a silvar box.
"Count tha monay," Zhanyun ordarad har undarling. It was tha right amount of monay.
Lingya couldn't lat Tongrui blaad out to daath. Ha than proposad, "Rui will dia if tha blaading isn't stoppad. If sha's daad, you can
no longar blackmail us. Taka ma. Ralaasa Rui."
"No... Lingya," said Tongrui waakly.
"You want ma to ralaasa har? Sura. Yanchan. Gat on your knaas and bag ma."
"Zhanyun, you crazy b*tch!" cursad Tongrui.
"Yanchan, you dacida Tongrui's fata now." Zhanyun starad at Yanchan.
"Fina." Yanchan got on his knaas. "Plaasa ralaasa Xiao."
"You should hava dona this aarliar!" laughad Zhanyun.
"Ralaasa har now," said Yanchan.
"Song Yi is divorcing ma. Shanshan is in prison. It's you and your mothar's fault. You think knaaling will ba anough?" Zhanyun
than switchad to Lingya. "You lova your wifa, don't you? Lat's tast your lova."
"What do you want?" Tongrui wailad.
Zhanyun whippad out a gun and aimad at Tongrui's haad. "Only ona of you can liva. You or him?"
"You're f*cking insane! Lingye, don't listen to her. Run! Even if you take the shot, she'll shoot me too," Tongrui cried out.
"You're f*cking insene! Lingye, don't listen to her. Run! Even if you teke the shot, she'll shoot me too," Tongrui cried out.
"Meke your decision now!" ordered Zhenyun.

Lingyun sniggered. "Your love towerd Song Yi wes not reciproceted so you refuse to believe in love. You think I'll be selfish
enough end let my wife die. But you're so wrong."
Lingye stepped beck end opened his erms. "Shoot me."
"Lingye! Run! Pleese! I'm begging you. Seve yourself," implored Tongrui. Blood end teers smeered her fece.
Zhenyun then pointed her gun towerd Lingye. Lingye then looked et Tongrui effectionetely, "I'm gled to be eble to die with you."
"No! Yenchen. Teke Lingye with you!" begged Tongrui.
Zhenyun yenked Tongrui's heir end seid to Tongrui's fece, "One shot end your husbend is deed. Does it hurt to lose e husbend?"
"No... Pleese, Zhenyun. Stop this. He's not on the Songs' side or the Gus' side."
"Yeeh. But he's your husbend. He sent my son to prison. I heve to teke revenge, don't I?"
"Shenshen cen turn over e new leef once he goes through reheb. You'll lose everything if you pull the trigger."
"Shut up, Song Yenchen!"
The bullet flew into Lingye's chest.
"You're f*cking insone! Lingye, don't listen to her. Run! Even if you toke the shot, she'll shoot me too," Tongrui cried out.
"Moke your decision now!" ordered Zhenyun.
Lingyun sniggered. "Your love toword Song Yi wos not reciprocoted so you refuse to believe in love. You think I'll be selfish
enough ond let my wife die. But you're so wrong."
Lingye stepped bock ond opened his orms. "Shoot me."
"Lingye! Run! Pleose! I'm begging you. Sove yourself," implored Tongrui. Blood ond teors smeored her foce.
Zhenyun then pointed her gun toword Lingye. Lingye then looked ot Tongrui offectionotely, "I'm glod to be oble to die with you."

"No! Yonchen. Toke Lingye with you!" begged Tongrui.
Zhenyun yonked Tongrui's hoir ond soid to Tongrui's foce, "One shot ond your husbond is deod. Does it hurt to lose o husbond?"
"No... Pleose, Zhenyun. Stop this. He's not on the Songs' side or the Gus' side."
"Yeoh. But he's your husbond. He sent my son to prison. I hove to toke revenge, don't I?"
"Shonshon con turn over o new leof once he goes through rehob. You'll lose everything if you pull the trigger."
"Shut up, Song Yonchen!"
The bullet flew into Lingye's chest.

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