Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 233

The kiss made Qiao Sang's heart race uncontrollably.
“I've waited ten years for you. Are you willing to give yourself to me again?”
Qiao Sang was an adult. So, she understood his hint clearly. Only she didn't share the same feelings he had for her.
“I... I need more time. It all happened so quickly all of a sudden, I need to adjust to it.”
Going in for another deep kiss, Qi Yanli squeezed her tightly. He let out a long sigh then confessed, “Okay, but don't keep me
waiting for too long. It's been ten years. I want you so badly that I could explode at any moment.”
Qiao Sang's face was as red as a tomato.
She could feel the pain Qi Yanli experienced by fighting back his desire.
His burning skin and tensed muscles were evident.
“You never got laid in ten years?”
Qi Yanli pulled his right hand up, which baffled Qiao Sang.
Staring deep into her eyes, he spelled it out for Qiao Sang, “This was my partner for a decade.”
Qiao Sang almost choked hearing that.
“Therefore, don't make me wait too long, or I could get sick from it.”
Qiao Sang struggled to find a proper response.
Shen Wanyue was enraged by the fact that she was kicked out by Qi Yanli.
“Hmph. To come back to life after ten years? Only Qi Yanli would swallow a big fat lie like that!”
No! I can't let that Qiao Sang marry Qi Yanli, or my dream will be down the drain.
I already lost Jian Zhe. If I also let Qi Yanli go, then Mu Tongrui will really have the upper hand!
Moreover, Mu Tongrui and Fu Lingye got back together.

After obtaining their marriage certificates, Fu Lingye brought Mu Tongrui back to Repulse Bay Villa.
This interested Mu Tongrui, “Don't you have to work today?”
Fu Lingye raised his brows, “I deserve a marriage leave, just like my employees.”
This was the pinnacle of how sweet life could be.
Mu Tongrui took her time shooting multiple photos of their certificates. Upon careful selection, she showed Fu Lingye the photo
she was the happiest with.
“What do you think? I want to post about it.”
Before Fu Lingye got to react, Mu Tongrui shook her head, “Ah, maybe not. I don't want this event to be ruined by other people's
Fu Lingye snatched her phone away.
“What's that for?”
“I'm posting it for you.”
Mu Tongrui was astonished.
She let out a smile involuntarily.
Following the post, Fu Lingye handed the phone back. Mu Tongrui swept it back then murmured, “I need to see what you wrote.”
Reading the caption, Mu Tongrui melted right then and there.
It read: Here's to the rest of our lives together. I love you, Mr. Fu.
The caption ended with a red heart emoji.
Underneath the text, was the picture Mu Tongrui had just shown Fu Lingye.
I can't believe he posted it, and wasn't being modest at all.
Mu Tongrui's phone blew up with notifications as friends flooded her profile with likes and comments.

After brief contemplation, she asked, “Why didn't you post about it? Are you embarrassed about me?”
Though still keeping a cool composure, Fu Lingye reacted by posting the same thing immediately.
When she came upon his post, Mu Tongrui gave it a thumbs up.
However, his text did not include “I love you.”
Mu Tongrui furrowed her brows, “You didn't type you love me.”
Fu Lingye stood up as he indifferently replied, “I forgot.”
Is that so?
Mu Tongrui ran after Fu Lingye with his phone. In the study, Mu Tongrui hugged him from behind, “Today's your day off. Why do
you still want to work?”
Fu Lingye turned around and glanced at her belly, “What do you suggest, traditional wedding night activities? I don't think your
body can take it.”
Mu Tongrui kept quiet.
How is it on his mind twenty-four seven?
“There are other things to do, you know?”
Fu Lingye inched in with a cheeky smile, “Oh, Rui. I'm not interested in those other things.”
That statement stunned Mu Tongrui.
Holy moly. Fu Lingye and his nasty thoughts!
Mu Tongrui took his phone away to read the comments under his post.
His friends jumped at the chance to goof around.
Lu Zhan was the first to comment, “Mr. Fu, I love you! xoxo.”
Mu Tongrui's cheeks were burning.

This jokester. He's apparently poking fun at my post.
“Is Lu Zhan not dating anyone?” Mu Tongrui inquired.
Fu Lingye said, “He's been single for as long as I can remember. Why, you have a friend to set him up with?”
“Nah. Dudes like him deserve to be single.”
Fu Lingye smiled as he took a moment to observe Mu Tongrui.
Good one. He deserves to stay single.
Mu Tongrui was unwilling to let it go, “Did you really forget about those three words? I have a feeling you left them out on
Fu Lingye's brows twitched, “You must know?”
Mu Tongrui nodded her head firmly.
Fu Lingye unfolded ever so calmly, “Just so it looks like you love me more.”
“You man-child!”
Fu Lingye's thirty-two, yet he's acting so childishly.
That quote probably gets it right. Love not only turns women into children, but it also does the same thing to men.
“Oh, yeah. You never spilled the beans about your first time.”
Was it with Xiao Ya?
Fu Lingye chuckled, “Mrs. Fu, it's only the first day of our marriage. Isn't it too early for an interrogation?”
“It's fine if you don't wanna tell. Since we're not doing the deed tonight, you can sleep in the guest room.”
Fu Lingye was amused. He embraced his wife, “Excuse me. Can I return this purchase?”
“All sales final. No returns and no refunds.”
“Mrs. Fu. That's brutal.”

Mu Tongrui traced her hands to his neck, “You have the right to remain silent. However, I can be more brutal than this. Would you
like to kneel on a keyboard, or durian or Bungles?”
Fu Lingye was confused, “Bungles, the corn snacks?”
“Mhmm, you aren't allowed to crush them.”
Mu Lingye's one eye twitched subtly.
Women get really creative with their tortures when they are on a mission.
“Scared now? I offer leniency to those who confess.”
Fu Lingye still did not show signs of compliance.
Running out of tricks, Mu Tongrui returned to read the comments on Fu Lingye's phone.
Jiang Xinghe commented, “Congrats on getting hitched.”
Ji Zeyan wrote, “Unbelievable! You tied the knot with the first woman you slept with. Congrats on living the ideal of only being
with one woman in your life. Impressive.”
Mu Tongrui read it several times to fully process it and to make sure she got it right.
Eventually, she was sure about what he meant.
Mu Tongrui pulled her gaze away to look up at Fu Lingye, who was concentrating on his computer screen.
She came near and fixated her eyes on him, “Don't tell me... that I'm the only woman you've made love to.”
This was one of the rare occasions that Fu Lingye's ears turned red.
Fu Lingye turned oround ond glonced ot her belly, “Whot do you suggest, troditionol wedding night octivities? I don't think your
body con toke it.”
Mu Tongrui kept quiet.
How is it on his mind twenty-four seven?

“There ore other things to do, you know?”
Fu Lingye inched in with o cheeky smile, “Oh, Rui. I'm not interested in those other things.”
Thot stotement stunned Mu Tongrui.
Holy moly. Fu Lingye ond his nosty thoughts!
Mu Tongrui took his phone owoy to reod the comments under his post.
His friends jumped ot the chonce to goof oround.
Lu Zhon wos the first to comment, “Mr. Fu, I love you! xoxo.”
Mu Tongrui's cheeks were burning.
This jokester. He's opporently poking fun ot my post.
“Is Lu Zhon not doting onyone?” Mu Tongrui inquired.
Fu Lingye soid, “He's been single for os long os I con remember. Why, you hove o friend to set him up with?”
“Noh. Dudes like him deserve to be single.”
Fu Lingye smiled os he took o moment to observe Mu Tongrui.
Good one. He deserves to stoy single.
Mu Tongrui wos unwilling to let it go, “Did you reolly forget obout those three words? I hove o feeling you left them out on
Fu Lingye's brows twitched, “You must know?”
Mu Tongrui nodded her heod firmly.
Fu Lingye unfolded ever so colmly, “Just so it looks like you love me more.”
“You mon-child!”
Fu Lingye's thirty-two, yet he's octing so childishly.

Thot quote probobly gets it right. Love not only turns women into children, but it olso does the some thing to men.
“Oh, yeoh. You never spilled the beons obout your first time.”
Wos it with Xioo Yo?
Fu Lingye chuckled, “Mrs. Fu, it's only the first doy of our morrioge. Isn't it too eorly for on interrogotion?”
“It's fine if you don't wonno tell. Since we're not doing the deed tonight, you con sleep in the guest room.”
Fu Lingye wos omused. He embroced his wife, “Excuse me. Con I return this purchose?”
“All soles finol. No returns ond no refunds.”
“Mrs. Fu. Thot's brutol.”
Mu Tongrui troced her honds to his neck, “You hove the right to remoin silent. However, I con be more brutol thon this. Would you
like to kneel on o keyboord, or durion or Bungles?”
Fu Lingye wos confused, “Bungles, the corn snocks?”
“Mhmm, you oren't ollowed to crush them.”
Mu Lingye's one eye twitched subtly.
Women get reolly creotive with their tortures when they ore on o mission.
“Scored now? I offer leniency to those who confess.”
Fu Lingye still did not show signs of complionce.
Running out of tricks, Mu Tongrui returned to reod the comments on Fu Lingye's phone.
Jiong Xinghe commented, “Congrots on getting hitched.”
Ji Zeyon wrote, “Unbelievoble! You tied the knot with the first womon you slept with. Congrots on living the ideol of only being
with one womon in your life. Impressive.”
Mu Tongrui reod it severol times to fully process it ond to moke sure she got it right.

Eventuolly, she wos sure obout whot he meont.
Mu Tongrui pulled her goze owoy to look up ot Fu Lingye, who wos concentroting on his computer screen.
She come neor ond fixoted her eyes on him, “Don't tell me... thot I'm the only womon you've mode love to.”
This wos one of the rore occosions thot Fu Lingye's eors turned red.
Is he getting embarrassed?
Mu Tongrui planted a kiss on his ear then concluded, “So... that night three years ago was your first night?”
Fu Lingye did not deny or admit.
Mu Tongrui was puzzled, “That doesn't add up. You techniques say otherwise.”
Fu Lingye scooped her up and carried her to the bed. Covering her lips with his, he bragged, “I'm a quick learner.”
He's full of himself!
Thanks to their high-profile announcement, the news about Fu Lingye and Mu Tongrui's union spread like wildfire.
On Saturday, Fu Zhengyuan called. He demanded that Fu Lingye brought Mu Tongrui home to meet the whole family.
In the car, Mu Tongrui inquisitively asked as she buckled her seat belt, “Do you have a big family?”
“Not many, though I have an uncle we need to visit.”
Mu Tongrui was uneasy about it, “What if they don't like me?”
One cannot deny that he's out of my league in many ways. His background and achievement are two obvious ones.
Fu Lingye was not one to value those things too much, “So what? You married me, not them.”
After he put it that way, Mu Tongrui's nerves were soothed.
It's true. I will only see them on holidays, anyway. On other days, it's Fu Lingye whom I lead my life with. Even if the relatives
don't like me, it doesn't affect my life.
They arrived at Fu family house.

Fu Lingye greeted his father, “Dad.”
Although Fu Zhengyuan responded with a snort, Fu Lingye asked Mu Tongrui, “Call him dad.”
Still not used to the shift of identity, Mu Tongrui embarrassedly said, “Dad.”
Fu Zhengyuan cast her a cold glance then handed her a red pocket, “Take it. It's a tradition.”
Seeing Mu Tongrui steal a look at him, Fu Lingye affirmed, “It's okay. Accept it.”
Mu Tongrui complied, “Thank you, dad.”
Sweetheart ran to Fu Zhengyuan, “Grandpa! Why is that only Mu'mu got a red pocket? I want one too!”
Fu Zhengyuan said in fondness, “Of course! Whatever for my little darling. Nanqian, get me two more. I'm feeling generous
today, so Xiaohan and Sweetheart both get red packets.”
Xiang Nanqian nodded her head, “Yes.”
After giving her a red pocket, Fu Zhengyuan patted Sweetheart's head, “Sweetheart. You're going with your parents to have
lunch with your great-uncle tonight.
“Great-uncle? Isn't he far, far away?”
“He came back from the UK. Mm, he would be so happy to see you. Go play with him and get another red packet from him.
Sweetheart smiled ear to ear. She took Mu Tongrui's hand, “Daddy and Mu'mu, let's go now!”
In the car, Fu Lingye gave Mu Tongrui some backstory about his uncle. Mu Zhengyuan's younger brother, Fu Zhenghui, lived
overseas previously, but he had settled down in Bei City this year for business.
When they reached Fu Zhenghui's house, Sweetheart darted in.
Fu Zhenghui was watering his plants in the garden. Seeing how excited Sweetheart was to see him, Fu Zhenghui broke into a

“Sweetheart! You're such a big girl now!”
“Great-uncle, last time you saw me was during Chinese New Year. I've grown a lot since!”
“You're right! Not only are you taller, you're also prettier!”
Sweetheart pointed at her parents, “Look, great-uncle. That's Mu'mu. Dad just married her, so she's my mom now. Isn't she so
Fu Zhenghui looked up but he immediately froze.
She looks just like Lan Jing.

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