Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 232

Qiao Sang snickered, “How do I look identical to her if I'm an imposter? You're a doctor. You should know if I have undergone
plastic surgery.”
Han Ling knitted her brows. After a second, her shoulders dropped, “You're right. I shouldn't have doubted you.”
“I need your trust now that we are on the same boat. Tell me, what's his weakness?”
Han Ling pressed her lips, then revealed, “He suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder.”
“What?” Qiao Sang tried to hide her shock.
“That's right. A different personality presents himself on occasions.”
Qian Sang narrowed her eyes, “If that's the case, do you know how to force it out?”
Han Ling was taken aback by that question. Glaring, she questioned, “What do you want to do to him?”
“Aww. Are you worried about him? Look, doing this can benefit you. This other personality might not know about Mu Tongrui yet
as a doctor you know how to handle it.”
“But I can't hurt him - that's where I draw the line. Whatever your plan is, it cannot involve exposing his illness and hurting him.”
Qiao Sang's phone buzzed. It was a call from Qi Yanli.
Seeing how Qiao Sang let it rang, Han Ling lowered her brows, “Why don't you pick up Qi Yanli's call?”
Biting her lower lip, Qiao Sang took the call.
Qi Yenli asked tenderly, “Sang, where are you? Aunt Wen called to say you went out.”
Qiao Sang bit her lower lip again, “Ah. I'm doing some shopping. I should be home in a bit.”
“Shopping? I thought you hated that.”
“Oh. There's some stuff... I need to get. I'm going back soon.”
“Which mall are you in? I'll have Li Da pick you up.”
Qiao Sang's brows grew even lower, “No, it's okay.”

“Come on, be a good girl. Don't make me worry.”
Qiao Sang finally gave in.
She gave him the name of a random mall.
After the call, Han Ling mocked, “You're an enigma. You came back in one piece to have Qi Yanli treat you like a princess. Still,
you're not satisfied. You just have to separate Fu Lingye and Mu Tongrui. You know what? I don't get your motive.”
“Thanks to Fu Lingye, I had to endure a whole decade without Qi Yanli. No one can make that up for the time I lost. I want to
inflict him the same despair I felt!”
Moments later.
Qiao Sang took a cab to Shengda Shopping Mall. She was relieved that Li Da hadn't arrived by the time she was dropped off.
Five minutes later, Li Da came in a black Bentley.
Li Da came down to open the door for her, “Ms. Qiao, please.”
After she sat down, Qiao Sang requested, “Please take me home, thanks.”
“Mm. Mr. Qi told me to bring you to his office, saying he was eager to see you.”
Qiao Sang took a deep breath. Her scalp tightened in discomfort.
To be getting this overwhelming care and attention from a stranger was more torture than enjoyment to Qiao Sang.
When they reached Ya Hua, Li Da escorted Qiao Sang to Qi Yanli's office.
Qi Yanli had just ended a virtual meeting. He walked over to Qiao Sang, who was sitting on a sofa stiffly.
“Didn't you say you went shopping? Where are the things you bought?”
Qiao Sang paused for a second then fibbed, “I wanted to get some skin care products but I couldn't find anything for my skin
Sitting next to her, Qi Yanli embraced her as he caressed her face, “Next time just tell me what you want. I'll have people buy it
for you.”

“Oh... don't sweat about it.”
Qi Yanli fondly admired her face then praised, “Wow. You have really good skin. Even after then years, you still look the same.”
Qiao Sang zoned out briefly.
Is this the man whom sis was in love with?
Of course, he is many girls' dream man - the looks, the loyalty, and the care.
Too bad I am not Qiao Sang.
The irony is, this man who's keen to spoil me, is also one of my sister's murderers.
“Qi Yanli. Have you looked for me after the accident?”
Qi Yanli's eyes shifted slightly as he didn't expect that question, “I looked for you relentlessly for a whole year despite everyone's
objection. They didn't think a person could still be alive a year after drowning.”
Qiao Sang's eyes turned misty, “Did it occur to you that none of it would've happened if you hadn't brought me to Lijiang Island?”
“It did. And I live in agonizing guilt every day and every night. I regret bringing you into danger and not being able to protect you.”
Qi Yanli placed his hand on the side of her neck and pressed her forehead against his, “Sang... Could you ever forgive me? I
cannot bear being away from you again in my life, not even for a second.”
“Qi Yanli-”
“You never called be that. Please, call me Yan like before so I know you don't still hate me.”
Was this what sis called this man?
“Sang, say it again for me.”
Qiao Sang felt her ears burning.
Qi Yanli simpered as he took in her delicate features and her rosy cheeks, “Sang's shy.”

There was a knock on the door.
Qiao Sang instantly pushed him further, “Someone's coming.”
Qi Yanli let go of her with a sweet smile.
“Come in.”
Li Da entered, “Mr. Qi, Ms. Shen Wanyue is here. She wishes to see you.”
Qi Yanli cast a glance at Qiao Sang and instructed frigidly, “Tell her I'm occupied.”
The office door swung shut.
Qiao Sang asked, “Who is Shen Wanyue?”
“Are you jealous?”
Qiao Sang did not answer him.
Has Qi Yanli been with any other woman this whole time?
What about Mu Tongrui, the woman who resembled sis? Has he been interested in her?
Qi Yanli took Qiao Sang's silence as an expression of anger. Hence he explained, “Shen Wanyue is my stepmom's daughter,
making her my sister. She was even Mu Tongrui's sister at some point as her mom had a few marriages previously.”
Qiao Sang objectively commented, “This stepmom sounds crafty.”
Seeing her pensive yet solemn face, Qi Yanli let out a laugh. Stroking her head, he assured, “However crafty she might be, she's
not your problem. Remember, I'm always here making sure no one could hurt you.”
Being pulled into his arms, Qiao Sang could feel Qi Yanli's earnest infatuation.
However, how long could it last?
“Have you had other women over the course of ten years?”

I don't believe that he stayed faithful the whole time.
“Would you buy it if I said no?”
Qiao Sang shook her head.
“Why not? Do you not have confidence in yourself or me? Sang, my heart died with you when you went missing. I only focused
on avenging Fu Lingye the whole time. I didn't have any energy left for women.”
“Oh... don't sweot obout it.”
Qi Yonli fondly odmired her foce then proised, “Wow. You hove reolly good skin. Even ofter then yeors, you still look the some.”
Qioo Song zoned out briefly.
Is this the mon whom sis wos in love with?
Of course, he is mony girls' dreom mon - the looks, the loyolty, ond the core.
Too bod I om not Qioo Song.
The irony is, this mon who's keen to spoil me, is olso one of my sister's murderers.
“Qi Yonli. Hove you looked for me ofter the occident?”
Qi Yonli's eyes shifted slightly os he didn't expect thot question, “I looked for you relentlessly for o whole yeor despite everyone's
objection. They didn't think o person could still be olive o yeor ofter drowning.”
Qioo Song's eyes turned misty, “Did it occur to you thot none of it would've hoppened if you hodn't brought me to Lijiong Islond?”
“It did. And I live in ogonizing guilt every doy ond every night. I regret bringing you into donger ond not being oble to protect you.”
Qi Yonli ploced his hond on the side of her neck ond pressed her foreheod ogoinst his, “Song... Could you ever forgive me? I
connot beor being owoy from you ogoin in my life, not even for o second.”
“Qi Yonli-”
“You never colled be thot. Pleose, coll me Yon like before so I know you don't still hote me.”

Wos this whot sis colled this mon?
“Song, soy it ogoin for me.”
Qioo Song felt her eors burning.
Qi Yonli simpered os he took in her delicote feotures ond her rosy cheeks, “Song's shy.”
There wos o knock on the door.
Qioo Song instontly pushed him further, “Someone's coming.”
Qi Yonli let go of her with o sweet smile.
“Come in.”
Li Do entered, “Mr. Qi, Ms. Shen Wonyue is here. She wishes to see you.”
Qi Yonli cost o glonce ot Qioo Song ond instructed frigidly, “Tell her I'm occupied.”
The office door swung shut.
Qioo Song osked, “Who is Shen Wonyue?”
“Are you jeolous?”
Qioo Song did not onswer him.
Hos Qi Yonli been with ony other womon this whole time?
Whot obout Mu Tongrui, the womon who resembled sis? Hos he been interested in her?
Qi Yonli took Qioo Song's silence os on expression of onger. Hence he exploined, “Shen Wonyue is my stepmom's doughter,
moking her my sister. She wos even Mu Tongrui's sister ot some point os her mom hod o few morrioges previously.”

Qioo Song objectively commented, “This stepmom sounds crofty.”
Seeing her pensive yet solemn foce, Qi Yonli let out o lough. Stroking her heod, he ossured, “However crofty she might be, she's
not your problem. Remember, I'm olwoys here moking sure no one could hurt you.”
Being pulled into his orms, Qioo Song could feel Qi Yonli's eornest infotuotion.
However, how long could it lost?
“Hove you hod other women over the course of ten yeors?”
I don't believe thot he stoyed foithful the whole time.
“Would you buy it if I soid no?”
Qioo Song shook her heod.
“Why not? Do you not hove confidence in yourself or me? Song, my heort died with you when you went missing. I only focused
on ovenging Fu Lingye the whole time. I didn't hove ony energy left for women.”
Qiao Sang was eager to find out, “How about now? Do you still want your revenge?”
“My world is complete now that you are back. I don't feel the need to hold a grudge against him anymore. He can do whatever he
wants as long as I have you by my side.”
Qiao Sang was surprised that Qi Yanli's sweet-talking worked on her like a spell.
They heard another knock on the door.
Li Da notified, “I'm sorry. Shen Wanyue insists on seeing you today and she's unwilling to leave.”
In Qiao Sang's presence, Qi Yanli suppressed his frustration and smiled at her, “I need to take care of this. I'll be just a moment.”
As Qi Yanli raised up, Qiao Sang nudged his hand, “You can let her in here.”
Qi Yanli complied, “Sure.”
Shen Wanyue walked in to see Qi Yanli and Qiao Sang on the sofa.

Shen Wanyue stormed toward him in her heels, “Yanli, I have a serious matter to discuss with you!”
Qi Yanli pursed his lips then coldly replied, “Shoot.”
“Yanli. This is very important. Can we talk about it in private without any outsider?”
Shen Wanyue stared at Qiao Sang in resentment as she said it.
Qi Yanli was irritated, “Get to the point. Also, Sang is my fiancée, not an outsider.”
Shen Wanyue frowned as she was shocked to learn the news, “Yanli! Don't be fooled. There's no way a person can come back
to life after ten years! She must be an imposter. Trust me!”
Qi Yanli cut her off sternly, “Stop it!”
“Really! It's fishy that she only came back after ten years of disappearance.”
Qi Yanli's rage was noticeable at this point. He called, “Li Da!”
“Mr. Qi, what can I do for you?”
“Show Ms. Shen the door.”
Two security guards followed Li Da as they urged Shen Wanyue out. Li Da recommended, “Ms. Shen, it wouldn't be pretty if the
guards take you out. Let's make this easy for all of us.”
Shen Wanyue snorted, “I'll leave!”
After the drama, Qi Yanli checked his watch. It was lunchtime.
“What do you feel like having for lunch? I'll take you,” he suggested.
Qiao Sang stared straight at him, “Aren't you curious about what she said? What makes you so sure that I'm really her-”
Qi Yanli hushed her by resting his index finger on her lips.

“I can tell innately if it's really you. I know you went through a lot all those years, and that you lost your memory. But it's fine. We
can find those memories back and build more in the future. Sang, you should know that I believe in you no matter what.”
Qiao Sang's tears blurred up her vision, “If it weren't for the accident, would we be happily married and blessed with kids by
If it never happened. My sister would have a happily ever after with the man of her dreams and her own family. More importantly,
she'd still be well and alive.
Silent tears slid down her cheeks.
Qi Yanli lovingly wiped her tears away. He whispered caringly, “Why are you crying?”
“Can you not be so good to me?”
“You silly goose. Do you want me to be good to Shen Wanyue instead?”
Qi Yanli lowered his head to kiss her. They could both taste the saltiness of the tears which traveled down.
Qi Yanli pushed the back of her head and plead, “Sang. Please don't push me away.”

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