Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘Human’ by Rag'n’Bone Man)


I avoided everyone. Separated myself.

It’s called blood lust.

The main reason a Lycan never makes a full life.

Human blood when taken in by someone like me makes you feel fucking invincible and for the most part you are. You can fight any army. You’re not afraid of anything. You throw yourself at danger.

The blood proteins goes straight to the adrenal glands and the hippocampus. The adrenaline levels are pushed up. The male drive to conquer fills the body. I’m almost certain I can hypothesize that this is how the Lycan breeding process begins.

If you’re wondering why I don’t go to my mom, it’s because she’ll suppress me. I don’t want that to happen. I won’t let it happen.

Anyway, for two solid days, your fucking Zeus and no one can stop you, unless they do.

After you crash, you crash so hard for days until your next drink. So, basically, high or sober, as a Lycan you’re a complete dick. You have no problems showing it either.

I have the slight advantage of the slightly more emotionally aware side of my shifter, but even he’s enjoying this fucking crutch. Figures my wolf would have to be an Alpha. The most unstable level you could possibly be as a shifter.

I put my first class books in my locker, and pull out my other ones. Shutting my locker, my body’s itching. My head is pounding on me. My ears on constant high alert for a human to drink.

I sweated it out as much as I could after Rita, before I couldn’t take it any more.

Four days ago, I grabbed a kid in the woods. At first, I panicked at what I had done, then the power hit. I was an animal dripping in sweat staring at a terrified kid on the forest floor.

His wide eyes look completely confused. “Who the fuck are you?” He yells. He looks around wildly. “Where am I?” He looks back at me. “What am I doing here?”

“You don’t remember?” I tilt my head to him as I wipe his blood off my lips with my arm.

“No.” He looks around. “I think I need help, man.” He’s scared, confused and perfect. From what I can tell, he has no idea who I am or remembers the fact that I just drank his ass.

“Sure…Sure, buddy.” I pick him up off the ground, spin him around and point. “Schools that way.” I slap his back.

He cinched his brow. “What school?”

Oh, shit…um…

I point again. “Just walk straight and you’ll find it.”

“Ok.” He mumbles.

I watch him stumble through the trees into the neighborhood surrounding the high school.

Blowing out a breath, I rub the back of my neck. My hand is soaked in sweat. I pull my hand to in front of my face and sniff my fingers. Rubbing them together, I think.

‘To get to maturity, pups have a defense mechanism…’

I look at my fingers again. “The sweat of forgetfulness?” I mumble to myself and turn my head to where the kid left. I smirk at the trunks as my brain formulates what this means.


I close my locker and behind it, is an irritated face with deep brown eyes, messy brown hair and a red sweater vest.

“Where you been, friend?” Eli grits as he leans his elbow on the closed locker and holds his head in his hand.

I eye him. “Around.” I mumble.

I turn and walk down the hallway, adjusting my bag. He slides in beside me. “Rita’s a mess. You skip practice and games. You’re not answering texts.” He stops me. “What’s going on?” He crosses his arms and stares at me.

“Nothing. Just…stuff…” I start down the hall.

“What stuff?” He pushes.

“Nothing! Just leave it, ok.” I say as we turn down another hall.

The bell rings and the halls fill with kids.

We walk in short lived silence.

“They found another one.” He mumbles, putting his hands in his pockets.

“Another what?” I eye him.

“Another brain wiped kid. That’s two man. There’s something going on.” He looks at me.

“They’re probably on drugs or something.” I grumble.

The itch scratches.

Eli scratches his head. “No man, there’s something out there. The Enforcers put out a warning. Kids are being told not to walk the woods anymore. I’m telling you, there’s a weird creature, wiping kids brains.”

“Why would anyone want to wipe the minds of high schoolers?” I scrunch my face and motion my hand out in front of us.

He shrugs. “Sick fetish? They all have these crazy bite marks on their shoulders. Maybe it’s some sort of Vampire.” He smirks.

I shake my head. “Vampires aren’t real, dipshit.”

He leans to me. “What if they are?” He makes a hissing noise and holds his hands up in a creepy way.

“Fuck off.” I push him back. “There’s zero scientific evidence that even suggests a vampire like virus exists. It’s not real.”

He looks at me as he holds his bag straps. “You’re real.”

I tilt my head. “That’s different. I make biological sense. Vampires don’t. Anyway, it’s not a vampire.”

“Ok, but it’s something. We should hunt it.” He says as he opens the door to the stairs.

“No. Absolutely not. Eli, don’t even think about it.” I warn as we get to the second floor.

“Well, I wouldn’t do it without you. I’m not suicidal. If I die, I die with my best friend. Come on.” He hits my chest.

“No. I’m not hunting a creature that could wipe my brain. Not happening.” I adjust my books.

“Fine. You coming to practice today?” He asks.

I look ahead. “No.”

“Quinn. That’s the perfect way to get kicked off the team.” He warns.

“Don’t care. I have more important things to do right now.” I respond.

“Like what…”


We turn and I see a face I’ve been hoping to run into. Spencer Cartwright. A large blonde haired, biker type. He oozes rebellious teenager. So, why do I need him? He’s my supplier.

His brother works at the hospital. He gets me blood, I help him get in places he can’t get into. It’s symbiotic in the world of teenage survival.

“Hey, man.” I side clap him as Eli stands with us, blinking. His mouth is small.

“You meeting us tonight?” He asks.

I nod. “Yeah, I just need to drop my stuff off. Usual?”

Spencer nods. “Yep. A+, brother.”

I smile. “Ok. I’ll see you then.”

He salutes us and strides down the hall. We watch as people whisper about him at their lockers.

Eli turns to me. “Spencer Cartwright?”

“Yeah.” I start heading to class.

“Dude, you know he was born in prison right?”

I shoot him a look that says ‘yeah, right’.

“Don’t believe me? Look it up. The guy has more rap sheets than most of the criminals in Falcon Prison and those guys committed treason!” He throws his hands up.

“He’s not that bad.” I shake my head.

“Not that bad? Quinn…” He stops me. “Buddy, he’s trouble and you’re only going to get sucked in if you go with him.”

I lean to him. “I don’t need a dad, Eli. I can take care of myself. Now stay out of it. I have everything under control.”

“Forgive me if I don’t ignore the obvious downward spiral you’re in.” He crosses his arms.

I point in his face. “Leave me alone.”

I turn from my friend and head for the stairs. I just need to get out of here. There’s too many people here and I can’t deal with the questions anymore.


“Here ya go. Two bags of grade A positive human blood.”

Spencer hands me the bags and my eyes glow gold.

“Thanks.” I eye him, take the bags and call my canines.

The bagged blood is a lot weaker, but it gets me by so I won’t have to hunt. To get the same effect, I need four pint bags. Spencer sneaks them out of the hospitals blood bank for me.

I tear open bag after bag and drink them down.

“Lycans are fucked up, but they pay good.” He smirks.

“Yeah.” I swallow and wipe my mouth. I pass him 500 dollars and pull out my phone. The power from my blood hits my system and my chest swells. My wolf growls and I look at the time. 24 hrs I’ll need another hit or I’ll have to hunt.

“Ok, so, you’re job is to get us into the music shop downtown.” He says.

I nod. “Ok. Is it busy?”

“We’ll keep watch while you use that head of yours to kill the alarms then you can split.” Spencer smirks.

I lift my chin. “Let’s go.”

I get in the car with Spencer and three of his friends.

We pull into an alley beside the Solomon Record store and kill the lights.

We get out and go to the service door.

I look at the basic push button alarm pad and drop my bag. I stole some of my dad's tech for jobs like this. I pop the cover, hook up an alarm by passer and run it. It flips through numbers and then the light ok the keypad turns green and the door unlocks.

“You’re in.” I say as I unhook everything.

“Sweet.” Spencer grins. He opens the door and his friends follow.

Inside, they hoot and holler as they fill their bags with cash from the register, games and music.

They smash cases and pretty much trash the place.

I lean on the back wall. I should leave, but I kind of like studying the criminal element. The behaviors are fascinating. I try to figure out where it comes from.

As I watch them have their fill, there’s lights and the quick blip of sirens outside the store.

“SHIT! ENFORCERS!” One of his friends yell.

I stand straight and run out the door.


I raise my hand to block the spot light.


I turn and run down the alley. The Enforcers chase me.

With four on my heels, I shift to my wolf and run through the streets. The Enforcers shift too and keep on my ass.

I book it down main street. Cars honk and people yell at me as I weave on the sidewalks.

Just three years ago, I jogged down these streets with my dad, now I’m running from the law. How far the Prince of Solomon has fallen.

I turn a corner and I’m pummeled by four more Enforcers. The ones behind me shift and command me to. I shift back and lean on my calves.


Guns cock all around me.

“Ok. Just relax.” I say as I slowly lace my fingers behind my head.

Flashlights light me up and an Enforcer comes up behind me with cuffs.

He pulls my wrists down and cuffs them. “Quieten Preston, you’re under arrest…”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…Break and enter, aiding and abetting. I have a right to remain silent. Blah, blah, blah.” I say as they lift me to my feet.

“Get moving, smart ass.” The Enforcer shoves me toward a car waiting to take me to jail.

My dad should totally love this.

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