Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 6

(Chapter song ‘Heart Shaped Box' by Nirvana)


Homecoming. The second best school event of the year. It’s as special as prom and now it’s even more since our school has the championship.

The theme is a Rock ‘N Roll through the ages kind of thing. I think it’s OK. Rita loves it. She just loves the old classics.

I stand at her door in my tux, waiting and her dad opens the door.

“Good evening, Mr. McRoy.” I smile.

“Quinten. Good game. Nice touchdown.” He talks deep like a father would to a guy his daughter is dating.

“Thanks, Mr. McRoy.”

He allows me to come in and shut the door behind me, calling to his mate.

“So, you two doing anything after?” He pried.

“Um, yeah. I was going to take Rita to dinner…” My head turns and I almost drop my corsage. “But…”

Rita is on the stairs in a white short flowing dress with a pink belt. Her hair is up and her makeup is light. She practically glows. I swallow and try to not sweat from the heat.

She smiles as she walks down the stairs to me. Her big blue eyes blink at me.

She stops and fixes a curl. “Say something.” She whispers.

“I…I…” I stammer.

“Stop drooling on my floor, son.” Her dad whispers in my ear.

My head turns to him and I chuckle. “Right. Sorry. You look beautiful." I smile.

“Thank you.” She says. “Is that for me?”

I clear my throat. “Uh…yeah…It’s a corsage. Did you know that the word corsage comes from the French term bouquet de corsage, meaning a bouquet of flowers worn on the upper part of the body and that women traditionally wore them to weddings and funerals. It’s interesting because…”

“Quinn!” Rita interrupts.

“What?” I blink at her.

She places her hands on my cheeks and smiles. “I don’t care. It’s beautiful.”

I huff a nervous chuckle. “Right.” I pull it out of the box and place it on her wrist.

“Pictures!!” Mrs. McRoy yells through the house.

I pose with Rita and her mother snaps away. “You two look so cute!” She swoons.

“Thank you, Mrs. McRoy.” I beam.

Her dad puffs out his chest. “You two behave. Have a good time and don’t stay out too late.”

“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll have Rita back in a decent hour.” I put on my best responsible face because if he knew what I wanted, he wouldn’t let Rita leave the house.

With Rita 17 now and me technically the same, this night will be full of firsts, I think.

The homecoming dance was packed. Beautiful people and hot music.

I danced, kissed and celebrated with Rita. She’s so special. I’m so in love with her. I couldn’t wait to show her how much.

We left the dance early and went to the hotel room I secretly rented.

Once alone, I sat on the bed next to her. I was feeling even more awkward than when I wanted to talk to her the first time.

I turn to her. “Rita. You know I love you right?”

“Yeah. I love you to, Quinn.” She shies.

I place my hand on her cheek. “I want to be with you. Do you…want to…to be with me?”

She looks down then meets my eyes. “Yes. I think I’m ready for that.” She whispers.

The corners of my lips tick up as I lean in and kiss her as passionately as I can.

My body was on fire with nerves and desire. My teenage hormones were crashing around inside. Her arousal was thick and it only made me harder.

I read a lot on procreation and sexual activity, but nothing prepares you for the actual feeling of it.

Minutes later, our clothes are on the floor and I’m pressing my hard dick on her core.

We’re under the blankets of the double bed.

I’m kissing her tenderly and hungrily at the same time.

My senses heighten. Every sound she makes does something to me. The feel of her skin sends shivers right through me.

I find her entrance and gently push the head in. She gives a little cry of pain on my lips.

I pull back. “Does it hurt? I…I’m sorry…I can’t stop.” I slightly panic as I see her wince.

She swallows. “No…just…go slow…” She nods.

I nod. “I’ll go slow.”

The feeling of her wrapped around just a few inches of my shaft sent all kinds of electrical shocks through me. She’s way tighter than I anticipated.

My heat increased. My wolf was howling. I push in inch after agonizing inch. I feel my climax starting to build already. I’ve satisfied myself numerous times, but it’s nothing like this. Actual contact is so emotionally fulfilling, you almost can’t stand it.

I kiss her again as I push and feel a resistance. Is this it? Is this is where I break her virginity and mine too?

I move a lock of hair from her face. “I’m ready. Are you?” I softly speak to her.

Her face has a tiny bit of worry on it, but she nods.

“Ok. You tell me if it's ok.” I say as I kiss her.

I push through her resistance and she arches back pressing her lips together with a muffled yelp.

“Are…Are you ok?” I’m thinking I really hurt her.

I meets my eyes. “It hurts a little."

“I’m sorry. I can pull out.”

“No. Don’t. Just give me a second.” She says as she tries to catch her breath.


My dick is buried to the hilt. It’s throbbing and she’s throbbing around it. I softly touch her cheeks as I try and make her feel better. “I love you so much.” I whisper.

“I love you, too.” A small tear leaves the corner of her eye. “You can start now.”

“Yeah? You’re ok?” I ask.

She nods.

I smile. “Ok.”

I kiss her soft lips as my rock solid shaft pulls out and pushes back in slowly. Oh my god. So many emotions and feelings. My mind is exploding. The feeling of her inside. Her scent. Her breathing. It’s filling me. My brain is firing with this experience.

She moans softly as I push in a little faster. I kind of worry if I’m doing it right? Is she liking it? Like really liking it? Should I ask? Will it kill the mood?

She feels really wet and tight. It feels like she is.

I kiss her neck as I speed up my strokes.

“Yes, Quinn…” She pants as she holds my head.

“Does it feel good?” I ask as I kiss her cheek.

“Yes…” She chokes.

I kiss her again and pump faster. My dick is swelling and it almost hurts. Her inner walls are squeezing me in ways my hand could never replicate.

“Yes! Quinn…So good!” She moans louder.

I feel her body sweat. I feel the warmth of her breath on my skin and the racing of her heart.

I kiss and lick her shoulder and something starts to rise to the surface.

A feeling. A change. My emotions start to swirl together. From the center of the inner whirlpool of animal instinct, an urge grows.

I start to thrust faster, lifting her leg to get in deeper.


Her screams add to the growing change in me. My wolf growls, but it feels like it’s not him.

My own throat vibrates with a sound that almost borders on demonic. I start to nip at her neck and shoulder when I feel senses I never felt before.

I feel my orgasm building, but it’s being overshadowed by a sound. A fast, rhythmic sound. My eyes follow it to her neck.

My sight changes to a vision I’ve never seen before. It’s like I could almost see through her skin to her jugular vein.

My heart thumps in my chest. My mouth starts to water. My eyes glow gold, as I penetrate her pussy over and over.

With each thrust, it pushes my craving through her veins faster.

Lick her shoulder and nip it a litter harder than I wanted. In a second, warm blood enters my mouth and my entire body shakes with the awakening of a power I wasn’t prepared for.

She screams and tries to push me off.

I panic and push back, sitting up on my calves. I watch her sit up and scramble backwards, pinning herself to the headboard.

“YOU BIT ME?!” Her eyes are wide as her hand goes to her shoulder.

I touch my lips and bring back my fingertips covered in her blood. “I’m…Rita…I’m sorry…I…I just got excited…” I plead.

“Quinn! You bit me!” She looks at me like I’m a freak.

“Rita, please…” I hold my hands up as I try to calm her down.

While I’m trying to diffuse the situation, the thing inside grows even more.

My eyes go to her bleeding shoulder. My lips lick the blood off them and I swallow.

When the blood hits my system, I feel it…strength, confidence, power…So much power. I look at my arms and make fist as I turn them.

The strength makes me feel like I can move mountains. My eyes glow brighter.

It’s fucking better than sex. I feel my testosterone rise. I feel my muscles grow.

“Quinn?” She whispers. Her eyes are flicking all over me as she holds a pillow to her.

I slowly rise my head to her. My eyes immediately lock on the blood trickling down from my bite.

I want more…

Thoughts of pinning Rita down and sucking her blood out of her filled my mind and a smirk crosses my lips.

“Baby? What’s wrong?”

Her soft, concern filled voice seemed to push past the urge and I saw her as I did before I bit her, but not totally.

I smell her. I smell her blood. My ears literally hear the blood flow through her jugular. I can see it.

I may have come to my senses, but the urge is still scratching at me. Trying to take hold like I just took a taste of a drug and now I’m hooked.

I take serious stock, rip myself out of bed and run for the bathroom.

“Quinn?! What’s happening? Quinn?” She bangs on the door as I lock it. I rest my hand on it as I hold my chest. The beast that’s not my wolf, squeals from inside as it consumes Rita’s blood and floods my system with it.

“Rita! I’m sorry!” I yell.

I walk to the sink and stare at myself in the mirror.

I run the water and wet my face. Even in here, I can hear her blood. Smell it. Every fiber in my body wanted her. Wanted to drink her. I want it. I need it.

I look to the door.

“Quinn? You’re scaring me!” Rita’s voice cracks. I scent her tears, but it’s nothing compared to her blood.

I can’t be here.

I throw open the door and proceed to find my clothes. “I have to go.” I grumble.

“What? Quinn…” She grabs my arm.

I shrug her off. “Stay away from me!” I back off and pull on my pants.

She stands in front of me as tears well in her eyes. “Quinten.” She can’t make sense of what’s going on. She won’t ever understand it. I don’t even understand it.

I throw on my shirt. “I can’t…I’m sorry…I can’t be around you…Rita, I’m sorry…the…um…the car will take you home ok…I…” I back up to the door. I open it and look at her crying in the middle of the floor.

My face pains. “I’m sorry…” I whisper and rush out of the room.

And that’s it. The exact moment when my life as I knew it went to complete shit. Now, when the rest of my story is told, you’ll get just how fucked up I am. Truthfully, I shouldn’t exist. I’m dangerous. I had many thoughts of taking myself off the board. The base of those thoughts are how I broke Rita’s heart. About how much of an asshole I am for even thinking of hurting her. How I let my addiction rule my life after that one…quick…bite.

How I told absolutely no one I even had it.

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