Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 32

(Chapter song ‘Forever Young’ by Rod Stewart)


I bounce on my toes as I wait patiently for Quinn. It’s been over a year since his sentencing and so far, it’s been smooth, all things considering.

The visitors room is a large space with tables and benches bolted to the floor. There’s a few families here visiting inmates. Talking and hugging. Missing each other like crazy. Just like I do every night. It’s hard being a new mate and not being able to celebrate it like everyone else and because Quinn’s in maximum security, he’s not afforded private time with me. We can survive it, but I will say, it’s flipping torture.

Quinn’s parents have been angels. His dad is just what I needed. When things get tough for me, he’s right there. Holding me as if I’m his daughter. My dad would have loved him. His mother and my mother have become best friends. Whenever the Preston’s are in the city, my mother cooks for an army. Which Gideon loves being a big Alpha wolf. Man, can he eat.

I’ve tried to be there for Quinn’s sister Anne. She’s not talking about it. Having a brother in prison isn’t something that sits right in her world. I’ve tried to explain to her that Quinn made mistakes, she’s closed off though. I hope in time, her and Quinn can repair the damage made.

His brothers are cute as buttons. They’re almost 5 now. They’re running around being holy terrors. Gideon is preparing for their shift. He’s convinced they will change like Quinn did. He did supress them as soon as they were old enough. Anne too. They’re not taking any chances. It’s a tough decision to deny a side of one’s soul, but when people can be hurt by it, what choice do you have?

As far as Quinn goes, he says he’s not having too much trouble inside. The first few months were an adjustment. He missed me in the worst way and I missed him. I just can’t wait to hold him every day, not just an hour a week.

I’m hoping I can lift his spirits today. Today is special because Ricky let me bring some special people to meet Quinn for the first time.

Theo and Levi. It’s been so long since he even talked to them and he’s never seen them until today.

I watch the prison door as Gideon and Bella wait with me. It’s at the back of the large visiting area and my eyes are glued to the square window in the door.

Just when I think he’s not coming, I see dark shadows moving behind the glass. I bite my lip as my heart stops. He sees me and smiles. He waves a little bit as the guard unlocks the door. I want to burst into tears. It happens every week, but I’m extra emotional today.

“Look, Levi.” I point to the door. “It’s Dada.” The tiny version of Quinn sits in my arms. He pulls at his black hair as his confused chubby, baby face looks at my finger. His big blue eyes wonder what I’m pointing at. I turn to Bella. “Theo, look. Dada’s coming.”

Bella bounces Theo on her hip as she tries to het the baby excited. He also looks to the door with confusion. His black bangs fall in his face and I move them out of the way. They need haircuts already, I laugh to myself.

Bella leans to Theo’s ear. “Say hi to Dada!” She grabs his little wrist and waves it to Quinn. Theo looks even more confused.

Quinn steps through the door and stops. He sees his twins and almost loses it. He points both forefingers at the boys and points to his chest. I nod and bite my lip. He points as he looks at the guard. He has an ear to ear grin. The guard slaps his back and says congratulations.

He slaps his forehead and practically runs to me. He slows and grabs my cheeks. “Oh God, I missed you!” He says before kissing me.

I’m giggling like a school girl. “I missed you to. How are you?”

“I’m good…I’m great…Oh my god!” He smiles big as he looks at Levi. “I did that?” He leans to the boy and runs his hand down Levi’s hair and cheek.

I nod. “Yes, you did.” I giggle as I fight crying.

“And that too?” He looks at me and points to Theo.

We knew I was pregnant. I found out after Quinn went to jail, but I kept twins a surprise until I could show him.

Bella nods. “Here ya go, dad.” She looks so proud of her son as she hands him his baby.

He grabs Theo. “Oh my god. You’re beautiful!” He holds his boy up. Theo isn’t really impressed and starts to cry. “Uh…Oh, no. Don’t cry, little man. I’m sorry.” He lowers Theo into his arms and hugs him. He rocks a bit to calm him.

“He doesn’t know you. It’s ok.” I say as I wipe my eye.

“I know. I’m going to show them they have the best dad.” He grins and kisses me.

Gideon clears his throat. “We talked with Wes and he says Zander’s willing to look at your record again, but it’s going to take a few more months.”

“I’m not really going anywhere so I guess I can wait. You think they’ll let me out?” We both eye Gideon wanting to know his thoughts.

“You’re a model prisoner, Quinn. That has to count for something.” He says as Levi starts to fuss.

“I hope so. I miss your lips. Come here.” I lean to him and kiss him with the love I hold for him. Levi starts to cry.

“Oh I’m sorry. You want a kiss too.” Quinn kisses the side of his head.

He sits down with Theo and I sit beside him. The twins play with the table and each other as Quinn plays with my hair.

He hugs each boy. “They’re so beautiful, baby. Thank you.”

“I believe you helped.” I laugh.

He leans to me. “I couldn’t have don’t it without you.” He kisses me.

“No because that would be weird.” I laugh.

“So grand parents. Who would have thought.?” He smiles at his parents.

Gideon laughs. “Trust me. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. In my head you’re a 17 year old dad.”

“I’m not sure about the whole grandmother thing, but I’m getting use to it. Just don’t you dare call me old.” Bella points to Quinn.

“You’ll be young forever, doll.” Gideon says. He kisses her temple.

“I certainly hope so.” She laughs.

“I’m just glad I have your help.” I say as I blow out a breath.

“Sawyers not budging huh?” Quinn asks.

I press my lips together. “Nope. I won’t be an Enforcer ever again.”

“Well, once I get out of here, you won’t have to worry about any of that. I’m going to work hard and support us all. That’s a promise.” Quinn says and kisses his boys heads. He kisses my lips and hugs the babies.

“I just wish time would hurry up.” I mumble

He points to me. “No. Time needs to slow down. I don’t want to miss a second and I don’t want them to miss a second either.”

I smile because I can only imagine what it’s like to be thrown through time like Quinn was. How messed up he was for a long time, but really it’s not.

He grew so fast. Over a quarter of a lifetime in just 10 short years. I don’t know if I could handle that, but Quinn dealt with it as best as he could. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he tripped along the way, but he learned from the mistakes he made. He righted the wrongs. He even saved lives. I will forever be proud of the man he turned out to be.

People won’t always understand and that’s fine because unless you’re in the mind of Quieten Preston, you’ll never understand what it’s like. Even I’m still unpacking Quinn. There’s just so much.

For now, we will enjoy what time is afforded to us until we can be a family again.

As for myself. I don’t know. I enjoy being a mom, but eventually I’m going to need to do something with my life. Unfortunately my dream of being a level 5 Enforcer will never be realized. In my mind, it was sacrifice I made to prove Quinn’s innocence. If I didn’t, I shudder to think about where we would be right now.

I won’t worry about any of that right now. Quinn and my boys are all I need. Until that changes, I’ll be a happy red wolf.


I stand in the fenced yard on a gorgeous day and watch as the boys laugh and squeal.

They hang onto their dads fur as he trots around the grass of the group home. Cameras and plain clothed guards stand watch. It’s his time to be with his children and he’s not wasting a second of it. It may not be jogging through the streets of his home town, but it’s good memories made out of the black spot in Quinn’s life. He said he’d be the best dad and he meant it. The boys have no clue they’re in a minimum security prison. We like it that way.

Quinn’s black wolf barks and wags his tail. He hops and skips around the yard. Theo smacks Quinn’s head and giggles loudly as Levi hangs onto his brother for dear life.

The boys are three now. Quinn’s been in the group home for a year. Time is starting to go so fast. We visit him three times a week and it’s starting to feel like we just get here and we have to leave again. Much to the protest of Quinn, but you can’t help it when things seem to be going so good.

I have some good news. Sawyer reconsidered my position. He said because Quinn was my fated, he can’t really say that I’m a threat to future prisoners. I can guarantee I won’t be going on the run with anyone unless it’s Quinn.

So I’m back at Level 2. Lucy is training me for my level 3 exam. Casey the new chief now. They were so impressed with his record, they really didn’t have a choice. He really is the best man for the job. I just don’t get to see him as much now. As long as I check in every once in a while, it’s ok by me. He will always be like my big brother.

The boys jump off Quinn’s back and tear around the yard as Quinn’s wolf chases after them. He runs up behind Theo, shifts and picks him up. He spins Theo around in the air. Theo squeals and giggles. His little arms and legs flail around in the air. Quinn makes loud airplane noises making like Theo’s flying.

Levi jumps up and down at Quinn’s leg. “UPPY! UPPY!”

“You want up too!” Quinn laughs. He puts Theo down and lifts Levi in the air. The two of them laugh and spin. Levi’s face is red from laughter and his black hair blows in the wind as his dad flies him around.

He’s such a wonderful dad.

“Oh no! Dads dizzy!” He stumbles, tucks Levi in his arm and falls to his back. The boys squeal and jump on him. Quinn pretends to pass out.

“Dada wake up!!” Theo smacks his face.

Quinn wakes up. “BOO!” Theo squeals loud. The three of them wrestle around on the ground. I can barely breathe.

The good thing about Quinn being who he is, he knows what it’s like to be a kid. He remembers. He knows what they need and what they don’t. He knows what to do and what not to do because his holds the memories of his own life so closely. He remembers the mistakes made and vows to never make them with his pups. In short, he can relate to the two little boys who call him dad and it kind of makes things easier.

When everyone’s tired and the time we have is starting to wind down, we sit under a tree and the boys play at our feet in the grass.

He cups my cheek. “How are you?”

I shrug. “I’m ok.” I avoid his eyes because I know when this talk starts, I’ll have to leave him soon. Our three hours is up.

“Paisley.” He leans to me.

The corner of my lip ticks up. “I miss you.”

“A little longer. I’m sure my request for serving the rest of my sentence at home will go through. Zander read my proposal and he liked it, but I can’t do it from in here. He has to let me out.” He leans his head on the tree.

“I hope so. It’s getting harder to leave you. The boys are asking questions now. They have your brains.” I lay my head on his chest.

“Oh God, I hope not.” He chuckles.


“I was a horrible child with the internet in my head. No.” He laughs.

I laugh too and kiss him.

“RAWW….ARFFFF!” Theo does a baby growl and jumps on his dad.

“Oof!! Oh. Big bad wolf, huh?” He tickles Theo to the ground. Theo laughs and kicks his feet as Quinn pins him down.

“ARF! ARF!” Levi jumps on Quinn’s back.

“NOT FAIR! I’M OUTNUMBERED!” Quinn falls to the ground as our pups pile on him.

My ribs hurt from laughing so hard.

Even though it’s a still a prison setting, I hope these moment never change. Quinn’s childhood had a rocky start. I can see him making up for that. He wants the world for his boys and he’ll do whatever it takes to give it to them. I just hope when they get older, they understand that too.


“Quinn, I’m impressed.”

Zander looks over the final plans and proposals Quinn developed.

I hold his hand as we sit in the living room of the group home.

“The building you requested has been built and these projections are great.” He says.

“So, you think I can finish my sentence at home?” Quinn hopeful eyes search Zanders.

“I had a conference with the council. Jake has final say of course, but I didn’t fly back here for Ricky’s sake. Well, not totally. I knew she couldn’t stay away for long and since I’m here, I might as well see about getting you home to your family.”

“Yes! Quinney!” I throw my arms around his neck. He hugs my so tight.

“Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.” He smiles.

“I’ve seen your boys. They’re too much like you to leave them alone. They need their dad.” Zander smirks.

“I agree.” Quinn rubs his neck.

“Especially Theo. You better keep a close eye on that one." He chuckles.

“I will.” Quinn looks at me then back at Zander.

Within hours after Zander leaving the group home, Quinn walked into the condo that Jake put me up in. He still has to wear an ankle bracelet for two more years, but he’s home now after serving 5 years.


Our four year old pups run to Quinn and he squats down. “My little men!”

The three of them hug. Quinn kisses their cheeks.

“Daddy sleeping over?” Levi asks.

“Better believe it, buddy. Daddy’s home forever. I’m never leaving any of you again.” He ruffles their hair. They giggle loud.

“YAY!” The boys yell and jump up and down. They love Quinn so much.

He stands and smiles softly at me. He cups my cheek. “I’m finally home.” He leans in and kisses me so deep and passionately. He spent five years in prison and it never changed this man one bit. He has so much heart that you couldn’t break it if you tried.

He may not have shown much in the beginning, but he has a lot of love to spread around and he’s going to just that.

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