Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 24

(Chapter song ‘Killer In The Mirror' by Set It Off)


Well, this is a fine turn of events.


I throw an old bottle against a wall of an old warehouse I’m hiding in.

I had just heard of Paisleys attack when Jake came in from the university. I was about to leave when he told me Heather had been killed. Beaten to death on campus.

My head filled with shock and my heart filled with even more pain. I was going to go to the scene and Jake stopped me. He told me to let the Enforcers do their jobs. He could see that I was visibly in no shape to be going anywhere alone, so he told me to clean up and get ready and he’d go with me to Paisley.

Then the Enforcer showed up. At first I didn’t get it. Then my brain calculated my situation.



The University.

All of it spins with me in the center.

I look at Len. “Someone’s setting me up.”

He looks confused. “What?”

This had Liam written all over it. I won’t join him, so he’s taking my life away.

“I have to go.”

“Quinn…” He starts.

I grab my back pack and run to my balcony. I throw myself off it and sprint out of the pack house driveway. I can’t get arrested. I have to find Liam. They’ll never believe me.

After I lost the Enforcer in the crowd, I wound up here. I can’t leave the city, they’ll have the exit blocked. They monitor the walls and the desert, they’ll be on me before I get a mile.

I scrub a hand down my face. I have to get to Paisley. I have to tell her I didn’t to this.

I can’t go to my friends or the Alphas. I can’t even trust my dad to not to turn me in. Liam has successfully cut me off from everyone. I’m on my own out here. Just me and him. I’m trapped in the ring with him and if it goes the way I think, it ends with one of us dead. The Lycan battle for power has begun.

I pace around the warehouse. I stop when I hear sirens outside. I have to get out of here.

I grab my bag and slip out the back. I pull my ball cap down and pull up my Hoodie.

I stick to the mountain wall and avoid all cameras. Sticking to shadows, I make my way to Phoenix General. She better be alright.

I try to not look at anyone as I walk casually through the halls. It’s night so the it’s not that busy and the staff are too tired to notice me.

I waited for the nurse at the nurses station to leave and quickly looked for Paisleys room.

When I got to her floor, I was about to turn a corner when I saw two Enforcers outside her room. I pulled back to the wall and peeked around the corner.

Mia came out with a smile on her face. “I’m glad I could help. Get some rest.” She says. I can only assume she healed Paisley. Thank God.

She walked my way and I turned my back to her, pretending to play on my phone. She walked right by me.

I turn back and the door shuts. The Enforcers aren’t moving.

Shit. I’ll have to get to her another way.

I walk back down the hall when I look up from under my brim. The Enforcer that chased me was walking toward me with two Enforcers behind him.

I tucked myself deeper into my sweater and walked by him. I’m heated and nervous, but I play it as cool as I can.

I didn’t think he made me until I got on the car. As the door closes, he runs into my view and our eyes lock. We both reach for buttons, and he tries to stop the door but he misses it.

I get off on the next floor and run for a fire exit. I run up to the roof and jump the buildings. I get down to the street and run for a bit more.

I stop in a doorway and slide down. I punch the door I’m leaning against with a growl and hold my hair.

He’s probably telling her I’m the one killing people. She’s an Enforcer. She’ll believe him. She has no reason to believe I’m innocent. What the fuck am I going to do?

I pull out my phone and press a contact. I watch the entrance to the alley as it rings.


“Yeah.” I mumble.

“Where are you? Everyone’s looking for you?” Wes’ voice sounds very concerned.

“I didn’t do it, Wes.” I say as I take off my hat and rub my hair.

Silence on the other end.

“Wes. I didn’t…” I say again.

“Ok. Why not come back and we can straighten this…” He says.

I thump my head on the door. “I can’t. That’s what he wants.”

“Who? Liam?” Wes asks.

“Yes, Liam. He wants me in jail. He wants me left with nothing so I’ll join him.” I say.

“Quinn, it’s not Liam. Jake told me Liam’s been sent to New York. They just did a check. He’s still there. Now, what’s going on?” He sounds really unsure of me now.

“What do you mean? Liam’s not in the city?” I drop my head and try to process what he’s telling me.

“No, Quinn…Just…Turn yourself in man. This is only making things worse.”

I run the information through my brain. Liam’s not here, that can only mean…

“Wade.” I mutter.

“What?” Wes questions.

“Wade, Liam’s brother. He must be helping Liam get to me. I have to go.”

“No…Quinn…Come on. We can help…”

“Bye, Wes. Thanks.” I hang up and stand.

I walk down the alley and toss my phone in a dumpster. I’m sure they put out a GPS tracker on it.

I pull up my hood and join the night life. I’ll find a safe place to rest then start my hunt for Wade Vinelli.


I sit in the dark shadow and wait. I don’t know how this is going to go. I just hope it goes the way I want because I don’t think I can take it if it goes the other way.

The door opens and the light turns on.

“Hey, Sparky.” My eyes meet hers and she screams.

I rush to her. “Paisley! I’m sorry…I’m…Don’t scream….” I try to get her to calm down as I reach for her.

“No. Stay back.” She warns and backs to her door.

“Paisley. I didn’t do it. I swear. Please, just…” I step closer and she throws up her hand. I stop. She's so fucking beautiful, I’m so scared right now.

“I know what I saw, Quinten.” She scowls at me, but her fear of me is clear.

I back off. “Saw what?”

“The eyes. Your eyes…I saw your eyes before you…” Her chin quivers as looks at me with terrified disgust.

“Baby, please. I wouldn’t hurt you. I couldn’t.” I plead with her.

“No one has eyes like yours, Quinn. Don’t lie to me…” She starts to cry. “You hurt me and you killed that girl.”

“No! Paisley, I didn’t! You have to believe me!” I beg.


“Baby, please. I’m being set up! It’s Liam. This is all Liam to take you away from me! Please. I can’t do this without you.” I step closer to her.

“Liam didn’t do anything, Quinn. You lost me when you put your hands on me.” She grits. Her face is so filled with pain and anger.

“You really believe that, don’t you?” I say quietly. “After everything.”

“Evidence doesn’t lie. You fooled me, Quinten, but not anymore.” Her eyes looked at me like a monster.

My heart couldn’t take her looking at me like that. I wanted to fall at her feet. I didn’t want her to see me as a monster. My wolf and my Lycan wanted to force her to believe me, but I knew that was a horrible idea. It’s now just another reason to get Wade.

I press my lips together and nod. “Ok.” I sniff and look around her room. “I just…I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t want you in the middle of my bullshit. I shouldn’t have come to you. I know that now.”

Sirens filled the air from her open window. I looked to the sound and looked at Paisley.

She glared at me and tapped her temple.

My face fell. She linked the Enforcers.

I picked up my bag and ran to the open window. I took one last look at her. She started crying again, holding herself.

I swallow. “I love you.” I mumble and jump up to the top of her window. I call my claws and start to climb to her roof.


Gunfire starts and bullets ricochet around me.

I crawl over the edge and take off. I run from roof top to roof top. My heart smashing with every jump. My soul crushing agony fueling me. Paisleys hurt building my desire to rip Wade to shreds.

I just want to know how he did it first. How can I be somewhere I wasn’t. Where was I?

I stop and catch my breath against a roof top doorway.

Where was I? Fucking hunting. That’s where I was.

Feeding my blood addiction while the love of my fucking life was getting broken by Wade. While my lab partner was being beaten to death. I may not have done the deed, but I failed them. I should have been with them. I should have been there to protect them instead of satisfying my blood lust. This fucking addiction has me by the balls and I can’t shake it off.

If I can’t shake it, I’ll feed it. I’ll feed it to a point Wade will never be identified.

I leave the rooftop and walk the streets. I know where I have to go.


The blood bank was slow tonight. I walk by the front window and Francis is drawing blood.

I walk around back and slip into the delivery door. I hear Francis talking with people and as long as he stays there, I can get in and out without him noticing until I’m long gone.

I pull off my hood and slip to the back where the fridges are.

I walk into the walk-in fridge. My breath clouds in front of me and my cheeks redden at the cold in the room. On the walls, bags and bags of blood. I pull open my bag and walk to where the human blood is. I start throwing bags into my pack as fast as I can.


My head whips to Francis.

“What the hell?!”

I put my hand up. “Fran…”

He walks into the fridge. He tilts his head to me. “You can’t take that.”

“I need it.” I say low.

“I won’t let you.” He stares me down. His hands ball to fists.

I step to him and zip up my bag. “Just let me go, Fran.”

“Not happening.” He stands firm.

I try to remain calm as my wolf and Lycan go nuts. “I don’t want to move you with force, ok. Please. Just let me go.”

“Sorry, pretty boy. You want that blood, you’re going to have to go through me first.” He growls.

I lower my head and shake it. I hate doing this to a friend, but I have no choice.

I look up at him with my Lycan at the surface. With a demonic growl, I grab him and throw him over me. He flies to the back wall. He lands on the rows of bagged blood which all explode under his back. Him and a shit ton of blood hit the floor.

I see him start to rise up and I run out of the fridge.

Before I run out of the building, I grab an insulated medical bag and leave the bank.

I find an abandoned building and lock myself in it. I find the darkest, smallest room in the place and hide.

I pull off my hoodie and ball it on the floor. I transfer the blood to the insulated bag to try and keep them good for as long as I need to. It should be enough to bring down Wade.

I rip open eight bags and drink them down. I fill my stomach with the power. I try and drown my pain in it, but it’s not working. Bag after bag, I still feel it. Paisleys eyes are staring at me with absolute disgust. The fear I felt off her made me sick. Her beautiful face was twisted in such ugly anger. Tears staining her milky skin. I did that. I caused her that torture.

I lay my head on my sweater. Paisleys tears and face haunting me as I close my eyes. This is my punishment. This is my hell. My brain is my life sentence to serve. I will forever relive the day I broke her heart in a detail that will never fade until I die.

As she cries in my head, I cry with her. Curling myself up, wrapping my arms up around my head and letting go of everything. Praying it’s a nightmare I’ll wake up from, but knowing it’s the nightmare I live now. Knowing that everything I had is gone and no amount of genius will get me out of this.

Under all of this…a scared little kid who has absolutely no idea what to do next.

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