Behind The Alpha Series Book 1 Quinn

Chapter 23

(Chapter song ‘Somebody’s Watching Me' by Rockwell)


After the excitement with Quinn over the last week, I have to get back to my real job. Patrolling the streets, making sure everyone is behaving themselves.

As I drive the road, I realize something.

This is really boring.

Temporarily being a level 5 had my blood pumping. Not as much as Quinn’s god like body, but fighting a bad guy got the juices flowing for sure.

I just wish I could do it all the time. If I bust this Lycan killer case, I’m sure I’ll get that promotion.

I just need a big break in the case. Our prime suspect is Wade who wasn’t with Liam, but he was the Lycan who attack the girl Quinn found. I need to find Wade.

Quinn says Wade’s not the one doing the murders, but I’m not so sure.

After my shift, I pulled into the station.

I walk to Casey’s desk and pull Henderson’s chair over. I flop down into it with a huge sigh. The station is busy with shift change and the last processing of the latest bad guys.

He glances up from his computer. “Problems?” He arches a brow.

I shake my head on the back of the chair. “No. Not really. Just bored.”

“Bored? How can you be bored? Don’t you have a new beau?” He chuckles.

I smile. “He’s not my Beau just yet. I’m just helping him with things in school. He’s biology major. He’s studying Lycans.”

“Interesting and you’re helping him with that?” He eyes me.

“Yep. I know a bit about Lycans.” I sit up.

“Are you sure you not just milking him for information?” He leans to me and arches a brow.

“What do you mean?” My mouth goes small and my brow goes up.

He turns back to his computer. “Don’t try and fool me, Red. You’re trying to solve my case. I know you.”

“No. I said I wouldn’t and I’m not.” I smile innocently.

“Like I believe that for a second.” He leans forward and taps some keys. “Damn.”

“What?” I swing my head from his computer to his face irritated face.

“Oh they lost the evidence box.” He flops back in his chair and motions to his computer. “The report I need wasn’t uploaded to the system and now we can’t find it. I tell you. There’s some real yahoo’s in that records room.”

“Dang. I hope you find it." I say as a bit of guilt grows in my chest.

I’ll have to get that box back soon.

I stand. “Ok. Well, I’ll leave you to it and bid you goodnight."

“Sure thing. Hey, tell that boy of yours I said hi.” He smiles.

I smoke back. “I will. He’s really sweet. You two should chatter over beer or something. I think you’d like him.”

“If he treats you right, I know I will.” He leans back in his chair.

I blush and leave the office room. I know Quinn would treat me right. He’s thoughtful and attentive and I think he cares for me. Can I see myself with him for years? I have a strong feeling I actually could. He does things to my insides that just make me feel like I’m floating. He has this way of making me feel special.

On the way home, my more intimate moments sit in mind making a tiny smirk pull at lip. When I turn onto my street, that smirk fades.

“Just great.” I look at the line of cars up my street. Someone’s having a party…again.

Damn, I hate walking back to my building in the dark.

I drive up four blocks and find a spot. I get out and prepare my pepper spray. You can never be too careful, I always say.

I start the walk back. It’s pitch black save for surrounding building lights and street lamps. The occasional dark alley doesn’t ease my nerves at all.

As I pass one of these alleys, the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I stop and look down it. I feel like there’s someone there, but I can’t scent anyone or see movement.

I tuck my hands in my coat pocket and walk a little faster.

Another block and I hear footsteps behind me. My heart stutters and I nonchalantly, look over my shoulder. I don’t see anyone.

I walk some more and a crash of something happened behind me. I turn with a yelp.

I look down the street. I inspect each parked car and dark area on both sides of the street.

I take slow, cautious steps backwards. I spin around and all I remember is huge canines and blue glowing eyes.

The last thing I remember hearing is my own blood curdling scream.


I can barely move. All four limbs are casted, 5 broken ribs, my face was smashed to bits. My one eye is swollen shut and I can barely see out of the other one. Everything hurts. Multiple fractures and lacerations. They beat me to a pulp and I don’t remember anything except to just before I was grabbed.

I look around the hospital room I’m in.

I turn my head to the side of my bed and see Casey holding his forehead in his hands.

“Hi.” I say hoarsely.

His head whips up. “Hey, Red.” He pulls his chair closer and grabs my hand. “You…um…You feeling OK? The pain isn’t too much is it?”

I try to smile, but with smashed cheek bones, that’s kind of hard. “It’s…tolerable.”

“Red. I’m sorry this happened to you. We’ll get the bastard that did this.” His face is full of pain

A lump develops in my throat and my eyes well. “I know you will.”

“I hate to do this right now, but you know every minute counts. I need to know what you remember about the attack.” He asks. He put his figurative investigation hat on.

A small tear leaves the corner of my eye. He wipes it away and squeezes my fingers. “Um…I had to park up the street. I…um…I was walking and…I felt like I was being followed…”

“Did you see anyone? Anyone that didn’t look right?” He pulls out his phone to take notes.

I shake my head. “No. The street was empty. I was walking and I got scared.” My chin quivers as the fear creeps in. “I remember canines, a loud, ugly sounding growl, glowing blue eyes and my scream. That’s it.” I hitch.

Casey stands and leans over, drying the tears. “Hey, it’s OK. You’re safe. He can’t get you here.”

I press my lips together and nod. This feeling of helplessness is so scary. I couldn’t fight back. I couldn’t save myself. This animal beat me to a pulp and I could do nothing about it. The only blessing in this is I can’t remember the actual event. If I did, I’d probably lose my damn mind.

He leans down and kisses my forehead.

“I don’t understand.” My voice is broken and quiet.

“Understand what?” He looks at me.

“Why he didn’t kill me?” I look at him with my good eye.

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a message. Maybe it’s a warning, P. Have you be actively investigating this case?”

“No.” I answer.

“Red. Please don’t lie to me. If you are, now you see how dangerous this is?” He tilts his head to me. His voice was soft and caring.

“I may have asked a few questions, but…” I start.

“Paisley. Please. Back off. Next time he will kill you, ok. Just stick to your job. Please.” He begs.

I look at his eyes. I see how concerned they are. “I can’t let him win.” I grit.

He shakes his head. “Then let me do my job and deliver the payback. You just get better.”

I nod and his phone dings.

He looks at the text. “I have to go.”

“Why? What happened?”

He rubs his forehead. “They found a body at the university. A young girl. Beat up and bit.”

“Oh my god. On campus? How?” My good eye opens more.

“That’s what I’m going to find out.” He stands and kisses my forehead. “You get rest. I’ll see you later.”

“Thank you.” I try to smile.

I watch Casey leave and the fear floods me. I don’t want to be alone. I start to cry. I need Quinn.



I’m filled with thoughts of murder. If I get my hands on this Lycan, I’m tearing him apart. Seeing Paisley like that had my insides boiling. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach when I heard of the attack. My wolf raged out when I saw her afterwards.

I’m just so glad a neighbor found her before she bled out on the street just a half block from home. We got to her in time.

This little girl, we’re too late. Her life will never be the same.

I walk to the scene and I’m met with Enforcer Daniels. “What you got?”

He opens his phone. “Heather Randall, 23, Phoenix City. 5 foot 5, 3rd year biology major. Friends reported her missing this morning. She was found by cleaning staff at 8 am behind the building.”

I side eye him. “Did you say biology?”

He checks his notes. “Yep. Why?”

I shake my head. “No reason.”

We walk out to behind the building. There’s an open field. Some Enforcers are talking with some council Alphas and others are taping off the area.

“We’re classes in session?” I ask.

Kubek shakes his head. “No. They’re canceled so the students can enjoy the games. We’re winning by the way.”

“Damn. My money’s on Atlas.” I mumble.

When I get to the scene, I see the sheet covered body laying against the building like she was tossed there.

As Enforcers walk around, taking pictures and gathering evidence, I squat down to Heather’s body. I lift the sheet and almost get sick. She was beaten like Paisley only Heather is human. Her body can’t take a beating like that. As you can see from Paisley, we can barely take it. She’s laying in a pool of coagulated blood.

“Bastard. She’s so young.” I clench. This is the hardest part of my job. Taken way too soon. I pull out my pen and move her hair off her shoulder. He ate before he killed her.

I flip the sheet and stand. I look around and up. I see a camera. Pointing to it, I call Daniels. “Do we have the feed off that?”

“Yep. He pulls out his phone and calls it up. He flips the phone sideways and we watch.

There’s no time stamp, but forensics says time of death is between midnight and 2 am. As I watch, I see a figure in black, struggling with a Heather. They came from the outside of the building. How did he get on and off the property without triggering the alarms?

I watch further. More like I have to force myself to watch. After the bastard ate, he held nothing back. I’m so glad this video has no sound because I would have lost it. My wolf is clawing and scratching at my ribs. That was someone’s baby girl.

After, he walked, but not before looking back. I caught something. “Wait, go back a few seconds.”

Daniels rewinds it and plays.

“Stop. Right there.” He hits pause. “Zoom in.”

What I see, drains the color from my face. Fear and rage fill me as I look into the glowing blue and gold eye.

I grab Daniels. “I want security detail on Paisley now. I want a car outside her apartment. I need an ABP put out from one Quinten Preston. 6 foot 5 inches, black hair, blue eyes with a brown ring around the pupil. Search the school, the streets. Everywhere.” I push him away as he types into his phone. I walk away from the scene. “And get that little girl to the pool. Hopefully, he didn’t mess her mind up too much to get a positive ID.”

“Where you going?” Daniels calls.

“The pack house. I’ll be back. Find that kid.” I hop to a jog and run to my car.

The one thing about these murder victims is, once we bring them back, they're either practically catatonic, or so scrambled, they couldn’t identify their own mothers. I don’t know why the pool can’t fix it. I suspect whatever this guy’s using to wipe their brains, it’s something the pool can’t touch.

I pull into the pack house. It’s a swanky house. Figures a serial killer would live here. I walk up the steps normally, I don’t want to tip him off. I'll play good cop at first. Once I get my hands on him, all bets are off.

After, knocking on the door, it opens to the Alpha. Didn’t think Alphas opened their own doors.

He’s also smaller than what I thought he would be. About 3 inches smaller, he’s well built and his status is on his scent, but again. Not what I thought.

He leans on the frame and fixes his dirty blonde hair. “Enforcer. What can I help you with?”

“Sorry to disturb you Alpha, but I’m sure you’ve heard about the murder at the school?” I inform.

He nods. “I just got back. Horrible. I hope you guys catch him. We don’t need some sicko running around here and the breach to the Unit is very concerning.”

“Yes, it is. We have a suspect. We need to pull him in for questioning.” I say as I look around the driveway and back to the Alpha.

“Really? Who?” He asks.

“Quinten Preston. Is he here?” I study his face.

He pushes off the frame. “Quinn. You think Quinn did this?”

“We place him at the scene. We’re not accusing him of anything. We just need to bring him in and ask him a few questions.” I try not to let panic set in. Just in case the Alpha decides to not be cooperative.

He shakes his head. “Listen, I know Quinn. He couldn’t kill anyone.”

I nod. “I understand, but in my job, you’d be surprised how much you don’t know a person. Now, is he here or not.”

He scratches his temple. “Uh…yeah. He’s upstairs.” He turns to a kid with messy brown hair. “Hey, Len. Get Quinn.”

Len gets up. “Sure thing.” He heads upstairs.

The Alpha turns back to me. “I trust you’re keeping this quiet. With the tourists in town…”

I hold up a hand. “Don’t worry. We want to avoid mass panic as much as you do.”



A yell came from outside the house and I look.

From the side, I see him run down the driveway out to the street.

“HEY!” I yell and run for my car.

I grab my weapon and book it after him. I call my wolf powers for extra speed to catch up.

He runs down main street and turns down an alley.

“STOP!” I stop and fire a shot. It misses and he turns a corner. “Fuck!”

I follow and have him in my sights. He throws open a door to a restaurant. The Lazarus Gardens. We both tear through the kitchen and main dining area as people panic at their tables.

He runs out the front door and down the main street again.

“MOVE! MOVE!” I yell to the packed streets. People yelp and jump back when they see my gun.

It’s getting harder to keep a bead on him and I can’t discharge my weapon with this many people around.

He hits the bottom and heads straight for the dome.

“Damn it!”

The dome area is packed solid. I stop and scan the people. Turning around, I try to see all the eyes I can.

There’s a fair going on right now for the games and it feels like the whole city is here. I’m squished like a sardine, shoving through people. I grabbed one guy and turned him, but he wasn’t my suspect.

I have to stop and admit defeat. “Fuck.” I holster my weapon.

‘Enforcers. This is Dragger. I want a team to the pack house. I lost the kid. I need him found now. Dragger out.’

Reds not going to like this. I’m going to have to break her heart and it’s completely pissing me off.

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