Before the Storm: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 4)

Before the Storm: Chapter 50

Her words cut me like a dagger being dragged through my body. But the worst part? She’s not entirely wrong. I have taken every choice out of her hands. I’ve taken over her life without ever considering how it would make her feel because I was only ever focused on her being safe.

I stumble back, the whiskey I drank making the emotions that crash over me that much more powerful. I don’t know how to be what she needs. I don’t know how to be the man she deserves, and maybe that’s why I’ve gone about things the way I have. Because if I gave her the autonomy to make her own decision, would she choose me?

Her dark eyes flash with regret, but she remains by the wall, leaning on it for support. She’s angry, and I understand that, but what does she want me to do? Allow her outside these gates and throw her to the wolves?

Annalise can get to her here, what difference will it make if she leaves?

The rational part of my mind, the part that can see through my obsession with Ayvah, asks. But at least when she’s here I can keep an eye on her. I don’t trust any of my men to guard her outside these walls, and even if I did, my sisters have slipped their security so many times over the years that I have no doubt in my mind that Ayvah could do the same if she really wanted to.

“Storm.” She takes careful steps toward me, like at any moment I might snap, but I’d never hurt her. She may not realize it, but she’s everything to me. She’s the air I breathe and the beat of my heart. And she doesn’t even know it.

“What would you choose?” I force out through gritted teeth.


“If I gave you the choice to stay or go, what would your choice be?” I’m not afraid of very many things, but I’m fucking terrified of the answer to this question. She’s not leaving regardless of what she says, but if she chooses wrong, it’s going to change us forever.

She squeezes her eyes shut and drags in a shaky breath. When her eyes pop open, the earnestness in the deep brown sucks the air from my lungs. “I’d choose to stay,” she whispers.

I’m moving back toward her before I even realize my feet are taking heavy steps, but she holds her hands up, telling me to stop without having to open her mouth.

“But there has to be conditions, Storm. You can’t railroad my life. I want to study. I want to have a degree. These are dreams I have for my own life, and while they don’t seem like much to you because you grew up with all this—” She gestures around the room. “To me, it means everything. I grew up with nothing, Storm. I grew up in a family that despised my existence. I missed meals because there was only enough for the three of them, I was constantly told I was a failure and that I would never amount to anything, and I promised myself I would prove them wrong.” Tears fall against her full cheeks, a ragged sob breaking from her chest. “Please don’t make me break that promise.”

Despite her outstretched arms, I advance on her, tugging her against my chest and holding her tight against me. I can’t watch her cry anymore. It hurts to see tears running down her perfect face, and I can’t handle it.

Her body relaxes into mine the moment she’s settled in my arms and the feral part of me that’s been ready to tear the world apart from the moment I saw those photos settles. She’s the only thing in the world that can tame the beast.

“Tell me why you need to go to school tomorrow.”

She looks up at me through glassy eyes, her cheeks stained with tears. “I have a group assignment. I’ve already missed three sessions and if I miss this one, I’m going to fail.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?”

She looks down, but I move my hand to her chin and tip her face up to look at me again. “You’re busy. I didn’t want to bother you with this, especially when I don’t get much time with you as it is.”

“I’m never too busy for you, baby girl. If there was something on your mind, if you needed something, you should have come to me before it got to this stage.”

Ayvah nods and her bottom lip disappears between her teeth. Every time she does it, my cock hardens immediately because I want to be the one to bite the plump pillow.

“I’ll organize for a security team to take you to school tomorrow, but you will have rules. If you break them, you won’t be allowed outside the gates of the estate unless I’m with you. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she breathes. “I understand.”

“I want you to be happy here, Ayvah. But I’m not a mind reader. If you don’t tell me what you need and why, how am I meant to know?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come to you earlier.” She tries to avert her gaze, but I tighten my hold on her chin, making sure she can’t look away.

“Strip and bend over the edge of the bed,” I command.

Her mouth drops open. “What? Why?”

I release her chin and take a step away from her. I raise my brow. “You know I don’t like to ask more than once, Ayvah.”

She stands there for another few seconds before jumping into action. She shoves her tights down her legs and kicks them and her panties across the room. Her sweater is next, followed closely by her bra. She folds herself over the edge of the bed, pressing her face into the mattress and seeking me out.

I follow her lead except slower. I tug my clothes off one item at a time, all the while holding her heated gaze. Her body trembles under my watchful eye, but she knows better than to move. Once I’ve discarded the last of my clothes with hers, I approach her naked body. She looks so fucking beautiful bent over for me, her ass in the air begging to be spanked, begging for me to do all the dirty things I crave to her body.

I brush my palm down her full cheeks, her body jerking slightly under my touch. She knows what’s coming, even without me telling her. “Do you know why you’re being punished, Ayvah?”

“No,” she whispers.

“You broke my rules.” My hand dips between her thighs and I run my fingers through her wet folds. Always ready for me. “I told you that you are only to wear my clothes or nothing in this room, and that you were not to wear pants or underwear. And yet when I came in here, you were wearing your own clothes, including both pants and panties. Do you see my problem?” I squeeze her ass tightly and she lets out a small squeak of surprise. Oh baby girl, you’re going to get so much more than that. I smirk at the thought. My sweet innocent Ayvah is about to see a whole other side of punishment.

“I’m sorry, Storm,” she breathes. “I was upset after dinner and I didn’t think to change.” Her body tenses under my touch, but she makes no attempt to flee.

“What’s your safe word, baby girl?”

“Red.” She trembles under the weight of the word.

“I want you to use it if any of this gets too much, okay?”


I step away from her and walk to my wardrobe before returning a few moments later with the items I need. I place them down beside her and her eyes grow wide at the sight of a belt and a small vibrator sitting next to her.

“Storm…” she says cautiously.

“You can handle it,” I assure her, running my palms over her ass gently. “Do you want me to walk you through what happens next?”

She nods against the bedding, her eyes still locked on the items in front of her. It was mean of me to put them there, but I wanted her to know exactly what was coming her way.

“I’m going to slide this inside your tight little pussy.” I pick up the vibrator and hold it closer for her to observe it. It’s designed to sit inside her against her g-spot and wraps around her clit. “You are not to come unless I tell you to. If you come without permission, you will be denied for two weeks, do you understand?”

She looks ready to argue but one stern look and she nods. “I understand.”

I hold up the remote to the toy and place it beside her face. “This controls it, so I’ll be able to change the vibrations and turn it off if need be.”

She gulps heavily, her pupils blown with a mixture of fear and arousal. She may not be able to admit it, but her pretty pussy tells me everything I need to know.

“I’m going to give you ten spanks with my hand, and ten with the belt.”

The last word isn’t even out of my mouth when she tries to push herself up, her head shaking from side to side. “No, Storm. Please. I’m sorry I broke your rules.”

I press my hand down on her lower back, holding her steady and in place. “I know you are, baby girl, but you need to be punished, and you’re going to take your punishment because you want to be a good girl for me, isn’t that right?”

She lets out a shaky breath and nods slightly. “Yes, I want to be a good girl.”

I give her a gentle smile and rub her back in soft strokes until her body begins to relax under my touch. She’s new to all this, and I have to go slow with her even if my first instinct is to go full steam ahead. I lean forward and snag the vibrator from beside her before carefully inserting it into her tight channel. The sight of her pussy swallowing the silicon makes me want to throw this whole plan out the window and sink my cock into her, but not following through with a punishment will set a bad precedent.

“How does that feel, baby girl?”

“Strange,” she whimpers.

I smirk and press the button on the remote, bringing the toy to life on a low setting, but it’s enough for her to squeak in surprise. “What about now?”

“Holy shit,” Ayvah moans.

“That’s what I thought.” I chuckle and rub her ass cheeks with both hands. “I’m going to get this done quickly, so hold on tight, baby girl.”

Before she has a chance to respond, I’ve landed the first three smacks on her perky ass, each one resulting in the most delectable yelp from her pretty lips. I land another four, stopping only to rub the sting into her hot skin. Fuck, I’m never going to get tired of seeing her ass red with the evidence of her disobedience. It almost makes me want to give her more rules to break, but that wouldn’t be fair.

I land the final few before leaning over to check on her. Tears roll down her perfect cheeks, but she’s writhing and moaning beneath me, which means the vibrator is doing exactly as I wanted it to. It’s showing her the line between pleasure and pain, that perfect middle point where I know she’ll love to exist. “Are you doing okay, baby girl?”

Ayvah’s eyes lock with mine and she’s drunk on pleasure, but it’s not enough to tip her over the edge and we both know it.

I pick the remote up and knock the setting up a few notches, causing her to let out a long moan.

“Fuck, Storm,” she whines.

“I know, baby girl. You’re doing so good,” I praise. “I’m going to give you the rest of your punishment, and then you’re going to take my cock. And if you’re really good for me, then I’ll let you come.”

The leather of the belt is heavy in my hands and I take a breath. It took me a long time to be comfortable with playing with this particular instrument again after Wynter was hurt, but it’s always been my choice implement, and it feels right to use it to punish Ayvah.

Her body trembles as she waits for the first strike, and I don’t make her wait for long. She’s building it up in her mind and she’s going to make it out to be worse than it really is.

She hisses out a breath when the leather makes contact with her ripe ass, but instead of screaming, she lets out a moan.

I apply a little more strength behind the next three before stopping to admire the stripes that are forming across her ass. God, I’m going to come just staring at my own handiwork if I’m not careful.

“Storm,” Ayvah yelps after the last swat lands. “It’s too much. Oh god. It’s too fucking much.” Her hips writhe with the vibrations of the toy inside her and I smirk, turning it up as high as it will go.

“Do not come until I say, Ayvah,” I remind her.

“I can’t. Oh god. I can’t.” Tears of frustration roll down her cheeks and make my cock ache to be inside her. Fuck. I hate it when she’s sad, but I love her tears of pleasure. They make the beast inside me beat against my chest to be set free, and in moments like this, I can’t help but allow him to take over.

I lay the final swats all over her pretty pink ass and thighs, each time dragging a scream from her throat. She’s so lost in the combination of pleasure and pain that she’s panting, but we’re not done yet.

“Good girl, Ayvah. You’ve been such a good girl for me,” I praise. “Are you going to take my cock now?”

“Please. Please fuck me. Storm, I need you,” she cries.

I notch my cock at her entrance, the vibrations of the toy making me groan. I’ve never fucked a girl with a vibrator still inside her, but there’s a first time for everything. I push forward, hissing out a breath as her tightness wraps around me and the toy presses into my oversensitive cock. I’m already so fucking close to the edge.

“Storm?” Ayvah’s voice is unsure, worry coating it.

“It’s okay, baby girl. You can take it,” I coax her as I push my hips further forward until I’m fully seated inside her. God, being inside her at the best of times is heaven, but adding a fucking vibrator, making her already impossibly tight cunt even tighter, it’s as close to paradise as a man like me is every going to get. “You can come as many times as you want from now, baby girl.” And with those words, I pull back and slam into her over and over again. She’s soaking wet, more so than she ever has been before and that brings a smirk to my lips. My girl loves being punished, even if she’ll never admit it.

I fuck her so hard I’m almost too lost in pleasure when she falls off the edge into the abyss of orgasm, her scream so long and loud I’m sure the neighbors six miles down the road can hear it, but I don’t care because her cunt is squeezing me so tight I can barely breathe. Her juices gush around my cock and drip down my balls, only making me fuck her harder.

“Fuck, baby girl,” I grunt. “You’re going to come again.”

“I can’t,” she cries.

“Fucking do it, Ayvah,” I growl. I’m barely holding on to my own sanity so she needs to get with the program.

It’s only a few more thrusts before she’s tumbling again, loud sobs of pleasure and the obscene sounds of her wetness and our skin slapping together mix with my own heavy breathing. “Ayvah,” I groan.

“Storm, it’s too much.” She grips on to the bedding so tight her knuckles are white and there are distinct dents in the fabric where her nails have dug in.

“Beg me to fill you,” I demand.

Ayvah looks over her shoulder at me, her eyes flaring with need despite having come twice in such a short amount of time. “Please Storm, please fill me. I need your cum, I need it to coat my pussy.”

Her words are my undoing and my balls unload into her, doing exactly as she begged me to do. I’ll never get tired of coming inside her, of filling her with my seed. My climax is so strong it steals the air from my lungs and a roar fills the room. It goes on for so long the black in my vision begins to concern me, but when I come back to, I’m leaning over her, my thighs pressed against her tender ass as she tries to reach for the control.

“Please turn it off,” she begs.

I chuckle and do as she asks before hesitantly dragging myself away from her. Her body is sweaty and spent, the evidence of her spanking obvious on her striped ass, but she’s never looked more beautiful than she does when she looks over her shoulder at me, freshly punished and fucked.

I pull the toy free from her pussy and my cum gushes from her tight hole. The sight is erotic as hell, but I can’t help but gather it up and shove it back inside her where it belongs.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Keeping you full of me.” I know it’s irrational and that it’s going to slip from her the moment she stands up, but the need to have my seed inside her is so strong.

Once I’ve wrestled the beast back to his cage, I lift her from the edge of the bed and carefully slip her between the sheets. It’s strange being so gentle with her after being so rough, but she needs it, and so do I.

She hisses when the sheets brush against her tender ass but doesn’t move until I’ve pulled my hands back. “I should get cleaned up.”

“No. From now on, you’ll be going to sleep every night full of my cum.”

She opens her mouth to respond but closes it immediately. She knows there’s no point arguing with me, so why would she waste her breath.

I throw the vibrator in the sink with some toy cleaner and toss the belt and remote in the same general direction as our clothes before sliding into bed beside Ayvah and pulling her into my arms.

“I need to tell you something, and I don’t know if I should,” she says quietly.

“You can tell me anything, baby girl.”

She drags in a breath and presses a kiss to my bare chest. “I’m in love with you.”

A smile tugs at my lips, and I tighten my hold on her. I never knew those words could sound so fucking sweet, but on her lips they’re the most beautiful symphony ever composed.

“I love you too, Ayvah.”

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