Before I Rise

Chapter The Shadows

Unknown POV

The room was dimly lit by just a couple of candles causing shadows to dance across the four walls. Sometimes, the shadows would move in a way that was not natural. There was a sort of an electric charge through the air when this happened. It was typical when using black magic. Some witches can’t handle the aftermath of dark magic, I was not one of them.

I loved the darkness and the power that it held. Light magic was fools magic. Only the strong could tap into black magic, I was one of those. Light magic wouldn’t give me what I want, but black magic would.

I looked around the room, stopping at the mirror hanging on one of the walls. Shadows dance around my pale sunken face. My eyes were beginning to change color, they would soon be red. It was one of the many prices one pays for using black magic. It didn’t matter to me, I would cut out my own heart if need be.

There was a soft knock on my door interrupting my thoughts. The shadows seemed to move closer to the door as though they seemed to seek out whoever was on the other side.

“Enter.” I called out to them. I already knew who it was before they entered. There was only one rogue who was either brave enough or stupid enough to speak to me.

He walked in, eyes to the ground with a slight tremble. He stayed close to the door, not moving any closer to me.

“Sit.” I demanded, as I kicked out a chair that was on the other side of my desk. He briefly looked up at me, before moving closer and sitting down. “Are we still on schedule?” I asked him.

He shook his greasy chestnut brown hair. “Yes, we are. Um…. though there is a slight… problem…” His whole body was shaking as fear reeked out of him.

I felt the shadows move closer to me, clinging on to my skin as the anger grew in me. I could not take another delay. Too much was riding on me succeeding.

“What problem?” I spat out to him.

“Well, I had sent a group of rogues to scout Dark Moon again for you… and… well you see… one may have gotten… captured.” He squeaked the last word out, making me feel doubtful I even heard him right. However, due to his physical state, I was sure I indeed heard him correctly.

A dark laugh escaped my lips. “Oh is that so?” I was surprised that Dark Moon actually managed to capture one. Perhaps the young Alpha isn’t as dumb as I thought he was. Though if the information I received had been correct, it appeared he had another Alpha helping him. No matter, I would take them both out.

“Ye… yes… How would you like me to handle this?” He asked me, as he attempted to calm himself down.

“I want you to leave it alone.” I demanded. He lifted his head up to look at me before quickly putting his head back down in fear.

“Are… are you sure?”

“Are you questioning me?” The room grew darker as the shadows swirled around us. There was no way I was about to have a dirty rogue question me.

He shook his head so hard, almost giving himself whiplash. “No! I would never! I would do whatever would please you. I can try to retrieve him if you would like.”

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous idea. “No need, the Dark Moon pack won’t get very much out of him.”

“What… what do you mean?” He bravely asked me.

“I mean, I made sure to have a back plan in case something like this would happen. Though, I never thought I would be using it so soon. It seems we have underestimated the Dark Moon Pack.” I explained to him.

I stood up from the desk and grabbed one of my many maps I had, along with the papers I needed. I placed everything over my desk before clearing my throat to gain his attention.

“I want to move up the attack sooner than later. Dark Moon pack is beginning to be an unexpected issue. I want them gone before they can make any more advancements. Go now, start making preparations. Tell everyone the date has been moved up and to be ready.”

He quickly stood to his feet and bowed before leaving the room. The shadows began to become thick, almost making it difficult to see in front of me. I didn’t mind it, it felt like a cold hug, one that I welcomed with open arms.

My end goal has drastically changed throughout this. I was no longer satisfied in gaining what I had initially sought out. No, it would be just too easy. Why burn a few packs, when I could burn them all? I wanted the Moon Goddess to watch all her children burn, for her to hear their screams for mercy, for her to hear them calling out to her knowing she couldn’t save them. I wanted all that and so much more. I would make her watch them burn, before burning her.

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