Before I Rise

Chapter The Attack

Marcus’s POV

Xavier stretched his body, trying to keep himself alert for any potential threats. It always amazed me that my rowdy wolf could actually focus on something. Xavier had great keen sense to sniff out oncoming danger in any direction. We haven’t yet moved from this spot since our patrol shift started. I tried to get him to go check on other areas of our border, but for some reason he was fixated on this spot. He also was way less talkative tonight than any other night.

I was grateful that we only had a couple of hours of patrol left. I was starting to grow bored by all the silence and I also was anxious to get back to Em. I wanted to make sure she was alright and actually went through with her plan. I was curious as to what she would see if she did try to go through that mirror. Though she tried to hide it from me, I could obviously see she was nervous about me leaving her alone. I was thankful when Alicia volunteered to switch somebody patrol shifts to stay home tonight and be close by in case Em had any troubles.

Xavier whipped his head around suddenly at the sound of a tree branch breaking. He quickly sniffed the air to check and see if it was friend or foe. Realizing it was friendly, he quickly turned his attention back to the surrounding area.

Want some company? Alexis asked me, as her carmel brown wolf appeared through the trees.

Of course. Xavier isn’t being very social right now. Alexis plotted down right next to me. The warmth of her wolf felt nice against the cold chill that had appeared throughout the night.

I was glad even though Alexis and I were not in the same pack we could still mindlink each other. One of the few pros of being an Alpha was having the ability to communicate with another Alpha even if they are not part of our pack. It was especially helpful in these types of situations.

Yeah, Nikita’s been pretty tense all night. I hope that isn’t some type of bad omen.

That caught me off guard and made me tense up. If her wolf was also acting the same way as Xavier, it might just be a sign that something was coming. Alpha wolves are known for their keen sense in this area. There have been many times where I didn’t suspect anything, but Xavier sniffed it out way before I did. I was glad Alexis switched with Alicia and joined us on patrol tonight. It was always an advantage to have two Alpha’s fighting together instead of just one. It was one of the biggest reasons why I gave Em the responsibility to lead the pack to safety. I felt like it was wasted potential to have Alexis lead the escape. I was thankful that none of them protested when I brought this idea up.

Have you noticed how unnaturally dark it is tonight? I haven’t seen a star in the sky, let alone the moon. Alexis said to me.

Yeah, I noticed. It’s got a sort of eerie feeling about it. There’s hardly any animal activity as well.

We didn’t get a lot of animals around our area, but it was still noticeable that there was no activity at all. Not even a squirrel had made a sound since patrol first started.

Ok I’m starting to get a little creeped out. Let’s talk about something else. How’s Em doing? She asked me, making me grow even warmer at the thought of the love of my life.

She’s okay. She’s been having some difficulties with sleeping, but I think it’s getting better.

Oh good I’m glad she’s doing okay. I was beginning to wonder what was going on since she hasn’t been training with me the last few days.

How’s your nose? I asked her teasingly.

Ha ha very funny. I’ll tell you what, it takes a lot to surprise me and boy did that surprise me. I still can’t believe she actually broke my nose. Your mate is definitely tougher than she looks.

I felt proudness bloom from my heart when I heard that. I always knew Em was strong in her own special way, it was nice that others were starting to see it too.

Speaking of mates, how’s it going with Alicia? I asked her. I’ve been wanting to have this conversation with her forever, but it just never seemed like the right time until now.

She took a few seconds to think before finally answering me. It’s not good and it’s not bad. I’m still not sure about what to do or how to even approach her. It just never seems like a good time. Though, I’ve had a lot of time to think it over and I’m starting to grow to like the idea of having a mate. I mean I’m not ready to complete the mate bond or anything, but I think I could potentially get there. It also helped that your mate talked some sense into me.

Yeah she had to do the same thing to me. Honestly, if she didn’t I’m not sure we would even be together right now. I was so against it, Alexis, I was just so scared of the idea that I could possibly lose her one day. I confessed to her.

How did you get over that fear? She asked me.

I didn’t, I’m still scared shitless even now more than ever. But, if I let that fear dictate my life, I wouldn’t be the happiest that I have ever been. Death is unavoidable and we don’t know when it’s coming for us. We get one life Lex, one chance to live and learn as much as we can. If we let fear rule us, are we even really living? If I were to lose Em tomorrow or next week, I wouldn’t regret anything. I have loved her as hard as I could and I have been the happiest I have ever been all because of her. She completes me in every way imaginable, and it’s honestly the best damn feeling in the world. But, I can’t make that decision for you. You have to be one hundred percent willing to accept Alicia and the mate bond. Only you know when that will happen.

I want to get there, I really do. It’s helped seeing you and Em together, especially since you were so against the mate bond like I am. It brings me hope that one day I’ll be able to get there too.

Before I had a chance to respond, Xavier led out a low growl as he got into an attack position. One second later, Nikkita did the same. Both were staring in the exact same direction. The breeze suddenly shifted, making it easier to smell the rotting flesh in the air. There was only one thing living that smelled like that. Rogues.

They’re here. You think they are going to attack or just scouting? Alexis asked.

I’m not sure. I said, just as something big ran past us into the pack land.

Nikkita didn’t hesitate in the slightest as she raced after the rogue. That was the moment I heard it. It sounded like a stampede was headed our way.

Dark Moon Pack, we are under attack. I want everyone in positions now. We need to try to hold them back to let all our vulnerable pack members escape. Everyone else, head to the pack house now to await further instruction from your Luna.

Just as I was done linking the whole pack, I decided to privately speak to Alicia.

Alicia… I need you to go wake up Em and then alert me as soon as you have eyes on her. I need to make sure she is okay!

I’m way ahead of you. I’m waking her up now. She’s okay, I’ll let you know when we are headed to the tunnel. Be safe cousin. She said, making me feel a little bit better knowing my mate was safe.

Thank you cousin. I’ll let you know if anything happens to Alexis, she’s fine for now.

Thank you. She said before she shut off the link.

You got this? I asked Xavier as he moved us closer to the other warriors that were on this side of the packland.

Hell yeah, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while. I say as soon as we finish the rogues, we work on making a baby with our mate! Xavier enthusiastically said.

Uh, how about we kill off these rogues and then maybe bring this idea up to our mate before we just attempt to do it without her approval?

Well duh stupid human. Now stop talking to me, I’m trying to focus.

I didn’t bother in responding to him as I knew he really was trying to focus. I was just immensely thankful that I had everyone drink the serum Elder Morgan made before the shift tonight. According to her, the blood shouldn’t have any affect on us at all and it should last for a full twenty four hours.

I sat back and watched Xavier move everyone in their places. Moments like this, I let Xavier have full authority in our movements. He was a skilled fighter and I trusted him completely. The only reason I would have to take over, is if something drastically happened to him. And even then, my wolf was notoriously stubborn and would do anything to keep control. It was also a respect thing. He never tries to take over when we are in human form, so I don’t take over when we are in wolf form.

A large tan wolf ran over and stood beside me in front of our formation. A few seconds later two wolves came up and stood on the other side of me. One was dark gray and the other was light gray.

I nodded my head out of respect to the tan wolf, who happened to be Jensen. I quickly looked over at the other two just as Alexis joined us. A sort of satisfaction came over me. Not only did we have two Alpha wolves, but now we had three, a Beta, and a former Beta. I had absolute confidence in this fight.

Did you guys drink the vial of serum before shifting? I asked Jensen, Dave, and Jacoby.

All three nodded their heads as the sound of the stampede grew closer and closer.

Alicia wants to know when it’s a good time to lead the group to the tunnel. Jacoby said.

Now! Tell her they need to go now. We’ll try to hold them back for as long as possible.

I sent a quick prayer to the Moon Goddess to protect everyone and to watch over my mate. After the prayer was over, Xavier let out a howl just as the rogues broke through the trees like a tidal wave.

There was no hesitation in Xavier’s movements as he led the charge against the rogues. We clashed against the one nearest to us and tossed his body to the side with his throat gone. The rogues seemed to slow down as they noticed their blood was not having the desirable effect on us. All around me pack members clashed into the rogues, taking them down one by one. It couldn’t have worked out more perfectly. Just as I was beginning to think we had the upper hand, another wave of over fifty rogues appeared and crashed into us. The smell of blood was pungent in the air as two of our members perished. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that those would be the only casualties on our side. I didn’t want to lose anymore members in this fight.

Xavier defeated another rogue before making a beeline to where Jensen was. He was currently getting pounced on by three rogues. Xavier picked up his speed before launching in the air and dismantling the rogue that was on Jensen. Quickly finishing him, he turned around and took out the other rogue.

Suddenly, a searing pain exploded over our left back leg. Xavier tried kicking the rogue loose, but he had a serious grip on us. Just as we finally got the rogue to let go, we were knocked to the ground. A rogue attempted to go for our throat, but was pushed away from us by Dave.

Thanks Dave. I wholeheartedly said.

No problem kid.

Just like before, as soon as we started to gain an upper hand over the rogues, another group arrived. The pattern kept repeating. Whoever was behind this, was smart in their strategy. At this point, we had no idea how many were coming. I instantly regretted not sending scouts to get an accurate count on how many rogues there were. I honestly didn’t expect it to be such a large number. Throughout our history, any rogue uprising we had was in low numbers. This time, it seemed like every rogue in existence had joined together. If that was the case, I wasn’t sure how this fight was going to turn out.

By the fourth wave of rogues, they had broken through our defensive line.

They’ve broken through the line, did you guys make it to the tunnel? I asked Alicia as Xavier tackled another rogue.

Yes but Marcus, Em isn’t here yet. I think she’s still at the pack house!

What? How the hell did that happen? Panic began to take hold over me.

I’m going to go look for her, I’ll let you know when I find her.

NO! Stay where you are, I’ll go find her and make sure she gets to the tunnel. I disconnected our link before connecting with Jensen. Alicia just told me Em is still not at the tunnel. She might be at the pack house. I need you to go with me to check.

I’m right behind you!

Just as Xavier was about to head to the pack house, he was suddenly slammed into the ground by a rogue. Xavier quickly got him off and pounced on him.

Jensen, don’t wait for me. I need you to go and make sure she’s okay. I begged him.

He didn’t respond and instead just took off running to the pack house. I felt some sort of relief in knowing someone I trust would be there to make sure Em was okay.

After about a minute or two, Xavier finally took down the rogue. I didn’t have to tell Xavier anything as he was already headed to the pack house. He pushed his legs as hard as he could, trying to get there before any rogues had the chance.

We have to get to her, Xavier. If anything happens to her before we…

Nothing is going to happen, I won’t let it. Jenson is probably already with her, everything is going to be okay. He said, trying to reassure the both of us.

The sun was beginning to break over the horizon as we drew closer and closer to the pack house. Just as we broke through the tree line, Jensen collided with a rogue in front of the house. Xavier took a step forward to help, but stopped almost immediately. It took me a second to see why, but once I did my heart began to beat rapidly. Her blond hair appeared golden in the sunlight. She held such a strong look of determination on her face. It quickly turned into relief once she saw us.

She’s okay. I said to Xavier, as I let out a sigh of relief.

I told you she would be. She looks absolutely stunning. Not a single hair out of place. Do you want to have Jensen escort her to the daycare center or do you want us to do it? Xavier asked me.

I would prefer if we did, but I’m going to leave it up to you.

Before he had a chance to respond, we were slammed into the ground by two rogues. A scream echoed throughout the area around us. Xavier managed to twist his body around and throw them off. Just as he was about to launch himself on one of the rogues, the other one slammed himself on top of us again. Every time Xavier got one off, the other one would jump on. Our right shoulder began to throb as one rogue sank his teeth into us. Suddenly, that rogue was pulled off giving us enough time and space to deal with the other rogue. Xavier quickly ripped into him, leaving him in pieces.

Xavier turned back around to look for the other rogue, unfortunately we didn’t have far to look. Right in front of us, the rogue sprang on our mate and clawed at her. A searing pain ripped through our stomach. Xavier launched his body in the air and pushed the rogue off of Em. He clamped his mouth onto his throat and ripped as hard as he could. Xavier turned around to look at our mate and paused in shock.

She was laying there, on the wet dewy grass as her blood started to pool around her. He let out a heartbreaking wine as he continued to stare at her.

Xavier! Give me back control now!

Without saying anything he gave me back control. I shifted us back and ran to Em’s side. I picked her up into my arms and cradled her against my chest. I held her close to me as I felt Xavier and my own heart break. Tears began to roll down my face as I pulled Em slightly away from my chest to look into her deep green eyes. There was nothing but love shining through them, making my heart break even more,

“It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. I’m going to get you to a doctor as soon as I can, but you have to promise me to stay awake. You have to stay awake… You have to stay with me. Please Love. Please don’t leave me.” I begged her as my tears fell harder.

I looked away from her face to check her injury. There were three deep claw marks across her abdomen. Blood was pouring out of her faster than I initially thought. I placed my hand on top of her injury, attempting to somehow stop it from bleeding. Once I did, Em let out a groan of pain, making me pull my hand back. It wasn’t helping anyway and I didn’t want to cause her any additional pain.

“Marcus…” She said quietly.

I looked into her eyes again as tears began to slowly fall from the corners. Her face twisted up in pain, making me feel utterly defeated. I told her I would protect her, that I would always keep her safe, and I failed. I failed my mate, the love of my life. I failed her.

“Shhh, don’t talk. Save your energy Love. I promise everything is going to be okay. I’m going to save you, I’m going to do everything in my power to save you. I promise. You and I, we are going to live until we are old and gray. Until we die from old age, wrapped up in each other’s arms. Okay? You hear me? I am not going to let you die today!”

Dr. Sanchez, are you nearby? I need you to come to the pack house immediately. The Luna is injured, it’s critical!

Yes Alpha, I’m headed there now. Hold on! He said, making me feel like maybe there was some hope to this. If I could just keep her awake long enough for him to get here, then we could save her.

“I’m… sorry.” She whispered to me.

I quickly shook my head at her and pulled her even closer to me. “Don’t you dare apologize, my love. You are going to be okay. The doctor is on the way. Just stay awake for me, stay with me Love.”

She began to grow cold, colder than I have ever felt her to be. The color from her face was rapidly draining and her eyes began to grow heavy.

DON’T LET HER CLOSE HER EYES! WE CAN’T LOSE HER! Xavier screamed at me. He was growing more scared by the second.

I’m trying!

She suddenly grew very still and whispered out one last thing.

“I… Love… You.”

Then her eyes shut… forever.

The most intense pain ran through my body causing me to scream at the top of my lungs. I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe, like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I instantly grew in fear as I knew what this feeling was. It was the mate bond breaking.

I shook her pleading with her, but she grew colder and paler without opening her eyes.

I wrapped her body tighter in my arms and rocked her, trying to coax her to hang on. Asking her to not leave me, to stay with me forever.

“Alpha Marcus, I need to check on her.”

I looked up and saw Dr. Sanchez standing over us. A fool’s hope sprang alive in my chest, thinking we still had a chance. I pulled her a few inches away from my chest but did not let go of her. Dr. Sanchez took his two fingers and checked for a pulse. When he lifted up his head and looked at me, I knew it was over. She was already gone.

“NO! We can still save her! PLEASE SAVE HER!” I begged him.

“I’m sorry Alpha, the Luna is gone. There is nothing that we can do now.”


I pulled her to my chest again and held on to her as hard as I could.

“Please don’t leave me. Please Love, stay with me… I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you, I’m so sorry.”

Every memory that we had together played on an endless loop in my head. My chest felt hollow as if my heart had disappeared with her. Every morning and night that we had shared together. All those times she would walk in my office unexpectedly and brighten my day. Our first kiss in the amusement park. The night we completed the bond and spent hours and hours making love to each other. All those nights I was on patrol when I could have been holding her in my arms.

All the plans we had after this was all over, were just gone along with her. There would be no more late night talks with my favorite person. There would be no more waking up in the morning next to the love of my life. I would never again get to appreciate how effortlessly she could laugh or smile at the simplest thing. Our future no longer existed. It was just all gone in a blink of an eye, just like her.

She was just…


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