Before I Rise

Chapter The Aftermath

Third Person’s POV

It was quiet tonight, just like every night since the Luna had perished. The pack had managed to win the war, but there was no celebration for their victory. Not after the loss of their precious Luna and the decreasing mental state of their Alpha.

The last time the pack had seen their Alpha was when they laid the Luna to rest two weeks ago. Since then, the heartbroken Alpha has locked himself in his room. He laid there, day and night clutching her pillow, crying for his lost love. After his tears had dried up, he let the anger consume him, cursing the Moon Goddess in every way imaginable. Once the anger had disappeared, he was left feeling absolutely nothing. He continued to lay in their bed, dreaming of her. Thinking of her. Trying to manifest her back to life. Making offers to the Moon Goddess and any other God that could be listening. He ran the scene of her last moments over and over again, to the point that it consumed his every waking thought. Most of the time the Alpha was left alone in his grief.

Occasionally, a brave soul would enter his room and attempt to coax him out of it. They all took turns to make sure someone was checking on him every few hours. Sometimes Jensen would read him paperwork, other times he would try to get him to eat. Dave would sit by his side and rub his head, the way his own father would when Dave would get sick or injured. Dave never spoke to him, he figured the Alpha would appreciate his company without pointless conversation. Jacoby would visit him too. He often would cry as he felt he had failed his Alpha and best friend. If only he had been nearby, maybe he could have helped save his Luna. Alexis also made a point to see the Alpha and bring meals to him. Just like he had done when she was at her lowest, she too tries to get him to eat. But it was no use. The Alpha didn’t desire food, he desired his mate to be back in his arms.

All of them were concerned for the young Alpha, especially Dave. He had seen what Marcus’s father went through after the loss of Annie, it almost felt like history was repeating itself. Dave shivered at the thought.

He looked out at the night sky as he leaned back into his porch chair. Dave has spent many nights since the battle sitting on his back porch, wondering why the Moon Goddess was doing this to them. Have they angered her in any way? What was the whole point of this?

“Want some company? I brought whiskey.” Jensen climbed the steps and held out the bottle. “Interested?”

“Well you know me, I won’t ever say no to a good drink and company.”

The old friends shared a chuckle as Jensen sat down in the open chair next to Dave. They were both quiet, taking sips of their favorite drink. Finally, the silence was broken.

“So, where is the lovely Lilly?” Jensen asked.

“I believe she is in bed. She has been baking all day long, ever since the funeral. She does that when she is stressed.”

Jensen nodded his head in understanding. “Claire likes to clean when she gets that way. Except, she gets violent about it. She aggressively vacuums and glares at me when I offer to help. So, I just leave her to it. I’ve learned it’s the best thing to do in that situation.”

Dave let out a belly clenching laugh, the first one in a long time.

“Oh I bet she does. Lilly has me taste test everything she bakes, so I’m pretty sure I’ve gained about twenty pounds in the past few weeks.” Dave and Jensen both chuckled before growing silent.

The air grew heavy as both men thought about the events that had taken place in the past few weeks. How sad and utterly useless they both felt. Neither of them knew how to help the Alpha they both considered to be a son. Both men wished they could have spared him the same fate his father faced. They both felt secretly thankful that their mates were still living. Moments like this, reality rears its ugly head. It showed everyone how short life really is.

“So…” Jensen cleared his throat and interrupted Dave’s endless thoughts. “I am leaving in the morning. It’s time I go home and make sure my pack and family are doing okay. I also plan on having my son take over the Alpha position. It’s time I retired and I believe he is ready. Once he transitions into the Alpha position, I was thinking Claire and I would come back. That way we can help in any way that is needed, until Marcus gets on his feet again. I’ve also informed Alpha Alexis, who has agreed to watch over everything until I get back.”

Dave sighed and nodded his head. “I can’t believe Jaxxon is old enough to be an Alpha. Hell, I guess that just means we’re old as shit.” Both men laughed, trying to lighten the mood. “Do you really think Marcus is going to be okay?” Dave asked, concerned growing in his heart for his bonus son.

Jensen shook his head. “Honestly I have no idea. So far he isn’t as bad as Lucas, but who’s to say that it won’t happen? All I know is we need to just make sure the pack is okay. That way if he does pull himself out of this, he can return to some sort of normal.”

“I can’t believe she is really gone. I keep thinking this is all a dream, it just doesn’t seem real.” Dave admitted before taking another large gulp from the bottle.

“Yeah I know what you mean. If I am being honest for a second, I really thought she was… well you know. I mean you had to have the same shocked feeling that I had when first meeting Em. I really thought it was her Dave. If not, they look eerily similar.”

Dave sighed and rubbed his head, trying to stop the headache that was threatening to form. “Yeah, I thought the exact same thing. Even Lilly thought it was her. But we both know that if it had truly been her, she would still be here and not buried six feet into the ground. I think that’s why it’s so hard to accept this. I really, honest to god, thought Em was her.

“Good to know I wasn’t the only one. You want to know something funny?” Jensen asked Dave. He nodded his head as Jensen continued. “I was so convinced that I started saying shady things to her when no one was around. I thought I had caught her and we would laugh about it in private. Instead, it made her grow suspicious of me to the point she even threatened me. I think she was also worried that I was behind the rogue problem.”

“Goddess Jensen, sometimes I am still surprised you are alive with that mouth of yours.”

Jensen laughed at his friend’s comment. He wasn’t entirely wrong, Jensen had no filter and has gotten in trouble many times because of it.

“Are we still not sure who was behind this attack?” Dave asked, changing the subject.

Jensen shook his head in frustration. “No, not a clue. However, you and I both know there’s only one person that could use that type of magic.”

Dave shivered at the thought. “I pray to the Goddess that isn’t the case. Otherwise, we are in some serious deep shit.”

Jensen nodded his head in agreement. Dave was right about that. It would be catastrophic to all their species if that was the case.

“Where do you think she is?” Dave asked.

“Who? If it’s Em you’re talking about, I think we both know where she is.” Jensen solemnly said.

Dave shook his head, “No. Not Em…. Ember. Where do you think she is? Have you heard from her recently?”

Jensen let out a long sigh. “I don’t know Dave. The last time I saw her was after she told us who killed Annie. She just disappeared after that. I don’t have any way to contact her.”

“That’s too bad, we could really use her help right about now.”

Jensen hummed in agreement before passing the bottle to Dave, enjoying the quiet night with a friend.

However, the night was beginning to turn. In a cave located two states away, stood a General and a Goddess. Both of them refused to take their eyes off of the body on the stone slab in front of them. The air was thick with tension. Not one of them had moved from their spots in a long time.

“Are you sure this is going to work? It’s already been a few days and there hasn’t been any change.” The General curtly said to The Goddess.

She sighed, annoyed that The General held no faith in her plan. “Yes Damien, I am sure. I told you it was going to take awhile. We can not do anything except sit back and wait. If we try to intervene, we could do some serious damage.”

It took everything Damien had to not roll his eyes at The Moon Goddess.

“I understand Selene, but the clock is ticking. The longer this takes, the less of a lead we have. I’m sorry, but I had blindly trusted you before and look at where that led us.”

Selene was taken aback from The General’s confession. “If you are implying what I think you are, I would like you to know that I had no idea this was going to happen. You know that I could not see who was behind the rogue uprising. I can’t see behind black magic Damien. I simply thought this was like any other rogue rebellion. If I would have known, I would have done things differently.”

“Yeah I bet.” Damien grunted out.

The Moon Goddess let out a sigh of discontent before moving to watch the entrance of the cave. She was grateful that the cave was charmed against any enemies. At least they didn’t have to worry about being attacked. They could do this in peace. Worry gripped on to her heart the more she thought about the awful events. Her heart began to break as she heard the cries of The Alpha who had lost his mate. He was once again begging The Goddess to return his mate to him. She knew before long, the begging would turn into cursing. He was angry with her, and rightfully so. She was angry at herself. Selene had wholeheartedly believed she did the right thing that day, she never would have if she had seen the horrors that would come to pass.

Suddenly, thunder cracked above their heads as the cave violently shook.

“Selene! Come here!” Damien yelled in a panic tone.

Selene didn’t waste any time and quickly rushed to the General’s side. Both of them became elated at what they saw.

They both watched as the body on the slab opened their deep green eyes. A dazed look appeared on the body’s face before twisting into agony and tears started to fall onto the stone slab.

One name fell from the girl’s lips. The name that made her heart break into a thousand pieces. One name that meant everything to her.


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