Becoming the Alpha (Amethyst Pack BK2)

Chapter Chapter Eleven

I couldn’t believe this was happening, here I was challenged by the man I thought had been a mate that I could see a future with, I had literally been on the cusp of having him mark me before everything went to shit!

Why didn’t my pack tell me how he was behaving? Didn’t they trust me?


My wolf growls at me as I lose myself to my own head before I realise what is happening. Alex is tearing towards me in his wolf form as I dodge his attack, my claws extending from my fingertips as they graze him, barely shedding some of his fur as he skids to a halt and turns.

“You missed me, nice hair cut” I growl with a smirk before I shift. He barks deeply at me, snapping his teeth in anger.

We circle around the field, watching each other as I try and reign in my power, trying to keep the energy I had left. I was struggling before I even started, exhausted from the last week we’d had.

He comes at me again, teeth snapping at my muzzle as I claw at him as we tumble across the ground. A mess of teeth and claws as the circle around us grows wider, the pack watching the battle.

I manage to push him off, throwing him to the ground but he recovers quickly and comes at me once more as I dart to the side, narrowly missing the hard bite he would have done to my throat as I claw at his side, leaving a large gash.

He howls in anger before his eyes go to the crowd, he’s looking straight at Carla.

“This is HER fault!” He growls.

“Get her out of here!” I link to Daniel as he begins to drag her away.

I pounce on Alex, distracting him from Carla as I bite his leg, my jaw clamped around it as I shake back and forth.

We fall to the ground again in a battle of claws and teeth as I hear my mum cry out with worry as I howl in pain when Alex manages to catch my stomach with his claws, cutting deep as I dart away, panting heavily as he looks at me with a smugly as he shifts to his human form.

“Want to give in?” He laughs.

“Never” I answer growling as I rush towards him but as I get to him, he darts to the side and punches me straight in the muzzle as I let out a high pitch wail as I fall to the ground.

“Serena!” My Mum cries as a shocked whisper goes through the crowd.

“You’re weak! You will never be strong enough to be alpha! You will never amount to anything, just like when you were a foster child as a human. Lonely, weak and not worthy of a pack” He smirks cockily as I whimper from the pain in my gut.

“You are an alpha”

“You are not weak”

“You are not alone”

“You are our alpha!”

The pack all speak in my head as they keep building me up as I pretend to be more hurt than I was on the ground, while Alex just became cockier, laughing as he watched me whimper, licking at my wounds.

We are a powerful alpha, we come from a royal line of alpha’s, we can do this!

Alex walks closer, his claws extended as he lifts my head tightly in his hand.

“I’ll give you the chance to say goodbye if you like, such a shame my plan didn’t work. I’ll be sure to turn Carla for you, I might just kill her mate though and take her for myself, it will be fun to tame her,” He smirks turning my muzzle towards my family as my mother clung to my dad.

Rage built in my heart as power radiated from my body, this guy had no idea who he was messing with.

“Goodbye,” I said as I heard my mother sob, but she didn’t realise that I was truly saying goodbye to Alex.

“NO! Serena!” Liv cried as I saw her struggle against David in the distance, but she stops when I wink at her as she cocks her head in confusion.

As quick as a flash I surprised Alex, biting his arm for him to let my muzzle go and slashing at his chest before pouncing onto him, sending him flying to the ground.

“You got too cocky, this is for harming my pack!” I growl as I tear out his jugular throwing him across the ground as I watch his eyes begin to fade as his blood flooded the ground as I tumbled to the ground nearby in exhaustion, but I let out a loud howl as the pack join in around me in happiness that I had succeeded.

“Serena! Bring me the pack doctors!” Dad shouts as he runs across the field to me.

“I don’t feel so great dad” I groan as I shift, blood gushing from my stomach.

“Keep your eyes open sweetheart, don’t forget you are powerful, you can heal yourself quicker,” he says as I try to concentrate my powers, which helped a little but didn’t stop the bleeding altogether.

“You did it, Serena, you won,” Lucien tried to smile at me but I could see the worry in his eyes as he looks at my wounds.

“Oh no!” Olivia cried out as she and the pack healer, Wren, ran up with Pauline by their side.

“Can I go to sleep now?” I murmur as I feel more tired by the second.

“No, stay awake Serena,” Pauline says as she begins to use her magic.

“Serena!” I hear Carla rushing up the field, someone must have told them it was over.

“Big bad wolf is dead now bestie” I smile as the healers and Pauline seemed to have my bleeding under control.

“You’re such a fucking idiot Serena” She giggles as she kneels beside me, glancing at her mother working.

“Never get a break do I?” I laugh but wince in pain.

“One day Serena we will get to go on that holiday we always wanted” She laughs.

“Fat chance of that happening” I growl towards Pauline as she pushes against a wound I hadn’t realised I had.

“Don’t you growl at me young lady” Pauline says as Tony sniggers behind her, so I growl at him instead which causes everyone to laugh.

“Would someone like to tell me why my pack never told me what a dick Alex was?” I groan.

“That…Uh…That’s kind of my fault…” Liv pipes up.

“Liv?” Dad frowns.

“They told me and I was going to tell you, but you were so happy with him, so I tried to talk to him myself…He was ok for a little while and then everything went down and I didn’t tell you. I should have told you right away, then Monty might still be alive. I’m sorry alpha” She bows her head.

“For god sake Liv” I sigh.

“I want to step down as beta,” She says as my eyes widen.

“You’ll do no such thing! We all make mistakes! We learn from them. You will learn from this and we will work together to make this pack better. OUCH! Pauline!” I growl.

“Wimp,” She smirks.

“I think she’s safe to get to the house, her wounds are already beginning to heal nicely,” Wren said as she stood up from the ground.

“Thank you,” I nod to her.

“Don’t thank me, Olivia is a good student, she did most of it,” She smiled at Olivia.

“Don’t forget the woman with the magic,” Pauline mumbles under her breath.

“You helped a little,” Wren smirks, winks and walks off.

“I don’t like her,” Pauline grumbles which causes me to chuckle and wince.

“Someone going to help me up?” I ask with a smirk as Lucien rolls his eyes at me.

“Of course your majesty,” He smirks before he picks me up, being careful not to hit my wounds.

I turn my head as I look at Alex’s body which is saturating the ground with blood as I let out a tear, the full force of the rejection beginning to hit me as I lost yet another mate.

“How many mates do you think we get before that’s it?” I murmur.

“I don’t know Serena,” Lucien sighs.

“This sucks,” I sigh.

“I know cupcake, I know,” He says as we get to the house, which once again, is wrecked.

“Um…Sorry about the house” I say sheepishly as he gives me an unimpressed look before shaking his head and taking me upstairs.

“Wash, get changed and rest.” He orders as he places me in the bathroom.

“Yes sir” I salute him with a smirk as he laughs and shakes his head.

“I don’t know what I would have done if you had died today cupcake. We’d all have been lost without you” He murmurs.

“But I didn’t, I’m here to annoy you for another day.” I smile.

“Love you cupcake” He smiles.

“Love you too Uncle Lucien” I smile as he kisses my head and leaves the room.

Being left alone in the bathroom really gave me a moment to reflect on everything.

I had just won a challenge for alpha against the man who was my mate after finding out he was a complete asshole to the pack and they never told me, they told Liv and she fucked up, but I could forgive her, she was good as beta, she just needed a little extra push sometimes.

Craig, my first mate, and I’m not talking about the pirate kind, was gone and we had no idea where he was or if he was ok.

Yusif and the others were growing an army fit to kill us all.

However, my friends were still here for me even after I nearly killed Carla. My parents were alive and by my side.

We had a powerful hunter by our side who was helping as much as he could and I believed in him as much as my father did.

We could do this, it was going to be a struggle, but we’d make it, I had faith in all of us.

I began to try and strip myself from my clothes but as I stretched my arms, lifting my top over my head I winced and cried out in pain.

“Serena? Sweetheart?” My mum called out.

“Can you help me?” I call out as she lets herself into the bathroom.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” She frowns.

“I can’t get my top off, it pulls the stitches too much,” I sigh.

“You might be better off ripping them off, they are destroyed anyway, Serena,” She sighs as she pulls at the top.

“I really liked this t-shirt,” I sigh before giving her the go-ahead to rip it.

“Your father and I are going to speak to the packs, we need them to tell us when there are issues, we found out Alex had been tormenting some of our pack too and they never told Lucien. We will work together on this, strengthen the packs together,” Mum says as she begins to brush my hair for me.

“Thank you,” I murmur before a tear drops from my cheek.

“Sweetheart, don’t cry, I’m here” She coos at me as she holds me to her as I let the tears flow.

“I can’t keep losing everything mum, I can’t take it,” I cry.

“Sometimes we lose things, it’s a part of life that we cannot control sometimes. But what we can do is control the things around us, we can train hard to help in not losing people in battle, we can keep our loved ones around us to keep their love, we keep going and push through the pain, learn from what’s happened and keep going. You’re braver and stronger than you will ever know Serena and I am so proud of you.” She kisses my forehead and wipes away my tears with her thumbs.

“Thank you, I love you mum,” I smile as she kisses me again.

“I love you too sweetheart, now do you need me to help you anymore or have you got it?” She asks softly.

“I’ve got it,” I smile and she nods, leaving me in the bathroom to wash after grabbing me some easy clothes to get into on the bathroom counter.

“Hey, what are you doing in here?” I ask as I spot Carla waiting on my bed.

“You didn’t think I’d let you sleep alone tonight did you?” She smiles softly.

“You’re in your mating week still aren’t you? Daniel will be pining,” I smirk.

“Who said I wasn’t joining in too?” Daniel smirks as he holds a bunch of blankets in his arms.

“OH! I love sleepovers!” Liv bounces in behind him as I raise a brow.

“David coming too?” I smirk.

“Right here” He smiles behind her as they pile into the room.

“Going to be really cosy in here tonight” Carla giggles.

“Yay! I love it! Wolves love sleeping as a pack, so get used to it Carla” Liv smirks and winks at her.

“Just no mating while in the same room as everyone” I look to Carla and she blushes.

“I’m sleeping with you anyway,” Carla says as I hear Daniel growl.

“Down boy, I’m not taking your mate” I laugh at him.

“I can’t wait to be a wolf” Carla giggles excitedly.

“Oh shit, when are we supposed to be doing that?” I ask.

“Two days” Daniel answers as Carla helps me get into bed carefully before laying beside me.

“Think we can have two days without any drama?” David sniggers.

“Not a chance” Daniel answers as he stares at his mate with a mix of lust and love.

“We’ll get it done” I murmur as I yawn.

“Of course we will and Carla is going to be a kick-ass wolf” Liv smiles cuddling up to David on the pile of blankets on the floor.

“Get the pack on track, turn Carla, get Craig back, defeat an army…Am I missing anything?” I say.

“Find your own happiness” Carla squeezes my hand in hers.

“That too I guess” I laugh before they all begin to chatter as I fall asleep surrounded by my loved ones.

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