Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 9

Expect a bunch of mistakes...unedited


I jumped back in shock, right out the car, right into my puke. I cringed as the wetness seeped through my jeans. Gross.

“Well aren’t you a clumsy one.” The Beast smirked at me through Jacob’s window.

“That she is.” Jacob laughed. I glared at him, laughing with the enemy. “Don’t even think about getting in my car with that on your butt, messing up my seat.” Jacob was a good friend, always have been. But when it came to his vehicles, I didn’t mean shit.

A low growl left my mouth as I stood up. “You want me to walk!?”

He shrugged. “It’s only two blocks away.” I gaped at him.

The Beast came around to my side, a look full of malice on his face. I took a step back when he planted himself in my unoccupied seat. “She’s not walking anywhere, get in and sit on my lap.” He demanded.

“Hell no!”

He snarled, baring his teeth at me. I wanted to shrink into myself. “My patience is running thin little angel, get in the damn car.”

“I’m not -” An unseen force shoved me closer to the car. He reached out and grabbed me, pulling me in and planting me firmly on his lap.

Jacob made a fake gagging noise. “You stink.” I didn’t bother to reply, especially when he slammed my door shut. I was more trapped and on his lap. I shivered when one of his arms slides across my chest, strapping us in with the seat belt. His other arm wrapped around my mid-section, pulling me back against his chest.

“Safety first.” He breathed into my ear. I could hear the amusement in his voice. Jacob started the car up, not at all caring I was sitting on a stranger’s lap in his car.

“Jacob! You’re just going to let a complete stranger in your car?” So much for being my protector.

“You didn’t know he was the club owner? And since we’re heading to his club, why not give him a ride?” Club owner? He’s the club owner of that supernatural place.

“I’m on his lap!” I yelled out. He chuckled behind me.

“I believe we’ve been in a similar position before, and you weren’t complaining.” He whispered, letting his hand fall between my legs. I instantly tossed it away from me. Especially as flashes from that night came to me.

I kept quiet after that. I felt gross sitting on him with puke on my butt. The suit he was in was bound to get ruined. I sighed, choosing to stare out the window.

It wasn’t until we stopped that I felt something hard pressing into my ass. I let out an unsteady breath, his arms tightened. I unbuckled us hoping out the car as fast as possible.

It was still daylight outside which means the club was still closed. I looked back at him as he got out of the car. A look of hunger covered his eyes as he watched me. I tried not to let my eyes travel lower.

We waited as he walked up to the door, unlocking it. “Alright I’ll check by the bar.” Jacob rushed in while I stood by the door.

The Beast turned to me; I bit my lip. “Shall we go clean you up?” I don’t know if it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but I felt he meant cleaning me up in more ways than one. But still, I nodded.

I followed him out the dancing area and to those set of stairs. If I was smart, I would’ve stayed with Jacob, kept a witness with me.

He didn’t speak as he opened the door to the room were, we first met. “What’s your name?” Maybe filling the silence will make this less awkward.

“Enzo.” I waited for him to say more, but clearly that’s all I was getting. He pointed to a bathroom off to the side. “Take your pants off in there.”

I frowned. “What? No! I’m not getting naked in there...”

The smirk was once again back on his face. “As you wish.” I felt a breeze as the last word left his mouth. I looked down at my legs, to see them bare.

“Are you kidding me!?” I was standing in front of him, in my underwear!

He cocked his head to the side. “Last time they were red...”

“You’re a pig.”

“I think I liked the red ones better.”

I sat there patiently as he continued to stare. “Aren’t you going to replace them?”

“Why? I think I prefer you dressed this way much more.” God give me the strength. His eyes flashed when the thought crossed my mind, in a second, he was in front of me. “What was that?” I shivered as he looked down at me.

I craned my neck to peer up at him. “What was what?”

“Don’t ever, mention that name again.” He rested his hand oh so gently on my arm, but I could feel the threat behind his actions. “Are we clear?” Name? When did I mention a name? Does he mean God? His hand tightened slightly.

“Are you reading my mind?” If I remember correctly,he’s done it before. How was he able to?

“It’s not that hard, you’re practically shouting the words at me.” I stepped out of his hold, completely ignoring the fact that I still wasn’t wearing pants.


He sighed, walking over to the mini bar. I waited as he poured himself a drink, hoping for an explanation. “You can read mine too.” He said once he faced me. Not the answer I was expecting, but still intriguing. Although I knew he was lying. I’ve tried several times to get into his mind since meeting him. He smirked over the rim of his glass. “I said you could read it, not that I would let you.”


A knock sounded on the door. He stared at it for a few long seconds, until another one came. “Don’t say anything.” He ordered walking to the door. What? He was going to open the door with me standing in my underwear? I made a move to go hide in the restroom. “Don’t move,” He hissed, pulling the door open.

A younger guy stood on the other side. He was tall, but not taller than Enzo. His shoulders were wide and he wore his blonde hair gelled back neatly. A sharp shooter, that’s what he seemed like. “Who’s the boy downstairs?” His voice was deep and roguish.

Oh shit! I forgot about Jacob. “A visitor.” His answer was a voice full of power. Whoever this man was, it was obvious he answered to Enzo and not the other way around.

His nostrils flared, he leaned sideways to look around Enzo, face scrunching in confusion. Whatever Enzo did before opening the door it was clear the man could not see me. “Are you looking for something Victor?” He asked, sounding both bored and annoyed.

Victor frowned, “I thought I...” He shook his head. “There are problems in the city.”

Enzo’s back stiffened. Victor may not know I’m here but Enzo did, and whatever this city was he very obviously didn’t want me to know about. Now I was interested. “We’ll discuss this later.”

Victor nodded, “Why have you returned here?”

“The kid downstairs is looking for something.”

“You trust him? Do I need to take care of him?” Take care of him? He was just looking for something! What is wrong with this guy?

Enzo rudely checked his watch. “If I wanted him dead, he would be. You’re dismissed now.” He didn’t wait for the guy to walk away before closing the door. “Now, let’s get you dressed, before more unwanted guests show up.” I felt the soft feel of sweatpants cover my legs.

“I was wearing jeans.”

“And now you’re wearing sweatpants, may as well get used to them.” He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t plan on stuffing myself with food any time soon.”

He chuckled, “Oh, but you will.”

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