Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 8

“Where you going little angel?” He grinned at me. Eyes still glowing red.

I glared at him. “I’m not an angel.”

“But you smell like one, actually you smell better.” He bent down in front of me, inhaling deeply. “It’s not safe for you here.”

My eyes went to the dead lycan. “He attacked me out of nowhere.”

“I warned you.”

He warned me? When did he-? I gasped. “It was your voice.” He nodded. “But how?”

The right side of his mouth lifts. Leaning all the way in, he touches his lips to my ear. His breath against my skin sends a thrill up my spine and goose bumps cover my arms. “How do you think?” I flinched when one of his fangs poked my ear lobe.

“Cause you’re fallen.” We were taught a lot about fallen angels in heaven. In fact, before you earned your wings there was a mini quiz to pass.

He moved back standing up. “Bingo.” I took his out stretched hand as he lifted me up. What I didn’t expect was how close he pulled me. We were chest to chest when his other arm snaked around my waist. We were so close that I could feel the abs through his shirt, and the hard muscles on his arms as they pulled me closer. “Watch your back, you’re carrying precious cargo.”

By the time my brain could process what he said, he had already pulled away and was halfway down the hallway. “Wait what? What are you talking about?” I called after him.

He turned slightly without stopping. “You’ll find out soon enough.” I blinked and he was gone. Dammit.

Where did he go? Where did he even come from? No matter though he saved my life, who knows what that lycan would’ve done with me. But how did he know I was in trouble? I should’ve asked these questions when he was here. Something else occurred to me, I forgot to get his name again.

"So, what did the doctor say?” Jacob asked walking a bag of groceries into the kitchen.

I turned around on the couch to watch him, hoping to burn a hole in the side of his head from my glare. “Before or after he tried to kill me?”

He paused, holding the jar of peanut butter he was unpacking. “He tried to kill you?”

I nodded, “He was a Lycan.”

“But why did he try to kill you?” He abandoned the food walking over to sit next to me.

“I don’t know, one minute I was just sitting there and the lights went out. Then next thing I know he’s chasing me through the halls trying to kill me.” I shrugged.

“Do you think he was sent after you?” I thought of that possibility but I couldn’t figure out why? What would be the motive behind it? “Maybe heaven wants you dead for what you did.” I shrugged. “What exactly did you do?”

I stiffened at his question. This is not the first time he’s asked me, but this will be the first time I answered. If people were out to kill me there’s a chance his life was in danger too. He deserved to know why. I took a deep breath preparing myself. “I fell in love.”

He laughed, “Are you serious? That’s it?”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s not that simple. I fell in love with an archangel, and also my trainer. The most forbidden thing you could do up there. Common angels are not allowed to have any type of strong feelings for archangels.”

“That’s harsh.” He commented, I agreed. You would think there would be no rules against love in heaven. ”So, who was it?”


“The archangel you feel in love with? I’m not a very religious person but I know a few of them.” He smirked.

Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth I contemplated telling him. “I think that’s a story for another time.”

He let out a loud dramatic sigh. ”So, did you kill the lycan?”

I shook my head. “This is where it gets weird, you remember when someone requested an audience with me at the club? Well he showed up at the hospital and killed it.”

“You have an admirer.” He grinned. More like an intense stalker. I didn’t dare say that out loud though in case he could hear me somehow.

“You don’t find it weird that he showed up out of nowhere? How did he even know I was in danger?”

“Did you have sex with him? Maybe he put a tracker in your vagina.” He covered his mouth laughing. I picked up the nearest couch pillow and whacked him with it.

“I might’ve gained a stalker and you’re joking about it.” Not to mention the idea of him putting a tracker in my vagina didn’t seem too far-fetched. Considering we did have sex. But I would’ve noticed, right?

“Relax,” He grabbed the pillow from me. “I’m sure if he wanted to hurt you, he would’ve done it already, so you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“Who said anything about hurt? I said he was stalking.”

“What reason would he have to stalk you?” Running away from him after a night of wild animal sex.

“I’m not sure.” I answered instead.

“See? No motive means no stalking. Most likely he’s not even into blondes.” He shrugged. I brought a hand up to my hair. Many people avoided blondes, because of stereotypes. It was something I never understood while living on earth.

“Whatever.” This conversation was pointless, he will never see things from my point of view.

“Aww did I offend you? You know you’re my favorite blonde, right?” He fakes pout.

“Aww did I offend you? You know you’re my favorite blonde, right?” I mocked.

He smirked, getting up from the couch. “I have to make a run; I’ll be back later.”

“Can I go?” He paused.


I cocked my head at him. “I have no plans today, and I don’t want to be home alone.” It looked like he was having a silent debate with himself. “Please?”

“Fine.” He sighed. Throwing on my shoes I rushed up behind him.

“So where are we going?” I’ve been flipping the radio stations for the last ten minutes. There was nothing good on the radio and Jacob hardly spoke.

“To Exotic.”

My head snapped in his direction. “The club? Why?”

“I think I left my wallet there, hopefully they have someone working during the day.”

“It’s been a week since we been there? You haven’t had your wallet since then?” He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, something he does when he’s hiding something. “It has been a week, right?”

“I went the other night!” He blurted out.

“What!?” Not only was I surprised he didn’t tell me, but he didn’t even invite me. “With who?”

He looked at me for a second. “With Angela, I didn’t invite you cause the last time we went you rushed out of there, and never brought it up again. I assumed you didn’t like it.”

“I -” He was right, it wasn’t that I didn’t like it. It’s that I was scared to go back. In fact, now that I know where we’re going, I need to get out of this car. “Can you pull over?” I was feeling sick to my stomach.

Jacob didn’t ask any questions as he pulled over. “Are you OK?” I opened my mouth to respond, but bile rose up. Flinging the door open I emptied out my stomach. “So not ok.”

After staring at the ground for a few seconds, I felt eyes on me. Assuming it was Jacob I looked up intending to tell him off for staring.

But standing outside his window, was the Beast.

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