Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 3

“Valentina.” I mumbled something incoherent, burying my face more into the pillow. Whack! My eyes popped open. I shot out my leg hoping to kick something, or should I say someone. But I hit nothing but air. “Saw that coming.”

I turned on my side to see Jacob standing next to my bed. I rubbed my sore ass cheek frowning at him. “Why did you wake me up?”

He looked shocked by my question. “Are you serious? It’s ten o’clock at night.”

I frowned, “Are you sure?” Looking towards my window it was indeed night out. Huh. And here I thought I was going to take an hour nap. I sat up stretching, letting out a yawn. “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I grinned at him.

He smirked at me. “If you take your clothes off, we can have even more fun.” I tossed a pillow at him. That’s when I noticed what he was wearing.

“You heading out?”

He shook his head. ”We are heading out, so get dressed.”

“I don’t have any plans.”

He rolled his eyes. “I made you some plans, now get dressed.” I watched as he made his way to my door, before stopping. “And make sure you look hot. I know that’s usually a challenge for you.” He laughed when I tossed another pillow at him, easily dogging it and leaving my room.

I sighed, I’m sure he was just dragging me to a club to try and get me drunk. Try as he might though, it won’t happen. I guess being in heaven has boosted my tolerance by like a thousand. Jacob has made it his personal mission to prove me otherwise, and he’s been failing for six months.

I got up going over to my closet. Look hot? Easy task. Look hot enough for Jacob’s approval? Not so easy. I rummaged through my clothes till I found something that might meet his approval. It was a short black backless lace dress that fit me like a second skin.

“Perfect.” I took a quick shower before slipping the dress on. Doing my makeup, I decided to go with black smoky eye effect and dark red lipstick. I grabbed some dark red pumps to complete my outfit.

Strolling out the room I met Jacob in the kitchen. “Damn.” He breathed out the moment he saw me, letting out a low whistle.

I gave a little twirl. “Is this hot enough for you?”

“I approve,” He looked me over once more. “And so, does my dick.” He winked.

I scoffed. “Where are we going anyways?” I grabbed the bottle of Smirnoff he slid my way. Nothing like some pre drinking before we go partying.

“I got wind of some exclusive night club that’s extremely hard to get into. Apparently, they only let thirty people in a night.” Wow, only thirty people? Sounds boring.

“Just sounds like slim pickings to me.” I took a gulp of my drink.

“Lucky we’re not going for you to be a hoe. Word is, everyone there gets drunk. I thought we should check it out.”

I rolled my eyes. “You just don’t give up, do you?”

He grinned. “I don’t like being wrong. I’m not convinced you can’t get a little buzzed.”

“Whatever, how are we going to get in? If it’s as exclusive as you say.”

He walked closer to me, a mischievous look in his eyes. “Why, with your good looks of course.”

I instantly backed away from him. “No, you know I don’t like using my powers in public.”

“It’ll be dark.”

“Jacob,” I growled.

He sighed, “That’s the only way we’re getting in Valentina. Like I said, it’s exclusive, password exclusive.”

I crossed my arms. “Then maybe we shouldn’t go.”

He glared at me. “We’re going.”

“Are you going to make me?” I challenged.

A huge smirk appeared on his face. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

“I’d like to see you try.”


“Good luck getting us pass the bouncer without my help.” I refused to get out of the car that I was forced in. I’ll just stay here until he gets us in.

He growled. “Stop being stubborn.”

I glared at him. “How am I being stubborn? I already said I wasn’t going to help you.”

“You’re already dressed, we’re already here, just get us the hell in!” We had a glaring match for another two minutes, before I finally caved.

“Fine!” I got out the car, making sure to slam my door extra hard. Glad we decided to go in his car. I followed silently behind him as we made our way to the front door. The name on the building read ‘Exotic’, what kind of club name was that?

If the bouncer didn’t let us in, I would have to use compulsion on him. One of the many perks that stayed with me after getting kicked out of heaven.

“Names?” The bouncer asked the moment we walked up.

“Jacob and Valentina.” We waited as he looked over the list, knowing damn well our names weren’t on there.

“Not here, move along.” He scowled at us for wasting his time.

Jacob stepped back, letting me in front. I waited until I caught the bouncer’s eye. “Check again and you’ll see our names.” Using my powers was always so easy. There was no tingling sensation or glowing eyes, it just happened. Although I could make them glow for dramatic effect, like when I first showed Jacob my powers.

"No, they’re not.” I blinked at him.

"Yes, they are.” I said again, in a smoother voice.

"No, they’re not witch, and if you try compulsion on me again there will be consequences.” My eyes widened in shock, what the hell just happened? How does he know about compulsion? And why did he call me a witch?

“Wait a minute, there’s no need to be making threats.” Jacob stepped forward once again, glaring at the bouncer. The man was twice his size and had double the muscles, but that didn’t matter to Jacob.

“I-I’m not a witch.” I stuttered. Still shocked my compulsion didn’t work on him.

“You think I’m stupid? Only witches have the power to compel.”

“I’m not a-” Jacob covered my mouth, cutting me off.

“How do we get on the list?” He asked.

“Know someone who’s on the list.” I rolled my eyes. This man was going to be no help.

“Thanks.” I followed behind Jacob back to his car. Though I was dying to get inside that club now. If the bouncer knew about compulsion and witches then that wasn’t your average club. Maybe that’s why it’s so exclusive.

“Dammit.” Jacob muttered when we were tucked back in the car.

“Where did you hear about this place? From who?” He said to get on the list we need to know someone on the list. We need to trace back to whomever told Jacob about the club.

He shrugged. “Some guy I work with was bragging about it.”

I bit my lip curiously. Jacob worked in construction; I would never expect one of his coworkers to be clubbing. “I’m going to work with you tomorrow.”

He looked over at me in surprise. “Why? You haven’t gone to work with me in months.”

“I need to talk to whoever told you.”

He grinned. ”So, you’re investigating?”

I winked, “Something like that.”

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