Beauty Is The Beast

Chapter 2



“Why men great till they got to be great!” I sang loudly as I waited for the light to change. Ignoring the Asian woman in the car next to me giving me a funny look. My hand tapped the steering wheel as I bobbed my head.

“I swear Beyoncé got nothing on you.” Jacob joked in the passenger seat, covering his mouth so I wouldn’t see him laugh.

“Haters going to hate and Valentina going tovalenate.” I replied.

He rolled his eyes. “You know you completely ruin the saying by adding that.”

“I disagree, I think I make it sound better.” I grinned at him, making a left. Turning onto the parking lot my stomach squealed in happiness.

“I don’t know why I let you talk me into eating junk food. You make it hard for me to keep this amazing body. Are you trying to get me fat on purpose Tina? So, you can have me all to yourself?” He looked at me, a look of shock on his face.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve been trying to get rid of you for months.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” It’s been six months since Jacob picked me up in his beat-up truck. We’ve been inseparable ever since. He felt he couldn’t leave me on my own once I told him my plan to rob a bank so that I could make a living. When he asked me where I was from and I told him heaven, he tried dropping me off at rehab. It took a lot of convincing to get to where we are now. That being best friends.

“Welcome to McDonald’s what can I get for you?”


“Angela is coming over later, so I need you to be gone.”

I lazily flipped through the channels as I sat on the couch. “Getting kicked out of my own house? Why does it feel like this happened before?” I said thoughtfully. “Oh right! because it has. It was for Harriet last time, right?” Not only were Jacob and I best friends, we were also roommates. Which was sometimes a struggle cause of the bachelor life he liked to live.

“Would you rather stay and listen to the interesting sounds I’m going to get her to make?”

“The only sound I’ll hear is ‘oh my gosh! Why is it so little?’” I smirked.

He glared. “Little? I think you have me mistaken for your ex.”

“Lucky for you I was planning to go out anyways.” I actually wasn’t since I declined my friend’s Liza offer to go clubbing. Now I’m going to have to call her back and explain why I suddenly want to come.

He looked up from spreading peanut butter on his bread. “Oh yeah? With who? If it’s the redhead I’m canceling all my plans.” The redhead he was referring to was Jessica, another one of my friends. Who Jacob has been trying to get into bed ever since he met her.

“What is your obsession with her? Is it the hair?”

"So, it’s her you’re hanging with then?” He ignored my question, an excited look in his eyes.


He shrugged. “Maybe next time.” He declared leaning against the kitchen counter taking a bite of his sandwich. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I could visibly see his muscles flexing. Jacob was cute when we first met, but somehow over the last few months he became drop dead sexy. It’s how he’s able to be a man whore. Girls throw themselves at him, and I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t admit I was once one of those girls.

For a month and a half Jacob and I tried dating. It was weird, it seemed the only time we got along was when we were in bed together. Finally, we decided to call it quits all together. We’ve been much better as friends anyways. Sometimes people just aren’t meant to be in a relationship together.

I focused back on the TV before he caught me drooling. Just because we didn’t work out doesn’t mean he was suddenly ugly to me. “You know she has a boyfriend, right?”

“What’s that got to do with me?”

“Don’t you remember what happened the last time you messed with someone’s girlfriend?” I grinned back at him.

He glared at me. “First of all, it was your boyfriend and I wasn’t even messing around with you. Dude was just paranoid because I hit it first.”

I laughed out loud. “That he was.” His phone started to ring. Looking down at it a look of rage covered his fac, before he tossed it on the counter. “They’re still calling?” I asked. He nodded.

There was only one person who could cause that look, his parents. But mostly his father. Jacob explained to me that he didn’t get kicked out that day, he left. Apparently, his filthy rich parents were trying to force him into an arranged marriage. Actually, they still are. “I don’t know what they’re not understanding about me being done with them.”

I sighed. “Do you want to go get a drink?” It was kind of a tradition for us to grab a drink whenever his parents called. I felt getting drunk was always the best answer to any situation. Our freezer was stocked with lots of leftover liquor from hosting wild parties.

He seemed to be thinking about it for a second, before dismissing the idea. “I should be sober when Angela comes around.”

“Smart move.”

“Which reminds me, when are you leaving?” I glared at him, getting up from the couch.

“I pay rent just like you,” snatching the rest of his sandwich out of his hand, I made my way to my room. ”So, I’ll leave when I damn well feel like it!”


“I can’t believe he kicked you out.” I groaned as she brought up the incident that happened not too long ago.

“He’s an asshole.” Jacob stole my phone while I was showering and texted Lizza to come get me early. I didn’t know until I was being dragged kicking and screaming out of the house and tossed into her car. Luckily, I was dressed by then.

“But tell me, how did it feel being wrapped in his muscled arms?” She grinned excitedly at me. I frowned at her. Lizza has been crushing on Jacob since she met him. Sadly, for her though she wasn’t his type. Not that she was ugly or anything, but she was a virgin. Which definitely wasn’t Jacob’s type, he liked them loose and wild.

“Felt like I was being strangled by how tight he was holding me.” She rolled her eyes at my reply. We were heading to her house since I was so graciously kicked out of mine. “Can we stop for ice cream?”

“You know you have an obsession, right?” Just cause ice cream was my preferred snack all the time doesn’t mean I was obsessed.


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