Beating Heart: A Small Town, Single Dad Romance (Magnolia Falls Series Book 4)

Chapter 25


Nash is being a total dick today.

You’re working five feet from me, dickskunk. Why are you sending this in a group text?


Because I want everyone to know.

Of course, you do.


King likes to share. What’s going on?


He’s in a relationship for the first time in a very long time, and he doesn’t know how to process those feelings.


What kind of response is that, River? You sound like a fucking therapist.


He’s married to one, so now he’s an expert.


Hey, that’s what Ruby told me when I said Nash seemed a little edgy when I saw him yesterday.


I don’t think it’s the relationship. I think it’s the fact that he doesn’t have control of what’s going to happen with her. Where it’s going or if it’ll end when she leaves.


Proud of you, Ro. That was very deep, brother.

You can all fuck off. I’m fine.


That lame response is not going to support your claim of being fine. You don’t sound fucking fine.


Speak, asshole. You can talk to us.

Things are good. Really fucking good. But she’s got interviews every week, and she’s leaving. Today, she has an interview with a children’s hospital in Boston. And that’s where she wants to go.


Maybe in the end, she won’t want to leave. What makes you so sure?

Because she came here after she called off her wedding from the last dickhead she dated. I’m the fucking rebound guy. I’m not the forever guy. And I’m worried about Cutler. He’s getting too fucking attached.


You are nobody’s rebound, brother. You’re the gold standard. She’s smart, and she knows it. But damn, I love the chowder in Boston.


Who gives a shit about chowder, jackass?


Anyway, it sounds like you and Cutler are both getting attached. And I think that terrifies the shit out of you. Don’t run from it, brother. Fight for it.


Have you talked to her about staying?


Of course, he hasn’t. That would be too logical. Maybe you could write it on a sticky note?

I hope you get stung in the dick by a bee today, King. <bee emoji>


If this is the real deal, you better fight, brother. There are no second chances.

Let’s talk at the gym today when we have lunch. I need to get to work.


Remember, brother, we’ve got your back.


Ride or die.


Brothers till the end.


Loyalty always.


Forever my friend.

I shook my head at the words tattooed on my shoulder. The words we’d always lived by. I knew they had my back, and it settled me.

I set my phone down and got back to hanging shiplap on the large wall of the dining room, which we were painting in a black satin finish.

I thought about what the guys had said, and I knew they were right. We were spending a ridiculous amount of time together. But Emerson had made it clear that she wasn’t staying. She wanted a fresh start in a new city.

I was the interim guy.

A pit stop on the way to her next destination.

And I’d been fine with that because I wasn’t looking for anything serious either.

But now I wasn’t so sure. She fit perfectly into my life. Into my son’s life.

The three of us just worked in a way I’d never experienced.

It hadn’t been like this with Tara—ever.

She’d been miserable after Cutler was born.

Resentful and unhappy.

And I’d found my footing on my own, and I’d liked it that way. No room to be let down.

But I’d opened this door, and she’d surprised me.

Everything was better with Emerson in our world. And that scared the shit out of me because getting attached to her was dangerous.

And I had Cutler to think about.

My phone vibrated with another text, and I pulled it from my back pocket.


Hey! Just finished the interview with Boston Children’s, and it went really well. They said they were impressed when they read my letters of recommendation.

I scrubbed a hand over the back of my neck. She wanted this.

And I wanted her to be happy. Even if that meant I would be miserable.

That was why we’d gone all out last night. My son had been the one to remind me over and over that it was her big day coming up, and we needed to celebrate it. I knew her ex was the one who’d talked her out of doing her residency there, and I would not be that guy.

I would never hold her back.

If she decided to stay, it would be because she wanted to stay. Not because anyone guilted her or pressured her.

Of course, they were impressed. You’re fucking amazing, beautiful. They’d be fools to let you go.

So would I.


That was awfully sweet of you to say, neighbor. Do you think I should take it if they offer me the position?

Does my opinion really matter in this decision?

It was a dick thing to say. I shouldn’t have said it. But there was truth to my words. We’d put so many rules in place that I didn’t know where the lines were.

I saw the three little dots move across the screen, and I waited.


Yes, actually. Your opinion matters to me.

My chest puffed out like I’d just won some big fight that I hadn’t expected to win.


And King said that Boston has the best chowder. So maybe you’ll come visit me. But Seattle Children’s seems interested, too, and they’re famous for their coffee, and I know you love your coffee.

I deflated in an instant. She was just being polite; she wasn’t asking because she saw a future for us. I needed to pull my head out of my ass and remember what this was.

Temporary. We were just having fun.

So have some fucking fun, asshole.

It’s good to have options. I’m happy to help you work through it.


Dinner tonight at my place?

This was getting too complicated. For me. For my boy. I needed to tread lightly.

We’re having dinner at my dad’s tonight, and I want to get Cutler down early because it’s a school night.

I’d planned on inviting her. My dad loved her, as they’d met twice over the last few weeks. But distance was necessary, and I needed to man up and protect my boy because this was going to hurt like hell when she left.


Oh, okay. <thumbs-up emoji>

That wasn’t a typical response from her, so I’d probably pissed her off. But she was the one who was one foot out the door. I needed to do the same.

“Why didn’t Emerson come with us to Gramps house for dinner?” Cutler asked for maybe the hundredth time tonight. A reminder of how badly I’d fucked up. How easily I’d let this happen.

“Because tonight was just about us visiting your grandfather. We can’t spend every night with Emerson. She’s not staying forever. She’s just here for a few more months.”

“Pops, Emerson is my girl. It doesn’t matter how long she stays. I’ll still love her no matter where she lives,” he said, and my fucking chest squeezed at his words.

My boy loved so deeply, and it scared the shit out of me. I’d known it, and I’d still let him get attached. I’d never made that mistake before now, and I was so fucking pissed at myself for allowing this.

“It’s fine to love someone and let them go. As long as you know they’re leaving.” I cleared my throat as I turned down our street. The sun was just going down, and the temperatures always dropped this time of year in Magnolia Falls.

“You worry too much, Pops.” He chuckled, and movement on Emerson’s front porch pulled my attention.

There was a guy standing there with her, and the conversation looked heated. It was her stance that had me reacting. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her shoulders tense and eyes hard.

“Cutler, I need you to go sit on the chair on our front porch and wait for me. Do you understand?”

His eyes were as wide as saucers when I jumped out of the truck and helped him out and pointed to the porch. “I got it.”

I was moving before I even stopped to think about it. Her voice was louder than I’d ever heard it, as she shouted something at him that I couldn’t make out.

I was across the yard and up the stairs, with my hands gathered in his sweater as I pulled him back and shouted in his face. “Get the fuck away from her!”

“Who the hell are you?” he asked, shoving me back but not moving me at all.

This guy was weak, and I saw the fear in his eyes.

“I’m your worst fucking nightmare.” I stepped in front of him, my face inches from his.

“Stop, Nash. I’ve got it handled,” Emerson said, rushing to stand between us.

“Is this the fucking guy?” I asked, venom leaving my lips as I glared at him.

She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a long breath as she gave me the slightest nod. “Please let me handle this.”

“I don’t know who the fuck you are, but I came a long way to talk to her, so I suggest you go on home, neighbor.” He raised a brow as he brushed the nonexistent wrinkles from his annoying-as-fuck V-neck sweater.

“Pops! Is Emerson okay?” Cutler called out from our front porch. I heard the concern, and so did she. Her gaze moved from me to our house next door, and she looked torn. Unsure what to do.

“I’m fine, angel face,” she called out.

“Everything is okay, buddy. Stay right there!” I yelled over to him before turning back to her. “Do you want him to stay and me to go?”

She sighed, resting a hand on my forearm. “Let me handle this, okay?”

Her words stung. I held my hands up and took a step back as the asshole smirked at me.

“You heard her. She’s fine. Go home.”

“You’re fucking lucky my boy is watching, or I’d lay you out right here, you weak motherfucker.” I flipped him the bird and stormed toward my house.

Once we were inside, Cutler started firing off eight hundred fucking questions, just like I knew he would.

Who was the guy on Emerson’s porch?

Why did I seem angry?

Why did he stay there?

Why isn’t she coming over?

“Pops, you’re not listening. Who’s Emerson’s friend?” he asked as I guided him to the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub.

It was a school night. I needed to stay focused.

“I don’t know,” I said, because I didn’t have a better answer at the moment.

But my blood was boiling.

Did she want to talk to the asshole? Did she miss him? Would she consider going back to him?

I had a shit ton of questions of my own.

Like father, like son, apparently.

“Get undressed and hop into the tub,” I said, trying hard to hide the anger from my tone. My son didn’t need to be exposed to that.

He stepped into the bathtub and sat down, and I handed him his body wash and grabbed the cup to pour water over his head.

“I liked when Sunny gave me a bath last night.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to chill the fuck out. “Well, you’re stuck with me tonight, kiddo.”

“You’re my favorite, Pops. I like being stuck with you.” He scrubbed the shampoo into his hair, and his words settled me in a way. “But I like being stuck with Sunny, too.”

And just like that, I was pissed off all over again.

I dropped to sit on the floor while he played around in the water, and I glanced down at my phone to see I’d missed a few texts.


Guess what?


Hello? Are you not going to guess?


NASH! Are you there?

She’d always had zero patience. Clearly, that hadn’t changed because all three texts came in at the exact same time.

What is it? I’m trying to bathe my son.


I found an Airbnb. I’m coming back home to spend time with my boys in two weeks.

And just when I thought things couldn’t get worse…

Life managed to surprise me.

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