Bear Fights For Donna: Book 4: Dark Rider MC Series

Chapter 2: Two months later

I had just finished the tattoo for my customer of the day. I cleaned my area and walked to the front. Terry, I am leaving for the weekend. I am going to be out of town. I will be back to work on Monday. I walked out of the door and got on my bike. I rode out of town and onto the highway.

An hour later I arrived at Cherokee's club. I took my helmet off and sat it on my bike after I got off. I walked toward the club and up the steps to the porch. I heard whistles and turn my head and looked toward four club members including him. Fuck, Donna, we are sorry. We did not realize it was you.

I turned my head and walked in the front door. I saw the girls sitting at the VIP table. I grabbed a beer and walked over and sat down. A new club member walked over and looked at me. You are not a fucking member of this club and do not belong in that seat. Get out of it now whore.

I stood up not showing any emotions and brought him to his knees. My name is Donna. His eyes got huge. That's right, that Donna You nor any man will ever tell me what to do. I took a knife out of my boot and brought it to his face. I slowly slid it down his face from his eyebrow to his eye.

This is to remember to never put your hands on me again or talk to me that way. I then shoved him on his back. Donna, I heard Cherokee say. I looked up at him again showing no emotions. Cherokee nice to see you again. Tell this fucker to keep his hand to himself and the next time he calls me a whore I will cut his tongue out.

I wiped his blood off the knife and slid it back in my boot. Go get stitched and say away from Donna if you know what is good for you. I sat down and picked up my beer and took a drink. I heard a chair slide up to the table. I looked over and saw Bear. He looked at me with longing but I showed him nothing.

I talked to the girls and told them I would see them after the birth of their children. I stood up and walked out the door not looking back. I got on my bike and rode back home. I walked into the door and took a shower changing my clothes.

I rode to the Wild Rider MC. I walked in and saw Shadow at the table. I grabbed a beer and walked over and sat down. He looked at me not saying a word. What is it, Donna? I felt the tears flowing. I am still having difficulty with my emotions. I don't know how much longer I can take seeing him when I visit.

Donna, after the birth of your friend's children you will see them at the hospital, and then you will tell them you are leaving again. You will come here and we will start training again. I did not say a word. I stood up and walked out getting on my bike and riding home.

I got home and sat down to make a list of what I needed to do the day that Dove, Sara, and Elizabeth had the kids. That way it was done before I leave my cabin. I will load my bike up the night before in the small trailer along with my clothes before I shut the electric off and then I go locking the door not looking back for a while.

Both have two months before the children are born. I have enough time to get things ready. One more month before my next visit. The last one being at the hospital. I walked to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee before walking out on the porch.

I turned the radio on and sat down in the rocking chair. I sat leaning my head back and listened to the music. I must have dozed off because I slowly opened my eyes and saw him sitting across from me.

I sat up and looked at him. He just stared. I stood up and walked into the cabin and shut the door locking it behind me. I saw him look down at his hands before he stood up and walked down the stairs and towards the driveway.

I couldn't talk to her. Why did I just let her walk away from me? This was the second time I let her walk away. I got on my bike and rode back to the club. I walked in and was standing at the bar when one of the new whores approached me. Bear, do you want to have some fun?

Without looking at her I told her to get the fuck away from me. She did not move. Are you fucking stupid bitch I said raising my voice? It got quiet in the bar. I turned around and looked at her. I saw the fear in her eyes. If you know what is good for you, you will get your fat ass back over to the whores table. And never, I mean never approach me again.

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