Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Evacuate Everyone
Broderick sat beside the bed that Amy was and was watching her, he had been beside her for
the past two hours. He already had his personal assistant, Broderick, to investigate who
shot her. He would have suspected Callan but Callan was already in the prison. He received a call on his phone and seeing that t
he caller ID was Brett, he answered at once,” have you found out whom the person is?” “No, sir. I‘m outside with the drugs that M
rs. Amy is to use,” Brett said and Broderick stood at once and went to get the drugs for him.
By the time he returned back to the room, Amy was already awake, he went to sit beside her and asked, “how do
you feel?”
Amy remembered that the last thing she knew was that an heavy and harmful object pernetrated her shoulder, she adjusted to a
sitting position and asked,” how do I get here?” “You were shot in the shoulder, ” Broderick
said flatly making her furrow her brow in shock. “Do you have a fight with anyone?” He asked. “Not at all,” she answered and sud
denly winced in pain as she felt a slight pain on her shoulder. “Sorry,” Broderick said and then revealed the drugs he had just bro
ught inside to her, “you are to use these drugs for three days. The way you ought to use it is written there.” Amy drawled the drug
closer to herself and examined the drug, she nodded and said, “thank you.” Broderick then wondered who could have shot her.
He sighed
and stood,” please take care of yourself.” Amy watched as he walked away but as he got before the door, she spoke, “erm...” Br
oderick who almost had his hand on the knob of the door turned to her and asked, “what‘s the matter?”
His stern and straight gaze were too hard to behold that Amy had to shake her head, “I‘m sorry, you can leave.” However, Broder
ick knew for sure that she wanted to say or ask for something but he didn‘t understand why she suddenly pulled back from talkin
g. He took two steps closer to her bed and asked, “what did you want?” “Erm... Maybe a water to take
these drugs with. But I can get it myself if that will bother you,” she said. “Am I so scary that you can not ask for such? Did you
know I carried you in my arms from the ward of the hospital to my car?” He asked. Amy was stupefied and find what he just said t
o be very incredible. He carried her? How? Thought she disgusts him so much. “Oh! Thank you so much,” Amy said. “Actually, y
ou are scary but I‘ll get used to it.” Broderick turned and took a stroll to the kitchen, he got a clean water in a jug and placed it on
a tray then placed a cup right beside the jug. He soon appeared at Amy‘s room and placed it before her gently. “Thank you,” she
said and adjusted into a more comfortable position on the bed then she began to use
her drugs. Broderick stood beside her bed until she was done using the drugs. “How are my children, please?” She asked. “They
are fine. I think you should rest a little before going to check on them,” Broderick said. “No please, I miss them already,” Amy pla
ced the tray containing the jug and cup on the small table beside her. She threw her two legs that were on the floor to the bed an

d tried to stand but she doesn‘t really have much stamina so she fell, Broderick was quick to come to her aid, while trying to stop
her from falling, they both fell to the bed.
Broderick find himself lying on her body and their faces directly opposite eachother. Broderick reamined in that position for anoth
er two seconds before standing from her. Broderick walked out without saying a word,
Evacuate Everyone –
Amy loved his scent and smiled as she adjusted into a sitting position. Actually, she didn‘t fall down on purpose but she
still loved how he fell on her. She stood carefully from the bed this time and walked weakly out. She went to her girl‘s room and k
nocked briefly before opening the door, she sighted the girls seated on their large bed and was busy with their assignment and s
he smiled, they were so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn‘t even know that someone walked in.
“Babies,” she said and the three girls looked towards her at once, seeing her, they jumped up merrily
and ran towards her, “mum!”
Amy was super glad to see
her girls, after hugging them each, she went to sit on their large bed, her shoulder was still paining her a little but she didn‘t expre
ss it at all. “Can I help with the assignment?” She asked. “Don‘t worry, mum. The assignment is
so easy, ” Angel said. “Mum, why did your face look lean then?” Debby asked. “Really? I didn‘t notice that, I‘m fine,” Amy said, th
e gunshot must have really made
her look so lean. But who would have shot her? She wasn‘t having issues with anyone. It had always been her and her six kids.
Or maybe whoever shots wanted to shoot at someone else. Queen laid and placed her head on her shoulder,” mum, make sure
you are not sick, okay?”
Were the children suspecting that something was wrong with her? They must have a sharp instinct,” trust me, I‘m fine.”
The children didn‘t bother her anymore but
continue their assignment while she monitored them, “should we go and have fun at the swimming pool after you guys are done?
” “Yes!” The girls answered merrily. “Great, let me check on your brothers too,” Amy said and climbed off the bed after which she
went to check on the boys too. Amy resumed work the following day eventhough she was still healing. Although the company no
w belongs to Broderick, she still want to be hardworking and earn what she deserves. She didn‘t want to be given any special
treatment. Her head of department paired everyone
in twos for a different project that needs urgent submission. Amy was paired with her male colleague, Mike. When it was
break period, Mike walked up to Amy and greeted,” hey Amy, you are my partner.” “I know that, nice meeting you, Mike,” Amy sai

d. She already saw her partner‘s name in the list that was sent to their mail, same with Mike. “We need to put our best into this,
where do you think we can meet up to discuss about this?” Mike asked.
“Maybe on weekend, we could go to a lounge just to discuss and talk about it,” Amy said. “Oh! That‘s great,” Mike said,” erm...
do you have a lonunge in mind or shall I pick one?” He asked. “You can pick one and send me the address and time,” she said.
“Got it,” Mike was almost turning away when he suddenly turned back to her,” will you like to go for lunch with me? Just to know o
acceptance and said,” Fine!” Mike smiled and then said,” we have twenty more minutes for break, do you
still have some things to do or should we go now?”
Any turned towards her computer and hibernated it, then she stood and followed him to the company‘s resturant.
Once they got there, they both
sat before eachother, Mike immediately requested for food for the both of them and then asked Amy,” so is there anything you fee
Evacuale Everyone mother of six children, it‘s not something she wants to reveal to the world. Broderick hid her identity as the mo
shot her yet. But that wasn‘t his purpose alone, Broderick instructed him to keep him informed if she gets entangled with
any man. Ernest who was the second executive assistant to Broderick placed a call across to Broderick and once he answered, h
get me the name of that bastard who is having fun with my wife.”

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