Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 33

Chapter 33 I’ll Carry Her
Amy squinted her eyes and eventually shut it, she felt sorrowful at the fact that he may never love her. It‘s been
six years yet he still wasn‘t ready to give love a
chance. People who cheat on us sometimes do not know that they are not only breaking our heart but damaging it. Amy turned a
nd walked inside her room, she thought so hard about the possibility of Broderick falling in love with her and even
her knows that if a time comes when he finally falls in love with her, then that would be a miracle. Broderick walked inside the ex
ecutive hall the following day with his three kids. Everyone had thought in the
past that the most powerful man in NorthHill was infertile, now it was time to prove to the world how fertile the most powerful man
in NorthHill was.
Moses, Elijah and Elisha were all dressed in black tailored suits and black shoe just like their father. As they stepped inside the h
all, a lot of newscaster and journalist took the father of the father and his three sons.
It was a beautiful sight to behold, once they stepped inside the hall that had many prominent men seated, they all set their gaze
on them and with the resemblance of the kids to Broderick, they were able to guess clearly that the children were his.
Broderick went ahead to sit on the center seat at the executive table while the first three seats by the table was occupied by Elija
h, Moses and Elisha. “You are welcome, sir,” a lot of people on the table greeted Broderick “Thank you, meet my assistants for to
day‘s meeting,” Broderick gestured to Elijah and Elijah looked at everyone and said, “I‘m Master Elijah Alessandro, first personal
of Mr. Broderick Alessandro, it‘s nice meeting everyone here,” he said with a bright smile and everyone seated at the table clapp
ed. They loved the boldness and courage at which the little handsome boy spoke with. There was
no one seated there who does not love the three kids, perhaps
because they looked super handsome and glamorous just like their father. Their aura also exudes nobility. “I‘m Elisha Alessandro
, second personal assistant to Mr. Broderick Alessandro, I‘m glad I’m getting to participate in this glorious meeting and it‘s
my great pleasure meeting everyone here,” Elisha said and was graced with numerous clap. “And I am, Moses Alessandro, third
personal assistant to Mr. Alessandro. It‘s lovely meeting everyone here, ” Moses said and was graced with claps too. “Let‘s get to
work,” Broderick said and the meeting commenced properly. The meeting went on for another two hours and eventually came to
an end. Everyone immediately brought out their phone and started taking pictures of the kids. No one dared to take the
picture of the kids at a time when the meeting was going on as it was against the protocol of the meeting. Broderick didn‘t stop th
em from taking the pictures at all, the children were his glory, he began to
walk out with the children and the journalist immediately swarm around him. They were too many that his guards couldn‘t even p

ush them all away He finally told Brett to let the journalists come in, he was ready
to answer few of their questions. For the past six years, he had not honoured any interview by any journalist or
by any TV station. He just doesn‘t have the time or perhaps, never been in a good mood to honour the interview.‘ “Sir, can
you tell us how your sons suddenly appear out of the blue? We never saw you with them were they were younger than this, have
you been
keeping them from the public?” the lucky journalist asked. “That‘s right, I‘m a public figure and I must learn to keep some things p
rivate,” he answered.
Another journalist quickly asked,” some people are carrying a rumour that it was your late wife who delivered those babies before
she died. Perhaps, it was the deliveries of the six children at a time that killed her?”
MII Carry Her Remembering his late wife makes him angry but he had to caution himself, there were many cameras set on him, “
It wasn‘t my late wife that delivered the children. But I won‘t reveal the identity of the woman that delivered the children.” “Sir, do
you love the mother of the children? Or is it a case of surrogate mother?” another journalist quickly asked. Broderick
wasn‘t ready to answer this very question so he signalled to Brett who was at alert to dismiss
the journalist, Brett and the guards immediately began to dismiss the journalist eventhough many of them kept asking numerous
questions. A few minutes after Broderick and the kids
arrived home, Broderick received a call from Brett and once he answered, he spoke harshly,” I told you not to disturb me and that
I need time to be alone.” “I‘m sorry, sir
but this is an emergency. Mrs. Amy was shot today while coming back from work but luckily, the bullet hit her on her shoulder, sh
e‘s at the hospital, sir,” Brett said. Broderick who was laying on his sofa stood at once,” prepare the cars, we are heading there.”
He hung the call before Brett could say a word and got dressed immediately, he ordered the maid to ensure the children are fine
until he comes. He soon got inside his car and began to get driven to the
hospital. Who could have shot her? was she having grudges with
anyone? As for him, he had many enemies as there were many families who wished they could be in the position that he was, he
can guarantee
the security of his children and himself but he can‘t guarantee the security of Amy because he never loved her But he didn‘t discl
ose to the world that Amy was the mother of the children? Why was she shot then?
The cars soon parked before the hospital, Broderick stepped down immediately and was led to the ward that Amy was. Any was
placed in an emergency ward and had her eyes shut. “Bring me the doctor attending to her,” he commanded and in a jiffy, the
doctor appeared. Before he could greet, Broderick asked,” how is her health?” “We have been able to remove the bullet eventho
ugh it really pierced deep into her but not to worry, she will be fine. She‘s exhausted and needs a lot of rest,” the

doctor said. Broderick looked at Amy and
then thought; if anything happens to her, it would affect the happiness of the children He wanted the children to be happy always.
will she wake?” Broderick asked. “Six to seven hours, it will take that long precisely because of the injection she received,” the do
ctor said. “I‘m a public figure, I can‘t wait here that long and I can‘t also let her be
here for such a long period seeing that her life isn‘t safe. She was shot, whoever did that could disguise over to the hospital,” Bro
derick said expecting a sound advise from the doctor. “You can carry her home, sir. I‘ll send the drugs she needs to use for the n
ext three days for
her to recover fully to Mr. Brett,” the doctor said. “Good,” Broderick said and the doctor immediately call on the nurses, “Carry Mr
s. Amy in a stretcher outside.” “Don‘t worry, I‘ll carry her,” Broderick said. Everyone in the room was shocked, including Brett. Bro
derick wanted to carry a woman? huh! No one has ever imagined such. Not after he had
become ruthless to women as a result of the death of his wife. “Brett, ensure that no one takes a picture or video,” he
ordered and told the doctor,” what can I cover her face with that will not suffocate her?”
The doctor provided a net that will hide her face yet would not suffocate her, he used it to cover her face and carried
This was his first time of carrying a woman in six years, he carried her downstairs and
placed her gently on the backseat, he sat by the door of the car and made her place her head on his lap.

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