Back to Her Teens: A Lesbian Ageplay Spanking Romance

Back to Her Teens: Chapter 18

“Oh my god, Abby, Rhen, will you two please put a sock in it already?”

The two of them looking up from the not-so-murmured conversation they’d been having near the back of their classroom for the last ten minutes, Rhen and her former roommate from the dorms each flashed their irate TA a sheepish look.

“Sorry, Court,” piped up Abby, bringing her hands together in front of her in a false gesture of apology even as she teasingly nudged her roommate turned study-buddy under their shared desk with the side of her knee. “We’ll be good, I promise. So you know… go on, teach your thing, it’s fine.”

“Yeah,” chimed in Rhen, emboldened by her friend’s sass and flashing their TA an impish grin of her own. “There’s no need to blow a gasket.”

That managed to get a barely-stifled snicker out of Abby, while the older girl glowering at the two them from behind her podium at the front of the room just heaved out a long-suffering sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

By some odd twist of fate, or maybe it was just her auntie’s sharp eyes taking note of details that Rhen had missed while she’d been helping her rearrange her schedule for the fall semester, the TA for her introductory Physical Science course wound up being none other than Courtney Summers; Rhen’s former RA from back when she’d been living in the dorms.

It had definitely been more than a little bit of a shock to see the tall, athletic girl already in the middle of writing out notes on the whiteboard that first time she’d walked into her lab. But other than a knowing smirk and the occasional swat on the butt hello, nothing too embarrassing had come of having one of the girls who’d been there to see Dana spanking her that fateful evening she’d moved out of her old room being in charge of her lab. In fact, Courtney was a remarkably good teacher, and now that they were well into late September, Rhen had come to look forward to their weekly labs together quite a bit. And not just because she couldn’t wrap her head around chemistry or physics to save her life and heavily relied on the older girl to actually explain the things that her professor breezed past during their lectures.

At that particular moment however, Courtney was looking very much like she’d reached the end of her patience, and Rhen found her mouth going dry with the warning look she leveled at her and her friend.

Thankfully though, the silent tension didn’t last for long.

“You know… you’re lucky you’re cute, Abby Jenkins,” the TA admonished, her lips parting into a thin, enigmatic smile as she wagged a finger at the girl sitting next to Rhen with mock-sternness.

Abby returned the smile with a mischievous smirk and a wink, and Rhen felt her own mouth quirking to the side just a bit herself.

Before the two of them had been so rudely interrupted, Abby had actually been in the middle of filling her in on all about how she and Courtney had officially started dating only a few days earlier. And while this wasn’t exactly shocking news to her, she’d been well aware of how they’d started seeing each other casually not too long after she’d moved out of the dorms, she was still nevertheless happy for them both. They were an excellent match for each other as far as she could see, and it made her heart swell with warmth to see how the two of them looked at each other now.

That warmth quickly became a lead weight plunging down into the pit of her stomach however as Courtney turned her gaze away from her new girlfriend and leveled a hard, frosty glare at her partner in crime.

“And as for you, Rhenny,” she snapped, her voice now carrying a steely edge that had its target sitting up straighter in her seat despite the snort of amusement she got from Abby for it. “You can see me after class, young lady.”

For any other student that order would have been something to be casually laughed off, treated as just a funny joke among friends. But word of Rhen’s spanking in the dorms last semester had spread like wildfire throughout their little group of twenty or so students thanks in no small part to Abby’s penchant for gossiping, and that coupled with Courtney’s naturally strong and commanding presence were enough to ensure that Rhen garnered no sympathy from her peers as many of them turned in their seats to smile condescendingly toward her.

“Uh-oh, busted,” sing-songed someone from off to her right, much to the amusement of the other people sitting around her.

Rounding on the voice, Rhen glared, but all that seemed to do was coax out more snickering.

“Awww, look at her pouting. That’s so cute!”

In their eyes she wasn’t Rhen, the college sophomore, but rather Rhenny, the bratty (but bright) teenager, who for whatever reason had somehow wound up as part of their class despite looking like she’d barely started high school. Rather than a mature adult who didn’t need telling twice to be quiet, she was someone who required a firm hand to keep her in line. And so while Abby’s antics were met with good-natured dismissal by her fellow students, Rhen’s were regarded as obnoxious and childish, and her being held after class for a good talking to was exactly what she deserved.

The worst part of all though, Rhen knew, was that they were right.

“Oh my god, whatever,” she huffed, face growing warm.

“Excuse me?” demanded Courtney from behind her podium, her brows knitting together in annoyance. “Do I need to call your auntie, young lady?”

“No, no, that’s fine!” Rhen hastened to assure her, doing her best to ignore the snickers her outburst elicited from the people around her as she shook her head quickly. “I’ll meet you after class, uh… ma’am.”

“You’d better, missy.”

Courtney fixed her with a long, frosty look from across the room, silently daring her to say something else, but Rhen knew better than to take the bait and instead just harrumphed, angling her blushing face down toward the notes she’d ostensibly been taking all lesson and further cementing her image as just another misbehaving teen being put in her place.


With the matter now settled, Courtney cleared her throat, once again back to her usual easy-going manner as she gestured toward the PowerPoint presentation she had projected onto the whiteboard behind her.

“Anyway, so as I was saying…”

The rest of the lab that afternoon continued on uninterrupted by any more outbursts from Rhen or Abby. Now thoroughly embarrassed, she did her very best to lose herself in jotting down notes and throwing her hand up high to answer questions whenever the opportunity presented itself in order to try and ease some of the nervous tension making her heart flutter.

Unfortunately, it didn’t help.

By the time class was over for the day, her stomach was a roiling mess of butterflies, and she could feel the faint heat of a blush coloring her cheeks a delicate shade of light pink.

I can’t believe she’s making me stay after class like some sort of middle schooler in detention. This is so not fair.

Rhen continued to remain seated after she’d finished packing up her laptop and textbook, never even considering trying to sneak away while her TA wasn’t looking as she glumly watched the rest of her fellow students funnel out of the room.

The next thing she knew, it was just her and Courtney left.

Well, almost.

Abby was still there. She’d been loitering near the front of their tiny classroom ever since their lab had ended, chatting animatedly with her girlfriend.

“You planning on sticking around to watch the fun?” asked Courtney, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl’s waist and pulling her in close before capturing her lips in a quick, but passionate, kiss.

“I wish I could,” answered Abby with a short huff through her nostrils. “But I’ve got to hurry if I want to catch Doctor Baxter before his office hours are over.”


“Tell me about it.”

Leaning her head in closer so that her smirking mouth brushed along the side of the other girl’s ear, Courtney murmured something into it.

Rhen wasn’t able to quite pick up what it was that she said, but judging by the breathy giggle it wrung from her friend and the way her right foot popped up in back as one of Courtney’s hands ventured south to fondle her rump, she could hazard a guess that it probably had something to do with their plans to meet up later that evening.

Ugh. Get a room already, you two, geez.

“Alright, I’ll see you tonight, babe,” chirped Abby, rising up onto the balls of her feet to plant another quick kiss on her girlfriend’s lips before stepping away and turning to speed-walk out the door.

Looking back over her shoulder as she went, she flashed Rhen an impish grin and winked.

“And I’ll definitely be texting you later on as well… Rhenny.”

Rhen’s only response to that was to stick her tongue out at the retreating back of her friend and make a rude gesture under the table that would definitely have gotten her into major trouble with her aunt if she’d seen it.

Talk to you later too, you jerk.

“Now then,” crooned Courtney, drawing Rhen out of her pouting as she eased the door shut behind her girlfriend and turned to regard her with a predatory grin. “I do believe that you and I have some business to take care of. Don’t we, young lady?”

She arched a cool eyebrow with the question, and Rhen found herself swallowing hard as the older girl began to advance on her at an easy pace.

“Um… what do you mean?” she stalled with a hot blush, knowing full well what the other girl had in mind, but not daring to acknowledge it out loud just in case by some miracle it turned out that she was wrong.

“Oh, come now, Rhen,” cooed Courtney, stopping only a few inches away from the younger girl so that she could loom over her, still grinning. “I know that I’ve been cutting you a lot of slack this semester, but did you honestly think that you could get away with wandering into my lab nearly ten minutes late and then be a disruptive little chatty Cathy all lesson without some sort of punishment for it?”

“Eep!” squeaked Rhen, feeling the heat in her cheeks radiating even hotter under the force of Courtney’s implacable, smoldering stare. “But…

but I…!”

Red-faced and starting to panic now, she attempted to bring to bear the only viable defense that she could think of just then.

“But you know how old I really am, Courtney,” she protested, her words coming out a great deal more whiney than she’d meant for them to be. “This is total bullcrap! You can’t just…”

But Rhen’s short-lived burst of indignation fizzled out almost as soon as it had flared into life as she struggled to find the least embarrassing way to phrase things.

“Uh… you know…”

“Spank you?” offered Courtney helpfully, the corners of her mouth pulling back into a crocodile smile.

“Yeah… uh, that.”

“Ah, but you see, that’s where you’re wrong, I’m afraid,” countered the TA as if she were explaining an incorrect answer on a quiz, tracing a fingertip down along the curve of Rhen’s pouting jawline and tilting her head back so that she was forced to make eye contact with her. “Your auntie already gave me permission to spank you whenever I feel like it back at the dorms, remember? And if you’re going to behave like a little brat in my class, then you’d better believe that I’m going to treat you like one.”

“But… but…” spluttered Rhen again, grasping at straws now. “But what about Abby? She was talking just as much as I was, you know!”

That wasn’t exactly the truth, but at that moment she was prepared to massage the facts a bit if it meant avoiding what the wickedly grinning older girl had in mind for her.

“How come she gets to waltz out of here scot-free while I’m stuck getting uh… you know…?”

Again she couldn’t bring herself to say the word out loud, and instead just waved her palm back and forth through the air beside her in a half-hearted pantomime of a swat.

“Oh, don’t you worry your sassy little head about her,” purred Courtney, smiling even broader now as she cast a sidelong glance toward where the other girl had just left. “She and I will be taking care of her side of your little gabbing session later on tonight.”

Oh really now?

Rhen felt her eyebrows arching questioningly at that last little tidbit of news.

You don’t say…

“But we’re not talking about Abby right now, are we, young lady?”

interjected Courtney into her thoughts then before they could get too far.

“No, we’re talking about you and your behavior, and more specifically, what I plan on doing about it.”

With those words her eyes grew a good degree or two colder as her face set into a familiar looking mask of determination.

“And that’s to put you right over my knee and spank those bratty buns of yours until they’re fire engine red and sizzling.”

Crap! Why couldn’t Abby have just kept her voice down like I told her to?

Unable to think of anything to say that might earn her a reprieve from what was about to happen next, and knowing deep down that she fully deserved to be punished for the way she’d been behaving during her lab that afternoon, Rhen just glared at the smug TA; pouting at her and desperately hoping that the head-swooning mixture of anticipation and dread roiling around inside of her stomach just then wouldn’t show too much on her face.

“Ugh, fine, whatever,” she eventually huffed, breaking away from her TA’s grasp and conceding defeat as she pushed away from her desk and rose to her feet. “You’ve made your point, Courtney, so let’s just get this over with, alright? Just because I’ve got the rest of the afternoon off doesn’t mean that I want to spend all day- Ah!”

Before she could finish her bratty tirade, Rhen found herself letting out a squeak of surprise that morphed into a yelp of pain as Courtney’s right hand shot out like a viper and seized the top of her ear in a vice-like grip. Pinching it tight, she hauled her close enough so that she could feel the warmth radiating off of her torso, and was forced to angle her head back to look into the fiery, disapproving scowl of her TA.

“First of all, little girl,” she drawled, her voice a low, dangerous growl as she fixed Rhen in place with a glare that made her knees wobble.

“Until we’re through here, you will refer to me as either Miss Summers or Ma’am, is that understood?”

“Ow! Okay, okay, geez…”

“Excuse me?” demanded Courtney, tugging up on the ear she had gripped between her thumb and forefinger and making Rhen squeak again as she danced around on her tiptoes, arms waving frantically out to either side of her.

“Ah, ah, ah! Courtn- I mean, Miss Summers, please, that hurts! I’m sorry, alright?”

“That’s better,” huffed the TA, easing her grip only enough so that Rhen no longer felt like her ear was about to come off.

Satisfied that she’d made her point for the moment, she began dragging her along, half-bent over by said ear, down the aisle between the desks of their little classroom, grabbing a chair to haul after them with her free hand as they went. Upon reaching the end of the rows of desks, she then swung her chair around so that it sat facing out about a foot or so in front of the little podium she usually stood behind during her lectures.

“Alright, kiddo, we’re going to do this just the same way I do back at home with my little sisters,” declared Courtney, releasing her hold on Rhen’s ear and jabbing a finger toward a spot of carpet in front of her tennis shoes. “So I want you to go ahead and drop those jeans and panties right down to your ankles, now.”

“Oh come on!” protested Rhen, her hands flying back to cover her soon-to-be-spanked behind as she took half a step back. “Do I really have to? Can’t you just do it over what I’m wearing instead?”

“Young lady,” warned Courtney, interrupting her with a hard glare that made it all too clear that she meant business. “If I don’t see your naked ass ready for a spanking in the next three seconds, I’m going to blister your butt raw with my belt. You got that?”

“But!” whined Rhen again, even as her hands fluttered indecisively toward the front of her gray denim jeans.


Courtney held up a single finger in front of her, drawing out the word as she counted it aloud.

“Cour- I mean, Miss Summers, come on, this isn’t fair!”

The TA just raised another finger in response.


Oh crap!

Not wanting to find out just how hard her former RA turned disciplinarian could swing a belt, Rhen let out an unhappy groan as her hands flew to the front of her jeans, fumbling with the clasp and zipper there in a panic.

“Okay, okay, I’m going, I’m going! Just hold on a sec, would you?”

Dang it, where’s that easy-pull waistband bullcrap when I need it most?

A moment later she had the front of her jeans undone and was shoving them down her legs, crumpling the bedazzled flowers stitched along the outer-seams of either leg as they, along with the pale purple panties that she’d been wearing beneath them, made the straight-line descent down toward her ankles in record time.


“There, see? I did it!” gushed Rhen, shooting back up to a standing position and frantically waving her hands in front of her to stop the older girl from finishing her countdown.

“I do indeed,” confirmed Courtney with a low chuckle, nodding in approval as her face once more broke out into a predatory grin that had Rhen swallowing hard as a knee-wobbling twinge of excitement throbbed from her clit, making her shiver.

Oh god, she moaned internally, straining not to rub her thighs together. I think I see now what Abby meant by, “the look”.

Seeming to be in no particular rush to get her across her lap now that she’d so thoroughly exposed herself, Courtney slowly began to step around Rhen, circling her like a hungry shark as she carefully inspected every square inch of newly-revealed skin.

“Heh. I’ve gotta say,” she crooned with a smirk, coming to a stop in front of her again and flicking a dismissive finger toward where her thighs were pressed firmly together. “I love the new look. It’s very… you.”

“Wha-? Oh crap!”

The comment elicited a mortified squeak from Rhen, whose wringing hands immediately shot down to cover her front as her face flushed a hot shade of crimson.

She’d gotten so used to being fully on display in front of Dana, that she’d completely forgotten about her auntie’s little “haircut”.

“Maybe I ought to have Abby do the same thing with hers,” mused the older girl to herself, unperturbed by her depantsed student’s discomfort as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

Courtney continued to stare off into space for another couple of moments, before apparently remembering what it was that she was supposed to be doing and shaking her head to clear it.


Face returning back to its mask of grim determination, she took hold of Rhen’s upper arm, just above the elbow, and gave it a firm squeeze.

“Come on then, bratty buns, that butt isn’t going to spank itself, you know.”

With that, she led the two of them the short distance over to the chair that she’d set up in front of her podium, plopping herself down onto its seat and steering Rhen around to her right side. After letting go of the arm she’d been holding onto, she then reached around and laid her right palm along the small of the younger girl’s back, guiding her gently, but firmly, forward across her waiting lap.

“That’s right,” she cooed. “Right across my knee, just like with your auntie.”

“Oh god…”

A moment later, Rhen tumbled across the tops of her thighs, landing with a small grunt.


“Hands please.”


Looking around confused, Rhen craned her head back and to the left in an attempt to try and figure out what it was that Courtney, or rather Miss Summers, was asking her to do.

“Your hands, Rhen,” she repeated, giving her own set a jaunty waggle in front of her. “I want you to put them behind your back for me.”

“Oh, uh… okay?”

Not exactly sure where this was all going, Rhen nevertheless did as she was told. After some wriggling and squirming, she managed to bring both of her arms around behind her back, and was now drumming her knuckles near the very tops of her as yet unspanked bare bottom cheeks.

“Like this?”

“Precisely,” confirmed Courtney, gathering her narrow wrists together in her left hand and shifting them up, pinning them in place against the small of her lower back. “I saw how much you liked to squirm when you were over Dana’s knee that one time, and I’d just hate to accidentally hit something other than my intended target once we get going. So we’re going to keep these nice and safe back here where they can’t get in the way, alright?”

“Gee, how very thoughtful of you,” deadpanned Rhen as she attempted to get more comfortable in this new position.

That was a lot easier said than done however, considering that with her feet already dangling above the floor she now had no way of gaining any kind of serious leverage. Trapped as she was with her jeans and panties tangled around her ankles, and Courtney’s iron grip on her wrists immobilizing her arms, her options were limited to basically just crossing and uncrossing her ankles and rocking slightly to either side. It wasn’t a particularly dignified position to be in, even for someone such as herself who was used to making regular trips over her auntie’s knee at least once every two or three days for some sort of spanking or another, but Rhen suspected that that was probably the point.


Courtney brushed her palm lightly across first one cheek and then the other, raising goose bumps along Rhen’s bare skin as she spoke.

“Yeah, I guess,” came the petite sophomore’s huffy reply, still pouting.


“What was that, young lady?” the older girl prompted sweetly, delivering two very hard swats to either cheek. “I don’t think I quite heard you correctly. Could you repeat that for me?”

“Ack!” grunted Rhen, hissing in sharply through clenched teeth as her toes curled and uncurled inside of her tennis shoes. “Yes ma’am, Miss Summers, I’m ready.”

Courtney’s hand sure packed one heck of a wallop, that was for sure.

“Now see? That’s what I thought you said,” cooed the TA, lightly patting where she’d just swatted.

Geez, her poor sisters.

Rhen grimaced, blowing out a puff of air to shoo away a stray strand of dark hair that had started tickling her nose as the last of the lingering sting from those two swats gradually started to fade away from her cheeks.

Well, at least Abby isn’t here to see any of this.

That idea was of little comfort to her though at the moment as Courtney’s left arm snaked itself tightly around her trim waist, pulling her in snugly against her strong abdomen just before she began bringing her palm down in earnest.


Conditioned by a lifelong love of competitive tennis, and clearly an old hand at delivering a world-class spanking to a sassy girl’s backside, Courtney kept her pace brisk and relentless, pummeling Rhen’s bouncing bare bottom with rock-hard, open-palmed slaps of her hand. They hit with a biting sting that took her breath away, and carried with them an even heavier ache that the TA knew would guarantee that she’d be feeling this spanking well past the time she was tucked in for bed that night.

I guess I’m sleeping on my stomach again, Rhen thought to herself with a resigned sigh, before letting out another series of high-pitched yelps as her feet flailed desperately behind her. Oh my god, is her hand made out of rocks or something? Holy crap!

But while the spanks that Courtney was delivering were no picnic, their accumulated impacts starting to overwhelm Rhen’s reserves of endurance like a rising tide of lava threatening to swallow her up at any moment, it was the way she casually started chatting with her as she continued smacking her ever-increasingly sore rear end that really made the whole experience a memorable one for the sassy sophomore.


“So, how’s living with your auntie been treating you?”


“Awww, that’s so great to hear! She really seemed like a nice lady when I met her back in the dorms…”


“Hey, you should totally come to the mall with me and Abby this weekend. We saw this sweater at the Disney store the other day that I bet would look just great on you…”


“Oh! Have you seen the trailer for the new Revengers movie yet? It looks pretty awesome…”


“Yeah, Abby is way more into all that superhero stuff than I am, but I’m still pretty excited to check it out. You should definitely come see it with us when it comes out next month. I bet Dana would even pay for you to go if you told her that we’ll be there with you…”


“What? Of course I’m serious! I wouldn’t want you trying to pull the ol’ switcheroo and sneaking in to see Hammer: Origins or something like that instead. A growing girl like you can’t afford to be kept awake all night just because she’s afraid some scary pig monster might come to get her…”


It was a very surreal experience for Rhen to say the least.

Aside from the fact that she had her jeans and panties bunched up around her ankles, and her jiggly rump squirming frantically across the older girl’s lap while she nonchalantly set it ablaze, their (mostly one-sided) conversation was in many ways just like it had been back when she’d been living in the dorms. Back then, Courtney would make her rounds every evening, stopping to chat with some of her favorites (Rhen included) as she went, which incidentally was how Abby had come to develop a crush on the athletic RA in the first place.

Unfortunately though, Rhen was a little too busy at that particular moment trying to will the tears pooling at the corners of her eyes to not start cascading down her cheeks to really appreciate the strangeness of it all just then.

“Courtney, please, come on, I’m sorry! Can’t we stop now? I’ve learned my lesson, I swear!”

All her plea managed to do though was earn her a very hard burst of rapid-fire swats, spread out evenly across both of her sit-spots.


“Remember, Rhen, right now it’s Miss Summers,” corrected Courtney with an affected sniff. “And no, we won’t be stopping any time soon, I’m afraid. By the look of things, we’re only about halfway done at the moment, so I’d buckle up and get comfy if I were you, kiddo.”

It was about then that Rhen decided to abandon the last scraps of her dignity, scissoring her feet back and forth behind her for all she was worth as she let the tears begin to flow freely.

“Oh my god, you are such a meanie!”

“Hmmm, is that right?” purred the older girl, completely unconcerned as she continued to sizzle her sit-spots. “We could always start over if you’d like, you know.”

“No, no! That’s fine, I’ll- Ack! I’ll be good!”

“Heh. That’s what I thought. So then, why don’t you tell me about how your other classes have been going this semester…?”

By the time Courtney was at last finished with her, Rhen was a sniffling mess of a well-spanked little girl, with a bottom that was indeed fire engine red and felt as if it were hot enough to cook an egg on.

“Oh hey, that took way less time than I thought it would,” observed the TA, barely even winded as she finally let go of the younger girl’s pinned wrists and brought her watch up to check the time. “I thought for sure we’d be at it for another ten minutes at the very least before I finally started seeing some actual contrition out of you.”

She shrugged then and snickered.

“I guess you’re not so bratty after all, huh?”

“If… if you say so,” panted Rhen, having let herself go completely limp across the other girl’s lap.

As far as she was concerned, they could have stopped ten minutes sooner and she would have been just as sorry.


“Ah! Hey, watch it!”

“And just like that, it’s gone,” snorted Courtney, giving Rhen’s right cheek a friendly squeeze before helping her back to her feet. “Oh well.”

Following after her, she immediately began steering the pouting girl toward the whiteboard at the front of their classroom, hands guiding her by the shoulders as Rhen shuffled along, hands busying themselves with trying to massage some of the ache out of her throbbing backside.

“Alright, bratty buns, now that we’ve gotten all that spanking business out of the way for today, there’s just one more thing left to take care of before I let you go,” explained the TA in a stern, no-nonsense tone as she picked up an eraser and quickly began clearing the board of the various diagrams and notes she’d scrawled across it during the course of their earlier lab. “And that’s to have you write out some lines.”


“That’s right,” she sing-songed. “Just like a proper detention, hehe.”

Setting her eraser aside, she then picked up a red dry-erase marker and quickly wrote out a sentence near the top of the board, reading it out loud as she went.

“I will not disrupt Miss Summers’s class, or I will be spanked.”

“See that?” she asked, gesturing toward the phrase with her free hand. “I want to see that written out nice and neat one hundred times before I finish grading the last of my papers. You got that?”

“Oh my god, are you serious?” moaned Rhen, stomping one semi-trapped foot in protest as she eyed the sentence sourly. “That’s going to take forever!”

“Well then, I guess you’d better get started, huh?” countered Courtney smoothly, taking hold of Rhen’s right wrist and turning her hand palm up to deposit the marker she’d just been using into it. “After all, it sure would be embarrassing to have someone stumble in on you while you’re still working, wouldn’t it? Maybe I’ll just text Abby and see if she wants to swing by and say hello before her next class…”

Grumbling something extra-bratty at that only-probably-half-joke, Rhen nevertheless nodded her head in understanding as she braced an arm against the board in front of her and leaned down to try and tug up her jeans and panties before she got started.


“Uh-uh, those stay right where they are until you’re finished,”

chided her TA, delivering another heavy swat to the swollen cheeks in front of her that had Rhen shooting back to her feet as her hands flew behind her to clutch her scalded seat. “Now get to work.”

“Yes, ma’am,” she moaned petulantly, even as she moved to do as she was told.

While Rhen got busy writing, Courtney took her sweet time sauntering her way back over to the little desk she shared with the rest of the TAs that used the same classroom as her, pulling out a stack of papers from her backpack and settling down onto her padded swivel-chair to start grading them.

She began skimming her way through one, but most of her attention remained fixed on Rhen’s waggling caboose as it shifted and wobbled with her movements as she began to slowly fill the whiteboard with the humiliating sentence she’d been given. Then, struck by a bolt of inspiration, the triumphant TA slipped her phone from out of her front pocket and quickly snapped a surreptitious picture of her girlfriend’s former roommate hard at work writing her lines, stretched up onto her tiptoes to reach the upper part of the whiteboard, her tongue poking out from between her pursed lips in concentration as she did her best to keep her handwriting neat.

Smiling to herself, Courtney then sent that picture off to Abby along with a short message.

[ Just finished up with Rhen. I’ll see you tonite, hot stuff. Don’t keep me waiting. xoxo <3 ]

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