Back to Her Teens: A Lesbian Ageplay Spanking Romance

Back to Her Teens: Chapter 17

Some twenty minutes later, give or take a few extra minutes just for the heck of it, Dana returned to check on her naughty niece. Although much of the initial cherry red hue had faded from her cheeks, they still bore the unmistakable signs of having recently endured a rather lengthy and severe spanking, and the sight of that dusky red caboose poking out obediently from the corner that greeted her as she sauntered back into their front room immediately had the corners of Dana’s lips twitching upward into a well-pleased smirk.

“Hmmm, still nice and pink, I see,” she purred, her voice ringing with open amusement as she stepped up close behind the raven-haired girl.

Cupping first one cheek and then the other, she gave each of them a firm squeeze that produced a squeak from Rhen, causing her smirk to widen into a full-on grin.

“How’re you feeling, cutie pie? Tired of staring at the drywall yet?”

“God yes,” sighed Rhen with a barely suppressed grunt of discomfort.

Dana’s kneading fingers weren’t exactly unpleasant as she massaged her tender tush, but it was hard to keep from wincing or gasping either.

“Can I come out now, please?”

“Why of course,” came the older woman’s breezy response, giving the cheeks she’d just been tending to a light swat before taking a step back to make some room for her to turn around.

With a groan of relief, Rhen eased herself away from where her nose had been pressed between the walls in front of her, rolling her shoulders to shake off some of the stiffness that had been building up in them ever since she’d been put there. Part of her was tempted to tug down the front of the minty green t-shirt that she was wearing before she turned around, more so out of habit than any serious worries over preserving her modesty since it was just her and Dana in the house right then, but the relief that she felt as soon her hands found purchase against the swollen orbs of her scalded seat had her dismissing that idea without a second thought.

Instead she settled for angling her hips slightly to the side, half-turning to regard her auntie with a petulant frown over her shoulder so that she could avoid having to fully expose the silky smooth, pink lips of her hairless front for just a moment or two longer.

It was a futile gesture she knew, especially given who was responsible for said hairlessness in the first place. But try as she might, Rhen had yet to find a way to not feel herself being swallowed up in a sea of bashfulness whenever her panties or more were exposed as part of a punishment. Nor could she ever seem to find a way to tune out how much having her clothes so casually confiscated and her embarrassment put on such open display for anyone to see always seemed to further underscore the reality that she was just a naughty, bratty slip of a girl in need of some serious discipline in the eyes of seemingly everyone else around her.

“Awww, what’s the matter, hon?” cooed Dana in faux-sympathy, matching the younger girl’s scowl with a teasing half-grin. “Does somebody have a sore bottom?”

Rather than answer the mocking question directly, Rhen just stuck out her lower lip and glowered at her all the harder.

And was rewarded for her efforts with a fond ruffling of her hair and a playful tap on the end of her nose.

“Well, so long as you behave yourself, that’ll be the last time I’ll have to spank you today, I promise.”

That was welcome news indeed for Rhen, who could feel her knees wobbling just a little bit from the relief it brought. Two spankings in one day was more than enough for her.

“But,” her aunt added, leveling an admonishing forefinger at her with a stern frown that didn’t quite reach her still-smiling eyes. “That isn’t to say that we’re quite through with your punishment yet either, I’m afraid.”

Just as she’d been hoping it would, her petite girlfriend’s cautiously optimistic face darkened into an adorably sulky scowl at that, but Dana remained unfazed by the dirty look being directed her way as she gestured toward the kitchen with a casual flick of her wrist.

“Now, now, no pouting,” she chided gently, turning and beginning to make her way out of the room.

She didn’t bother to wait and see if Rhen was going to follow after her as she moved off, confident that the younger girl would fall into step before she got too far. A well-spanked bare bottom was an excellent motivator for reluctant naughty girls, after all.

“Come along, dear, I’ve got everything all laid out and ready to go just in here.”

Rhen spent another few moments grumbling and squirming as she faced the wall, before finally shifting her hands down to tug on the front of her t-shirt as she peeled away from the corner and sped off after Dana’s retreating form.

“Hold on, I’m coming!”

Upon stepping into the kitchen however, she immediately felt her feet stumble and her stomach tighten with fresh worry as she caught sight of the chair that had been turned away from the big wooden table, waiting for her. Or more specifically, it was the presence of the most unwelcome of welcome mats that was laid out across its seat that had her moaning with frustration.

Oh god, not that stupid thing again!

Following the line of the younger girl’s glare, Dana smiled knowingly as she reached out to wrap an affectionate arm around her shoulders, gesturing toward the sheets of notebook paper and the pen she’d also laid out on top of the table with her free hand.

“Oh yes, little girl, it’s your old friend the punishment mat,” she confirmed, letting her hand slip down from Rhen’s narrow shoulders to rub lightly along the curve of her bare right cheek. “And you’re going to sit your sore buns down on it right there at the table and write Sister Miller a nice, long, heartfelt apology letter for the way you were acting in her class today.”

She let that all sink in for a moment or two, enjoying the way Rhen unconsciously nibbled at her lower lip as she no doubt tried not to think about just how unpleasant spending time sitting on the coarse and bristly mat could be, before she added with a light squeeze to her tush.

“And as you can see, I think it would be best if you wrote it out by hand. Handwritten letters are always so much more personal, I’ve found. Plus it’ll give you a chance to work on your penmanship too, won’t it?”

Rhen, still pouting, nevertheless nodded once at her aunt after she’d angled her head up to look at her. She was definitely not looking forward to spending however long it was that she was going to have to be stuck (literally) sitting on that gosh darn punishment mat. But then again, judging by the grimly amused twinkle she saw in the older woman’s eyes, she had a sinking feeling that hand-writing a letter on an extra-sore bottom wasn’t the worst thing that she had in store for her that afternoon.

As if reading her mind, Dana’s smirk split into a full-on grin then as she began steering her toward the sink.

“But before you get to work on that,” she purred. “There’s one other thing we need to take care of first…”

Rhen could feel panic starting to well up within her as they drew closer and closer to the kitchen sink and the bone white bar of Ivory soap that sat freshly unwrapped and waiting for her there on the countertop.

“Wait, Aunt Dana, no please!” she began to protest, her feet dragging as her mouth twisted into a grimace at the far too recent memory of terrible tasting, soap being scrubbed relentlessly against her defenseless tongue. “You said you weren’t going to wash my mouth out, remember?

This isn’t fair!”

“Oh honey, that soap isn’t for your mouth,” laughed Dana, bringing them to a halt just before the counter and gesturing toward the thing next to the bar of soap that her niece apparently hadn’t noticed until right then.

“It’s for that, you silly goose.”

“Huh?” asked a very confused Rhen, tilting her head first to one side and then the other, fixing the object in question with a tenuously hopeful stare as she tried to figure out what she was looking at.

Laid out on the granite countertop beside the bar of Ivory was a modestly-sized, empty bag made out of what appeared to be some sort of thick blue rubber. It had a sort of funneled opening on one end, and on the other had a coiled length of clear flexible tubing coming out of it that terminated in a white plastic nozzle about the width of her pinky and maybe twice as long.

“Um… and just what is that, uh… exactly?”

Whatever it was, Rhen had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn’t going to like it one bit.

“Why, it’s an enema bag, dear,” explained Dana matter-of-factly, as if they were discussing the weather rather than some sort of creative new way that she was planning on using to punish the college sophomore turned thirteen-year-old brat standing in just a t-shirt and a nervous smile right beside her. “And judging by the look you’re giving me, you’ve never heard of this specific method of attitude adjustment before. So, allow me to explain how it all works.”

Tapping a forefinger lightly against the center of the bag, she said,

“First thing’s first. We fill this rubber bag here all the way up to just below the brim with some nice, warm, and most importantly soapy water. This one can hold about two quarts give or take, that’s half a gallon if you’re having trouble remembering your measuring conversions, which is about the average amount for something like this.”

Rhen could already picture the two quarts of hot, soapy water in her mind’s eye. And while she wasn’t yet clear on what it was that her auntie planned on doing with them, the thought of it made her thighs squirm and her pussy ache as her stomach roiled with anxious tension, much to the other woman’s clear amusement.

“After the bag is filled with water, I’ll hang it up from one of the cabinets here, and then after that the water will start to flow down through this little hose.”

Dana went on to trace her fingertip down to the bottom of the bag and then around the neatly coiled loops of the clear plastic tubing attached to it.

“But you don’t need to worry about the water making a mess, dear.

Thanks to this little clamp near the end here, it won’t come rushing out until we’re ready for it.”

Smiling to herself at that, she at last tapped her forefinger against the base of the nozzle at the other end of the tubing, tracing it along its smooth surface all the way to its rounded tip.

“Finally, when the clamp is released the water will start to flow out of here, which will of course be situated neatly inside of your cute little tush.”

The color had been steadily draining from Rhen’s face all throughout this little explanation, horror slowly dawning on her as she tried to wrap her mind around what she’d just been told, and it took a supreme effort of will on her part to manage to croak out.

“M-My what?”

“Your tush, dear,” repeated Dana just as casually as before. “For your punishment enema.”

As if to make it even clearer for the fretting girl chewing on the end of her thumbnail as her eyes remained glued to the blue, rubber bag in front of her, she gave her a few firm pats right along the central divide between her cheeks, directly above the place where she intended to slide the nozzle of the enema bag into in just a few moments.

“Once we’ve gotten this little nozzle here all the way inside of you…”

Still grinning, Dana slipped her middle finger between Rhen’s cheeks, gently stroking her intended target while keeping her voice brisk and business-like.

“I’ll release the clamp and you’ll slowly start to take in the full bag of soapy water over the course of a couple minutes. It’s a very unique sensation and one that I don’t think you’ll be keen to repeat again anytime soon, but then again, that’s rather the point, isn’t it?”

With a low chuckle, she pushed on the stunned sophomore’s puckered anus, slipping her prodding fingertip into her up to the first knuckle.


“Indeed,” purred Dana, wriggling her fingertip tauntingly around Rhen’s tight grip on it and leaning over to nip at her earlobe. “Then, once that’s all taken care of, you’ll hold everything in for ten minutes while you’re back standing in the corner… and then that’ll be that. Got it?”

“But… but…”

Breathless and unable to think of any viable excuses or arguments, Rhen just spluttered the word out over and over again as her face flushed almost as red as her bottom had been not too long ago.

“But… but why?”

Dana pulled her hand back from its teasing then, moving to rest it on her shoulder again and giving it a reassuring little squeeze.

“Honey, you are as cute as a button and smart as a whip, but like I told you earlier, you really need to learn how to control yourself better.”

She paused, watching with satisfaction as Rhen swallowed hard, her lips opening and closing several times as she tried and failed to attempt to deny the truth they both knew.

“And since we’ve had to have this conversation, or one very much like it, more than a few times these last few weeks, I thought it was high time that we tried helping you learn in a slightly different way instead.”

Her grin hadn’t slipped at all so far as she’d spoken, and now she gave her a sly wink.

“You’ll just have to trust me when I say that it’ll all make a lot more sense in just a little bit when you’re doing your absolute best to keep it all in.”

“Oh… oh dear…”

Rhen had to admit that this new punishment made a sort of diabolically poetic sense to her, much like many of her aunt’s other disciplinary tactics tended to, but that didn’t mean that she hated it any less. Still though, she knew that this was going to happen whether she liked it or not. And while she was very much in the “not” camp in that regard, she also knew that there wasn’t anything she could do about it either. So instead of running the risk of another spanking and an enema, she just nodded and gave an exasperated sigh.

She’d definitely earned this punishment, after all, hadn’t she?

“Ugh, fine. Whatever… I guess,” she conceded, folding her arms in front of her with a pouty huff.

“That’s not exactly the attitude I would recommend you give me given your current predicament, young lady,” replied Dana with a roll of her eyes, the corners of her mouth only dipping slightly. “But I think you’ll be singing a different tune soon enough, so I’ll forgive you. Now then, you just bend your bratty little butt over with your elbows on the counter here, and we’ll get things started. Alright?”

Seeing little other choice than to obey, Rhen nodded once again and flopped forward with another disgruntled huff, glaring daggers at the backsplash of tiles only about a foot away from her face now as she shifted around into as comfortable a position as she could. But before she could truly settle into her groove attempting to bore a hole straight through the wall in front of her using only the power of her petulant indignation, she heard the water from the sink beside her turn on and she found her eyes being drawn inexorably toward the noise.

She watched with a mixture of curiosity and mounting dread as Dana gathered up her supplies, working up a bubbly lather on the bar of soap before holding it just above the top opening of the enema bag as she began to fill it up. Warm water cascaded down over the soap, carrying with it a steady stream of suds as it dribbled down into the waiting opening. Her aunt kept the flow of water to a medium trickle, and little by little the rubber walls of the blue bag began to bulge, expanding outward as they were filled from within by a milky white blend of soap and water.

Geez, if soap in my mouth was bad, I’m definitely not looking forward to finding out what it feels like going in the other end, thought Rhen with a shiver, clenching and unclenching her cheeks in time with the rhythm of the long, deep breaths she was forcing herself to take. Ugh. This freaking sucks. Why couldn’t I have just kept my big mouth shut? Everyone knows that Shrek jokes are old news anyway, darn it!

All too soon Dana had finished filling the bag, and humming to herself, she reached out and turned off the faucet. She then hefted the sloshing, soapy mixture up a bit higher, eyeing it thoughtfully before nodding once in satisfaction and hanging it by its rounded, plastic hook from one of the cabinet pulls just above Rhen’s head.

With that taken care of, she then took hold of the clear tubing, flicking it lightly a few times here and there to help push out the air bubbles as she uncoiled it until she was at last gripping the long, thin nozzle at its end in her right hand.

Holding it over the sink, she undid the little clamp at its base and let a small stream spritz from the end of it. Then, once the line was clear of anything other than milky white water, she nodded once more and cinched the flow on the hose shut.

After that, she picked up the bar of soap from where she’d left it on the countertop and began to rub it up and down all along the length of the nozzle, smearing on a thick coating of slick, bubbly residue.

“To help ease it in,” she explained when she noticed Rhen’s brows furrowing in confusion, lips pursed in a silent question.

Flashing her a grim half-smile, Dana turned slightly to give her a better view of what she was doing.

“Normally I’d just use some petroleum jelly for this part, but seeing as this is supposed to be a punishment enema and all, soap is a far more appropriate substitute. I think you’ll find that it makes a much more…

noticeable impression when it’s going in.”

Rhen let out a small squeak at that, rising up onto her tiptoes despite herself as she swallowed hard.

“Indeed,” agreed her aunt with a light laugh, as if she’d just said something profoundly articulate and insightful.

“Now then,” she went on, casually tossing the soap into the sink beside her and wiping her wet hand on the front of her blouse as she turned her full attention to the arched back and the very bare bottom thrust up and out before her. “You just relax and this’ll all be over before you know it.

Okay, cutie pie?”

“Yeah, sure, easy for you to say,” groused a red-faced Rhen. “It’s not your butt that’s about to be pumped full of soapy water.”

Choosing to ignore the whiney sass still wheedling its way out of her not-niece’s pouting lips, Dana stepped around to her left side, giving her rump a little pat with her free hand as she passed. She then slid in snugly beside her hip, and resting her forearm along the groove of her spine and lower back, reached out with said free hand and parted the younger girl’s cheeks just as wide as they would go.

“Well, hello there,” she cooed in a teasing tone as her eyes locked onto their still clenching and unclenching target. “It’s nice to see you too, friend.”

“Oh god,” moaned Rhen, burying her scarlet face in her hands as a molten wave of humiliation bubbled up to fill her from the soles of her feet all the way to the roots of her inky black hair. “This is so humiliating.”

At least it’s not the middle of the week, she silently told herself, not wanting to give the older woman any ideas for how to embarrass her even more in the future.

“Shhh… it’s fine,” soothed Dana, her voice carrying a broad grin as she let several excruciatingly mortifying seconds crawl by with her niece’s cheeks spread wide and her puckered little rosebud on full display.

She’d caught glimpses of it here and there whenever she’d been spanking her in the past, but this was her first time seeing it up close and so clearly, and she had to admit that it was just as adorable as the rest of Rhen was.

“You have a very cute tush, honey, and that’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Smiling slyly, she added.

“Be a good girl for me, and I might just kiss it better after we’re through here, alright?”

“Oh… oh really?” croaked Rhen, trying to sound coy, but not doing a particularly good job of it as Dana’s teasing words made her clit positively throb with need.

“Really,” confirmed the older woman, blowing an unexpected, cool stream of air against her puckered opening and making her squeak. “But only if you relax and let Auntie Dana take care of this naughty little tushy of yours. Deal?”

Snorting in spite of the monumental levels of shame-faced embarrassment and knee-knocking need she was experiencing just then, Rhen nevertheless made a valiant attempt to do as she was told.

Unclenching her quivering backdoor, she did her best to let go of the tension in her cheeks as she shifted her feet awkwardly beneath her.

“Well, if you insist…”

“That’s my girl,” purred Dana sweetly. “Now you just take a deep breath and try to relax, here comes the choo-choo…”

Rhen let out a high-pitched squeak of surprise, jerking beneath her aunt’s steady grip as she felt the hard plastic tip of the enema nozzle nudge up against her opening. It was a lot colder than she’d been expecting it to be, but at that particular moment that was about the least of her worries.

Closing her eyes, she forced herself to take in as deep of a breath as she could manage through her nose, holding it in for a five count, before letting it out slowly through pursed lips. Then, just as she was in the middle of exhaling, she felt Dana begin to push the nozzle into her. It slid home with next to no resistance thanks to the liberal coating of soap she’d worked up around its length and the rest of Rhen’s breath escaped her in another squeak.

“Ah!” she gasped as she felt it slide in further still, pushing forward until it at last came to a stop somewhere around three or four inches deep inside of her.

Although at that particular moment, it felt a whole lot more like two or three feet as far as Rhen was concerned.

All things considered though, at least the nozzle was a narrow one, she tried to tell herself. While it was definitely not something that she could pretend wasn’t lodged all the way inside of her from between her brazenly parted and well-reddened cheeks, it at least didn’t feel like that much of an intrusion into one of her most delicate of places. Unfortunately for her however, the Ivory soap that it was lubricated with more than made up for any lack of girth on the nozzle’s part as it began to mercilessly irritate her bottom from the inside out.

“Ack! Oh my god, Aunt Dana, please, it… it stings!”

“Yes, yes, I know, dear,” replied the older woman, sounding not the least bit concerned as she twisted and turned the nozzle around inside of the petite sophomore’s tush, holding her in place with the forearm she still had resting along the small of her back as she worked.

She kept this up for several long moments until she was confident that the little plastic nozzle wasn’t about to slip free on its own, before at last letting go of it and the cheeks that she’d been holding apart, giving the younger girl a couple of brisk swats as her bottom jiggled back into place.


“Now you hold onto that nice tight for me, and don’t you dare let it slip free or else Missus Hairbrush will be making a return visit for round two before we try again. You got that?”

“Got it!” Rhen hastened to assure her, gritting her teeth at the marked increase in discomfort that clamping down as hard as she could around the soapy nozzle produced.

Given how narrow and slippery the darn thing was, it already felt as if it were on the verge of popping free at any moment and so she pushed past the urge to relax her cheeks and instead held on for dear life as she moaned and writhed with the effort of it all. The looming prospect of another spanking from her ebony hairbrush proved to be sufficient incentive to put up with the indignity of it all, and more to the point, she had a sinking feeling that a wildly unpleasant burning sensation tormenting the inner-walls of her delicate anus was about to be the least of her worries.

And oh how right she was.

“Very good,” crooned Dana, grinning with wry amusement as she stood by and watched, waiting patiently for Rhen to get used to the sensation of holding onto the enema nozzle herself before she reached for the little plastic clamp near the end of the flexible tubing protruding from between her clenched cheeks and thumbed it open. “Now here comes the water…”


Rhen let out a long, high-pitched squeal and rose up onto her tiptoes once again as she felt warm water start to gush into her, filling her insides up like a balloon as her eyes shot open and her mouth formed itself into a shocked little “o”. The flow from the nozzle was a lot faster than she’d been expecting it to be, and as it rapidly pushed its way deeper and deeper into her, the soapy mixture began to make her cramp up in a most unpleasant way that had her dancing from foot to foot as she panted and moaned, heedless of the humiliating spectacle she was making of herself.

“Oh… oh god… Aunt Dana, please… it… it’s too much. I can’t take it!”

“Shhh… you can and you will,” soothed the older woman in a gentle voice that nevertheless bore an unmistakable edge of steel to it that had her girlfriend’s thighs squirming extra hard with the shiver it sent down her spine.

Dana idly rubbed the small of the younger girl’s back with the pad of her thumb, tracing tight circles around the pale, smooth skin exposed by where her t-shirt had ridden up while she carefully monitored the flow of water through the tubing. Occasionally she would lean over her charge to check on how much was left in the blue, rubber bag hanging from the cabinet above her, before turning her full attention back to her struggling niece’s flushed face and smirking.

“You have nobody to blame for this but yourself, you know, young lady, and I want you to remember that while the enema is doing its work,”

she chided. “Now do your best to focus on your breathing, and take your punishment like a good girl, alright? We’re almost at the halfway point now.”

With those scolding words she delivered a few light swats. Nothing all that terrible, really. They were little more than a few hard pats accentuated by a sharp flick of her wrist. But given Rhen’s current distress and the state of her well-spanked bottom, they stung a whole lot more than they normally would have and were sufficient to get the flustered sophomore turned bratty teenager to yelp and squeal. And soon enough, promises to not only be good, but to be the very paragon of good behavior began tumbling free from her lips in droves.

“Oh my god, please, this is too much! I promise I’ve learned my lesson. I swear I’ll be good. Please, Aunt Dana, I’ll be an absolutely perfect super-duper-ultra-angel, I swear!”

“My goodness! An absolutely perfect super-duper-ultra-angel, you say?” teased the older woman with a faint snicker as she lightly tickled the delicate undercurve of Rhen’s bare right cheek. “Hmmm… Well, while that is a tempting offer, I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline. You see, I much prefer the mostly-obedient, but still pretty naughty from time to time, version of you, dear. That one is a lot more fun to spank, you know.”

As if to prove her point, she gave the cheek she’d just been tickling a hearty swat.


“No she isn’t,” protested Rhen with a high-pitched whine, knowing full well that she was not only fibbing, but playing directly into her snickering auntie’s hands.

Even now with all of the humiliation and discomfort she was experiencing, she knew that she wouldn’t ever want to trade her strict, no-nonsense life of love and discipline, rules and punishments, for anything.

Well, almost anything.

She definitely wouldn’t have said no to a smaller enema bag and less-soapy water just then.

Neither was forthcoming though, and she was left with no other choice than to pant and groan, wriggling in great discomfort as her insides slowly swelled and roiled with the water pouring from the nozzle. Not exactly burning per se, but most certainly cramping up and feeling a good deal more irritated than she would have preferred.

And it sucked.

Eventually though, about a minute or so later (which felt more like an hour to Rhen), the rubber bag had at last shrunk back to its original size, completely spent, and with that came a merciful end to the steady influx of water into her bowels.

“And… there… we… go,” declared Dana, watching the last of the soapy water trickle its way down the clear plastic tubing before giving her niece a couple of congratulatory pats on either cheek.

“All done, cutie pie,” she said as she thumbed the little clamp near the base of the nozzle closed, and smiled. “You took that really well, and I’m proud of you.”

“Uh, thanks…”

“So…” asked Dana in a teasing tone, deliberately drumming her fingertips against the base of her captive cutie’s spine and enjoying the grimaces it elicited. “How’re we feeling?”

“Full,” grunted Rhen, wincing against where she’d been resting the side of her face atop her folded arms.

Her brow was sweaty and furrowed into a frown as she did her best to focus on keeping her cheeks clenched together against the tide of water that she feared might escape from her at any moment if she wasn’t careful.

Very full.”

“Hah, somehow I thought you might just say that.”

Dana watched on with wry, self-satisfied amusement as her niece shifted her weight uselessly from foot to foot, dancing around in very clear discomfort and distress.

“Now then,” she went on, bracing one hand against the sweaty small of the younger girl’s back, while the other gripped the end of the nozzle still wedged snugly in between her cheeks. “In just a second I’m going to pull this out.”

She gave the nozzle a little tap, tap, tap that had Rhen squeaking in an undeniably adorable way.

“And then you’re going to go back into the corner where you’ll stand and hold in your punishment enema for ten minutes while you think about how you’re going to focus during Sunday school and control your actions better in the future.”

“T-Ten minutes?” gasped Rhen, disbelieving.

She was pretty sure that she could handle maybe a minute at most without that nozzle where it was.

Oh god, this is the worst…

“Yes young lady, ten minutes,” confirmed Dana with a good deal more steel in her voice this time around, before letting out a falsely-exasperated sigh. “And please don’t interrupt me again. Not only is it rude, but the whole point of this little endeavor is to help you learn to think twice before you speak.”

Releasing her grip around the base of the nozzle, she gave each of the tender backs of Rhen’s thighs a hard smack to emphasize her point.



“Yes ma’am,” yelped Rhen, her frantic shifting ratcheting up several notches thanks to the sudden, sharp swats. “I’m sorry!”

“Hmmm, we’ll just see about that,” mused Dana, not sounding all that convinced as she took hold of the nozzle once more. “Now then, as I was saying, I’m going to pull this thing out and then you’re going to stand in the corner. But before we do any of that, you have a choice to make, little girl.”

She let those words hang in the air for several long moments just to make sure that Rhen was fully paying attention before she went on.

“I know that this isn’t going to be easy for you, I can tell already that the enema is doing its job pretty well given how wriggly and whiney you’ve been.”

At that, her lips twitched up into an affectionate smile as she regarded her extra-squirmy sophomore.

“So, if you would like, you may wear a pull-up during your corner time. You know… just in case you think you might need it.”

“Oh god,” groaned Rhen, her face flushing hotter than it already had been at the very notion of such a thing, even as she began to give it some very serious consideration.

On the one hand, it would be beyond utterly humiliating to have to wear something like that, to actively choose to wear one no less. But on the other… it could end up saving her a far greater amount of embarrassment in the long run if things went horribly, horribly wrong.

She’d seen the pull-ups that her auntie kept stashed away under the sink in her bathroom, had actually gone snooping around looking for them the day after she’d had her pubic hair removed just to confirm that the older woman hadn’t been bluffing about putting her into one if she didn’t cooperate. There had definitely been a neat stack of them ready and waiting for her when she’d cautiously peered into the cabinet just after showering that night, and although she hadn’t had the nerve to actually try one on, she knew that it was safe to assume that they would fit her perfectly.

Not that she had any interest in ever finding out for sure.

“Well?” prompted Dana, steering her out of her swirling thoughts with another casual tap on the end of the nozzle protruding from between her cheeks. “What’s it gonna be, cutie pie?”

Rhen jumped, startled from her reverie and gritting her teeth at the decision she knew she had to make.

Huffing out a pout, she eased the pressure in her jaw and said,

“Um… I’ll uh, I’m fine without the uh…”

She swallowed hard, unable to bring herself to even say the word out loud lest she bring herself that much closer to finding herself wearing one.

“The uh… Um… No, I don’t need any help, thanks.”

Her obvious trepidation was not lost on the older woman though, it seemed, who found herself snickering again.

“Very well then, dear, have it your way,” she said with a gentle roll of her eyes. “Now get ready, because this is coming out…”

Before Rhen had a chance to fully prepare herself mentally for what was about to happen, she felt Dana beginning to tug the nozzle free.

Thankfully she’d already had her cheeks clenched, and while it was a bit of a fight, it nevertheless came free with a wet pop. Even better though, nothing else came with it, and she let out a small sigh of relief as she flopped out against the countertop.

I can do this, I can do this. No pull-ups, I can do this…

Her aunt gave her just enough time to catch her breath, carefully watching to make sure that she was actually as fine as she claimed she’d be, before nodding once in satisfaction and reaching out to help her up.

Even though the downstairs portion of their house had hardwood floors, she definitely didn’t want to have to clean up any messes like that.

Or worse, humiliate her favorite brat in such a way.

“Alright, hon, let’s get you back into the corner,” she said after letting Rhen catch her breath, easing her away from where she’d been bending over and steering her back out into the front room.

She made sure to keep her pace nice and slow as the younger girl waddled awkwardly beside her.

“I know it’s hard, but you can do it, I promise.”

“Th-Thanks,” Rhen managed to get out around the grimace of her hyper-focused concentration, several strands of her long, black hair plastered to her forehead with sweat.

Before she knew it, she found herself once again facing her least favorite corner of the house, though thankfully this time Dana didn’t insist on enforcing her usual rules of hands on head and nose actually pressed up into the corner.

“Now you stay put right there and think about how you’re going to behave better from now on,” she scolded gently. “I’ll be back in ten minutes to collect you, alright?”

“Right,” answered Rhen in a breathy gasp, nodding her head just enough to show that she’d heard as she stared hard at the drywall in front of her, trying not to think about her roiling belly.

Leaving the younger girl to stew in her own discomfort, Dana pulled out her smartphone, set a timer, and then tapped the start button.

With that taken care of, she retreated back into the kitchen and began cleaning up her discarded enema supplies. After tossing the spent bar of soap into the trash can, she then rinsed out the rubber bag and tubing, hanging it all over the edge of the sink to air dry.

Throughout it all, she made sure to keep one eye on her slowly ticking timer, and an ear out to listen for Rhen’s moaning and groaning as the seconds crawled by at a snail’s pace.

Once she saw that there were only a handful of seconds left, Dana tiptoed her way back into the living room, moving over to stand just behind her thoroughly distracted niece just as the timer went off at last.

“Time’s up, cutie pie,” she declared with a congratulatory couple of pats across the central divide between the squirming girl’s dancing cheeks.

“Go on now, shoo!”

Not bothering to glower at the pats, Rhen shot from the corner and out of the room like a bat out of hell, both hands clamped tightly over her caboose as she babbled over and over again.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Rhen’s punishment enema had indeed been a lesson that she would not soon forget, and she was resolved to be as quiet as… well as a church mouse during Sunday school next week.

She may not have totally mastered her self-control issues yet, but she felt that she was a lot closer to doing so by the time she at last flopped out onto her stomach for bed later that night, sore and totally spent as Dana planted a kiss on her lips as she settled Missus Hairbrush back into her customary position on the nightstand.

There would no doubt be more spankings, and possibly even an enema or two in her future when she eventually slipped up again, but that was just fine with Rhen.

Closing her eyes, she sighed as she cuddled up with her teddy bear and stuffed penguin.

Practice made perfect, after all. And that was good enough for her.

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