Back & Forth | Book 1 of Back & Forth Series

Chapter Thirty Six: The Meeting Night Pt. 2

“Hello, Alessandro.” Federico greeted. My hands turn into fists and my jaw locks as I glare at Federico. The stupid smirk on his face only angers me even more. It’s hard for me to not take Alessandro’s phone to break it and then throw it out of the window out of rage but I have to hold myself back. I can’t do it now. I have to stay calm now but I swear to God if something happens to our men, I’m going to ruin him. I’m going to make him suffer and pay for what’s going to happen. One of his men already shot ours. I think it’s Benedetto. They shot Benedetto on one of his arm. They’re going to pay for that.

“Federico.” Alessandro growled at his phone.

I have to tell Alessio and Luciano about this. Okay. Calm down and tell them about what’s going on right now.

Alessio, Luciano. Federico got my father and our me. He’s on the phone with Alessandro now.” I informed.

Shit. What should we do now?” Alessio asked.

Let’s wait for Alessandro’s decision. We can’t really do anything now because we don’t know where they are now.” I explained.

Okay. Keep us updated.” Luciano said.

I will.” I responded.

“-Why are you running away from me? I was so excited to bring Allura home with me but now you’re taking her away from me. You said it yourself. The deal is after Evan paid his debt, he’ll get Allura back. So, why are you breaking your own promise? Evan has the money with him so he gets to have Allura back. Now go to the warehouse and finish this. We just want Allura and that’s it. I won’t do anything to you. That’s a promise.” Federico said.

Not even in your fucking dreams, asshole. I’m not going anywhere near him unless to make him suffer by torturing him. If that’s the case, then I’ll gladly sit on his filthy lap while I carve timy little flowers on his face with needles and switchblades. About his promise to not hurt Alessandro, we all know that’s an absolute fucking lie. We’re not going to fall for that shit. I know the second that Federico gets me, he’ll try to kill my cousins, Luciano, and our men. Or worse, bringing my cousins and Luciano with him to torture. I don’t want either of those to happen.

About my father wanting me to go back to him, that’s also a lie. He only does this because he doesn’t want to die. He said it himself that he doesn’t care about me when talking with Federico. He even told him that he can kidnap me. What kind of father is he? An asshole and stupid one. Seriously though. Am I that worthless to him? From the sound of it, it didn’t sound like he even had any plan to even pay his debt. He’s really going to let Alessandro sell me. Thank god he won’t do that for real. I don’t know how my life would be if I ended up getting sold by a mafia boss. It probably happens in another reality.

“Not with you around. If Evan wants Allura back, he should hold the end of the bargain and meet me according to the agreement. He can’t tell anyone about this meeting and he has to be on his own to meet me. He broke the rule already by bringing you along with him and told you about the meeting.” Alessandro said.

“Evan didn’t bring me. I followed him to get to you. That’s different. Are you even hearing yourself now? You’re the one who set the deal but you’re also the one who breaks it. Don’t lie to us. I know you’re never going to give Allura back to Evan. I’m just here to help him.” Federico said.

“Fine, that’s different but Evan told you about this meeting. That breaks the agreement. I’m not going to meet any of you.” Alessandro said.

Wait. Can we do something to track our men? Like can we track their phones or something? I’m sure that should be doable.

Can we track our men down? Like through their phone GPS or something.” I asked.

Our cars have GPS. Let me ask Martino to track their car.” Luciano said.

Okay.” I said.

“If you want your men to stay alive, go to the meeting point now and bring Allura with you.” Federico threatened.

“I’m not doing anything you told me to do.” Alessandro said. His grip on his phone is so tight that I can see his knuckles turning white under lack of lighting. Federico raises his eyebrows. He then shrugs to himself.

“Too bad.”

The screen turn black for a second and now we can see Fabio, Benedetto, and Vincenzo kneeling on the ground while my father standing next to them nervously. Three of Federico’s men are standing behind our men, making sure that they won’t fight against them or do anything.

Through the screen, I can see Federico’s perception now. He holds up a gun and then pointing it at Vincenzo. Without any hesitation, he shoots the bullet at Vincenzo. Right on his left thigh. Vincenzo shouts in pain and collapses to the ground after the shot.

“Fuck.” Vincenzo grunted. He sits on the ground, holding onto his wounded thigh. The asphalt road underneath him turns red as blood seeps through his wound.

Shit. I don’t think Federico will stop this anytime soon. He won’t stop until he gets what he wants, and that is me. If he keeps shooting at our men even without the intention of killing them, like only to wound them, our men are still going to end up dead from blood loss. They’ll die either way. It’s way worse than getting shot in the head.

Federico hands the phone to one of his men and now I can see Federico standing in front of the camera.

“Do it now or you’ll lose your men.” Federico threatened, glaring straight into the camera. He keeps his gun pointed at our men as he waits for Alessandro’s response.

“I’m not bringing Allura to you.” Alessandro seethed.

What should we do now? I know it’s for my safety but I’m not going to forgive myself if we have to sacrifice the lives of our men to save mine. The problem is, if we do what Federico told us to do, all of us might end up dead anyway. Fuck. Our men don’t deserve to die like this. I want them to be safe and away from Federico.

Martino has tracked the car GPS and they’re about one hour away from us.” Luciano said. Shit. We can’t make it in time. Federico will already kill them all by the time we arrive there.

Fuck. We’re still too far away. Federico just shot at Vincenzo. He’s still alive but his thigh is wounded.” I informed.

Shit. Should we still go there now?” Luciano asked.

I’m not sure. I’ll ask Alessandro.” I said.

I look at the phone screen again and see Federico already face to face with my father. His gun is still in his hand, ready to be fired anytime soon. Oh my god, my stomach hurts. Something bad is going to happen to my father. I have to stop Federico before he goes on a killing spree. But how? What should I do to stop him? I can’t use my mind control power on him now that I’m too far away from him.

“I shouldn’t have gone with this plan. Now our plan has been blown.” Federico said.

“You’re the one who fucking planned this! I’m just your fucking bait to get Allura. I didn’t want to do any of this. You forced me to do this!” My father shouted.

“You’re right. You’re just a bait. Now you’re no use for me anymore.” Federico said. He points the gun at my father and shoots him between the eyes. I freeze in my seat as I watch his body falls to the ground lifeless. My gaze fixed on the phone screen as I stare at my father lifeless body. Blood comes out of the bullet wound, streaming down his face. Federico only watches as the blood pools around my father’s head.

He just killed my father. Federico killed him. That fucking asshole killed my father.

“Allura, are you okay?” Alessandro asked. I snap myself out of my daze, realising that Alessandro has put the phone away from me and mute the microphone. I breathe in shakily as I look at Alessandro.

Fuck. I need to focus right now. I need to do something. Think, Allura! Think! Fuck. I can’t let Federico kill anyone else. I can’t. I can’t let the men die because of me. Not like this.

Wait. I got it! I can astral project there. Fuck. How did I not think about this sooner. I could’ve stopped this madness earlier. I should do it now. I think I can go to wherever they are right now without knowing their exact location. I can do it when I accidentally astral projected to Federico’s house. I should be able to do it now. It should work the same way.

“Allura?” Alessandro called. I blink a few times and then nod at him.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I said. That’s not true. I’m still in shock but I can’t let it consume me. I have to astral project now and fight Federico and his men right now before anybody else fall victim to his madness.

I’m going there now.” I said to everyone.

Where?” Luciano asked.

I’m going to astral project to wherever Federico is right now. I just remembered I can do things normally but I’m invisible to everyone.” I explained.

Alright. Be careful. You don’t know if you can get hurt even if you’re in your spirit form.” Alessandro said.

I will.”

“Uh, I suddenly feel tired. I think I’m going to take a nap.” I said. I am actually tired now but I can’t let Federico go and kill everyone. I can sleep after I fight Federico and his men.

“Okay. Go to sleep.” Alessandro said.

“Alessandro, hurry up. Time’s ticking. I’m not going to wait all night for your decision. If you keep ignoring me, I’ll shoot your men anywhere I want each time a minute passes. The choice is yours.” Federico said. I need to go there now.

I close my eyes, preparing myself to astral project. I inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. I do it again, trying to focus on getting to Federico. Please work now. Don’t fail. I can’t fail now.

I open my eyes and immediately find myself standing a few metres behind Federico. He stands there in front of our men, tapping his finger on his gun. There are two other men standing behind Federico, one of them holding the phone to show what’s going on to Alessandro. I walk past them and look down at my father. The gaze in his eyes is empty. No more life behind his eyes. The blood still seeps through the wound between his eyes. I angrily spin and face Federico. He doesn’t see me so he just stares past me with boredom, waiting for the minute to pass so he can shot one of our men again.

This asshole seriously needs a goddamn lesson. I’ll gladly deliver it to him now. What I’m going to do to him now won’t do justice to everyone he has hurt in the past, but I’m still going to do it anyway. He can consider it as a pinch of what he actually deserves. I’ll definitely come back for more later. For now, I just need to do what I should do to save our men.

“A minute has passed, Alessandro.” Federico said. He holds up his gun and I quickly kick him right in the balls with all my might. He falls to the ground, groaning as he grabs onto his crotch. The forceful step I do on his hand makes him let go of his gun. I take it as a chance to kick it away from him so he won’t be able to shoot our men.

I look at Federico’s men and they only stares at Federico in confusion. I quickly do the same to all of them. Knee them in between their thighs and then kick and throw their guns away. All of them lie on the ground, their hands right on where I kneed them as they groan and grunt at the intense pain on their crotch. What else should I do? I have to do something that’ll allow Vincenzo, Fabio, and Benedetto to escape from Federico and his men.

“What the fuck just happened?!” Federico shouted. He looks around him and see his men in the same condition as him. Vincenzo, Benedetto, and Fabio only stare at the scene in front of them in confusion.

“This place is haunted.” One of Federico man said, grunting as he slowly gets on his knees. Federico pushes himself off the ground and then glares at the man behind him. The same men who said that this place is haunted.

“You stupid bastard! Get me a fucking gun now!” Federico ordered angrily.

The man quickly gets on his feet despite the pain on his private area. He looks around the place anxiously as he searches for a gun in the dimly lit road. Where do you think you’re going? You’re not going anywhere.

I quickly get to him and put my foot in front of him. He trips and falls to the ground with a thud. Oops. My bad, dude.

“Stop fucking playing! Get me a gun right now, you useless idiots!” Federico roared. I look at the rest of the men and see them already getting in their feet. Shit. What should I do now? Can I use my mind controlling power while I’m astral projecting like this? Can I make them unconscious now? Fuck it. I’m risking it. Let’s see if it works.

I focus myself on the man who’s currently reaching for a gun and try to make him unconscious. My power immediately makes him falls to the ground like a rag doll. Oh wow. It works. Good. That means I can make everyone unconscious now.

I focus myself on Federico’s four other men and make them all unconscious. Every one of them falls to the ground lifeless, leaving Federico alone to fight. I’m going to do something different to him. Something that’ll leave a mark.

I approach Federico. He’s looking around him in anger.

“Wake up you useless motherfuckers!” Federico shouted. I stand in front of him. I get in my stance, my hands in front of me.

Buenanotte, asshole.

(Good night)

I punch him on the jaw as hard as I can and he immediately falls to the ground, unconscious. Nice. Ouch. My hand hurts though but it doesn’t matter. I turn to Vincenzo, Fabio, and Benedetto. They’re currently staring at Federico in disbelief.

“What the fuck just happened?” Vincenzo asked. Well, me. What just happened is me saving your asses.

“I don’t know. We should go now.” Fabio said. He quickly gets on his feet and grabs Vincenzo’s phone. He goes back to the others and hold the phone in front of his face. The wary look on his face makes him look hilarious. He probably thinks that this place is actually haunted.

“Boss. Federico and his men are unconscious. We didn’t do anything. It seems like something invisible is fighting them.” Fabio explained. He looks around anxiously, not wanting to be attacked by the unseen just like Federico and his men.

“Don’t think about it. Hurry up and leave the place now! Do it before Federico and his men wake up.” Alessandro said.

“Okay, boss. We’re leaving now.” Fabio said.

“Hide somewhere nearby but far enough from where you are. I’ve sent someone to get you.” Alessandro said.

“Okay, boss. Thank you.” Fabio said.

“Okay. I’m hanging up now. Be careful.” Alessandro said.

“We will, boss.” Fabio said. He puts the phone into his pocket and then turns to Benedetto and Vincenzo.

“Benedetto. Help me with Vincenzo.” Fabio said.

I watch in silence as Fabio and Benedetto help Vincenzo to get on his feet. Vincenzo grunts, enduring the pain in his thigh, and then sling his arms over Fabio and Benedetto’s shoulders.

“Fuck. My arm.” Benedetto winced. He looks down at his arm and stare at the bleeding wound.

“Sorry.” Vincenzo said, wincing as he looked at his thigh.

“It’s fine. Let’s get out of here before we anger whatever it is that just attacked Federico.” Benedetto said.

“I don’t think it’ll do anything to us. It saved us.” Vincenzo said.

“Whatever it is doesn’t matter now. We have to leave now.” Fabio said.

“Thank you kind ghost, uh, spirit, or whatever you are. Thank you for saving us!” Vincenzo said. His eyes wander around the road. A smile forms on my face as an idea appears in my head.

“You’re welcome. Now leave!” I said with an old lady’s voice. Fabio’s eyes widen at the sound I made.

“Oh shit! It’s a ghost. Let’s leave now. Quick!” Fabio said in panic. He drags Vincenzo faster but Benedetto and Vincenzo only grunt in pain.

“Fuck. Don’t move too fast. My leg hurts. Did you forget about that?” Vincenzo said as he limping.

“And my arm hurts.” Benedetto added.

“I’m sorry. This place gives me the creeps. You heard that voice, right?” Fabio said.

“What are you scared of? It literally just said ‘you’re welcome’. That means it actually saved us! It won’t hurt us.” Vincenzo said, wincing as they continue to walk down the road.

“I don’t care if it’s kind or not. I want to leave this place fast.” Fabio said.

I keep my eyes on the three men as they walk down the road, away from the mess caused by Federico. I turn to Federico and his men, and they’re still unconscious. My gaze averts to Federico. A dark bruise already formed on his jaw where I punched him. Good. That bruise will remind him of this night.

I look back at Vincenzo, Benedetto, and Fabio again. They’re taking a turn into the forest. I no longer can see them from where I’m standing. I guess they’re far enough now. I hope Federico won’t be able to find them. It’s time for me to go back now.

I open my eyes and feel even more tired than before. Fuck. I feel like I’m dying. My throat is dry, but there’s nothing in the car to relieve the not so comfortable feeling. I think I’m going to pass out in any minute.

The ringing that comes from Alessandro’s phone puts me in alert. I sit up straighter and turn to Alessandro. I look at him as he holds up the phone in front of him. I shut my eyes as the car lurches forward. I brace for impact and then feel a pain on my forehead as it hits the headrest monitor.

What the fuck? Did someone just rammed their car into ours? Shit. Fuck my life. That hurts. Ouch. I should’ve put on the goddamn seatbelt. I wish it won’t get swollen later. I don’t want to look like a flowerhorn fish for days.

“What the fuck was that?” Alessandro asked, scowling as he looks back through the rear window. I do the same, still rubbing my forehead. My eyes widen as I see an SUV speeds up towards us and hit the back of our car again. The back of my head hit the headrest monitor again from the impact. Fuck. I’m dizzy now. My head hurts. I think I just got a concussion. Shit. Where am I now? Right. I’m in a car.

“Allura? Are you okay?” Alessandro asked.

“No but I’ll be fine.” I said, rubbing the back of my head and wincing. Alessandro searches for his phone everywhere. The seat, the compartment, and then the floorboard. I help him look around and then he finally finds the phone by himself.

“Hello? Boss? Are you still there?” Salvatore asked. Alessandro sighs and then holds his phone in front of him.

“I’m here. What is it?” Alessandro asked, scowling a little at what just happened.

“A car just drive past us in high speed. We think they’re going after you.” Salvatore said. Well, duh! What else would they want? They’re literally running their car into ours. Can’t they see it happening?

“I’m well are of that. They’re ramming their car on mine. Did you see more cars?” Alessandro asked.

“Another one just drive past us.” Salvatore informed. These guys, dude. They’re fucking relentless, aren’t they? Too bad. You all won’t get me. I’m not going with you and be Federico’s bitch. I’m Luciano’s bitch. That’s right. I am his bitch.

I think I can do something to stop them. Oh, yes! That’s right! I can control the driver’s mind so he’ll drive the car off the road or something like that. Whatever to get them off our tails.

I look back at the rear window and hold onto the headrest as I stare at the car behind us. I hug the headrest as I see the car ready to crash itself into us. Our car swerves to the side before Federico’s men’s car can hit us. It gets into a halt but then quickly catches up to us again. Fucking hell.

“Shoot at them right now.” Alessandro ordered.

“Alright, boss. We’re on it.” Salvatore said.

I really need to focus on the driver. I have to stop him.

“Allura! Get your ass down!” Alessandro said, pulling me down.

I guess I can do it without having to see the driver. I hope so. I don’t know if it’s going to work well.

I sit back on my seat and crouch. The sound of bullets hitting our car makes me flinch a little. Alessandro keeps his hand on my back so I stay down and away from the shooter’s sight. I don’t think they’re targeting me because Federico wants me but I’m going to stay down. I’m not risking myself getting shot in the head or anywhere else.

What’s going on back there? I hear the gunshots.” Luciano asked.

We’re being followed.” Alessandro responded.

What should we do now? Can we help you?” Alessio asked.

No. Don’t do anything. Just stay in the lane and keep moving. I’ve told Salvatore and the other to shoot at Federico’s men behind us.” Alessandro explained.

Okay. Let us know if you need help.” Luciano said.

I turn to Alessandro and see him staring at his phone expectantly.

Alessandro, I can try to get Federico’s man to swerve the car. I’m not sure if it’ll work because I don’t know who to target with my mind.” I said. The tiredness I’m feeling right now probably will make it harder for me to focus but it’s better than not trying at all. I want me and everyone else to be safe.

Just do it. Do it now.” Alessandro ordered.

I inhale the air slowly, and then exhale. Now I focus my mind on the driver of the car behind us. I hope this is really going to work. I control the person’s mind and then hear the screeching of the tyres. Yay! I did it!

I straighten myself and look out the rear window. I gasp and then immediately crouch again when I see the car is still behind us. The shooting continues, causing the rear window to shatter.

“Shit.” I cursed.

“What happened to the first car? Did someone shoot it?” Salvatore asked.

“Stay down, Allura.” Alessandro said. I nods at him. I better do what he says. No more looking up for now unless I’m absolutely sure that we’ve gotten the second car.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see anything happening to them.” Alessandro responded to Salvatore.

Sorry! Wrong car!” I said.

It’s fine. At least we’ve lost one already. Now do the same with the other one.” Alessandro said. Okay. One more car, Allura.

Just one more car. I can’t afford to do the wrong thing now. If I end up throwing off our own men, we’re fuck. Absolutely fucked.

I hear overlapping gunshots again and then something crashes. Is that it? Is it over? I didn’t do anything. Maybe it’s our men who took Federico’s men down?

“We got the last car.” Salvatore said. Okay. It’s them. Thank god. My job is finally done.

“Good. Now drive closer to us. We’re going back home. Make sure no one else follows us again.” Alessandro said.

“Yes, boss.” Salvatore said.

“Alright.” Alessandro said. He ends the call and then slaps it on his thigh. An exasperated sigh comes out from him as he turns to me.

“That was close.” Alessandro said.

“Yeah.” I responded weakly. I rest my head against the headrest and inhale sharply as I feel the pain on the back of my head. This sucks. It’s my fault though. I should’ve stayed down and not be a dumbass by looking at the back of the car.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You hit your head pretty hard earlier. Not just once, but twice.” Alessandro said with concern.

“I think I’m fine. I don’t know. I’m really tired right now. I think I’m going to fall asleep in any second now.” I said. My eyelids start to feel heavier as I stare back at Alessandro.

“You can sleep now. It’s okay. We’re safe now. You’re safe.” Alessandro said. He’s right. We’re finally out of danger’s hands. I don’t have to worry about anything anymore. At least not now.

“Okay. Good night.” I said. My hand immediately goes over my mouth as I let out a big yawn. Fuck. This is the sleepiest I’ve ever been. I really need to go to sleep now. I’ll end up falling asleep anyway if I try to stay up.

“Good night.” Alessandro said.

Uh, wait. I think I forgot something. What is it? Oh, right. Wait. No. I don’t have to do that anymore. I don’t have to contact Luciano and Alessio anymore. Luciano already reached us to know what was happening with all the shootings. Now that’s out of the way, all I want is just to fall asleep and forget about the pain in my head.

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