Back & Forth | Book 1 of Back & Forth Series

Chapter Thirty Five: The Meeting Night Pt. 1

My makeup is finally done by the makeup artist. The woman is the same woman who did my makeup for the blackmail video. She did the same look as the one for the video with additional wounds and bruises around my wrists and neck. The difference between my makeup then and now is that there’s no blood now, just the bruises and wounds. The bruises look lighter than it was before, showing that they’re healing. Just like the photoshopped picture Alessandro took of me last night. It should look believable enough for my father.

Alessandro apologised for taking my picture last night but honestly, I don’t care about it. It’s not like I was naked or something. I was fully clothed. Besides, it looks more natural that way than faking myself to be asleep.

“Nice work. The bruises and wounds placement looks the same as they were before.” I said, smiling at the woman who I think is Mia.

“Thank you. You’re so nice. You’re one of the few people who actually told me how good I am at my job.” Mia said.

“I mean it. If you haven’t, you should definitely do makeup for movies or something like that.” I said. I like complimenting people sometimes. But not at people who I came across on the street. I don’t think anyone wants a stranger to come up to them.

“I did do makeup for my friends’ short films sometimes. I haven’t gotten any gigs for national or international films. I feel like I haven’t reached that level of professional to be working with big studios so I’m fine with what I’m doing now. I still want to learn and perfect my technique now. It’s actually amazing that Mr. Martinetti paid me a lot of money to do this simple makeup.” Mia explained.

“You’ll get there someday. I just know it.” I said, smiling at Mia’s reflection on the mirror. She smiles back at me as she puts all her stuff back into her makeup case.

“I hope so.” Mia sighed. “Okay. I’m all done with you so I’m leaving now.” Mia said. I turn around in my seat and give her a smile.

“Okay. Thanks for the makeup.” I said.

“A pleasure to do it for you.” Mia said.

Mia leaves my bedroom and now I’m left to myself. My reflection in the mirror stares back at me. My hair is a bit messy, not like a bird nest like he made me look for the blackmail video. The clothes I’m wearing right now is my last night clothes, which is a set of sweatpants and sweater in the same white colour. I need to wear this set of clothing again because that was the one I wore when Alessio took my picture to be sent for photoshopping.

I keep my gaze on my reflection and then frown. I inhale quickly and then start crying. I cringe for a second at the expression I just made. Damn. That was pretty bad. I hope I’ll act better when I’m in front of my father. I guess I should’ve taken that rehearsal offer that Alessandro suggested me to do. It’s too late now. We’re going to leave in a few minutes.

With one foot in the hallway, I look out and see that Alessio and Luciano are waiting for me outside. The two of them already dressed in a similar all black outfit with trousers, long-sleeved shirt, and black shoes. Their gazes greet me as I walk out of my room. Luciano raises his eyebrows while Alessio stares at me in shock with wide eyes.

“Who beat you up?” Alessio asked. Hmm. Let’s test my acting now. What should I say though? I’m just going to mess with them first.

“You! You heartless assholes beat me up!” I shouted in anger. My index finger is pointing right at Alessio. Luciano seems to be taken aback at my sudden outburst and then he smiles when he realises I’m just acting.

“Ay! Don’t say that!” Alessio frowns. “We want you to appear scared and helpless, not fierce and challenging.” He explained.

Right. I need to look miserable again just like in the blackmail video. I should definitely cry again. I’m not sure why my father agreed to pay his debt now but that doesn’t matter now. Out of all things he’s probably only going to be mad at me for getting myself kidnapped and won’t care about my crying for help but the point is, I have to look convincing to him.

“I’m just joking. Let me try again for real this time.” I said. While we’re at this, I’m going to use this time to rehearse.

I clear my throat and step closer to Alessio. I tap my left upper arm, and he only stares at me.

“Hold my arm, tightly. I’m going to pretend to get away from you.” I explained.

“Okay.” Alessio said, shrugging. He grabs my arm and wrap his hand around my arm strongly. Okay. Let’s do this now.

“Please let me go! Father, please get me away from them! Don’t let them sell me! Please!” I said out loud, almost wailing. I keep trying to move out of Alessio’s grasp as I stare at the empty hallway in front of me, but he holds me back firmly. Tears already falling from my eyes as I shouted and still trying to pull my arm away from Alessio to no avail. I stop flailing and turn to Alessio with a grin as I wipe the tears away from my cheek. His eyebrows raise when he notices the tears.

“That’s much better. You really cried. That’s good.” Alessio complimented. I toss my hair over my shoulder with a prideful smile on my face.

“Thank you.” I responded. I know I’m a good actress but people just don’t know. They don’t even realize if I’m acting or not most of the time. I guess it’s time I finally pursue an acting career? Nah. Of course I need to be low key. Being an actress and then suddenly becoming famous would make my famiglia even more seen by the world. I can’t risk that. Maybe I can use my acting skills for good in the future to help my cousins. For instance, seducing a man like our enemy or someone who’s indebted to us to trap him. That could work. I’m not sure if I can do that and hurt and make Luciano jealous in the process though.

“If you really want us to look even more convincing later, just hurt me. Push me to the ground, pull my hair, I don’t care. I don’t mind it.” I shrug.

“Alright, method acting girl.” Alessio said, shaking his head. Believe it or not, method acting is such a good way to train someone’s acting skills but of course, it’s not really for a faint hearted person. Especially if the script involves abuse, whether mentally or physically. You might end up getting too traumatised to the point of going crazy. You need to know what you can withstand first before diving into method acting.

I reach for my phone from my phone from the pocket. I quickly swipe left to open the camera and switch it to the front camera. I look at myself and move some stray strands of hair that’s tickling my face away. I let out a small sigh and find Alessandro walking towards us from his room as I put my phone back in my pocket.

“Everyone ready? We’re leaving in 5 so we’ll have time to get ready at the meeting point before Allura’s father comes. Four of our men already on standby there.” Alessandro explained. Okay. I guess that’s enough men to watch over my father in case he tried to pull something stupid.

“I’m ready.” I replied, smiling widely at Alessandro. I probably look like a crazed, mental woman now for smiling like this with bruises all over my face and body. Alessandro gives me a small smile in return.

“We’re ready.” Alessio and Luciano said in unison.

“Alright. Let’s go downstairs.” Alessandro said.

The four of us descend the stairs towards the first floor. Our men already gathered by the foyer, talking among themselves and already dressed with black outfits just like my cousins and Luciano. Their light chatter stop when they notice us approaching them. In the crowd, I find Pietro and Sebastiano staring at me with a slight surprised look on their faces. I bet they think I look like shot right now and I couldn’t agree more. I do look like shit right now with these fake bruises over my face, neck, and arms.

“Before we leave, I’m going to remind you of the plan. We’re going to have two cars in tow. Sebastiano and Dario, you’re going with Luciano and Alessio in the first car. Niccolo and Dante, you’re going with Allura and me in the second car. Lastly, Aurelio. Salvatore, Luca, and Marcelo, you’re going to be in the last car. You’ll follow the main two cars a bit further away and look out for any suspicious vehicle that might be following us.

“Vincenzo, Fabio, and Benedetto are already on their way to pick up Evan. We have to be at the meeting point earlier than them so we can prepare ourselves for the act. After Evan hands his money, one of the men stationed at the top of the warehouse will shoot a tranquiliser at Evan. We take the money and leave right away while the men in charge of Evan drop him off near the town.

“We now know that Federico has been spying on us and gathering information through the traitors of our famiglia. We must be careful in proceeding with any plans. Tonight, Federico might try to do something so be prepared. Fabrizio and his men already prepared some weapons and ammunition in the cars. Always keep them within your reach but only use them when necessary. Call me to report your current situation.” Alessandro explained.

I really hope that Federico won’t pull any stupid stunt at this time. I don’t want anyone to get hurt just from handling this affair with my father. This is a simple matter to handle but if Federico shows up, it won’t be just us picking up money from my father. From hearing about the story of Pietro’s death, I know that Federico won’t hesitate to kill anyone in his way and I don’t want that to happen.

“That’s the plan. Any questions?” Alessandro asked. His gaze scans the room for anyone with raised hand or something else that indicates someone having a question to ask. No one seems to have any question at the moment. The men stay quiet as they look at each other and then back to Alessandro.

“No? Alright. We’re leaving now. Let’s go.” Alessandro said.

Alessandro, Alessio, Luciano, and I walk past the men towards the front door. Our men follow closely behind us towards the cars. I get into the backseat of a Range Rover with Alessandro on my left, Dante in the driver’s seat, and Niccolo at the front passenger seat. I take a look out of the window and watch everyone else getting into their designated cars briskly.

Our car follows the first car down the main road, heading to wherever this meeting point is. My gaze drift off to the blurry figures of trees on the side of the road. Despite the countless reassurances done by my cousins and Luciano, I feel the nervousness inside me resurfaces. I don’t think everything will go as planned. The anxiety of anticipating the worse makes my stomach hurt. All this preparation will mean nothing if something bigger awaits us. I think Federico is up to something that we don’t know just yet.

Come on. Give me something. Help me, my ancestors. Let me know if something bad is going to happen later. I don’t want to find out about it after someone gets hurt. I don’t want anybody to be the victim of Federico tonight.

Minutes have passed since we got on the road. I sigh as Avery my gaze to the front of the car. In all of a sudden, my eyes feel heavy and it’s all darkness. My eyes are wide open but there’s nothing but darkness in front of me.

What’s going on? Did I shift realities again? Oh no. Please don’t. Not now.

I blink and flashes of images appear in my eyes. Men are getting capsized and shot at in an old looking building. Two men sitting next to each other with their backs facing me. What’s going on? Who are they? The flashing suddenly stop and stay on one scene. Wait. I’m in the room with them. Can they see me?

With shaky hand, I reach for one of them and my hand goes through his back. What’s really going on? Why am I here? I look around and realise that I’m in my father’s home office. Fuck. So, are they really who I think they are?

I round the table and my breath hitches as I see my father and Federico sitting next to each other. Shit. How the fuck did they know each other? It’s Federico. He’s the one who came to my father. Why? Is it because he wants to buy me? Fuck. It is. Federico wants to buy me from my own father.

“Why should I do this?” My father asked.

“I will provide you the money to pay your debt. After I got her, you’ll get 2 million dollars. All you need to do is contact him, tell me where you’re going to meet him, and that’s it.” Federico explained. Shit. Federico is buying me from my father.

“No. I’m not doing this. Alessandro’s going to kill me. I don’t want to die. You can get her, kidnap her. I don’t fucking care. I don’t want your money. Don’t involve me in this.” My father refused.

Pfft. What a fucking coward. He’s the one who borrowed the money from Alessandro and he should be the one who’s responsible for paying his debt. And see? He doesn’t care about me. He’s letting Federico have me for free! What the hell?!

“You have to do it. This is the only way I can get Allura. Alessandro has been keeping her in the house. I can’t break into his house and kidnap her from there.” Federico explained.

“I’m not doing this. Please leave my house.” My father said, rising from the chair. Federico immediately pulls him down and points a gun at him.

“Not so fast, Evan.” Federico said. “Do what I say or I’ll kill you right here right now. Not with the gun, but with this.” Federico said, pulling out a syringe from his leather jacket pocket. I stare at the syringe in his hand. The barrel is full of clear liquid. What is that?

“This right here is a 10 millilitres of fentanyl. 2 milligrams of this substance already lethal enough to cause debilitating side effects. Just imagine how much of this will affect your body. You’ll suffer to death.” Federico explained. Fucking hell, this man is real fucking ruthless. I wish I can strangle him right now but that wouldn’t be possible because I’m just revisiting the past.

“No! Please don’t kill me.” My father begged. The syringe goes back into Federico’s pocket with a sigh coming out of his mouth. He stares at my scared father. His expression is unreadable. Federico’s hand suddenly moves towards my father and clench the collar of my father shirt tightly. He pulls my father closer to him, almost seething with a threatening look visible in his eyes.

“Then do as I fucking say. Go to Italy and meet Alessandro.” Federico seethed. He then lets go of my father and then he quickly moves away from Federico.

Fuck. Federico really uses my father as a bait. He threatened my father. If he’s actually brave enough, he should’ve just barge into our house and kill everyone if he wants me that badly. Why go through all this complicated stuff?

“Okay! Fine! I’ll go! I’ll fly to Italy. When should I leave?” My father asked nervously.

“This afternoon at one. Your debt due in three days, right?” Federico said. My father nods at the question.

“Yes.” My father answered.

“Then you should hurry up and get there. Pack up, you don’t want to miss the flight.” Federico said.

“How could I find a flight to Italy this sudden?” My father asked.

“I’ve prepared everything. The flight ticket, the hotel, the debt money. You still have to bring the money so they’ll let you meet them even though I’ll be there to intercept the deal.” Federico said.

“Will I still get the 2 million?” My father asked.

“Of course. It’s your compensation.” Federico said, smiling.

Shit. That means we’re going right into Federico’s trap. Fuck. I need to tell everyone about this now. He’s going to hurt everyone. He might kill everyone. I can’t let that happen. No no no. I have to wake up now. Wake up!

“Why do you want her anyway? She’s nothing special.” My father asked.

“As a revenge. Your nephews, Alessandro and Alessio, love your dear daughter so much that they’re willing to die for her. That video you got, it was just a stunt. A lie. They didn’t hurt her. Don’t believe me? Here are pictures of them having a cute little family dinner with your in-laws.” Federico said, pulling out a brown envelope. My father hesitantly reaches for the file and rips it open. Standing next to him, I take a look at all the pictures and there are images of me and the family when we were having that dinner to welcome me.

How didn’t I notice someone taking pictures of us? How didn’t anyone notice?

“Okay. I believe you. Fuck. Alessandro tried to deceive me.” My father said.

“Prepare yourself. Here’s your flight ticket and your visa. Don’t forget your flight is leaving at one. I have my men watching your every move so if they see that you have the slightest bit doubt about doing this, they’ll give you the shot of fentanyl and dispose your body where no one will find it.” Federico threatened.

“I won’t forget. Please just leave my house now.” My father said with visible fear and nervousness on his face.

“Alright. Text me the location of the meeting point with this phone. Always communicate with me through this phone. I’m not risking your nephew to find out about this plan.” Federico said, holding up a burner phone.

“Okay.” My father said. He takes the phone from Federico and holds it in his hand. Federico then gets on his feet and smiles down at my father.

“I’ll see you again soon, Evan.” Federico said.

Everything turns dark again. My eyes snaps open and I gasp for air. It feels like I was suffocating for a second. The itchiness and dryness in my throat makes me get into a coughing fit. Panting, I look at my surrounding and find myself in the car again. Thank god I didn’t shift realities again. I can’t miss out on this important time.

“Are you okay?” Alessandro asked. A frown already on his face as he points his worried gaze at me. I nod, still trying to catch my breath.

“I’m fine. I fell asleep and dreamt of falling off a building.” I lied.

“Okay.” Alessandro said, doubting my answer. I have to tell everyone about what I just saw right now.

Federico knew our plan. I saw him and his men ruining our plan.” Alessio said.

What? Did Alessio saw the same thing as I did? His strongest clair senses is clairvoyance so that makes sense. It’s interesting how we got the same vision probably at the same time.

I saw it too.” I said. The flashing imageries replay themselves in my head. We can’t let this happen. I can’t let Federico kill our men.

Did you see our men at the warehouse getting captured?” Alessio asked.

Yes. I also saw a detailed conversation between my father and Federico. He was forced by Federico to meet us tonight. Federico is planning to get me at the meeting point. This is a trap. We have to tell everyone before Federico does something.” I said.

I only saw a quick image of your father and Federico in the same room. I didn’t hear them having a full conversation but it doesn’t matter now. We have to call back our men in the warehouse before Federico’s men get to them.” Alessio said.

Luciano, warn the men at the warehouse. I’ll call the men with Evan.” Alessandro said.

On it.” Luciano said.

Scanning through his contact list, Alessandro searches for one of the men’s number. An incoming call from Vincenzo suddenly appears on his phone screen. He quickly accepts the call and puts it on speaker so everyone in the car can hear it.

“Boss. We’ve been followed by a suspicious Mercedes SUV for 7 minutes. I don’t think we can go straight to meeting point now.” Vincenzo said.

Shit. It’s happening. It’s really happening right now. What’s going to happen next? Fuck. I didn’t get anything about everyone who’s with my father. What if Federico’s men going to hurt them? No. We can’t let that happen.

“Abort the plan. We’ve been compromised. Federico knows about our plan from Evan. We’re not going to the meeting point anymore. I’m pulling back everyone at the warehouse.” Alessandro explained.

Grunting and bustling come from the phone. A loud thud and cursing ends it all. I stare back at Alessandro in confusion, wondering about what just happened as the call suddenly goes silent. What the hell just happened?

“Sorry, boss. We gotta knock Evan out. He tried to escape the car and then fought off Benedetto. What do you want us to do now?” Vincenzo asked.

“Keep driving. Do not attack. Only shoot after they attack first. We can’t waste our bullets. We don’t know how well-prepared Federico and his men are.” Alessandro explained.

“Alright, boss.” Vincenzo said.

“Keep me on the call. Let me know if something happens.” Alessandro said.

“Will do, boss.” Vincenzo responded.

Alessandro mutes the phone’s microphone and then places his phone on the empty seat between us. Look of stress and anger mars his face. He sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair and then rest his back against the seat after the tense conversation.

“How did Federico finds out about your father?” Alessandro asked. I shrug at him, unsure of the answer to the question. I suddenly remember that time when I astral projected and found a file about me in Federico’s office.

“Maybe he did his own research about me and then it leads to my father.” I answered with a frown. If something happens and someone ends up dead, I don’t think I can forgive myself. We’re all doing this and here because of me. I’m the source of this problem. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, even if it’s just a scratch.

Shit. I just realised that me shifting to another reality is definitely to prepare me for this situation. I know that it’s a different situation but it has the same theme, which is Federico trying to get me and hurt me.

“Fuck. This is probably why I got that weird dream last night. It’s a warning.” I sighed. “And did you remember when Federico called and asked about me? About when you’ll put me into the auction? He said that he’ll do anything to get me. He’s doing it now.” I said.

“Don’t worry about him now. I’m not letting him take you away from us. We still can stop him.” Alessandro said.

“Okay.” I said.

I’m not sure if we’re going to make it. We don’t know how prepared Federico is. What if he already has a backup plan for a backup plan? We’re fucked.” I continued telepathically.

We’re going to stop him. We’re absolutely not fucked. You have your powers. Don’t forget about that.” Alessandro reminded.

I know I have the powers that can help me and everyone else to get out of any dire situation but I’m not sure if I should be using it in front of everyone. I don’t want anyone to get suspicious. It’ll lead to them finding out about my family’s deepest secret.

I know but should I risk using them in front of everyone? I don’t think we want everyone to know about this.” I said.

If that’s the only way to keep you safe and alive, then yes. I want you to do it. Don’t worry about anything else.” Alessandro said. He’s right. If it’s a life or death situation, other things are out of consideration. Why should I worry about something else when people’s lives, including mine, is on the line?

Okay. Shit. How come our night ended up like this?” I said.

Gunshots echo from the phone. I snap my gaze towards the phone and then Alessandro quickly picks it up and unmute the microphone.

“What’s going on there?” Alessandro asked.

“It’s Federico’s men. They’re shooting at us.” Vincenzo informed. Another series of gunshots come through the speakers along with people cursing out profanities.

“How many men are there?” Alessandro asked.

“I saw three men in the car behind us. I think there’s more of them behind the car that’s exactly behind us.” Benedetto explained.

More? Shit. How many of Federico’s men are there? Our men are in a very vulnerable position considering there’s only three of them and no one else. This is bad.

“Try to lose them. You’re using a sedan so you have an advantage when doing sharp turns. It should throw their cars off balance from trying to chase you.” Alessandro explained.

“Alright. Taking the turn now.” Fabio said. I hear screeching and then a loud roar from the engine as their car speeds up. Mutters of curses come from the phone.

That doesn’t sound good. They definitely still have Federico’s men on their tail, following them closely.

“They’re still on our tail. They didn’t take the bait. They slowed down a bit when taking the turn.” Vincenzo said.

“Speed down the road you’re currently on so they’ll try to catch up to you. When they’re chasing you, do another sharp turn or a U-turn if the road is wide enough.” Alessandro said.

“Theyre taking the bait now. I’m taking the U-turn now.” Fabio said. Their car screeches again followed by a loud crash. Not from them but from other car. I think we got one of them.

“We lost the Mercedes behind us but there’s still two SUVs following us.” Benedetto said.

Fuck. Why are there so many of them? Federico must’ve think that if he follows the car my father is in, it’ll lead him to us. That’s a very logical reason. Alessandro should’ve gotten more men to guard them. It’s too late now. Unless he can call someone nearby to help them. My feelings are telling me that it’s impossible for now though. We don’t have anyone close enough to them to help.

“That many? Fuck. Are there any turns in your direction? Or can you do a quick U-Turn again?” Alessandro asked.

“There’s a turn in a kilometre. Oh wait. Fuck. That one has a dead end. The other closest turn is in one and a half kilometres.” Vincenzo said.

“Take that turn. If they still follow you, try to shoot them.” Alessandro said.

“Alright, boss.” Vincenzo said.

There’s another screeching coming from the car as it takes the turn quickly. Someone then mutters under his breath. Gosh. When is this going to end? In a good way?

“They’re still behind us. Benedetto and I are going to shoot at the cars now.” Vincenzo said.

“Alright. I need one of you to shoot at the driver and the other to shoot at the tyre.” Alessandro said.

“On it, boss.” Vincenzo said. “Benedetto, aim at the driver. I’ll shoot the tyres.”

“Alright.” Benedetto said.

I bring my awareness to myself and just realise I’ve been breathing fast with my heart pounding in my chest. The thought of them barely making it out alive only cause my anxiety to heighten. I have to stay calm. They’re going to be safe. They’ll survive this. Federico won’t be able to do anything to them. Think of something, Allura. There’s gotta be something that you can do to help them.

The sound of the wind and gunshot only make me even more nervous. I can hear our men and Federico’s men shooting at each other. The sound is never-ending. My legs bounce from anxiety, and my nails are digging into my arms as I wait for our men declare their victory against Federico’s men.

Please don’t let anything happen to them. I don’t want something bad to happen to them.

The shooting continues. I hear a loud squeak from the tyres and then screeching. Another crash can be heard through the phone. From the sound of our men, it sounds like they just succeeded in losing another car.

“We lost another one. There’s one car left.” Vincenzo said.

Okay. We’re good. They only need to lose one more car and that’s it-

A loud crash comes from the phone. My heart stops for a second at the sound. Shit. This can’t be happening. They got them. Federico’s men got our men. We have to do something. I have to do something.

I hear our men groan and hissing sound from the car. They curse and I hear rustle as they shift in their seats. Fuck. Are they okay? Are they still alive?

“Are you okay?” Alessandro asked.

“They shot our tyres. I lost control of the car and hit a tree at the side of the road. Federico’s men car is pulling up right behind us. I don’t think we can fight them and escape now.” Fabio said. I hear someone wince and talking vaguely in the background.

“Shoot them when they’re coming at you.” Alessandro said.

“Alright, boss.” Vincenzo said.

I hear a gunshot and then shouting from someone. The sounds of glass shattering makes me even more worried. I hear something screeching and then groaning, shouting, and strained voices from the men. Fuck. They got them. They really got them. What are they going to do to our men?

The phone call ends abruptly and I look at Alessandro in fear, afraid that our men will get hurt.

“Fuck.” Alessandro cursed. He clicks on Vincenzo number but it gets rejected. A phone call from the same ID comes into our view, but it’s not an ordinary voice call, it’s a video call. Shit. I have a really bad feeling about this.

Alessandro quickly tap the green button. The screen goes dark for a second and then Federico’s face shows up the screen. A sinister smile already on his face as he stares back at Alessandro through the phone. There’s no other emotion on Alessandro’s face except anger as he glares at his phone screen.

“Hello, Alessandro.”

Fuck fuck fuck. This is really bad. What should we do now? What is Federico going to do to our men? Whatever it is, I can’t let it happen.

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