Back & Forth | Book 1 of Back & Forth Series

Chapter Thirty Nine: Antonio

I open my eyes as the car comes into a halt. I look out the window and see an old building outside. It probably used to be an office or perhaps a factory of some sort from the look of it. The paint already wears off, making the building look dull under the blue sky.

My feet land on the ground as my eyes wander around the place. Alessio and Luciano step out of their car. Their gazes immediately shift towards Alessandro and me as they shut their doors. We stare at each other and without even telepathically talking to each other, we know what each of us thinks: Let’s go inside the warehouse.

Alessandro leads the group with Luciano following close behind him. Alessio and I walk next to each other, following Alessandro into the old-looking building. The place is guarded by some men. Weapons ready on their waists. They nod at us in respect, letting us walk past them to wherever Alessandro is leading us. We walk into a guarded corridor. I find five closer doors on each side of the corridor. I keep following Alessandro until he stops in front of a door at the end of the hallway. There’s a men guarding the door. Seriousness and focus present on his face as he nods at us. Alessandro returns the nod and then turns to face Alessio, Luciano, and me.

“Torture or no torture?” Alessandro asked. I shrug at him. I think torturing the traitors, even as simple as punching them across the face, would make us look normal and not suspicious at all. So, I definitely prefer doing torture than nothing.

“It’s up to you.” Alessio said.

“Your call.” Luciano said.

“I’m down for anything, honestly, but I think we should torture them if they won’t cooperate and confess.” I said.

I think I’m going to like doing torture more often in the future. After what I did to Giulio earlier, torturing our traitors is definitely a fun, productive thing to do. It’s not like we’re torturing innocent people anyway and there needs to be levels of the torture intensity, of course. It’ll be according to the severity of their actions. They’ll get what I think they deserve. Like for example, I’ll burn off the dicks of men who endanger me and my family, have raped someone, pedophiles, and who involve themselves in human trafficking. Think of torture as my way of retaliation. Everything our traitors and enemies do that affect us, whether directly or indirectly, deserve to be retaliated. I condone violence towards people that might, are, and were harming us. As simple as that.

“Okay. Torture it is.” Alessandro said, nodding to me. “I hate to ask this but are you down to burn people’s dicks off again?” Alessandro asked. I glance at the guard behind him and the seriousness on his face suddenly disappears. He stares back at me with a hint of fear but then quickly looks away.

Damn, I’m scaring people away now. Good for me though. That means people won’t mess with me. Anyways, of course I’d love to burn someone’s dick again. That would be my pleasure. Especially pedophiles, rapists, and perverts like Giulio. They don’t deserve to be able to have a boner anymore. I’ll take away that privilege just so they won’t be able to fuck up anyone anymore.

“Sure. Why not?” I said with a smile, shrugging my shoulders. From the look on his face, my willingness to do what no man could ever do seems to disturb him slightly. Well, one of my motto now is you ask, I shall deliver.

“If you’re going to do it, I’d rather stay outside.” Alessio said.

Fair enough. It’s just a man thing. They have sympathy towards each other regarding their manly area. Whenever one of them got hurt in the nut, every men within his radius will immediately receive sympathy towards the wounded soldier by holding their hands over their nether region. That’s why men rarely kick or knee other men in the crotch. For Alessio, the sympathy is probably higher for that topic so seeing someone dick burning might cause him to mentally suffer just at the thought of him experiencing the same thing. Me, being a woman, have the freedom of not having that sympathy. So, doing torture related to a man’s private area is definitely an easy thing to do for me.

“If that’s so, I think it’s better if you and Luciano interrogate the others in the other corridor. The men there are the soldiers only so punching and kicking will work just fine to get them to talk. If it doesn’t work, Allura and I will come to them once we’re done with interrogating everyone in this side.” Alessandro suggested.

“Yeah. Good idea. Let’s go, Luciano.” Alessio said, dragging Luciano away with him.

“We’ll let you know about the traitors later.” Luciano said as Alessio continued to bring him away from me and Alessandro. I turn to Alessandro, his eyes already fixed on me.

“Who’s inside this room?” I asked, nodding at the door behind Alessandro.

“Antonio. He’s Salvo’s second in command.” Alessandro replied. Second in command? Let’s see if I can get anything about him but first, I’m going to ask Alessandro if he knows anything about what Antonio did. I think he knows something already.

“What do you know about him?” I asked.

“From the interrogation with Salvo, Antonio was the one who influenced Salvo to sell drugs to Silvio which turned out to be Federico’s men. Antonio told Salvo that Silvio is willing to pay our goods with higher prices than our fixed prices. About two or three times higher. Antonio suggested the theft schemes and they kept all the money to themselves. I’ve checked their banks and found the approximate amount of money they got from the sale. Now all we need to do is make him confess and tell us if he’s working for Federico.” Alessandro said. Well there you go. He said everything that I got in my head.

“Alright. Let’s go inside.” I said.

The door swings open as Alessandro pushes it. My footsteps stop as my eyes meet a pair of dark blue ones. Fuck my life. Sitting in front of us is the most attractive and hot man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Antonio is definitely one hell of an attractive man.

Allura! Get out of your fucking head! You literally have a boyfriend as hot as, if not, hotter than him! Remember, Antonio is the bad guy. He’s a fucking traitor. Do not fall for his looks. Even if he’s not a traitor, I should definitely fall for his looks. Absolutely not.

I take in a deep breath and step into the room. Antonio’s gaze stays on me as he smiles ever so charmingly at me. I close the door behind me, keeping my gaze on him cold and emotionless.

“I’m guessing this is the Allura everyone has been talking about. An honour to finally meet you in person.” Antonio said. I approach him and stand next to Alessandro.

His eyes, y’all. His dark blue eyes. They’re hypnotising me right now. Shit. I fell for it again. Okay. Focus, Allura. Seriously. I have to focus on the matter at hand. We’re here to interrogate him, not admiring his beauty. Too bad a man as gorgeous as him won’t be able to continue his bloodline and inherit his beauty to his children after what I’m going to do to him later. Only with Alessandro’s permission, of course.

“Don’t waste our time. Admit that you’re selling my drugs behind my back.” Alessandro said. I keep staring Antonio down, trying to read his mind. I have a bad feeling about him. He’s exuding bad energy at my way and I don’t like it. His attractiveness doesn’t even help him to look decent in my eyes anymore. There’s gotta be something more to him. He’s not only selling our drugs like his own. He’s definitely working on something evil.

“It’s Salvo. He did sold your drugs without your knowledge and conceal it as a recurring theft. I wanted to tell you about this but Salvo threatened to kill me if I let you know about it.” Antonio explained. Huh. Salvo did threatened to kill him out of his greed for money but Antonio was the one who suggested the idea to Salvo.

“No. Don’t lie. We know you’re the one who told Salvo to sell the drugs without my knowledge. We also know you’re working for Federico. Admit it.” I said. Antonio shifts his gaze to mine and stares deep into my eyes. Good. His attractiveness doesn’t affect me anymore.

“I do work for Federico but I did it for you. Before Federico came to me and offered a job, I already knew Silvio is one of his men. Because of that, I decided to work for him to get information about him and his business for you.” Antonio explained. I squint my eyes at him.

That doesn’t sound right. I feel like my ancestors right now are shaking their heads at his blatant lie. He’s trying to safe his ass by blaming Salvo but it only causes him to dig his own grave deeper. Traitors like him always dare to betray someone but when they get caught, they’ll stumble on their own words. In the end, they justify their actions with stupid reasons while looking like a scared puppy with its tail between his legs.

“Don’t lie to my face. Salvo told me you were the one who told him to sell the drugs to Silvio. He might be a traitor like you, but I believe him more than you. So, cut the bullshit. If you don’t know Silvio from Federico, where the fuck did you find him?” Alessandro asked.

“Silvio was the one who came to me. I was the one who told Salvo about him and he accepted the offer from Silvio to pay higher prices for the drugs without telling you about it. Salvo threatened me to not tell you about the truth. He didn’t bother to do a background check on Silvio. He only cared about the money. I was the one who hired a PI to check on Silvio. That was where I found out that Silvio is Federico’s man.” Antonio explained. I cross my arms over my chest, not believing anything he said.

He’s lying. He knew Silvio from Federico. Federico made him work for him and then told Antonio to sell the drugs to him through Silvio. So, Antonio lied about knowing Silvio from his PI.” I explained.

Alright. Thanks for the info.” Alessandro said.

“Allura.” Alessandro called. I turn to him, staring at him expectantly.

“Yes?” I said.

“Bring me something from the table.” Alessandro said. Ooh, we’re doing it now. Let’s do it.

“No. Please don’t do this. I’ve told you the truth.” Antonio pleaded. I ignore his pleading and keep staring at Alessandro.

“The conventional or extreme way?” I asked. He’s probably going to go with the conventional torture first. It’s not like it’s bad. The dick burning is best saved for last. Gotta end the torture with something that’ll cause a lasting wound and memory.

“Let’s go with the conventional way first.” Alessandro said.

“Okay.” I said.

I scan through the various options on the table, humming Cold Blooded by Chris Grey. Let’s see. The tools are pretty much the same as the ones back home when I torture Giulio. There are blades, knives, pliers, hammer, cutter, rags, and many other tools. I take one of the pliers and go back to Alessandro.

“Who’s going to do it? Me or you?” I asked as I held up the plier.

“Let me do this one.” Alessandro said.


I hand the plier to Alessandro and step aside. I continue to watch as Alessandro steps in front of Antonio. His expression rigid as he stares at the frightened man in front of him while rolling up the sleeves of his black shirt to his elbow. This feels like watching a movie, but better. Sadly I don’t have any snacks with me. It’s not like eating snacks in this situation would be enjoyable. There might be droplets of blood flying onto my food. Now I suddenly crave popcorn. I’m definitely going to eat some after this. Only if I remember to do it.

“Admit your betrayal now.” Alessandro demanded.

“I’ve told you the truth! I only work for Federico to get information for you.” Antonio said. Without wasting any more seconds, Alessandro grabs Antonio’s hand and pull his left index fingernail. Antonio grunts at the pain as Alessandro throws away the nail to the floor. I stare at Antonio’s finger and mentally grimace at the bloody sight. Yikes. That’s gotta be painful.

“Stop lying. If you’re saying the truth, where is the information? What did you get about Federico and his business from working for him? This has go on for months and I never heard anything from you talking about Federico. Not even once. The famiglia suffered the loss because of your stupid decision. We know the truth already. You worked for Federico for your own advantage. We know you kept the money from the sales to yourself. Cut the fucking bullshit.” Alessandro said angrily yet calmly at the same time.

“I haven’t gotten anything important about him! That’s why I haven’t told you about him.” Antonio responded. Fucking hell. Hearing him lying bores and annoys me. I want to use my power so badly but I’m going to wait for Alessandro’s cue.

“If you’re not betraying me, you should’ve told me your plan from the start.” Alessandro said. He’s right. Antonio could’ve told all of us his plan if he’s actually on our side. He’s really not good at lying. He’s only making this worse for himself.

“I wanted to but I can’t! You know Federico has eyes and ears around you! They might report me to Federico and he’s going to kill me.” Antonio explained.

That’s kinda true. I mean Federico did told Giulio to keep an eye on everyone in the house. He could’ve done it through the cameras but I don’t think he’s paying that much attention to everything that’s happening. The other traitors probably don’t care about the others that much. Because of that, if Antonio goes into Alessandro’s office to talk about something, no one would really care.

“You actually could and no one would’ve suspect anything. Stop lying to my fucking face.” Alessandro seethed. I purse my lips as I stare at Antonio getting more panicky. Just say the fucking truth already. Why are you making this so hard for yourself?

“I- please trust me. I wanted to but I was scared. I swear I never told Federico anything.” Antonio said.

Pfft. This is dumb. He’s fucking stupid to think that we’ll believe any of his bullshit. Him, telling us that he never told anything to Federico, is a dead giveaway that he actually did. In fact, he was the one who told Federico about me. He was there at the house when I first got here. He was also there when we were having the family dinner. It was no wonder since our basement is kinda our office. I guess it’s time for Alessandro to get the office out of the house so we can have more privacy and prevent traitors like them to easily access the house. I mean, house should be a safe place anyway so having the place function as an office kinda defeats the purpose of it.

Back to Antonio, he was the one who told Federico about how Alessandro was going to sell me through the auction. Antonio was there when I was arguing with Luciano in the hallway, silently watching us from the end of the hallway. This information lead Federico into doing everything to find out about me. Fuck me. Antonio was actually the intruder who took my picture in the garden. Shit. Other than that, Antonio also told Federico about our warehouse locations. Fucking asshole.

I snap out of my trance when I heard Antonio’s scream. I look at him and see Alessandro throwing away another fingernails to the floor. I look at his fingers and now Antonio is also missing the fingernails of his right middle finger.

“Allura, do your thing now.” Alessandro said.

“I’m not going to make him confess now. I’ll do something else. Maybe he’ll confess after this.” I said. I’m going to tell a stupid secret he has. Let’s see if it’ll make him confess or not.

“Alright.” Alessandro responded.

“Antonio, skip the fucking lies. We know the truth. You, not cooperating with us by admitting your actions, only going to make us do much worse than pulling your nails off. The ones who are furious with you right now are not only the two of us, but our ancestors as well. They keep telling me to do the torturing instead of Alessandro.

“A heads up for you, I’m not like Alessandro. I’m much worse than him despite my lack of experience. You could say I have the courage to do things that no man would do. I assure you, you don’t want to end up like Giulio. He was my first victim. He really regretted his betrayal after what I did. Very. It would be such a shame if you have to endure the same thing I did to Giulio. I mean, you have a pretty face. You don’t want me to ruin it, don’t you? I’m not only going to ruin your face, I’ll do something painful to a part of your body. If you confess now, we’ll give you a quick death instead.” I said. Antonio’s eyes widen as he shakes his head vigorously.

“I swear I’m telling the truth! Please believe me! I do it for you! I do it for the famiglia!” Antonio shouted. I sigh at his response. Why is he so hell-bent on lying? He’s going to die either way. The only difference is whether if it’s going to be quick or slow.

“I mean it when I said we have our ancestors with us right now. They could tell me the everything that no private investigator might get.” I said. Antonio stares at me like I’m crazy after saying that. I do sound crazy though. It sounds even more crazier to people like Antonio who might not believe in the unseen.

“What the fuck do you even mean by that? Are you telling me the ghosts can tell you everything about me now?” Antonio asked.

“Yes. They can tell me everything about you, including your darkest secrets by whispering them in my ears.” I said. I stop for a few seconds for dramatic effect, pretending to listen to someone. I smile in amusement as his memory pops into my head. Shit. That’s really fucking embarrassing. Especially for a guy like him.

“Wanna know what they just told me? They told me that you pissed yourself after the shootings seven months ago. You know, when you were with Salvo and his other men to meet a potential client. It turned out that it was the trap of Leonardo di Marco, which is one of our enemies. The fear of getting shot and live with a wounded body was the cause of it. You don’t want any battle scars to ruin your skin. If you’re that scared to have a permanent wound, why are you even joining the mafia? You know there might be fight here and there when something goes wrong.” I asked. Look of surprise appears on Antonio’s face. He quickly hides it with a scowl. Gotcha.

“That’s not true. You’re just making things up.” Antonio retorted. I roll my eyes at his lie again. This is getting seriously tiring. I guess I need to make him confess with my power now. I give up on trying to make him confess through torture and asking questions. I don’t feel like he’s backing down anytime soon.

“Stop denying the fucking truth and admit that you’re a traitor.” Alessandro said. His fingers grip Antonio’s face tightly. Blood comes out from where his fingernails are digging. Alessandro is definitely really, really angry right now. Yep. I better use my power now.

“I’ve told you the fucking truth!” Antonio shouted. Alessandro forces Antionio’s mouth open. I can see his jaw locks as he struggle to keep Antonio’s mouth open. Antonio screams out, trying to get away from Alessandro’s hold. Oh, okay. I’ll let Alessandro whatever he wants to do now. It seems like he wants to pull out Antonio’s tooth. Ouchie. That’s gonna be painful. I guess I gotta help him with that.

“No! Stay away from me! Don’t do this!” Antonio shouted as he fought against the ropes. I stare from the sidelines and focus my attention on Antonio, trying to make him weaker. Antonio is absolutely going to regret this later. Imagine losing one of your front tooth, that’s going to suck. It’s not like he’s going to need it after this anyway. He’s absolutely going to die.

A little help here?” Alessandro said. Should I use my power or not? Nah. I’ll help Alessandro physically. I’ll help him open Antonio’s mouth.

I stand next to Antonio and force his mouth open. I keep it open while Alessandro puts the plier in Antonio’s mouth. He then rips off one of his front teeth, causing Antonio to scream out in pain. I let go of Antonio and grimace internally at the blood and saliva on my hand. Ugh, gross. This is what I hate about torturing people. Getting blood and other stuff on my skin.

“No! Fuck!” Antonio shouted. Alessandro throws away the bloody tooth and looks down at Antonio. Anger still covering his face. My gaze shifts to the tooth on the floor. I stare at the tooth, almost covered in blood, glistening under the fluorescent light. The bloody roots of the tooth are still intact. Yikes.

“I can spend all night breaking and pulling out all of your teeth until you confess. So say it now. unless you want to suffer more.” Alessandro threatened.

“I- fuck this hurts.” Antonio said. He looks up at the ceiling. The tears brimming in his eyes cause them to gleam under the light. Antonio spits out the blood in his mouth to his side, muttering to himself. Sighing, he looks up at Alessandro again and glances at me for a second.

“Fine. I’ll tell you the truth. Yes. I work for Federico.” Antonio admitted. He spits more blood on the floor and then winces. Finally. It’s not even that hard to confess. What is he afraid of? Federico? Is he really afraid of him? After this, he won’t even be able to see him again. Federico can’t do shit to Antonio if he’s dead already.

“When did you start working for him?” Alessandro asked.

“About three months ago. Around the time Salvo and I started selling the drugs to Silvio.” Antonio answered. Okay. That’s the truth. Antonio started selling the drugs a week after Federico made him work for him.

“Why did you work for him?” Alessandro asked.

“Because- shit.” Antonio winced. his face contorts in pain. He lets out a sigh and then looks up at Alessandro again.

“Because he promised me a position in his organisation after he takes over your warehouses.” Antonio said. Fuck. Federico really planned to take over the warehouses. Just like what he told me when I shifted. Shit. I’m not going to let that happen. We can’t let that happen. The world might be ending if that happens. If Federico gets our drugs and weapons, it’ll only make him cause more havoc on earth. He might drug the girls more and just fighting and killing everyone who’s in his way.

“What position is it?” Alessandro asked.

“Something similar to Salvo’s position.” Antonio replied.

Interesting. Antonio really thinks Federico will actually give him a job. That’s hilarious. I don’t feel like Federico would give him anything. He’s just using Antonio for his own benefits, which is to ruin our famiglia. Fuck. Federico really had planned so much for us. We really need to be prepared for anything and stop him.

“Do you realise how fucking stupid you sound right now? I can’t believe you could be fooled by Federico that easily.” I scoffed.

“I know he’s not lying. He already gave me a mansion in Florence.” Antonio said with a scowl. I raise my eyebrows at his statement. A mansion? In the famous land of Firenze? Its official. Antonio is fucking dumb. Real fucking dumb.

“Oh really? If that’s so, did Federico give you the certificates? Have you deal with the permits and whatnot? I don’t know much about that kind of shit but I’m sure you have to change everything to your name to make it yours.” I said. Antonio’s scowl falters at my question. See? He’s stupid. How can someone be fooled with something that simple?

“Uh, no. But he already gave me the key to the house.” Antonio said. I turn to Alessandro and laugh at Antonio’s answer. Alessandro doesn’t laugh along with me. From the look on his face, he’s currently too furious at Antonio to even crack up a smile. I continue to laugh anyway. It’s funny how Antonio thinks he’s winning in life from getting the key to a mansion that could be replaced anytime soon.

“He just gave you the key to the place and you’re already convinced that he’s going to give you a job? Be fucking for real now. He only did that so you’ll work for him, you dumbass. The place isn’t yours. Are you really that stupid? Oh my god. You traitors are dumb as fuck. Your logic is literally worse than a mindless child. Damn.

“Now that you’ve said it, are you telling us that your loyalty only worth a mansion in fucking Florence? That’s it? Or is there something else you haven’t told us?” I asked. I think there’s something else. Federico promised him a really specific job but I can’t pinpoint it just yet. Ugh. My powers are annoying. Sometimes they work well and sometimes they’re not. I guess it’s because of lack of practice. Maybe overtime I’ll get better on using them.

“That’s it. It’s mostly about the position Federico offered me. I want to have a higher position in an organisation.” Antonio explained. Huh. He really can’t wait for Salvo to retire and give him his position, can he? Wait. I think it’s different though. His job would be different than Salvo’s job. He won’t be dealing drugs but he’s still going to need managerial skills for it. And again, I can’t get the specific answer to it. Shit.

“What is the position? I know there’s more to it. Oh, let me tell you something. If you lie again, our ancestors can seriously fuck you up. They’re glaring at you now, ready to pounce on you like a lion. You’re seriously testing their patience right now. If you lie to Alessandro and me again, there’s nothing that can stop them from fucking you up.” I said.

“I swear that’s all.” Antonio said wearily. Really? That’s all? Alright. You’ve picked your choice, Antonio.

I focus my mind on him, making his body temperature higher than normal. Antonio starts to visibly sweat at his sudden body temperature change. His eyes go around the room as his body temperature goes hotter. I stop making it higher and stare back at Antonio. I don’t want him to die yet. Not from a fucking heatstroke.

“What’s going on? Why is it suddenly so hot in here?” Antonio asked. His breathing seems to go faster as heat radiates from his body.

“It’s not the room temperature. It’s my ancestors trying to possess you all at once.” I lied. Sweat drips down his face and body as I keep his body temperature high. He blinks a few times and seems to get weaker. Let’s see how long he’ll last.

“Please make it stop. I can’t take it anymore. I feel like I’m going to die.” Antonio said. He only lasted for a few seconds. That’s too bad. I do as he told, making his body temperature normal again. His body temperature gradually drops to normal and I can see the relief on his face.

“Alright. They’ve stopped now but they’ll do it again if you lie. Now tell us the truth.” I said. If he keeps lying, I’m going to go crazy. Who is Antonio trying to protect? Himself? No one can protect him anymore from facing the consequences of his own actions. Keep lying and he’ll find out the worst in us. Perhaps Federico? Does this mean he’s more loyal to Federico after only receiving sweet lies from him? That’s fucked up. He’s probably a pedophile in secret. That’s the most reasonable explanation on why he wants to work for Federico.

“Okay. Fine. Federico offered me a position to manage his private island.” Antonio responded. His answer now only strengthens my previous assumption of him. He probably likes children just like Federico. Oh man, you’ve got to be kidding me. He actually has drugged and raped three girls before. He definitely deserves the torch later.

“When will the island operate?” Alessandro asked. I feel like it’s going to open soon. Not sure when it is exactly.

“In a few months. Federico is still preparing the island. He already has a guest list but I don’t know who are on the list.” Antonio explained. The guest probably would be no other than sick rapists and pedophiles. No matter what their profession is but since this island is an exclusive private island of sorts, Federico definitely prioritises people with power, authority, and fame.

“When exactly is it going to open?” I asked.

“In June. At least that’s what Federico told me.” Antonio said. In four months? I think it could be earlier. Federico wants to obliterate us first before opening it. He really wants our warehouses. What’s he going to do with it anyway? Definitely use everything for his private island. Like the drugs and weapons. If he doesn’t have the same supplier and workers as us, everything will disappear eventually and he’ll be left with nothing. Unless he has a way to contact and have a deal our supplier and duplicate our own drugs.

“Alright. I guess we got everything already?” I asked, looking at Alessandro. He nods at me, his gaze still not leaving Antonio.

“Yes.” Alessandro said. I move closer to Antonio and Alessandro. My gaze fixed on Antonio as he stares bad at me.

“Oh, by the way, Federico never planned on giving you the job to manage the island. You literally just worked for him for three months. He knows that if you could betray us, why wouldn’t you betray him? You should’ve think twice before betraying us. Now, not only you’ve lost your job, but you’ve also lost your tooth, fingernails, and soon, your life.” I said.

This bitch really needs to shut the fuck up.” Antonio said in his mind.

Seriously? That’s it. Fuck you, asshole. I’m going to make you embarrass yourself now.

I make Antonio pee himself and he looks down at his crotch in shock. He’s probably feeling the wetness on his pants now.

“Ale, do you smell piss?” I asked, turning to Alessandro as I scruch my face in disgust. Alessandro only stares at me in confusion and then I fake a shocked expression.

“Oh no. Did you just pissed yourself? Like what happened seven months ago?That’s so fucking gross. Ew. My ancestors are right. You’re a fucking coward. The pissing-yourself type of coward.” I said.

“I can’t believe such coward like you have been working for us for four years.” Alessandro said, looking at him with disappointment and disgust. Alessandro turns to me, his expression hard. That’s what I thought too.

“Do you still want to go through with your thing?” Alessandro asked.

“Yeah. Absolutely. I thought you’d never ask. Even though Antonio here hasn’t done it yet, he’s already planned to work for Federico on that godforsaken island. I also heard from my ancestors that he has raped girls before. That’s enough reason for me to do it.” I said. Antonio looks at me with wide eyes, starting to fear what I will do to him. I can feel his thoughts racing in his mind at the endless possibilities of what I’m going to do. However, dick burning never crosses his mind.

“Alright. Go ahead and do it.” Alessandro said.

“Okay.” I take a look at Antonio one last time and I can see him begging with his eyes. I ignore him. He’s already done too much damage to us. Especially by telling Federico about me. He deserves it. He deserves to get his dick destroyed.

I go to the table, snatching the torch from the table without any second thought. As I walk back to Antonio, his eyes widen at the sight of the torch in my hand. He thinks I’m going to burn him alive do death but guess what? I’m going to make you suffer with burnt dick for the rest of your life, Antonio.

“No no no no. What are you going to do with that?” Antonio asked. Panic is clear in his voice.

“Something you’ve never thought of before.”

The torch lights up with blue flame and I point it right at Antonio’s crotch, ignoring his shouting and pleading. His pants immediately lights up on fire and I take turn off the torch as I pull it away from him. Alessandro and I stand next to each other, watching as the reddish orange flame dances over his pants. Loud screams endlessly come out of his mouth. I bet everyone in the building can hear it. They’re probably wondering what’s happening with Antonio right now. They’ll be in absolute shock when they find out about the result of my torture session later.

I take my gaze of Antonio’s blazing crotch and go to the back of the room. I grab a bucket full of water and pour it over the raging flames and throw the bucket away. All is left on Antonio now is pants with a big hole and scorched skin. Alright. My job here is done.

“I’m done. Now what?” I asked. I keep my eyes on Antonio as he whimpers and moans at the pain he’s experiencing right now. He deserves it. Especially for raping those girls.

“Let’s just leave.” Alessandro said.

“Okay. Ciao, Antonio. I hope your burnt dick makes you regret and reflect on your life choices.” I said, smiling sweetly at Antonio. He ignores me. It doesn’t seem like he even listened what I said. He only continues to whimper as he stares at his red, blistering crotch. Alessandro and I leave the room and stop outside the door. What’s next for us?

“Any other important people we should interrogate?” I asked. I’m actually tired now but there’s no rest for the wicked. We have to dish out everything we can from these traitors now or else we’re fucked. We can’t let Federico win.

“Most people on the list are my soldiers. Their main job is to guard and protect us and the warehouses. There’s one more important man. It’s Fiore. Fiore is one of the men who’s responsible for the warehouse security and surveillance. This is why our footages when the thefts happened always went missing. All this must’ve been planned by Federico. Salvo just too blind to see it.” Alessandro said.

I think there’s still other traitors outside the list who only worked for Salvo but they’re no one important. Just the guards or soldiers. We still have to catch them and make them confess though. We can’t let any traitors get away from their mistakes that easily.

“Okay. Let’s go interrogate Fiore.” I said.

“Let’s go.”

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