Back & Forth | Book 1 of Back & Forth Series

Chapter Thirty Eight: Giulio

I finish off my lunch with a glass of water. I put the dirty dishes on the tray and then look down at Luciano. He’s sitting on the floor next to me with his back against the desk. Feeling my eyes on him, he takes off his gaze from his phone and stares back at me.

“Are you done with your lunch?” Luciano asked. I respond his question with a nod.

“Yeah. I’m going to wash my face and change my clothes now.” I said awkwardly. I still feel embarrassed after crying so hard earlier on him. It’s gross that I leave some tears and snot behind on his shirt. I know that he’s fine with that but I still feel embarrassed about it.

“Okay. I’ll wait here.” Luciano said.


I go to my closet and immediately search for a black top and trousers. If we’re going to do some tortures to the traitors, I’d rather wear black. I don’t want those fuckers’ blood to stain my light-coloured clothes.

I put on a black cropped top, stretchy high-waisted black jeggings, socks, and a pair of black combat boots. I have to be ready just in case something like yesterday, or worse, happens. I have to wear a proper outfit so I’ll be able to move freely when fighting and escaping Federico and his men. I also grab a simple zip-up black hoodie for when the weather is getting cold later. With the sleeves of the hoodie tied around my waist, I go straight to the bathroom to wash my face. I clean my face with the cold running water and then dry it off when I’m finished with it. I quickly reapply some lip balm on my lip and then leave the bathroom.

“I’m ready.” I said.

“Okay. Let’s go.” Luciano said. I quickly go to the desk to grab the tray of dirty dishes. Luciano gets to it first, and now my hands are on top of his. Not this.

“Let me bring this.” I said. Luciano moves the tray away from me and holds it in front of him.

“It’s okay. I can bring it.” Luciano said.

“But you’re-“

“It’s fine. Come on. Alessandro and Alessio already waiting for us in the basement.” Luciano said. They’re there already? I wonder what they are currently doing to Giulio? Are they torturing him already or just questioning him?

“Okay. Thank you.” I said, not wanting to waste any more time fighting for the tray. We need to go to the basement now. Luciano smiles at me.

“No problem.” Luciano said.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and then follow Luciano out of my room. I lock the door and then put the keys and phone in my back pocket. I mindlessly follow Luciano through the hallway and down the stairs. We stop by the kitchen first, dropping off my dirty dishes. After that, we go straight to the basement.

We walk through the dimly lit hallway of the basement. Luciano stops in front of one of the doors and opens it. I follow him into the room and my eyes immediately find Giulio, shirtless with his legs tied onto the legs of the chair with his wrists tied onto the armrests. Some bruises already tainted the skin of his face and body. Alessandro and Alessio definitely already done some beating on him. I can tell from how red their knuckles are right now. The look on Giulio’s face right now indicates that he didn’t expect to see me here along my cousins and Luciano.

“You’re here.” Alessandro said.

“Yeah. Sorry for taking too long. Have you gotten anything out of him yet?” I asked, glancing at Giulio who’s scowling at all of us while still being tied.

“No. He’s been keeping his mouth real tight. What do you think we should do to him? Punching and kicking doesn’t seem to work to get him to confess.” Alessandro said. I feel like I want to try to question him myself. Let’s see if it’s going to be different.

“Let me try asking him the questions.” I said. “Without using my power.” I continued telepathically.

“Okay. Be my guest.” Alessandro said, motioning me to go to Giulio. I turn to Giulio and he only smirks at me. What are you smirking like that for? No escaping from this after what you did, Giulio. You’re absolutely going to regret being a stupid traitor to us. I’m going to make sure of that.

I step in front of Giulio, his stupid smirk still on his face. I glare into his eyes, but it only seems to make him amused. Let’s see if you’re still going to have that look on his face by the end of this interrogation.

“We know you put the fucking hidden cameras and audio bugs in my room. Admit that.” I said. Giulio relaxes into his seat, looking almost smug as he stares into my eyes.

“I did.” Giulio admitted immediately. His confession catches me off guard. I quickly regain my focus and continue to glare at him. It’s surprising that he admitted that so easily after all those beating my cousins did to him. Is he making fun of us right now? Is he underestimating me? It seems like that’s the case.

“Why did you do that? Who are you working for?” I asked. Giulio shrugs at my questions.

“No one. I just want to catch you naked with the cameras. If I get the pictures and videos of you being naked, I can sell it easily on the internet and get extra money for it.” Giulio explained, his smirks only getting more annoying. I scowl at him as I read his mind.

Fuck my life. That’s actually the truth. I mean about selling pictures and videos of me naked. He has done it with the maids’ videos by putting cameras in their rooms. He also fucking jerked off as he watch the videos of them, barely naked. Sick fucking bastard.

“That’s reasonable for a pervert like you. I’ll make sure you won’t do that kind of shit anymore. I’ll make you regret doing it.” I threatened. He’s absolutely going to regret it later. I’m going to do the unthinkable to him later. He won’t even see it coming. I already have few things lined up in my head.

“Now, admit that’s you’re working for Federico. We know that you’re working for him so just say it now and save everyone’s time. You’ll end up dead anyway whether you admit your betrayal or not so, you better do it now.” I said. Giulio stares me down, his gaze challenging. He thinks he’s brave, huh?

“Just kill me already if you dare. I’m not going to admit doing something I didn’t do. Who is this Federico you’re talking about anyway? Our rival? Why the fuck would I work for him?” Giulio said, scowling at me.

Lies lies lies. That’s all he just said. I hope he won’t regret lying to our faces right now because I feel so fucking violent that I could set him on fire. I’ll let him burn alive until he turns into ashes. I feel like my years of repressed anger wants to escape me through doing the most violent things I can think of to him.

I turn to my cousins and Luciano. They stare back at me, waiting for me to say something.

“What should we do with him now? A little torture perhaps?” I asked. They all seem to be taken aback by my suggestion. They look at each other with a hint of concern on their faces. They then come closer, pretending to discuss it quietly.

Are you sure about this? Why don’t you use your power now?” Luciano asked.

Not yet. Where’s the fun in doing it? I’m not going to let him go without a scratch after what he did. He absolutely deserves it.” I said.

“I’m waiting.” Giulio said.

“Allura, come here.” Alessandro said. I step closer to my cousins and Luciano.

“What are you going to do to him?” Alessio asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe some cuts here and there, a light stabbing, and something specific in my mind but I’m not going to tell you yet.” I explained. I’m not going to be too violent now. Not yet. I’ll just do some cuts on Giulio’s skin and see if it’ll make him admit anything. If he doesn’t say anything after the blade torture, I’ll do something worse, like torching his dick. Do we even have a torch here? We’ll see about that later.

Alessandro steps away from me, motioning his hand towards the table full of tools.

“Go ahead. Do what you want. He’s yours to play with.” Alessandro said. Yes. Nice.

“Thanks, cousin.” I said, smiling sweetly at Alessandro. I walk past him and go to the table full of tools, ready to be used on Giulio.

What have I turn you into?” Alessandro said in my head. I keep looking at the various blades and scalpels on the table. Which one should I use?

Nothing. This is who I am. My true self. I’ve always been so violent in my head, now I can finally be violent in real life to people who wronged me.” I explained. I like watching violent movies so that’s probably where all those violent thoughts in my head come from.

You’re definitely destined for this lifestyle.” Alessio said. I smile at his words.

I am. That’s why I’m happy to be here with all of you.” I said.

Let’s see if you’re going to make him say anything after your torture.” Alessandro said, almost challengingly. I smile a little at his words.

We’ll see about that.” I said.

My eyes fall on a small blade. This one seems to be the perfect size for me to hold. I can easily use this on Giulio. I’m going to use this for now.

My gaze averts to a torch and I grin at the sight of it. Ooh nice. They actually have a handheld torch here. Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. For now, let’s hurt Giulio with this blade.

Are you really sure about this?” Luciano asked.

Yeah. Absolutely.” I said. I walk past my cousins and Luciano again and stand in front of Giulio. He stares at the little blade in my hand and then scoffs.

“You’re going to hurt me with that? What are you going to do? Cut me? Stab me?” Giulio asked, his eyes gleaming with amusement. Ha ha ha. Laugh all you want now, asshole. Let’s see if you’re still going to be this amused after you feel all the pain I inflict on you. Just wait until I use the torch on you.

“Yes. I’m going to do that. Now admit your betrayal or I’ll slit and stab your skin with this.” I said, holding up the small blade in front of him. Giulio smirks at my threat. It doesn’t seem to scare him. At least that’s how it look from the outside.

“I’m not scared. Go ahead and do it.” Giulio said challengingly. I take in a deep breath, holding myself back from stabbing him in the eye.

Despite the brave look he puts on his face, I know damn well that he’s actually scared. He keeps reassuring himself that I won’t do it, that I’m just bluffing about hurting him. Is he seriously underestimating me right now while he’s tied onto a chair? Guess what, Giulio, you’re absolutely wrong about it. I don’t have any hesitation on hurting you.

“Fine.” I said.

I watch Giulio’s face as I bring down the blade towards his left upper arm. I can feel his fear. I can see it in his eyes despite his attempt to put in a brave face. I did the point of the blade into his skin and flesh. Blood immediately trickles down his arm from the wound. I keep pushing the blade into his skin and drag the blade down his arm. His body visibly stiffen as his hands turn into fists as I make an open wound with my small blade. I stop myself from cutting him further. Now his arm is marred with a five-centimetre incision with blood pooling inside the wound. I pull out the blade and stare as bright red blood overflows from the tear. The blade is now glistening with the same red liquid. I turn to Giulio and find him scowling at me furiously. I keep my expression cold as I stare back into his eyes.

“Didn’t think I’d actually do that, did you? Just because I’m a girl, inexperienced with this lifestyle, that doesn’t mean I’m afraid of hurting people like you. I mean, come on dude. I’m part of the mafia now. You should’ve known better.” I said, scoffing.

“Now, admit that you’re working for Federico and tell us why. If you don’t, then I’ll gladly use my new little friend here on your skin again. If you still won’t talk, then I might use something else. You better prepare yourself for it because I won’t do some lame ass shit like pulling off your nails or teeth with a plier. I’ll do much worse. Consider it as my revenge for putting cameras in my room, and perhaps in other rooms, like the maids’ rooms.” I said. Giulio only glares at me, not letting out a single word.

What did you just said?” Alessandro asked.

Giulio put cameras in the maids’ rooms as well.” I said.

For what?” Luciano asked.

To record them while they’re naked and then jerk off to their videos and sell them on the internet.” I explained.

Fucking asshole.” Alessandro said.

“Talk now, you bastard.” I said.

“I don’t work for Federico.” Giulio snarled. My grip around the blade tightens and my patience is running thin. I take in a deep breath, my jaw clenches as I glare at him.

“Fine. I’m just gonna continue to tear your skin apart with this.” I said. Without any hesitation, I push the knife deep under his collarbone and slice his skin. Blood flows down to his chest and stomach from the gash. The pain makes Giulio grunt and grit his teeth. He takes in a sharp breath and glares furiously at me.

“Admit it!” I shouted, pointing the blade at his face.

“If you really do know that I worked for Federico, then why bother doing all this?” Giulio asked. I inhale sharply, rolling my eyes at his stupidity.

“We want to hear you say it yourself, dumbass. With your own fucking words. Do it now or I’ll use something else to get the words out of your fucking mouth.” I said. Giulio smirks, finding my threat and anger amusing.

“Then do it. I’m not going to admit doing something that I didn’t do.” Giulio said. Why are you so stubborn?

“Alright. You put this on your fucking self so don’t fucking regret it.” I seethed. Giulio only stays silent and smirks at me. My impatient seems to only amuse him further. I’ll make sure that Giulio won’t be able to smile anymore after this. That’s a fucking promise.

I storm past my cousins and Luciano towards the table. I slam down the table onto the table and grab the handheld torch. I go back to Giulio and he laughs as he stares at the tool in my hand. The look of amusement on his face only cause the rage inside of me to flare. Patient, Allura. Be patient. You can’t kill him yet.

“What are you going to do with that? Burn off my skin? My hair?” Giulio asked, grinning widely at me.

“Worse. I’ll burn off your fucking dick.” I said, lighting up the torch. Blue fire comes out from the device, causing Giulio’s grin to falter. Ha! I got you. Giulio will definitely confess soon.

Whoa whoa whoa. Are you sure about this?” Luciano asked. I turn off the torch and see the fear in Giulio’s eyes as he stares at the tool. I turn it on again and Giulio flinches at the flame.

One hundred fucking percent.” I said.

Why don’t you use your power now?” Alessio asked. Why? Well, because this is fun. Besides, why would I use my power if physical torture like this will work just fine?

I hate to admit this but I actually enjoy torturing him. I’m sure he’s going to admit that he’s working for Federico before I even burn him. You’ll see that later.” I explained as I turn off the torch again.

Alright. Proceed with it.” Alessandro said.

“Any last word?” I asked. Giulio only stares up at me. Huh. Seems like his at loss for words because of my threat. I told you his smirk will disappear eventually.

“Alright then.” I said, shrugging to myself.

I turn on the torch again and move it towards Giulio’s crotch. His eyes widen at the sight of the torch moving. He panics even more when he realises I’m not stopping anytime soon. He thrashed in his seat against the ropes around his wrists and ankles as he attempts to move away from the fire.

“Stop it! Stop! Fuck! Yes! I work for Federico! I work for him! Get that fucking shit away from me!” Giulio shouted, stumbling on his own words. I immediately turn off the torch and put my hand on my side.

Finally. Took you long enough.

“See? That wasn’t too hard to do, was it?” I asked. Giulio only stares at me like I’m insane. His eyes still wide in disbelief as he breathes erratically.

“Now tell us. How did Federico get you to work for him and what you’ve done for him so far.” I said. Giulio inhales deeply, his eyes shut closed as he calms himself down. He then opens his eyes as he sighs.

“He found me while I was outside on a day off. He offered me money to work for him. Lots of it. My main job was to keep an eye on everyone in the house. It was an easy job for me since I worked in the security division and I had access to security surveillance. Because of that, I accepted the job. After Federico found out about you, he wanted to be able to watch and hear you. He told me and Enzo to install hidden cameras and audio bugs around your room. He also told me to do the same thing with other rooms in the house so he’ll be able to watch everything that you all do through his device.” Giulio said.

“Including the maids’ room?” I asked.

“Yes. He wants to see and hear everything that’s happening in the house.” Giulio responded. That’s reasonable. Does Federico know that Giulio has been using the footage for his own pleasure and benefit? I don’t think so but I’m going to ask Giulio the question anyway. Federico could probably do the same thing. I mean, he’s in the human trafficking business. That kind of thing is his stuff. You know, using people as mere tools to fulfill his sick desires.

“Does Federico know that you’ve been misusing his facilities?” I asked.

“No. Of course not.” Giulio said, sending me a look. Yeah. I admit that’s a dumb question. If Federico knows about it, he’s probably going to do something to Giulio.

What else should I ask? Oh, Giulio said that he wanted to catch the sight of me naked but why didn’t we find anything in my bathroom and walk-in closet? Those two rooms are the places most people will be naked the most.

“About your previous statement, you said you want to see and record me naked but why didn’t you put anything in the bathroom and walk-in closet? You do know that people will be naked more often in those rooms, right?” I said. Giulio sighs at the question.

“I wanted to but we ran out of time to do that.” Giulio said.

Run out of time? When did he do it anyway? It’s either when we were having dinner, breakfast, lunch, or some other times that I can’t really think of. I spent most of my time in my bedroom so it’s reasonable that Enzo and him needed the perfect time to put up the cameras.

“When did you put up the cameras and audio bugs?” I asked.

“When all of you were in Alessandro’s office. We had to stop the installation and continue our security job because of the damn intruder Federico sent.” Giulio said. So that’s when they put the cameras. Too bad for them that they don’t last long enough.

“Okay. Where are you selling the videos of the maids?” I asked.

“OnlyFans.” Giulio said. Seriously? Hopefully their videos won’t get leaked. Naked or not. This is sick. He’s fucking sick.

“Where’s his phone? I want to delete his account and everything.” I said.

Alessandro fishes the phone out his pocket and then hands it to me. I put the phone in front of his face and the phone immediately unlocks. I search for the OnlyFans website and check Giulio’s profile. He just posted 10 videos and each of them already got around 300 likes. Fuck. I should delete the account now.

I go to the settings and immediately delete the account. Shit. It won’t fully delete until the last subscription expires. I guess I better delete the videos from his phone as well. I go to his photos app and grimace as I see some dick pics on it. The fuck? Who is he even sending these pics to anyway? I have a bad feeling about this. Is he sending these to underage girls? What in the actual fuck? There’s a photo of a girl naked. Shit. Seems like she’s around 14-16 years old. I’m going to tell my cousins and Luciano about this later. I still need to delete everything though. Who knows if someone might end up hacking his phone and steal all the explicit pictures and videos.

I select all the photos and videos and delete them all. I hope no one on OnlyFans will leak the videos and share it to other platforms. I don’t know what else to do with the account other than to wait for everyone’s subscriptions to end. AnywaysI don’t think Giulio will use his phone anymore in the future. He’s going to die after this. Might as well just reset his phone and break it. I don’t think there’s any important thing in this phone anyway.

After the phone finishes resetting, I throw it on the floor. The screen shatters as I step on it repeatedly. I kick the phone away and look at Giulio again.

“Let’s continue. How long have you worked for Federico?” I asked.

“For two weeks.” Giulio answered. Two weeks? Two fucking weeks? Damn. Thank god he hasn’t worked for Federico way longer than that. Imagine the mess he’ll cause if he works for him for way longer than that. How long has he worked for us anyway? Three years? Unbelievable. He really decided to work for Federico and break the famiglia oath after three years of working with my family. He’s also a fucking child predator. That goes against the oath as well. I think this happens for the best. At least we’re getting rid of a traitor and a pedophile from the famiglia.

“Only that long? Damn. Too bad you won’t be able to use your extra money in the future. You’re a fool for throwing away years of working for us only to get more money.” I said. Giulio only glares at me silently. I turn to my cousin, and find them all watching me intently.

“I guess that’s everything. Does any of you want to ask more questions?” I asked. My gaze goes between my cousins and Luciano. Luciano and Alessio turn to Alessandro for his final decision.

“That’s enough. We have to go now and interrogate the others.” Alessandro said. What are we going to do to Giulio now? Are we going to let him rot here or kill him now? I think the former is the best option.

“What about him?” I asked, nodding my head towards Giulio.

“If you want to kill him now, go ahead and do it.” Alessandro said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. Kill him? Ha! Not that fast. I’m not going to let him die that quickly by killing him now. I want him to suffer. I might as well just continue torturing Giulio now.

“Nah. That’s no fun. He doesn’t deserve a quick death. I’d rather him die slowly and painfully. That’s what he deserves after all he did. What do you think we should do? Should I still burn his dick off?” I asked, holding up the torch as I smile sinisterly at my cousins and Luciano. They all only stare at me with concern. They probably think I’ve lost my mind. I’ve been crazy all along, dude.

“No! Please don’t do that.” Giulio shouted. I turn around and pout mockingly at him.

“Aww, he actually begged. Are you scared of me now?” I said. I crouch so I’m on his eye level. Giulio pants and sweats even more anxiously.

“Well, if you want him to suffer, we can leave him now and let him starve to death. Maybe you can add more cuts to his skin if you want it to be more painful for him.” Alessandro suggested. Now you’re talking my language. I thought Alessandro would stop me from having fun.

“Good idea.” I said. I go back to the table, picking up the blade I used earlier but keeping the torch with me. Giulio’s blood from his previous torture session is drying off and turning darker on the once shiny steel. I ignore it and go back to Giulio.

Giulio stares back at me with a frown, almost pleadingly. If he thinks that look he puts on going to stop me from torturing, he’s wrong about it. I’m nowhere near done with him.

“Please don’t do this. Just kill me already.” Giulio pleaded. I ignore his begging and dig the point of the blade into the skin of his right upper arm. I drag down the blade, making a gash on his skin. Blood follows the movement of my blade and finally trickles down his arm as I pull out the blade.

I keep doing the same thing multiple times. I do it in his arms, legs, stomach, chest, and even on his cheek and jaw. I take my sweet time doing each cuts. Digging it deep into his skin and flesh and dragging it down slowly just so Giulio can feel the pain even worse.

I step back and admire my work. Iron smell now fills the room as blood flows out of Giulio’s wounds and drips onto the floor underneath him. Sobs and moans come out from him as he feels the pain from each of his wounds. My grip around the blade tightens. The steel pierce through Giulio’s stomach. He grunts in pain and I push it deeper into him. I pull it out of him and glare at him. I stab the blade again into his thigh. A scream comes out from his mouth and he goes louder as I twist the blade and pull it out.

“That’s what you got for being a fucking traitor. I may be new here but I don’t take shit like this lightly. Being a traitor is the lowest of lows. You should’ve known better than to mess with us. I hope you fucking suffer and rot in hell once you die.” I said through in rage. Giulio glares back at me with fury blazing behind his eyes.

“Fuck you!” Giulio shouted. His body trembles from the mix of rage and pain. Really, Giulio? Are you fucking serious right now?

I chew my cheek, inhaling sharply as I glare at him coldly. That’s it. He’s getting the fucking torch. I’m going to fucking burn him.

“Too bad you can’t do it now. Or ever.”

The torch produces blue flame as I turn it on. I point the fire right on his crotch as he screams out. His pants light up and he frantically thrashing in his seat as he continues his loud scream. I stand there unmoving, watching as the fire spreads and rages over his crotch.

“Please stop it! Put it out! Stop the fire!” Giulio screamed. I ignore it, letting the fire burn his pants, skin, and flesh. I move away from him and grab a bucket full of water from under the table. I go back to Giulio and dump the water on him. His body is now drenched with water. The big hole exposes his burnt, red crotch, thighs, and lower abdomen. The fire causes his skin to melt and blisters. Now Giulio is left moaning and whimpering as he stares down at his injured crotch. I throw the bucket next to him and he flinches from the loud sound it makes as it hits the floor.

“What did you do to me? Why did you do that?” Giulio said, whimpering as he keeps his eyes on his crotch. I ignore his miserable voice and go back to the table. I put down the torch and turn to my cousins and Luciano.

“Okay. I’m done. Let’s go now.” I said.

“Let’s go.” Alessandro said.

Everyone leaves the room, leaving Giulio to suffer in his own misery. Luciano locks the door and hands the key to Alessandro. I look at my cousins and Luciano. They seem to be in disbelief about what I just did to Giulio.

“I didn’t expect you to do all that. Especially burning him. I don’t know if I should be impressed or scared of you.” Luciano said. His gaze is kinda empty as he stares at me. Fear and amazement shows on his face as he keeps staring at me.

“Same with me. You were literally bawling your eyes out an hour ago and now you just fucking burnt someone’s dick.” Alessio said, still staring at me in disbelief. I am actually kinda surprised by what I just did. I was too consumed by my rage on what Giulio did. I have zero regrets for doing it though.

“I’m just doing my job. I took revenge for the maids or other people he recorded and jerked off to. He’s also a pedophile. He sent his dick pics to underage girls. That’s so fucking gross and beyond pathetic. Can’t he just go to a club or something and find someone to fuck if he’s that down bad? If he doesn’t want to do that, he could’ve just watch porn or something.” I said, rolling my eyes at Giulio’s stupid actions.

On second thought, porn is actually bad as well. I mean, most of the products of the industry are the result of forcing someone to be in a sexual act without consent, like raping someone while they’re drunk, drugged, and asleep. So, I think it’s better if he actually go to the club and do a consensual hookup with someone he meets from there. Just like what Alessio usually does. Why am I even talking about this? Giulio is going to die anytime soon anyway. This applies to everyone though. Always ask for consent and don’t do stupid shit like recording what you’re doing secretly without the permission of the other person.

“You did a good job on your first torture session. I can’t believe we had someone like Giulio in my house. Easy to break his oath and sell his loyalty just for more money.” Alessandro sighed. I feel that Alessandro feels like a failure for letting this happen under his nose which is not true.

“It’s not your fault. Giulio did became a traitor under your leadership but it’s still his choice to be a traitor to the famiglia. He could’ve betrayed you all when Uncle Emiliano still in charge of the mafia. Now, let’s not worry about him anymore. I’m sure torching up his dick is painful enough for him. He’s going to absolutely suffer until death comes to him.” I said.

“Don’t talk about burning his dick again. You’re seriously scaring me. Seeing it happening was traumatising.” Alessio said with a frown. I hold myself back from smiling and stare at Alessio.

“That’s what I’ll do to every pervert who assault people sexually. I’m sure none of you ever did that, right? You always ask for consent first before doing something with someone else.” I asked, looking around at my cousins and Luciano. Alessandro and Luciano only stay silent and stare back at me in confusion.

“Yes. Always.” Alessio said, nodding to me nervously. He actually looks genuinely scared of what I did. That’ll definitely leave a mark in his mind. Sorry, Alessio. I need to do that just so he’ll rethink his life decisions.

“Good! Then you don’t need to worry about getting your dick burned off by me.” I joked, Alessio seems to take the joke seriously as he holds his hands over his crotch. I hold back my laughter and turn to Alessandro and Luciano.

“That’s good.” Alessio responded.

“Let’s go now. We still have so many men to interrogate at the warehouse.” I said. I’m actually a bit sleepy now but I can take a quick nap on our way to the warehouse for a recharge before continuing on interrogating and torturing the traitors.

“That’s what I’ve been saying. Let’s go.” Alessandro said. I look down at my hand and realize I still have Giulio’s blood on my hands. Shit. I definitely need to clean them first. That’s why I’ve been smelling blood scent on me. I probably have some on my clothes as well but I’m just going to ignore it for now.

“Wait a minute. Let me wash my hands first. My hands are covered with blood.” I said. I run to the sink at the end of the hallway near the entrance to the basement. I watch as the blood washes off from my hands and goes down the drain. I clean my hands properly with a few pumps of soap, wanting to get rid of the iron scent from my skin. I grab two sheets of paper towel and dry my hands off. With a smile on my face, I turn around and look at my cousins and Luciano.

“Let’s go and torture more people.”

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