Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 31

Sophia watched as Neil set the coffee table in the living room. He carried their coffees out and went back for their plates and flatware. He avoided eye contact with Sophia, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She didn’t want to make eye contact with him, but she didn’t like that he was avoiding her. Unable to address what she overheard without admitting to eavesdropping, and not knowing what she’d say if she could, she had no choice but to let it slide. Scott washed and dried his hands, gave the counter a quick wipe and gestured for Sophia to go ahead of him into the living room. She was still hurt. Deep in her abdomen, and other parts, she hurt, but it was easing, in large part because of the healing powers. Unfortunately, that was just the physical aspect. She knew it would be a long time before she could push what Matthew had done out of her mind, if ever. Will I ever be normal? she thought. Neil cleared his throat.

“We, uhm.” He cleared his throat again. “We thought it might be easier for you to sit here.”

His face turned three shades of red, and Scott mumbled under his breath about fools.

They ate their breakfast and drank their coffees in relative silence. Occasionally Scott would try to start a conversation, but it would fall flat. Sophia couldn’t eat all that was on her plate, much more used to a breakfast of eggs, fruit or if Leo ‘cooked breakfast’, cereal. The guys sure had an appetite and cleared their plates. Scott got up to grab the coffee pot and brought it out to the living room. He topped off their coffee while Sophia sat there with her eyes on her hands. She hadn’t raised her eyes from her hands since Scott left the room, so she had no idea what Neil had done.

“Neil and I would like to talk to you, Sophia.”

Sophia jerked in response.

“Uhm, okay.”

“Why don’t you explain things, Neil,” Scott said.

Neil looked at her then ran his hand along the top of his head back to his man bun.

“Scott and I thought that maybe you’d like to stay here.”

“Here?” Sophia asked, confused.

“Yes, with us. We can offer you protection, we can keep you safe.”

“Safe?” she repeated.

Annoyed with herself for repeating him like a parrot, but she didn’t understand. Why would they do that? Don’t they realize it’s not safe for them anymore?

“You can finish high school online, it’s important that you get your education, Sophia.”

“My education?”

“You didn’t apply yourself at school, and it’s easy to understand why, but you won’t have that problem here, and if you are a little behind we can help you. You’re smart, you can do it.”

Sophia shook her head, astounded at them.

“You guys do know that my father is not going to let this go? I’m in danger. We are all in danger. You defied him. He won’t stop until you are punished.”

Scott snorted and Neil sighed.

“We’re safe, Sophia,” Scott said.

She looked at Neil for help, her expression clearly saying that Scott has lost his mind. He sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands between his open legs.

“We have everything in place, Sophia. Scott took care of a lot of it last night, and what he didn’t, we handled this morning. Your father won’t be able to find you here. You’ll register online with a different name at a school that has no idea if shifters even exist.”

“But how--”

Neil and Scott exchanged quick looks then Scott interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

“No questions are necessary Sophia. None of that matters, anyway. You’ll stay here, and finish school. Neil and I will protect you. I promise you; you’ll be safe with us. You can take what time you need to heal. To process everything.”

Sophia chewed on her bottom lip for a minute, thinking. Her expressions changed as the thoughts ran through her mind. Neil looked anxious.

Sophia thought about Leo. At home, with her father and dealing with the rage the entire pack would be feeling. Please, goddess, she thought. Please don’t let my father turn his treachery onto him. If she wasn’t there to take the brunt of her father’s insanity, how long would it be before Leo made some infraction that caused him to lose it. Sophia knew all too well that once that is unleashed, there’s no stopping it.

“I can’t.” Sophia said quietly as she rose to her feet. “I really do need to return.”

Neil jumped to his feet.

“What the fuck are you talking about? You aren’t going back there.”

He stomped around the table until he was in front of her and grabbed her by her shoulders.

“Sophia, you cannot return there. Not now, maybe never!” His voice rose an octave.

A sob escaped Sophia’s mouth, and she shook his hands off her. She ran for the door.

“Fuck.” Neil growled then ran past her to block the door.

“Okay, okay. Everyone calm down.” Scott took Sophia by the arm. He ignored her flinch and used a calm, soothing voice as he guided her back to the couch.

“Neil didn’t mean to startle you. He’s just an ass sometimes. He’s impulsive, even when he knows he shouldn’t be.” Scott glared at Neil.

Neil glared back and mumbled something under his breath. Sophia’s eyes welled with thick tears.

“You can’t go back there, Sophia. Now, tell me why you would even want to.”

Sophia hiccupped. “My brother. He’s only twelve. I can’t leave him there.”

“Does your father abuse him as well?” Scott asked.

“No. No, he hadn’t yet, but I always made sure I was able to deflect any anger onto me, just in case.”

“Fuck.” Neil said.

Scott looked at him and gave a jerk of his head.

“You’ll have to excuse Neil’s sudden onset of one syllable words. So, you’re telling me that you have made sure your father never lost control with your brother but taking it on yourself. That’s a very honorable thing for you to do. You’ve been a good older sister. What’s your brother’s name?”

Scott’s voice was even toned and calm as he spoke to her. In contradiction, Neil paced the floor in front of the door like a caged wolf. Anger vibrated from him and bounced around the room like a ping pong ball.

“Leo. Okay, just hold on a second. Okay? Stay right here, and I’ll be back.”

Scott got up and went to Neil, with his cell phone in his hand. She heard him tell him to stop being an asshole and control his temper because he was scaring her. Sophia sat there ringing her hands and fighting back tears.

“I’m sorry, Sophia.” Neil whispered.

Sophia didn’t answer, not because she didn’t want to. She just couldn’t. Shame crossed Neil’s face. She saw it. But she just couldn’t break through her worry for her brother to address it. She wondered what the heck Scott was doing.

Scott came back in with his phone in his hand and sat down on the coffee table across from her.

“Your brother’s fine.”

Sophia released a breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding.

“It doesn’t mean he will stay that way though. Please take me back.”

Neil started to speak, and Scott held up his hand to silence him.

Neil knew that he wasn’t handling this well. He wasn’t processing everything. He let his rage take control and he was no longer rational.

“No, no it doesn’t. But I’ve arranged to have someone check regularly, and at the first sign of anything, we will get him out of there. I promise you. We couldn’t bring him here, but we’d get him some place and keep him safe.”


“I called in a favor that was owed to Neil.” Scott looked at Neil and he nodded his head once.

“Can you check on him, just sometimes. So, I know he’s okay?”

“We can. Yes.”

“But how will I survive? How will you survive? I have no money; you guys have no jobs.”

Scott gestured for Neil to leave the door and he came into the room but stayed close to the doorway.

“We don’t need money, Sophia. We will be just fine for the foreseeable future.”

“I’ll pay you back. When I’m able to get a job and earn money, I’ll pay you back for everything.”

Neil narrowed his eyes, his agitation showed by the tight clench of his jaw. Scott nodded.

“Okay. We’ll take care of it then. Now give me a list of some things you need, and I’m going to the store. Neil promises to be on his best behavior, don’t you Neil?”

Neil growled low in his throat. Sophia went to get a piece of paper and pen she had seen in the kitchen, but she could hear them.

“What the fuck was that about?”

“She needs to feel that she has some control. She needs to feel that she can contribute, even if it is after the fact. She’s strong, Neil. We can’t take it away from her when she wants to step up and take responsibility for things, even if it is unnecessary.”

Neil growled again. Scott smacked him on his abs. “Cool your jets, man. You’re scaring the hell out of her. I know it’s coming from there.” He smacked his heart. “But she doesn’t, and she’s been through a lot. Take it easy, slow. Calm...if you can.”

“You’re right. I know you’re right. I’m just so fucking angry.”

“I am too. But right now, we worry about her. We will deal with the rest later. Me and you brother.” They fist bumped just as Sophia came back out, not knowing she had heard everything.

As she had written her list, she addressed them both. ” I just want to tell you I’m sorry, for earlier. And I’m sorry that I’m ruining your lives. But I want you to know I’m thankful for your help. And I want to help around the house, cooking, laundry, whatever you need. If that’s okay.”

Scotts words still hung in the air. Neil nodded.

“Sure, Sophia, that’d be great. We’d appreciate the help. Just, no more running okay? I know I acted like an ass, and I’m sorry. But it’s not at you...never at you.”

Sophia concentrated on the list she was writing. “Okay.” She whispered, never taking her eyes from the paper.

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