Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 33



Everything’s changing. I have the girl of my dreams in my arms, sleeping soundly. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

While staring up into the ceiling, I heard something growling in the back of my mind. I shot up and looked all around for the growling noise but it was in the back of my head.

I shook the wild thoughts from my mind but the damn growling started again.

So I tried something.

"Riot, is that you buddy?" I ask into my mind.

This can't be possible, we died together.

'Who else would it be jackass?' He snarled at me. I smirked and chuckled at him.

Yup, it's definitely him.

"How long have you been there?" I raise a brow at him.

He snarls st me again and speaks.

'I just came back, you damn idiot. Come take a look.' I could hear the proud smirk in his words.

So I close my eyes and walked to our meeting place in my mind.

The cliff.

And there he was, in all his-

Fucking ginormous size?

He was on all fours looking out into the creek with sea green and crimson blazing eyes.

His jet black fur laid back.

I can't believe this.

He's the size a black bear, but was just a wolf. Maybe even a bit bigger. He was a giant wolf. He's my wolf. He turned his head to face me. A wolffish smirk on his furry face.

'This is the new, Wren. Do you like?' He tilted his huge head.

I smiled and looked up at him.

"I love it, Riot. So how long did you take to get this big, huh?" He shrugged his shoulder and walked towards me and leaned his head down.

His snout is even bigger than my hand. I lay my hand on his nose and rub counter clockwise, soon, soft rumbles of purrs came out of him.

"What am I gonna do with you, huh, big guy?" I ask still smiling at my new and improved wolf.

Damn, he's huge.

'You think this is cool? Just wait until you see Kassidy.' He winked and looked around.

A wolf, a bit smaller than Riot, poked her head around the tree of the cliff and came and stood proudly next to him.

She's gorgeous.

She had light grey fur with darker streaks intertwined in. Her eyes were even vibrant than Riot's. They were fiery orange outlined with a smoldering black that leaked in, gently mixing with the fiery orange color. Specks of silver splashed in with the fire in her eyes. Instead of seeing her aura, I felt it. I felt the heat radiating off of her as she was only a couple feet away.


This really must be Kassidy's beloved wolf, Jana.

'Nice to finally meet you, Wren.' Her voice was silk itself. She voice sounded close to Kassidy's new voice too.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Jana." She ducked her head down and nuzzled her cheek with mine.

Riot growled lowly at his mate snuggling up to me.

"She's my Mate too, you know." I tell him.

'But you didn't mark her, did you?' He raised his brows name and smirked knowingly.

"Damn, I'll do it when I'm done here with you too." I point my fingers st the two enormous wolves.

'Come back and visit anytime, Wren.' Jana fluttered her lashes at me and I smirked at her then to Riot.

"Bye, guys." I wave them goodbye and closed the link. I opened my eyes and I was back in the bed with a sleeping Kassidy next me.

I laid back down and she threw herself back on top of me.

"Where were you?" She sleepily mumbled. I kissed her head and smiled at her.

"I met my wolf again." As I finished that sentence she woke up completely and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"What did you just say?" Her eyes were wide and tears were forming in them. I hugged her and kissed her head.

"I met Jana too. She really is beautiful, just like you." I kissed her nose and she giggled. She wiped her tears and smiled. I touched the place on her left side of her neck.

"I'm gonna put my mark right there." I mumbled. She nodded and gave me another hug.

"Do it." She breathed out, so I did.

I opened my mouth and felt my canines elongate and extend. My auras wrapped around my body again. The ice and lightning.

"Ready?" I ask. She nods. I hold her in my arms and kiss the place I'm going to mark. She pulled her hair to the side and gave another nod.

My jaws open up and slam down onto her neck. Whimpers left her lips as my canines sunk deeper into her skin. My emotions, my thoughts, they all poured out into her through my teeth. She shook a bit and clawed at my shoulders for support.

When it was done, I slowly pulled my canines back and stared at the mark. The teeth marks were slowly sealing up, but a new shape took over. My teeth marks turned to ink, inside the space between teeth marks was Riot's head. He had a skull with horns in between his jaws and a third eye. It must've represented my demon half too. Underneath the skull was my name in cursive.


I ran my thumb across the lettering and smiled to myself as I stared at the picture I created in her skin.

I feel like a real artist here.

She grabbed my hand and searched for her underwear and put them on and dragged me to the bathroom on the other side of the room. She flicked on the light on and gasped with a smile on her freckled face.

"It's gorgeous, Wren!" She pulled her hair away and ran her finger over the ink like mark.

"Can I mark you now?" She excitedly giggles. I wrap my arms around her from behind and kissed the mark. A shiver went through her body and she sighed happily.

"Come on, let's get this mark on my neck." I slapped her ass and practically skipped to the bed and sat down.

She smiled at me and sat on my lap, straddling me.

"Thank you, for everything." She kissed my lips and and then my neck where she would mark me. The same place I marked her.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded and she bit down.

I couldn't be happier.

But that could all change when I come home.


It was late when I got got back to the World of the Living.

Kassidy is still in the Keeper's Palace, driving me fucking insane.

'How the hell can I get out of here?' Her thoughts filled my head.

I could feel her fidgeting from down here.

She can't keep still, just pacing around the room thinking of ways to come back to me.

It was the same way for me.

I was brought back to the park. I trekked my way to the Grayson.

I tried to get her out of my head, but it didn't work.

My eyes found the familiar gravel driveway and large bay window. As I got closer her smell overwhelmed my senses. A low growl rolled from my throat at the scent of my mate. I knew she wasn't here, but damnit I could still smell her.

I shook my head and calmed down my nerves as I walked up the stairs and went to knock I the door, but it swung open wide and Xander was waiting.

"How ya holding up, kiddo?" He asked with light eyes. He was a scary guy when he wanted to be, but as soft as a teddy bear too when it came to the people here.

"I can smell her everywhere now. Well, I did before but now it's different." I scratched the back of my neck and stepped inside as he shifted to the side to let me in.

"I know what it feels like to be away from your mate for a long time. But never was I away for more than a day at a time. If so, I probably would've torn this entire town to shreds without a second thought." He smiled at the remark. I laughed too and sat down on the couch.

"Where are thing one and two?" I was referring to Kash and Ben.

"Probably making out somewhere." Xander shrugged and glued his eyes to the tv.

"Wait, what?" I shrieked.

What the hell happened when we were gone?

"Those two have a lot of pent of tension just waiting to spill. I'm surprised that they haven't jumped on each other yet." He laughed. I gave an awkward laugh and looked down at my hands.

"They like each other?" I wouldn't have guessed that Kash liked Ben, but I knew Ben had some feelings towards Kash.

It was obvious.


The guy barely talked.

"Are they mates?" I ask.

"I don't know. If they are then they might not have fully sensed the bond yet." He says. I nod and watch tv with him. A few seconds later, laughing and feet pounding down the stairs are filled through my ears.

"How do you know that aliens exist?" Kash laughed as he and Ben cane down with smiles on their faces.

"It's stupid to think that we're the only planet with life on it. And besides, we're technically not supposed to be real so why we doubt the existence of another living species out in another part of the universe." Ben explained.

He did have a good point.

"When the hell did you get to be so smart, huh?" Kash looked at him like he had three heads. Not many people know this, but Ben is actually a pretty smart guy. Behind all of that dark clothing, girls, parties and destruction, is a smart boy who likes to read.

"I don't know." He shrugged and plopped down right next to me on the couch.

"So..." Xander turned towards me.

"Back to our conversation before these two decided to ruin it." He chuckled. I did too and sighed into the couch.

"Where will I be held captive in?" I dramatically rolled out. He laughed and held a hand beneath his chin in thought.

"Either in Kassidy's room, or in the cell we made nice and pretty for you in the basement." He shrugged. I nodded and decided to rest my luck.

"So sleeping in Kassi's room is an option in all this?" He nodded and I blurred up the stairs. My speed had increased tenfold since my powers had combined. Now I can basically teleport with how fast I am now.

I wonder if I could teleport.

"Damnit, Wren, you knocked over the snacks!" Xander yelled from downstairs. I laughed and plopped onto her bed.

Her smell consumed me.

Taking my precious time inhaling and exhaling deeply of her lavender and vanilla smell. I got up and decided to look around.

It's not snooping if we're made for each other, right?

I walk around the familiar room, looking at her dressers and her little accessories she has lying around. On her wall, there was a collage of pictures with her and the girls. Some with her family too, there were even some with others from school clubs she was in. Hell, there were pictures of us when we were kids. Or entire friend group all in one photo.

Except for the boy with black hair.

I shook the negative thoughts away and kept looking.

My eyes scanned the trophy shelf she had. Medals for academics and school clubs were lying on the glass shelf. Ribbons for science fairs and chess clubs. I chuckled to myself as I seen a picture of little Kassidy holding a potato with wires sticking out of it.

My heart swelled with pride that I had such an amazing Mate, too amazing for this world.

'Our mates are too far away for my liking, Wren.' Riot growled frustrated into my mind. I nodded in agreement and decided to let him come forth and see all that our mate had accomplished.

My body simmered with life as Riot stepped forward and and looked out with his own eyes. His eyes gazed at all the medals and ribbons she had received in school.

'She's quite talented, Wren. Not anything like the stupid bimbos you've slept with in the past.' Riot commented. I rolled my eyes at him and spoke.

"Best sex of my life." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey, Riot." I called out.

'What?' He answered.

"Why did we only recognize her as a mate after we died?" That thought had been bugging me ever since I found out.

I knew she was important back then but I never knew entirely how important she would be.

'She wasn't our mate as wolves, but our mate as Revolutionaries. After we died and came back differently our bond had awakened along with our abilities.' Riot explained.

"Well that makes some sense." I nodded.

'Get some rest, you'll need it. I have a weird feeling.' Riot warned. I didn't understand what was happening.

"What do you mean?" I ask, but he had closed the link as I finished.



My eyes creaked open at the constant binging of my phone. I growled at the sound and mindlessly reached over to the nightstand to feel for the annoying device.

Once I felt the buzzing phone under my fingertips as it kept fucking buzzing. I picked the phone up and held it to my ear without looking at the Caller I.D.

"What?" I growled into the speaker.

'That's quite a welcoming hello from someone who just got back into town, right, Wren?' The voice laughed from the other end.

"Who is this?" I asked in a deadly calm voice. I don't have my Mate with me, it's only three in the morning, and I get a mystery call.

'Ask more nicely. Maybe I'll answer, baby.' The voice sounded somewhat familiar as it drifted through my ears.

"Brayden." I concluded. She giggled as her voice went back to normal.

'I really missed you, Wrennie. Why did you leave for so long and now decide to come back? And, where's Kassidy, there's someone here to talk to her.' I growled at the sound of my mate's name from her mouth.

"Who's here for her?" I growled again. The door opened and Xander came in with a worried look on his face.

I mouthed 'Brayden' to him and he nodded and came in and shut the door behind him. He sat next to me on the edge of the bed and listened in to the conversation.

'He is... And he wants his soon to be wife.' She squealed into my ear.

"Wife? What the hell do you mean by that?" I stood up and started pacing the room. Xander growled under his breath and i swore I saw his eyes flash silver.

'Mhmm, Stylo is gonna get his wife no matter what...' she paused.

'Even if he has to start a war just to have her.' She sang.

My hands turned into fists. My eyes started to change. My claws pierced through the skin of my palms. Growls emitted from me and from Xander.

"Get the boys up, we're going on a trip." He growled and went to his room. I calmed down Riot. I walked out of Kassidy's room to walked to Kash's.

Ben was asleep on the couch and Kash was in his bed. I walked in further.

"Hey, get up!" I yelled. They both shot up with scared looks on their faces and looked up at me.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here at," Ben looked at his watch.

"At three in the morning?" Kash questioned with a brow raised.

"They're starting a war." Both boys sat up straight and got up and walked over to me.

"What do you mean a war?" Ben asked this time.

"It's about you kids." Xander answered as he walked in. Silence fell over us, looks of concern fell on both of their faces.

Kash growled lowly, so low my ears surprisingly couldn't figure out.

"Did you know that, Wren?" He asked. I shook my head and spoke.

"What are you talking about." My body went tense and waited for what he had to say.

"The Beta told us when we went to the Pack House to look for the Alpha and Stylo. He told us their plans. The Alpha wants to hold you hostage and make you into his own personal Pack weapon during wars. And Stylo, he wants Kassidy." Kash explains with a growl rumbling with each word he said. I nodded and spoke again.

"Get ready to leave. We're going on a field trip, boys." I turned to walk out the door.

"We're going to war." I sighed out.

A while later, we were all dressed in black and out the door. We piled into Xander's Cadillac.

Xander and Kash were in the front while me and Benji were in the back. We were all on edge about this, going to war within your own pack must be a lot for Xander too.

But this is all for Kassidy.

I would do anything to protect her.

We all would.

"We have to bring this fight outside of the city. The civilian wolves that roam here should not be involved in this whatsoever. The few lower vamps, omegas and lower deltas should be kept in our under ground bunker or moved to the next pack over. They're innocent in all this." Xander instructed breaking the silence. We nodded at him and he grunted back.

"Will you be placing them in our pack?" Benji asked Xander, he nodddd into the reflection of the mirror at Ben.

"I already called your father and told him the situation. We get as many over to their side and if we have stragglers, we send them to the bunker. The only problem with that is that all of your powers are too great to let someone be underground when your powers are being used." Xander explained.

I spoke up this time.

"It's true. My powers are ice, water and wind. I use elemental stuff from the air, clouds, and nearby bodies of water. They might get caught in the crossfire." I turned my head towards Kash.

"We don't know what powers you have now, or did you figure them out?" I asked Kash. He pulled down his visor and talked into the reflection.

"I have the nature affinity." He says. I look at him confused.

"What the hell does that mean?" He sighed and continued.

"It means that I can use the ground, plants, water, and other Earth made things to my use when I used my powers. And since I have remnants of Kassidy's revolution power, it amplifies my own affinity." He explained.

"Wait, since when could you use her powers?" I looked at him expectantly.

"Since my Lycan power came out of dormancy when she unlocked her own. When all of her power collided together it surged through me and made my own mix with hers. So basically I'm a less powerful, but still Revolutionary-Lycan Hybrid now. I don't have the same powers, but I know I have an affinity since I'm a Lycan." He tells me. My eyebrows shot up into my hairline at this new information.

There's another one of us that hasn't died. Just because he's the twin of one of us.

"So you could set stuff on fire too then? Or do you have her power of compulsion or allusion?" I ask.

He laughs and looks back. "No, I have her strength when she uses those powers. They give me an extra boost with my own powers. But she does have the power to take any powers from any person she chooses with a touch, but since she hasn't tried to use it, it passed onto me and I can use it. But I haven't explored my powers fully." He explained.

Ben just sat there sulking in his seat while we talk about all the powers we have. His lower lip was poking out and his arms were crossed over his chest as he stared out the window.

Me, being the asshole I am, I leaned over and flicked his lip with my fingers. He jumped up and screeched while I just leaned back in my seat like nothing happened.

"Damnit, Wren that hurt!" He whines and held his lip between his own fingers.

"Stop swearing, damnit." Xander sent a deadly glare back at Ben. Ben slouched back in his seat, I gulped and turned my head away.

I know I'm have the most power in the car, but shit that man scares me.

We drove for a while longer until I heard screaming. I think the guys heard it too as I seen all their ears twitch as the screams filled our ears.

"Wren, tune in and listen to what's happening. My ears aren't as great as yours and quite frankly your ears could hear everything now, am I correct?" Xander raised a brow at me and I nodded. I closed my eyes and focused.

"Riot, listen to what's happening."I tell him. His huge head nodded as he closed his eyes too. My ears became aware of everything around us the screaming became clear as day.


Kids were screaming for help.

It sounded like people were running to get help. Growls could be heard too. My nose picked up on unfamiliar smells.

"Rouges." Kash growled out.

"Why the hell do Rogues always show up in this pack, Xander?" Benji asked.

"It's that Alpha of ours. He uses them to his advantage when he wants war. Instead of using his own people, he uses them to be as violent as they want to and destroy everything around." Xander explains. He turned his head towards me.

"What's happening, Wren?" He asked. I open my eyes.

"Their hurting the people now. This isn't just about war anymore. It's something else." The car went silent.

We didn't know what was going on.

But we couldn't think in it too much as we drove further up the road to see a hue of glowing light and black clouds hovering over the city.


Shifted wolves were running passed the car, some had their pups in their mouths as they ran. Pack members were in cars too as they drove around the wolves to get their children to safety too. A couple vampires were seen looking back at the blazed city.

"Let's pull over." Xander complied and stopped the car. I hopped out and looked into the horizon.

Kash, Ben and Xander soon followed as I approached one of the vamps. She looked like she was in her thirties. Dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was very pretty. Her assumed kids and her husband stood next to her.

"Excuse me ma'am." She turned and faced me. Her features sunk into my mind as her eyes widened with recognition.

"Wren, Sweetie, what are you doing here?" Carolina shouted as she hugged me.

Her son, Issac, was standing behind her as she let go of me and he came over and gave a small hug and grabbed my shoulders. His similar dark locks blew in the slight breeze. His hazel eyes shown in my own.

"This place turned to shit while you were away." He said, sadness shown in his eyes.

"Well I'm back now. We're trying to stop this." I told him.

From the corner of my eye I seen Xander speaking to Carolina and Zachariah, Isaac's Parents. He was telling them about the war.

"That Alpha lost his marbles. He kept talking about his ultimate weapon and how his future heirs will drive this pack to victory." Isaac pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket.

"Beta Ryan told me to give this to you. It has all the information you guys need. I was thinking," he began. I seen the look in his eyes.

"No, Issac. It's too dangerous if you do that." I warned him. I know how strong his family is but this was my war.

I couldn't let others get hurt.

"You don't have enough man power and they have those disgusting rogues and some pack members there with them. The Clan wouldn't mind helping out, since we can't die and all." He shrugged.

His Clan was the strongest and largest. They can be really handy to have around us. And they are really good people.

Considering they were vamps.

"Xander?" I turn and look at the Papa Wolf. He smiled and shook hands with Zachariah.

"We're in alliance with the Rosemary Clan Vampires. We will win." Xander proudly announced. Kash and Ben had walked up behind me and each shook hands with Isaac.

"Great to be working with you, Fangy." Kash laughed at Isaac.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Furball. Don't call me that!" Isaac had a crimson coating on his cheeks at the childhood nickname as he screams at Kash.

"Hey, Isaac, where have you been?" Ben asked looking between the two.

"In the estate." Isaac shrugged.

He was in his estate while all of this was happening?

"I don't know why you haven't seen me, I've been around. Hell I talke to Kassidy daily." Isaac said. My eye twitched a bit at this new information.

"She never told me she talked to you, Isaac." My voice dropped a bit. And my claws threatened to come out. Riot kept screaming in my head to link Kassidy.

"One second." I turned away from them and walked over to a tree and mindlinked Kassidy.

As soon as I opened up the link I was met with growling instead of a warm welcome.

'Wren, you damn bastard, if I ever get out of this damn room I will skin you alive and cut your dick off and shove it down your-' I cut the link back off with a bewildering look on my face.

Kash smirked at me and his voice filled my mind.

'She's pissed because you left her out of the war. Plus she can't get out of the room that Solanis made for you two and trashed the place. I seen it with my own eyes when she was ranting about cutting up your dangly bits.' He said.

I nodded my head and swallowed the lump of fear down my throat. My hands subconsciously went to cover up my dangly bits at the threat filled my mind again.

Kash came over and looped an arm around my shoulders and brought me back to the rest.

"It's okay, you're not the only one she threatened." He shivered with a distant look of fear in his eyes from his sister's crazy tendencies.

All of our conversations were cut short when all of our noses tilted up and caught a whiff of something nasty.

"Rogue." Everyone growled in unison. I looked to my right and see the shadow on a large wolf running into the woods. Kash looked at me and smirked.

"I got this one." He cracked his knuckles and shook his body as his eyes switched from blue to a crisp silvery color that shown in the dark. He blurred by me at lightning speed and dashed to the rogue.

I looked into where he ran and seen huge trees crash and crack as they tied themselves around the Rougue wolf and held him the the ground.

Kash's claws and canines elongated as a silvery aura danced around his body. His hand shot forward and latched onto the throat of the rogue as the trees held him up.

"Shift!" He demanded dimly into the air. The pure sound of his voice shook the ground as small animals tried to escape the noise of his voice.

Xander looked at his son as pride shown in his eyes. He was proud of what his son came out to be.

Hell, I was too, he already knew so much about his abilities.

The wolf was so shaken that it shifted into the form of a man beneath Kash's hand latchedaround his throat. He was older, around the same age as Xander. Maybe older.

"Tell me why you're here and where the Alpha is." Kash's voice boomed. It dropped drastically, and here I was thinking I had a deep voice when I was angry.

Ben and I walked closer to where they were but out of eye shot. Kash knew were here but the wolf didn't. We need this information.

"I was paid a great amount of money from that man to keep my mouth shut." He have a crooked smile to Kash.

Kash smirked back, he snarled as he squeezed the wolf's throat with his claws harder.

The wolf wheezed and coughed as he struggled in Kash's hold. The tree bark left red angry bruising marks on his skin.

"I'm going to ask this again. Where is he, and where is his daughter?" Kash smirked. His silvery eyes grew darker as he glares down at the man.

"T-the Alpha's daughter isn't e-even in R-Raven's Creek a-anymore." He wheezed.

"S-she's passed the boundaries between this pack and the other next door." He confessed.

"You did a great job." Hope shown in the wolf's eyes as Kash looked at him.

"A-are you gonna let me go?" He smiled. Kash tilted his head pretending to care about the wolf and his problems.

"Hmmm..." the wolf smiled and shook his head.

"No." Kash ripped his throat out and threw discarded skin fragments over his shoulder.

"Come on, let's go, guys." He called us. We came out from our spots and walked back to the group.

"Who's going to get Brayden?" Kash asked as he wiped the blood on his pants.

"It can't be Wren."Ben said. He looked over to Kash, then both of their eyes landed on me.

"Well, who's it gonna be then?" I ask. They both exhale deeply and close their eyes and gave me a pointed look.

"No, she is not getting let out. If she does, she'll kill us first." They shook their heads.

"Not Kassidy. I'm not that crazy. Let's call the girls and have them come here and handle Brayden while Anais and her parents meet up with us." Kash explained. I nodded and pulled out my phone and dialed Anais.

'Hey, Wrennie. What's happening on your side? I have a bunch of kids with missing parents here on the boarder line.' She answered.

Damn she's busy too.

I hear their cries and screams in the background.

"I was hoping that you could abracadabra yourself this way and assist us?" I ask.

'I can astro project myself there and help with you that way. My magic should strong enough for that. I'll even send my mom over there to help too. I already know my dad is on his way because he and Xander already made plans.' She informed.

"Thanks." I hung up and turned back to the guys.

"Well?" Ben and Kash peaked over my shoulder and looked down at my phone.

"Well, Diane and Darius are coming along with Anais' Astro self. They're gonna help with their magic." I informed them.

"I mindlinked Kassandra and Jordan. They're on the other side of town where all of the chaos is happening. They're helping keep more rogues from entering the city, but they need help." Kash said.

Ben growled and ripped his shirt off as his eyes switched from obsidian green to crimson red. The bloody, crackling aura wrapped around his limbs and body.

His claws and canines extended and a vicious growl escaped his throat.

His body grew and stretched, bones shifted under his skin as he fell to his knees and shifted into a monstrous looking beast.

Black eyes and blazing red irises.

Oh shit.

He's changing into his wolf.

His spine cracked and pushed apart. His hands and feet broke and twisted apart and twisted and shook. His face contorted into a painful expression. His crimson and inky eyes filled with tears. Broken sobs and growls filled our ears.

A branch snapped in the distance. Someone is watching and closing in on us.

I looked over to a worried Kash. He nodded and stood defensively in front of the shifting Ben.

I looked over at Xander and entered his mind.

"We have to protect him at all costs right now. Someone is watching us and is getting closer to our location right now. Can you and Zachariah come and take care of our friends?" I linked him.

'Of course. Carolina and Isaac will stay and help guard Ben.' He looked over to Zachariah and nodded.

The two sped off into the direction of the the snapping branches.

I stood there with my older brother and called my weapons out. The sky clouded over and the wind began to pick up. A chilling wind brushed over the air, my icy aura wrapped around me entirely as I pushed my power out.

My claws and canines elongated. My claws had icy shards covering them. My body grew too. My legs, arms, and muscles expanded a bit. My weapons soon were placed securely into my body.

My sheaths and leather crossbody holders were wrapped around my shoulders. My ice shard laced silver swords were inside the holders already waiting to be used.

"Protect my brother, Kash." I said to him without turning to face him.

"What the hell are you gonna do, Wren?" He worriedly came around to look at me, we were eye to eye.

"I'm going to kill Alex and Stylo. Don't try to stop me, I just want my family safe from all of this." I grabbed his head and stared deeply into his eyes.

"You and Kassidy are my family. So are Papa and Mama Wolf. The girls are too. All I want to do are keep you guys safe, I can do that by killing them once and for all." I leaned back and let out a sigh.

"I get it, Wren. You're like a brother to me. I would die for you and Ben, but you just can't do everything by yourself. We are a family now for a reason." Kash said his hand on my shoulder.

"Keep him safe through his transition." And with that, I blurred my way through the city. Leaving behind the ones I chose to protect.

My nose sniffing for their scents. My ears listening for their voices. My canines aching to sink into their throats.


There were two scents filled my nostrils with a rush.

"Come and play with us, Wren. I promise I'll play nice...this time."


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